Пример #1
        public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {

            // Experimentally supporting some tokens for sockets and content
            // TODO: Find more uses for tokens and see how this can all tie in with Projector
            // Example tokens:
            // {Content.Socket:RelatedContent.Last.Title}    -> title of last related content item
            // {Content.Socket:Thumbnail.First.MediaUrl}      -> image url of first thumbnail relation
            // {Content.Socket:Foo.Count}      -> # of connected items
            // {Content.Socket:Thumbnail.First.ImageUrl:640x480}      -> sized image thumbnail (Media Garden)
            // {Content.Socket:PositionalContent.Connectors[3].Url}      -> url of third connector
                .Token("Socket:*", T("Socket:<socket name>"), T("A socket with the corresponding connector type name"), "Socket")

            context.For("Socket", T("Socket"), T("A collection of connected content"))
                .Token("Count", T("Count"), T("Number of items connected to the socket"))
                .Token("First", T("First"), T("The first content item connected to this socket"))
                .Token("Connectors", T("Connectors"), T("The proxy Connector content items"))

                .Token("Left", T("Left Item"), T("The left-hand connected item from a connector"))
                .Token("LeftPath", T("Left Path"), T("The left-hand item's path and slug from a connector, with an appended forward slash if non-empty"))
                .Token("Right", T("Right Item"), T("The right-hand connected item from a connector"));
Пример #2
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Content", T("Bids"), T("Bids"))
         .Token("BidedOn", T("Bided On"), T("The content item this Bid was created on."))
         .Token("BidPrice", T("Bid Price"), T("The price of the bid itself"))
         .Token("BidAuthor", T("Bid Author"), T("The author of the bid."))
         .Token("BidDeleteUrl", T("Bid deletion Url"), T("The absolute url to follow in order to delete this Bid."))
Пример #3
		public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
			context.For("CustomUser", this.T("Custom User"), this.T("Tokens for custom users"))
				.Token("FullName", this.T("Full name"), this.T("The full name of the user"))
				.Token("NameAffix", this.T("Name affix"), this.T("The CustomUser name affix"))
				.Token("ActivationCode", this.T("Activation code"), this.T("The CustomUser activation code"))
				.Token("WelcomeText", this.T("Welcome text"), this.T("The custom welcome text for the CustomUser"))
				.Token("User", this.T("The Orchard User"), this.T("Gets the orchard user from the CustomUser"));
Пример #4
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Content", T("Post"), T("A post made to a forum."))
         .Token("PostMessage", T("Post Message"), T("The text of the post itself"))
         .Token("PostAuthor", T("Post Author"), T("The user that created the post."))
         .Token("PostAuthorEmail", T("Post Author Email"), T("The email address of user that created the post."))
         .Token("PostUserIP", T("Post UserIP"), T("The IP address of the user that created the post."))
         .Token("PostPermalink", T("Post Permalink"), T("The URL of the post."))
         .Token("PostFrontPage", T("Post FrontPage"), T("The root URL of the forums home page that the post belongs to."))
        public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
            context.For("Content", T("Content Items"), T("Content Items"))
                .Token("Culture", T("Culture"), T("The culture of the content item"), "Culture")

            context.For("Culture", T("Culture"), T("Tokens for culture"))
                .Token("Name", T("Name"), T("Gets the culture name in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2."), "Text")
                .Token("TwoLetterISOLanguageName", T("Two Letter ISO Language Name"), T("Gets the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for the language of the current CultureInfo."), "Text");
        public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
                .Token("CultureInfo", T("Culture"), T("Item's culture."));

            context.For("CultureInfo", T("Culture Information"), T("Tokens for Culture Informations"))
                .Token("CultureName", T("Culture name"), T("languagecode2-country/regioncode2."))
                .Token("ThreeLetterName", T("Three-letter name"), T("ISO 639-2 code for the language."))
                .Token("TwoLetterName", T("Two-letter name"), T("ISO 639-1 code for the language."));
Пример #7
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("MediaLibraryPickerField", T("First media for Media Library Picker Field"), T("Tokens for Media Picker Fields"))
         .Token("Url", T("Url"), T("The url of the media."), "Url")
         .Token("MimeType", T("Mime Type"), T("The mime type of the media."), "Text")
         .Token("Caption", T("Caption"), T("The caption of the media."), "Text")
         .Token("AlternateText", T("Alternate Text"), T("The alternate text of the media."), "Text")
         .Token("FolderPath", T("Folder Path"), T("The hierarchical location of the media."), "Text")
         .Token("FileName", T("File Name"), T("The file name of the media, if applicable."), "Text")
Пример #8
        public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
            context.For("Content", T("Order"), T("Tokens for order"))
                .Token("Customer", T("Customer"), T("Order's customer"), "Content")

