public static System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem[] convertReferralToListViewItems(Referral[] reflist) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); ListViewItem lw; foreach (Referral rfl in reflist) { lw = new ListViewItem(rfl.datum.ToString("yyMMdd")); lw.SubItems.Add(rfl.remissid); lw.SubItems.Add(rfl.personnr); lw.SubItems.Add(rfl.kombikakod); if (!ECS.noNULL(rfl.prioritering).Equals("NORMAL")) lw.SubItems.Add(rfl.prioritering); else lw.SubItems.Add(""); lw.Checked = true; al.Add(lw); } return (ListViewItem[])al.ToArray(typeof(ListViewItem)); }
public Referral[] updateTables(Referral[] refList, string compid) { ArrayList alReturnRef = new ArrayList(); ArrayList alReferrals = new ArrayList(); PatientDefenition[] oPatient = null; alReferrals.AddRange(refList); foreach (Referral r in alReferrals) { if (!r.remissid.Equals("")) { oPatient = oCust.getPatientByPnr(r.personnr.Insert(8, "-"), true, true); // Check if patient exists, if not try to create one if (oPatient.Length == 0) { //ingen kund hittades - skapa denna try { ArrayList alCust = new ArrayList(); alCust.Add(r.personnr); createCustomer(alCust); oPatient = oCust.getPatientByPnr(r.personnr.Insert(8, "-"), true, true); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Ett fel inträffade vid upplägg av patient " + r.personnr, "Fel vid upplägg av patient", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } } try // If an exception is raised or oPatient is emty, don't add order no. { if (oPatient.Length > 0) { Referral r2 = r; r2.orderno = insertReferrals(r, oPatient[0].PatientNo, compid); alReturnRef.Add(r2); } } catch { } } } return (Referral[])alReturnRef.ToArray(typeof(Referral)); }
public bool removeRow(string onr, string row) { OrderRowDefinitions.OrderRow delRow = new OrderRowDefinitions.OrderRow(); Referral r = new Referral(); // Avbryt om ordern är stängd if (!isOrderOpen(onr)) return false; delRow = getRow(onr, row); // Only if Thord user if (Config.IsThordUser) { r = garpref.getReferralForRemovalOfPart(delRow.OrderNo, delRow.AidNr, row); } // Om denna rad är den som visas i översikten så visa en annan rad istället. if (getViewState(onr, row)) { //string id = mOR.AidID; mOR.doDelete(onr, row); OrderRowDefinitions.OrderRow[] or = mOR.getAid(onr, delRow.AidNr, false).OrderRows.ToArray(); ; if (or.Length > 0) setAsViewInList(or[0].OrderNo, or[0].AidNr, or[0].Rad); } else mOR.doDelete(onr, row); // Only if Thord user if (Config.IsThordUser) { if (delRow.CreatedInThord && !r.remissid.Equals("")) { thordfunc.sendReferral(r); } } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Fetches Referals with the supplies Ordernumber /// </summary> /// <param name="ordnr">The ordernumber</param> /// <returns></returns> public Referral[] getReferrals(String ordnr) { ArrayList aList = new ArrayList(); Referral rfl = new Referral(); Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc of = new Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc(); Ortoped.Definitions.OrderHeadDefinition oOH = of.getOrder(ordnr); if (oOH.OrderNo != null) { rfl.datum = DateTime.ParseExact(oOH.OrderDate, "yyMMdd", new CultureInfo("sv-SE")); rfl.ordinator = oOH.SelOrdinator; rfl.personnr = oOH.PatientNo; rfl.diagnos = oOH.Diagnose; rfl.notering = oOH.Notation; rfl.kombikakod = oOH.KombikaCode; rfl.remissid = oOH.ReferralNo; } aList.Add(rfl); return (Referral[])aList.ToArray(typeof(Referral)); }
/// <summary> /// Insert the supplied referal into Garp tables /// </summary> /// <param name="r"></param> public string insertReferrals(Referral r, string knr, string compid) { sKNR = knr; Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc of = new Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc(); Ortoped.Definitions.OrderHeadDefinition newOH = of.addOH(sKNR, compid); if (newOH == null) { MessageBox.Show(null, "Ett fel uppstod vid skapande av order: " + newOH.OrderNo, "Fel", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); throw new Exception("Kunde inte skapa order"); } try { newOH.Pricelist = "A"; newOH.DiagnoseCode = r.diagnoskod; newOH.ValidFrom = r.giltligfran; newOH.SelOrdinator = r.ordinator; newOH.ValidYearsCount = int.Parse(r.antalar); newOH.InvoiceCustomer = "140"; newOH.OrderType = compid; newOH.KombikaCode = r.kombikakod; newOH.ReferralNo = r.remissid; newOH.YourReference = r.remissid; newOH.Ordination = r.aidtypes + " " + r.ordination; newOH.Diagnose = r.diagnos; newOH.Priority = r.prioritering; if (ECS.noNULL(r.handlaggare).Equals("")) newOH.Notation = r.notering; else newOH.Notation = r.notering + " Önskad handläggare: " + r.handlaggare; if (!of.saveOH(newOH)) throw new Exception("Kunde inte skapa order"); } catch { MessageBox.Show(null, "Ett fel uppstod vid skapande av order: " + newOH.OrderNo, "Fel", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); throw new Exception("Kunde inte skapa order"); } return newOH.OrderNo; }
