internal DebugCommand(Debugger.CommandFunction func, params CommandType[] types) { RegisterTypes(types); this.func = func; foreach (var t in types) { HelpArguments += t.ToString().ToLower() + " "; } HelpArguments = HelpArguments.TrimEnd(' '); ArgumentCount = types.Length; }
internal void Update() { Instance = this; UpdatePerformance(); if (currentState == stateNormal) { if (cameraTogglePressed) { cameraTogglePressed = false; currentState = stateCamera; commandInputEnabled = false; Visible = false; } if (toggleKeyPressed) { toggleKeyPressed = false; if (!IsOpen) { Summon(); } } if (dismissFor > 0) { int framesLeft = advanceFrames - dismissFor; textFramesLeft.String = "Update " + framesLeft.ToString("000") + "/" + advanceFrames.ToString("000"); dismissFor--; if (dismissFor == 0) { Summon(true); } } if (dismissPressed) { Dismiss(); } if (!IsOpen) { return; } textCountdown.String = ""; if (countDownTimer > 0) { countDownTimer -= game.DeltaTime; if (countDownTimer <= 0) { dismissFor = advanceFrames; locked = false; Dismiss(false); countDownTimer = 0; } if (game.MeasureTimeInFrames && game.FixedFramerate) { textCountdown.String = countDownTimer.ToString("STARTING IN 00"); } else { textCountdown.String = countDownTimer.ToString("STARTING IN 00.00"); } textCountdown.CenterOrigin(); return; } } else if (currentState == stateCamera) { if (cameraTogglePressed) { cameraTogglePressed = false; commandInputEnabled = true; currentState = stateNormal; Visible = true; } DebugCameraX += (debugCamX - DebugCameraX) * 0.25f; DebugCameraY += (debugCamY - DebugCameraY) * 0.25f; Scene.Instance.UpdateCamera(); } imgOverlay.Alpha = Util.Approach(imgOverlay.Alpha, backgroundAlpha, 0.05f); imgScrollBar.Alpha = imgScrollBarBg.Alpha = imgOverlay.Alpha; imgOtter.Alpha = imgOverlay.Alpha * 0.25f; imgError.Alpha = Util.Approach(imgError.Alpha, 0, 0.02f); string displayString = keyString; if (keyString.Length > maxChars) displayString = keyString.Substring(keyString.Length - maxChars); textInput.String = "> " + displayString + "|"; imgScrollBar.ScaledHeight = maxLines / Util.Max(debugLog.Count, maxLines) * textAreaHeight; int logMax = (int)Util.Max(debugLog.Count - maxLines, 0); int scrollpos = (int)Util.Floor(Util.ScaleClamp(logIndex, 0, logMax, 0, textAreaHeight - imgScrollBar.ScaledHeight)); imgScrollBar.Y = padding + scrollpos; if (enterPressed) { SendCommand(keyString); } time += game.DeltaTime; }
internal Debugger(Game game) { Instance = this; = game; imgOtter = new Image(new Texture(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Otter.otterlogo.png"))); imgOtter.Batchable = false; imgOtter.CenterOrigin(); imgOtter.Scroll = 0; UpdateSurface(); textInput.Scroll = 0; textInput.OutlineThickness = 2; textInput.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPastCommands.Scroll = 0; textPastCommands.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPastCommands.OutlineThickness = 1; textCommandsBuffered.Scroll = 0; textCommandsBuffered.OutlineThickness = 2; textCommandsBuffered.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textCommandsBuffered.Color = Color.Gold; textCountdown.Scroll = 0; textCountdown.OutlineThickness = 3; textCountdown.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textFramesLeft.Scroll = 0; textFramesLeft.OutlineThickness = 2; textFramesLeft.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPerformance.Scroll = 0; textPerformance.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPerformance.OutlineThickness = 2; textCamera.OutlineThickness = 3; textCamera.OutlineColor = Color.Black; RegisterInstantCommand("help", "Shows help.", CmdHelp); RegisterInstantCommand("overlay", "Set the opacity of the console background to X.", CmdOverlay, CommandType.Float); RegisterInstantCommand("music", "Change the music volume. 0 - 1.", CmdMusic, CommandType.Float); RegisterInstantCommand("sound", "Change the sound volume. 0 - 1.", CmdSound, CommandType.Float); RegisterInstantCommand("clear", "Clears the console.", CmdClear); RegisterInstantCommand("showfps", "Shows performance information. Use 0 - 5.", CmdFps, CommandType.Int); RegisterInstantCommand("next", "Advances the game by X updates.", CmdNext, CommandType.Int); RegisterInstantCommand("watch", "Display watched values.", CmdWatch); RegisterInstantCommand("quit", "Exits the game.", CmdExit); RegisterCommand("spawn", "Add a new entity at X, Y.", CmdSpawn, CommandType.String, CommandType.Int, CommandType.Int); Log("== Otter Console Initialized!"); Log("Use 'help' to see available commands."); Log("", false); IsOpen = false; dismissFor = 0; }
internal Debugger(Game game) { Instance = this; = game; imgOtter = new Image(new Texture(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Otter.otterlogo.png"))); imgOtter.Batchable = false; imgOtter.CenterOrigin(); imgOtter.Scroll = 0; UpdateSurface(); textInput.Scroll = 0; textInput.OutlineThickness = 2; textInput.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPastCommands.Scroll = 0; textPastCommands.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPastCommands.OutlineThickness = 1; textPastCommandsLive.Scroll = 0; textPastCommandsLive.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPastCommandsLive.OutlineThickness = 2; textCommandsBuffered.Scroll = 0; textCommandsBuffered.OutlineThickness = 2; textCommandsBuffered.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textCommandsBuffered.Color = Color.Gold; textCountdown.Scroll = 0; textCountdown.OutlineThickness = 3; textCountdown.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textFramesLeft.Scroll = 0; textFramesLeft.OutlineThickness = 2; textFramesLeft.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPerformance.Scroll = 0; textPerformance.OutlineColor = Color.Black; textPerformance.OutlineThickness = 2; textCamera.OutlineThickness = 3; textCamera.OutlineColor = Color.Black; RegisterCommands(); Log("== Otter Console Initialized!"); Log("Use 'help' to see available commands."); Log("", false); IsOpen = false; dismissFor = 0; }