            context.For("Customer", T("Customer"), T("Tokens for customer"))
                .Token("FirstName", T("First name"), T("Customer's first name"))
                .Token("LastName", T("Last name"), T("Customer's last name"))
                .Token("Email", T("Email"), T("Customer's e-mail"))
Пример #9
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Content", T("Comments"), T("Comments"))
         .Token("CommentedOn", T("Commented On"), T("The content item this comment was created on."))
         .Token("CommentMessage", T("Comment Message"), T("The text of the comment itself"))
         .Token("CommentAuthor", T("Comment Author"), T("The author of the comment."))
         .Token("CommentAuthorUrl", T("Comment Author Url"), T("The url provided by the author of the comment."))
         .Token("CommentAuthorEmail", T("Comment Author Email"), T("The email provided by the author of the comment."))
         .Token("CommentApproveUrl", T("Comment approval Url"), T("The absolute url to follow in order to approve this comment."))
         .Token("CommentModerateUrl", T("Comment moderation Url"), T("The absolute url to follow in order to moderate this comment."))
         .Token("CommentDeleteUrl", T("Comment deletion Url"), T("The absolute url to follow in order to delete this comment."))
Пример #10
        public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
            // Usage:
            // Content.Fields.Article.Categories.Terms -> 'Science, Sports, Arts'
            // Content.Fields.Article.Categories.Terms:0 -> 'Science'

            // When used with an indexer, it can be chained with Content tokens
            // Content.Fields.Article.Categories.Terms:0.DisplayUrl -> http://...

            context.For("TaxonomyField", T("Taxonomy Field"), T("Tokens for Taxonomy Fields"))
                   .Token("Terms", T("Terms"), T("The terms (Content) associated with field."))
                   .Token("Terms[:*]", T("Terms"), T("A term by its index. Can be chained with Content tokens."))
Пример #11
        public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
                // /my-item
                .Token("Slug", T("Slug"), T("A slugified version of the item title appropriate for content Urls"))
                // /path/to/my-item
                .Token("Path", T("Path"), T("The full path of an item as already generated by Autoroute"))
                // /path/to/parent-item/
                .Token("ParentPath", T("Parent Path"), T("The parent item's path and slug with an appended forward slash if non-empty"));

                // /blog-post
                .Token("Slug", T("Slug"), T("Slugified version of content type display name."));

                .Token("Slug", T("Slug"), T("Slugify the text"));
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
     context.For("ContentReferenceField", T("Content Reference Field"), T("Tokens for Content Reference Fields"))
         .Token("ContentItem", T("Content Item"), T("The content item referenced."));
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
     context.For("Context", T("Context"), T("The current context"))
         .Token("This", T("Current Content Item"), T("The Content Item represented by the current page"), "Content");
Пример #14
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Workflow", T("Workflow"), T("Workflow tokens."))
         .Token("TriggerUrl:*", T("TriggerUrl:<signal>"), T("The relative url to call in order to trigger the specified Signal."))
Пример #15
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
     context.For("Content", T("Content Items"), T("Content Items"))
         .Token("Current", T("Current content"), T("If the current request is for a content item, returns the item."));
Пример #16
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("FormSubmission", T("Dynamic Form submission"), T("Dynamic Form Submission tokens for use in workflows handling the Dynamic Form Submitted event."))
         .Token("Field:*", T("Field:<field name>"), T("The posted field value to access."), "Text")
         .Token("IsValid:*", T("IsValid:<field name>"), T("The posted field validation status."))
Пример #17
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
         .Token("DisplayWithType:*", T("Display:<element type|display type>"), T("Displays the specified element type with specific display type."))
Пример #18
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Content", T("TitleAndMetadata"), T("Title and metadata"))
         .Token("PageTitle", T("Page Title"), T("The page title."))
         .Token("MetaDescription", T("Meta description"), T("The page meta description."));
Пример #19
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
     context.For("Text", T("Text"), T("Tokens for text strings"))
         .Token("WrapNotEmpty:*", T("WrapNotEmpty:<left wrapper>[,<right wrapper>]"), T("Wraps the text if it's not empty from left and optionally from right with the specified texts."));
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context)
     context.For("Content", T("Content Items"), T("Content Items"))
         .Token("NodeLabel", T("Node label"), T("Node label if the item has an IAssociativyNodeLabelAspect implementation attached."));
Пример #21
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Element", T("Element"), T("Element tokens."))
         .Token("Display:*", T("Display:<element type>"), T("Displays the specified element type."))
Пример #22
 public void Describe(DescribeContext context) {
     context.For("Workflow", T("Workflow"), T("Workflow tokens."))
         .Token("State:*", T("State:<workflowcontext path>"), T("The workflow context state to access. Workflow.State:MyData.MyProperty.SubProperty"))