/// <summary> /// Fetches garp data and creates instances of referralefinition /// </summary> /// <param name="ordernr">order number</param> /// <returns>Array of New Aid Definitions</returns> public Referral getReferralForRemovalOfPart(string ordernr, string aidid, string rowremoval) { Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc ohf = new Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc(); OrderHeadDefinition oh; Referral rf = new Referral(); oh = ohf.getOrder(ordernr); if (!oh.ReferralNo.Equals("")) { rf.personnr = oh.PatientsSSN; rf.remissid = oh.ReferralNo; rf.kombikakod = oh.KombikaCode; rf.ordinator = oh.SelOrdinator; // rf.datum = oh.Orderdatum; rf.diagnos = oh.DiagnoseCode; rf.notering = oh.Notation; rf.orderno = oh.OrderNo; rf.aids = getAids(ordernr, aidid); for (int i = 0; i < rf.aids[0].parts.Length; i++) { if (rf.aids[0].parts[i].orderno.Equals(ordernr) && rf.aids[0].parts[i].row.Equals(rowremoval)) rf.aids[0].parts[i].RemoveMe = true; if (rf.aids[0].parts.Length <= 1) rf.aids[0].RemoveMe = true; } } return rf; }
/// <summary> /// Fetches garp data and creates instances of referralefinition /// </summary> /// <param name="ordernr">order number</param> /// <returns>Array of New Aid Definitions</returns> public Referral getReferral(string ordernr, string aidid) { Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc ohf = new Ortoped.GarpFunctions.orderFunc(); OrderHeadDefinition oh; Referral rf = new Referral(); oh = ohf.getOrder(ordernr); if (!oh.ReferralNo.Equals("")) { rf.personnr = oh.PatientsSSN; rf.remissid = oh.ReferralNo; rf.kombikakod = oh.KombikaCode; rf.ordinator = oh.SelOrdinator; // rf.datum = oh.Orderdatum; rf.diagnos = oh.DiagnoseCode; rf.notering = oh.Notation; rf.orderno = oh.OrderNo; rf.aids = getAids(ordernr, aidid); } return rf; }
/// <summary> /// Connect to Thord and change status of referrals to "MOTTAGEN" /// </summary> /// <param name="refs">Array of referrals</param> public void sendTransferedReferrals(Referral[] refs) { referralupdates refupdate = new referralupdates(); ReferralUpdateDefinition[] refdef = new ReferralUpdateDefinition[refs.Length]; int i = 0; if (refs.Length != 0) { foreach (Referral rf in refs) { ReferralUpdateDefinition rd = new ReferralUpdateDefinition(); rd.referralnumber = rf.remissid; rd.statusSpecified = true; rd.status = ReferralStatusValues.MOTTAGEN; refdef[i] = rd; i++; } try { refupdate.referralupdate = refdef; tdProxy.UpdateReferrals(refupdate); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// Connect to Thord and update referrals with new data /// </summary> /// <param name="refs">Array of Referrals</param> /// <param name="garpaids">Array of New Aid Definitions</param> public bool sendReferral(Referral referral) { referralupdates refupdate = new referralupdates(); ReferralUpdateDefinition[] ru = new ReferralUpdateDefinition[1]; AidsUpdateDefinition aids = new AidsUpdateDefinition(); referrals refReturned; OrderRowFunc oOR = new OrderRowFunc(); // If aids exists if (referral.aids.Length > 0) { if (referral.aids[0].CreatedInThord) { aids.aidupdate = createAidUpdateObject(referral.aids[0]); } else { aids.newaid = createAidNewObject(referral.aids[0]); } } ru[0] = new ReferralUpdateDefinition(); ru[0].referralnumber = referral.remissid; ru[0].aids = aids; refupdate.referralupdate = ru; try { // Talk to the old man refReturned = tdProxy.UpdateReferrals(refupdate); foreach (AidDefinition ad in refReturned.referral[0].aids.aid) { if ((referral.aids[0].orderno.PadRight(6, '_') + referral.aids[0].row.Trim()).Equals(ad.externalaidid)) { oOR.updateOid(ad.externalaidid.Substring(0, 6).Replace("_", ""), ad.externalaidid.Substring(6), ad.aidoid.ToString(), "0"); // If any parts are present if ( != null) { foreach (PartDefinition p in { oOR.updateOid(p.externalpartid.Substring(0, 6).Replace("_", ""), p.externalpartid.Substring(6), ad.aidoid.ToString(), p.partoid.ToString()); } } } // If whole aid should be removed // OBS! This code must exists after ordinary UpdateReferrals, all parts must be // removed before vi can