public Swan CreateSwan(int age, string name, decimal neckLength) { Swan swan = new Swan(); swan.Name = name; swan.Age = age; swan.NeckLength = neckLength; return(swan); }
static void Main(string[] args) { /* * Person person = new Person(198952305558, 22,"adam", "robson", 166, 65); * try { person.FName = "bbb"; } * catch(ArgumentException e) * { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } * * try { person.LName = "aaa"; } * catch (ArgumentException e) * { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } * * try { person.Age = 5; } * catch (ArgumentException e) * { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } * * person.Height = 160; * person.Weight = 66.5; */ try { PersonHandleren ph = new PersonHandleren(); Person adam = new Person(); ph.SetFname(adam, "Adam"); ph.SetLname(adam, "Peterson"); ph.SetAge(adam, 40); ph.SetWeight(adam, 80); ph.SetHeight(adam, 180); ph.SetNationality(adam, "Sweden"); ph.SetResidence(adam, "Kanada"); ph.SetJob(adam, "teacher"); ph.CreatePerson(20, "Jasmin", "Dal", 165, 55); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Horse horse = new Horse(); Console.WriteLine(horse.Age); Horse x = horse.CreateHorse(10, "horse", 70, 166); Console.WriteLine(x.Age); Hedgehog hedgehog = new Hedgehog(); Console.WriteLine(hedgehog.SelfDefenseMeans); Worm worm = new Worm(); Console.WriteLine(worm.Movement); worm.DoSound(); List <Animal> animalList = new List <Animal>(); Dog dog = new Dog(); dog.CreateDog(12, "Boobie", 14, "German Sherd"); animalList.Add(dog.CreateDog(12, "Boobie", 14, "German Sherd")); Bird bird = new Bird(); animalList.Add(bird.CreateBird(12, "leo", 3, 4)); animalList.Add(worm.CreateWorm(1, "mask", 1, false)); Wolf wolf = new Wolf(); animalList.Add(wolf.CreateWolf(1, "Woofy", 2)); Pelican pelican = new Pelican(); animalList.Add(pelican.CreatePelican(1, "peli", "red")); Swan swan = new Swan(); animalList.Add(swan.CreateSwan(1, "fluffy", 5)); //Hedgehog hedgehog = new Hedgehog(); animalList.Add(hedgehog.CreateHedehog(1, "Quick", 1, 100)); foreach (Animal animal in animalList) { Console.WriteLine(animal.DoSound()); Console.WriteLine(animal.Stats()); // 14.Skriv ut Stats() metoden enbart för alla hundar genom en foreach på Animals. if (animal is Dog) { Console.WriteLine(animal.Stats()); } //Kommer du åt den metoden från Animals listan?17.F: Varför inte? //Hitta ett sätt att skriva ut din nya metod för dog genom en foreach på Animals. // answer is by casting animal to dog // (Dog)animal.OptionalMethod(); doesnt work although i made casting animal to dog } Wolfman wolfman = new Wolfman(); animalList.Add(wolfman); Console.WriteLine(wolfman is IPerson pers); /* 7.Gör en check i For-loopen ifall animal även * är av typen Person, om den är det typ-casta tillPerson * och anropa dess Talk() metod*/ for (int i = 0; i < animalList.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(animalList[i].Name); if (animalList[i] is IPerson person) { person.Talk(); } /* * cast animal to type IPerson */ } List <Dog> dogList = new List <Dog>(); dogList.Add(dog.CreateDog(2, "Jo", 20, "german shefer")); dogList.Add(dog.CreateDog(1, "Jo", 11, "spansk")); List <string> userErrors = new List <string>(); userErrors.Add(new TextInputError().UEMessage()); userErrors.Add(new NumericInputError().UEMessage()); userErrors.Add(new errorClass1().UEMessage()); userErrors.Add(new errorClass2().UEMessage()); userErrors.Add(new errorClass3().UEMessage()); foreach (var errors in userErrors) { Console.WriteLine(errors); } }