Пример #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test void shouldNoticeCancelRequest() throws java.io.IOException, java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException, InterruptedException
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        internal virtual void ShouldNoticeCancelRequest()
            // given
            Org.Neo4j.Test.Barrier_Control barrier = new Org.Neo4j.Test.Barrier_Control();
            TrackingMonitor monitor     = new TrackingMonitorAnonymousInnerClass(this, barrier);
            int             blocks      = 10;
            int             mergeFactor = 2;
            MutableLongSet  uniqueKeys  = new LongHashSet();
            AtomicBoolean   cancelled   = new AtomicBoolean();

            using (BlockStorage <MutableLong, MutableLong> storage = new BlockStorage <MutableLong, MutableLong>(_layout, heapBufferFactory(100), _fileSystem, _file, monitor), OtherThreadExecutor <Void> t2 = new OtherThreadExecutor <Void>("T2", null))
                while (monitor.BlockFlushedCallCount < blocks)
                    storage.Add(UniqueKey(uniqueKeys), new MutableLong());

                // when starting to merge
                Future <object> merge = t2.ExecuteDontWait(command(() => storage.merge(mergeFactor, cancelled.get)));
                // one merge iteration have now been done, set the cancellation flag

            // then there should not be any more merge iterations done, i.e. merge was cancelled
            assertEquals(1, monitor.MergeIterationCallCount);