remove the aid. if (referral.aids[0].RemoveMe) { aids = new AidsUpdateDefinition(); ru[0] = new ReferralUpdateDefinition(); ru[0].referralnumber = referral.remissid; ru[0].aids = aids; refupdate.referralupdate = ru; aids.removeaid = createAidRemoveObject(referral.aids[0]); // Talk to the old man try { refReturned = tdProxy.UpdateReferrals(refupdate); MessageBox.Show("Hjälpmedlet (" + referral.aids[0].aidoid.ToString() + ") har tagits bort från Thord", "Meddelande från Thord"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Vid radering av hjälpmedel uppstod ett fel:\n" + ex.Message, "Meddelande från Thord"); Log4Net.Logger.loggError(ex, "THORD: SendReferral/RemoveReferral:", Config.User, "ThordFunction.sendReferral"); } } } return true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Meddelande från Thord"); Log4Net.Logger.loggError(ex, "THORD: SendReferral", Config.User, ""); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Calls Thord and fetches all existing Referrals that matches /// the selection /// </summary> /// <param name="from">Date from</param> /// <param name="to">Date to</param> /// <param name="rsv">Status value of Referral</param> /// <returns>Array of referrals</returns> public Referral[] getRefs(DateTime from, DateTime to, ReferralStatusValues1 rsv) { ArrayList rfList = new ArrayList(); referralselection rs = new referralselection(); critera cr = new critera(); referrals reff = null; cr.status = rsv; cr.fromDate = from; cr.toDate = to; #if DEBUG cr.fromDateSpecified = true; cr.toDateSpecified = true; #else cr.fromDateSpecified = false; cr.toDateSpecified = false; #endif cr.statusSpecified = true; rs.critera = cr; try { reff = tdProxy.GetReferrals(rs); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(null, "Fel vid kommunikation med Thord:\n\n" + e.Message, "Kommunikationsfel", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Log4Net.Logger.loggError(e, "Fel vid skapande av proxy", Config.User, "ThordFUnctions.getRefs"); return null; } if (reff.referral != null) { foreach (ReferralDefinition rf in reff.referral) { Referral r = new Referral(); r.datum = rf.createddate; r.personnr = rf.personnumber; r.remissid = rf.referralnumber; r.prioritering = rf.priority.ToString(); try { r.kombikakod = rf.kombika.kombikacode; } catch { } r.status = ECS.noNULL(rf.status.ToString()); r.ordinator = ECS.noNULL(rf.prescribername); r.diagnos = ECS.noNULL(rf.diagnosis); r.notering = ECS.noNULL(rf.comment); r.giltligfran = rf.referraldate; r.antalar = ECS.noNULL(rf.validtime.ToString()); r.diagnoskod = rf.reducedfunction.ToString(); r.handlaggare = ECS.noNULL(rf.desiredadministrator); r.aidtypes = ""; //hämta textvärdena för aidtypes, dvs "Inlägg/Fotbädd", "Protes" m.fl if (rf.aidtypes.aidtype.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rf.aidtypes.aidtype.Length; i++) { switch (rf.aidtypes.aidtype[i]) { case 1: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Inlägg/Fotbädd"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Inlägg/Forbädd"; break; case 2: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Ortopediska skor/Bekvämskor"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Ortopediska skor/Bekvämskor"; break; case 3: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Ortos"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Ortos"; break; case 4: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Protes"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Protes"; break; case 5: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Behandlingsskor"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Behandlingsskor"; break; case 6: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Övrigt"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Övrigt"; break; case 7: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Behandlande ortos"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Behandlande ortos"; break; case 8: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Bråckband"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Bråckband"; break; case 9: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Olikstora skor"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Olikstora skor"; break; case 10: if (r.aidtypes.Length == 0) r.aidtypes = "Ändring av egna skor"; else r.aidtypes = r.aidtypes + ", Ändring av egna skor"; break; default: Console.Write("Denna idkod saknas!"); break; } } } rfList.Add(r); } } return (Referral[])rfList.ToArray(typeof(Referral)); }