Пример #1
        public beatmapInfo findByHash(string hash)
            foreach (beatmapInfo beatmap in beatmaps)
                if (hash == beatmap.beatmapHash)
            beatmapInfo fakeoutput = new beatmapInfo();

            fakeoutput.songTitle = "Not found";
Пример #2
        int loadReplays(string directory)
            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loading osu! Replay files...";
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            string[] files = GetFiles(directory, "*.osr").ToArray <string>();
            foreach (string file in files)
                using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(file, FileMode.Open)))
                    int gamemode    = b.ReadByte();     // (byte)   game mode
                    int gameversion = b.ReadInt32();    // (int)    game version
                    b.ReadByte();                       //          useless byte
                    string songmd5 = b.ReadString();    // (string) song md5 hash
                    b.ReadByte();                       //          useless byte
                    string player = b.ReadString();     // (string) username
                    b.ReadByte();                       //          useless byte
                    b.ReadString();                     //          replay hash (useless)
                    short s300   = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  amount of 300s
                    short s100   = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  amount of 100s
                    short s50    = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  amount of 50s
                    short sGeki  = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  amount of Gekis (special 300s)
                    short sKatu  = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  amount of Katus (special 100s)
                    short misses = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  amount of misses
                    int   score  = b.ReadInt32();       // (int)    score
                    short combo  = b.ReadInt16();       // (short)  combo
                    byte  fc     = b.ReadByte();        // (byte)   full combo (0=no,1=yes)
                    int   mods   = b.ReadInt32();       // (int)    mods
                    beatmapInfo beatmap      = database.findByHash(songmd5);
                    string      date         = File.GetCreationTime(file).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                    float       accuracy     = (float)(s50 * 50 + s100 * 100 + s300 * 300) / ((float)(misses + s50 + s100 + s300) * 300) * 100;
                    string      accuracyText = accuracy.ToString("N2") + "%";
                    dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new object[] { file, date, player, beatmap.songTitle, beatmap.artist, beatmap.difficultyName, OsuMods.ToString(mods), accuracyText,
                                                          score, combo, s300, sGeki, s100, sKatu, s50, misses, beatmap.creator });
                    dataGridView1.Sort(Timestamp, ListSortDirection.Descending);
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = "Loaded " + files.Count() + " replays in " + elapsedMs + "ms!";
Пример #3
 public osuDatabase(string filename)
     using (BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open)))
         osuVersion      = b.ReadInt32();
         folderCount     = b.ReadInt32();
         accountUnlocked = b.ReadBoolean();
         b.ReadBytes(9); // Read past unlock DateTime
         playerName       = b.ReadString();
         numberOfBeatmaps = b.ReadInt32();
         beatmaps         = new List <beatmapInfo>();
         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBeatmaps; i++)
             beatmapInfo beatmap = new beatmapInfo();
             beatmap.size = b.ReadInt32();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.artist = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.artistUnicode = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.songTitle = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.songTitleUnicode = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.creator = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.difficultyName = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.audioFile = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.beatmapHash = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.osuFile = b.ReadString();
             beatmap.rankedStatus     = b.ReadByte();
             beatmap.hitCircles       = b.ReadInt16();
             beatmap.sliders          = b.ReadInt16();
             beatmap.spinners         = b.ReadInt16();
             beatmap.modificationTime = b.ReadInt64();
             beatmap.approachRate     = b.ReadSingle();
             beatmap.circleSize       = b.ReadSingle();
             beatmap.hpDrain          = b.ReadSingle();
             beatmap.difficultyScore  = b.ReadSingle();
             beatmap.sliderVelocity   = b.ReadDouble();
             int amountOfPairs = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.starRatingStandard = new List <IntDouble>();
             for (int j = 0; j < amountOfPairs; j++)
                 IntDouble pair = new IntDouble(b.ReadBytes(14));
             amountOfPairs           = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.starRatingTaiko = new List <IntDouble>();
             for (int j = 0; j < amountOfPairs; j++)
                 IntDouble pair = new IntDouble(b.ReadBytes(14));
             amountOfPairs         = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.starRatingCTB = new List <IntDouble>();
             for (int j = 0; j < amountOfPairs; j++)
                 IntDouble pair = new IntDouble(b.ReadBytes(14));
             amountOfPairs           = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.starRatingMania = new List <IntDouble>();
             for (int j = 0; j < amountOfPairs; j++)
                 IntDouble pair = new IntDouble(b.ReadBytes(14));
             beatmap.drainTime    = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.totalTime    = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.previewTime  = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.timingPoints = new List <TimingPoint>();
             int amountOfTimingPoints = b.ReadInt32();
             for (int j = 0; j < amountOfTimingPoints; j++)
                 TimingPoint timingPoint = new TimingPoint(b.ReadBytes(17));
             beatmap.id            = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.setId         = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.threadId      = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.gradeStandard = b.ReadByte();
             beatmap.gradeTaiko    = b.ReadByte();
             beatmap.gradeCTB      = b.ReadByte();
             beatmap.gradeMania    = b.ReadByte();
             beatmap.localOffset   = b.ReadInt16();
             beatmap.stackLeniency = b.ReadSingle();
             beatmap.gameMode      = b.ReadByte();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.source = b.ReadString();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.tags = b.ReadString();
             beatmap.onlineOffset = b.ReadInt16();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.font = b.ReadString();
             beatmap.unplayed   = b.ReadBoolean();
             beatmap.lastPlayed = b.ReadInt64();
             beatmap.osz2       = b.ReadBoolean();
             if (b.ReadByte() == 0x0B)
                 beatmap.folder = b.ReadString();
             beatmap.repoTime             = b.ReadInt64();
             beatmap.ignoreSounds         = b.ReadBoolean();
             beatmap.ignoreSkin           = b.ReadBoolean();
             beatmap.disableStoryboard    = b.ReadBoolean();
             beatmap.disableVideo         = b.ReadBoolean();
             beatmap.visualOverride       = b.ReadBoolean();
             beatmap.lastModificationTime = b.ReadInt32();
             beatmap.maniaScrollSpeed     = b.ReadByte();
         validatorByte = b.ReadByte();