private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uyemi = false; Form uyeler = new UyeGiris(); uyeler.Show(); this.Hide(); bagla.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBoxKullanici.Text == null && textBoxSifre.Text == null) { MessageBox.Show("Kullanici sifre girinis..."); } else { try { string Sqlque1 = "SELECT uyeNo,TCNO,sifre FROM dbo.Uyeler WHERE TCNO=@TCNO AND sifre=@sifre"; SqlParameter sqlParameterogr1 = new SqlParameter("TCNO", textBoxKullanici.Text.Trim()); SqlParameter sqlParameterogr2 = new SqlParameter("sifre", textBoxSifre.Text.Trim()); SqlCommand sqlCommand1 = new SqlCommand(Sqlque1, bagla); sqlCommand1.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterogr1); sqlCommand1.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterogr2); DataTable dataTableOgr1 = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter ogrenci = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand1); ogrenci.Fill(dataTableOgr1); string Sqlque2 = "SELECT kullaniciAdi,sifre FROM dbo.Admins WHERE kullaniciAdi=@kullaniciAdi AND sifre=@sifre"; SqlParameter sqlParameterAdmin = new SqlParameter("kullaniciAdi", textBoxKullanici.Text.Trim()); SqlParameter sqlParameterAdmin1 = new SqlParameter("sifre", textBoxSifre.Text.Trim()); SqlCommand sqlCommand2 = new SqlCommand(Sqlque2, bagla); sqlCommand2.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterAdmin); sqlCommand2.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterAdmin1); DataTable dataTableOgr2 = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter Admin = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand2); Admin.Fill(dataTableOgr2); string Sqlque3 = "SELECT kullaniciAdi,sifre FROM dbo.Firma WHERE kullaniciAdi=@kullaniciAdi AND sifre=@sifre"; SqlParameter sqlParameterFirma = new SqlParameter("kullaniciAdi", textBoxKullanici.Text.Trim()); SqlParameter sqlParameterFirma1 = new SqlParameter("sifre", textBoxSifre.Text.Trim()); SqlCommand sqlCommand3 = new SqlCommand(Sqlque3, bagla); sqlCommand3.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterFirma); sqlCommand3.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterFirma1); DataTable dataTableOgr3 = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter Firma = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand3); Firma.Fill(dataTableOgr3); if (dataTableOgr1.Rows.Count > 0) { uyeNo = Convert.ToInt32(dataTableOgr1.Rows[0][0].ToString()); uyemi = true; Form uyeler = new UyeGiris(); uyeler.Show(); this.Hide(); bagla.Close(); } else if (dataTableOgr2.Rows.Count > 0) { Form adminler = new AdminGiris(); adminler.Show(); this.Hide(); bagla.Close(); } else if (dataTableOgr3.Rows.Count > 0) { Form firmalar = new FirmaGiris(); firmalar.Show(); this.Hide(); bagla.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Yanlış Öğrenci Adı ve ya Kimlik Numarası!", "Uyarı Mesajı", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); bagla.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu..."); } } }