private static void TransactionParse(string str, TWTransaction tr) { switch (str.ToLower()) { case "buy to close": tr.BuySell = "Buy"; tr.OpenClose = "Close"; break; case "buy to open": tr.BuySell = "Buy"; tr.OpenClose = "Open"; break; case "sell to close": tr.BuySell = "Sell"; tr.OpenClose = "Close"; break; case "sell to open": tr.BuySell = "Sell"; tr.OpenClose = "Open"; break; } }
private static void CompleteInstance(TWTransaction tr) { if ((tr.TransactionSubcode == "Sell to Open") || (tr.TransactionSubcode == "Sell to Close")) { tr.Quantity *= -1; } if (tr.TransactionCode == "Receive Deliver") { if (tr.TransactionSubcode == "Assignment") { tr.OpenClose = "Close"; } else if (tr.TransactionSubcode == "Exercise") { tr.OpenClose = "Close"; tr.Quantity *= -1; } else if (tr.TransactionSubcode == "Expiration") { tr.BuySell = "Expired"; tr.OpenClose = "Close"; } else if (tr.TransactionSubcode == "Forward Split") { if ((tr.Action == "Sell to Open") || (tr.Action == "Sell to Close")) { tr.Quantity *= -1; } TransactionParse(tr.Action, tr); } else { // all that's left is Sell to Open and Buy to Open tr.InsType = "Stock"; string[] s = tr.TransactionSubcode.Split(' '); if (s.Length == 3) { tr.BuySell = s[0]; tr.OpenClose = s[2]; } } } else if (tr.TransactionCode == "Trade") { TransactionParse(tr.TransactionSubcode, tr); } }
public static TWTransactions Transactions(string accountNumber, DateTime?start, DateTime?end) { SetHeaders(Token); string url = "" + accountNumber + "/transactions?"; if (start != null) { url += "start-date=" + String.Format("{0:yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'}", start) + "&"; } if (end != null) { url += "end-date=" + String.Format("{0:yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'}", end); } string reply = Web.DownloadString(url); //Debug.WriteLine(reply); JObject package = JObject.Parse(reply); TWTransactions returnList = new TWTransactions(); Int32 pages = Convert.ToInt32(package["pagination"]["total-pages"]); Int32 pageOffset = 0; List <JToken> list = package["data"]["items"].Children().ToList(); do { foreach (JToken item in list) { //Debug.WriteLine(item.ToString()); TWTransaction inst = new TWTransaction(); inst.TransID = Convert.ToInt32(item["id"]); inst.Time = Convert.ToDateTime(item["executed-at"]).ToUniversalTime(); inst.TransactionCode = item["transaction-type"].ToString(); inst.TransactionSubcode = item["transaction-sub-type"].ToString(); if (item["action"] != null) { inst.Action = item["action"].ToString(); } inst.Description = item["description"].ToString(); inst.AccountRef = item["account-number"].ToString(); inst.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(item["price"]); inst.Fees = Convert.ToDecimal(item["commission"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(item["clearing-fees"]) + Convert.ToDecimal(item["regulatory-fees"]); inst.Amount = Convert.ToDecimal(item["value"]) * ((item["value-effect"].ToString() == "Debit") ? -1 : 1); if ((inst.TransactionCode == "Trade") || (inst.TransactionCode == "Receive Deliver")) { inst.Symbol = item["underlying-symbol"].ToString(); inst.Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(item["quantity"]); SymbolDecoder symbol = new SymbolDecoder(item["symbol"].ToString(), item["instrument-type"].ToString()); inst.InsType = symbol.Type; inst.ExpireDate = symbol.Expiration; inst.Strike = symbol.Strike; } CompleteInstance(inst); returnList.Add(inst); } if (pages > 1) { SetHeaders(Token); reply = Web.DownloadString(url + "&page-offset=" + ++pageOffset); package = JObject.Parse(reply); list = package["data"]["items"].Children().ToList(); } pages--; } while (pages > 0); return((returnList.Count > 0) ? returnList : null); }