Пример #1
        /// <param name="bm">The Beatmap object</param>
        /// <param name="d">The DiffCalc object that ran on this beatmap</param>
        /// <param name="accuracy">Accuracy in 0..1 range</param>
        /// <param name="cMiss">Amount of misses</param>
        /// <param name="combo">The combo reached by the player. At least this or <paramref name="c300"/> has to be set.</param>
        /// <param name="mods">The used mods.</param>
        public PPv2Parameters(Beatmap bm, DiffCalc d, double accuracy, int cMiss = 0, int combo = -1,
                              Mods mods = Mods.NoMod)
            if (bm == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bm));

            //run DiffCalc if it hadn't yet
            if (d.CountSingles == 0 && Math.Abs(d.Total) <= double.Epsilon)
                d.Calc(bm, mods);

            Mode          = bm.Mode;
            BaseAR        = bm.AR;
            BaseOD        = bm.OD;
            MaxCombo      = bm.GetMaxCombo();
            CountSliders  = bm.CountSliders;
            CountCircles  = bm.CountCircles;
            CountSpinners = bm.CountSpinners;
            CountObjects  = bm.Objects.Count;

            AimStars   = d.Aim;
            SpeedStars = d.Speed;
            CountMiss  = cMiss;
            Combo      = combo;
            Mods       = mods;

            Accuracy = accuracy;
Пример #2
        /// <param name="bm">The beatmap, diffcalc will run on this.</param>
        /// <param name="accuracy">Accuracy</param>
        /// <param name="cMiss">Amount of misses</param>
        /// <param name="combo">The combo reached by the player. At least this or <paramref name="c300"/> has to be set.</param>
        /// <param name="mods">The used mods.</param>
        public PPv2Parameters(Beatmap bm, double accuracy, int cMiss = 0, int combo = -1, Mods mods = Mods.NoMod)
            if (bm == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bm));

            var d = new DiffCalc().Calc(bm, mods);

            Mode          = bm.Mode;
            BaseAR        = bm.AR;
            BaseOD        = bm.OD;
            MaxCombo      = bm.GetMaxCombo();
            CountSliders  = bm.CountSliders;
            CountCircles  = bm.CountCircles;
            CountSpinners = bm.CountSpinners;
            CountObjects  = bm.Objects.Count;

            AimStars   = d.Aim;
            SpeedStars = d.Speed;
            CountMiss  = cMiss;
            Combo      = combo;
            Mods       = mods;

            Accuracy = accuracy;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// calculates ppv2, results are stored in Total, Aim, Speed, Acc, AccPercent.
        /// See: <seealso cref="PPv2Parameters"/>
        /// </summary>
        private PPv2(double aimStars, double speedStars,
                     int maxCombo, int countSliders, int countCircles, int countObjects,
                     float baseAR, float baseOD, GameMode mode, Mods mods,
                     int combo, int count300, int count100, int count50, int countMiss,
                     int scoreVersion, Beatmap beatmap)
            if (beatmap != null)
                mode         = beatmap.Mode;
                baseAR       = beatmap.AR;
                baseOD       = beatmap.OD;
                maxCombo     = beatmap.GetMaxCombo();
                countSliders = beatmap.CountSliders;
                countCircles = beatmap.CountCircles;
                countObjects = beatmap.Objects.Count;

            if (mode != GameMode.Standard)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("this gamemode is not yet supported");

            if (maxCombo <= 0)
                //TODO: warn "W: max_combo <= 0, changing to 1\n"
                maxCombo = 1;

            if (combo < 0)
                combo = maxCombo - countMiss;

            if (count300 < 0)
                count300 = countObjects - count100 - count50 - countMiss;

            /* accuracy -------------------------------------------- */
            ComputedAccuracy = new Accuracy(count300, count100, count50, countMiss);
            double accuracy = ComputedAccuracy.Value();
            double realAcc  = accuracy;

            switch (scoreVersion)
            case 1:
                //scorev1 ignores sliders since they are free 300s
                //and for some reason also ignores spinners
                int countSpinners = countObjects - countSliders - countCircles;

                realAcc = new Accuracy(Math.Max(count300 - countSliders - countSpinners, 0), count100, count50, countMiss).Value();

                realAcc = Math.Max(0.0, realAcc);

            case 2:
                countCircles = countObjects;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"unsupported scorev{scoreVersion}");

            //global values ---------------------------------------
            double countObjectsOver2K = countObjects / 2000.0;

            double lengthBonus = 0.95 + 0.4 * Math.Min(1.0, countObjectsOver2K);

            if (countObjects > 2000)
                lengthBonus += Math.Log10(countObjectsOver2K) * 0.5;

            double missPenality = Math.Pow(0.97, countMiss);
            double comboBreak   = Math.Pow(combo, 0.8) / Math.Pow(maxCombo, 0.8);

            //calculate stats with mods
            var mapstats = new MapStats {
                AR = baseAR,
                OD = baseOD

            mapstats = MapStats.ModsApply(mods, mapstats, ModApplyFlags.ApplyAR | ModApplyFlags.ApplyOD);

            /* ar bonus -------------------------------------------- */
            double arBonus = 1.0;

            if (mapstats.AR > 10.33)
                arBonus += 0.45 * (mapstats.AR - 10.33);
            else if (mapstats.AR < 8.0)
                double lowArBonus = 0.01 * (8.0 - mapstats.AR);

                if ((mods & Mods.Hidden) != 0)
                    lowArBonus *= 2.0;

                arBonus += lowArBonus;

            /* aim pp ---------------------------------------------- */
            Aim  = GetPPBase(aimStars);
            Aim *= lengthBonus;
            Aim *= missPenality;
            Aim *= comboBreak;
            Aim *= arBonus;

            if ((mods & Mods.Hidden) != 0)
                Aim *= 1.18;

            if ((mods & Mods.Flashlight) != 0)
                Aim *= 1.45 * lengthBonus;

            double accBonus = 0.5 + accuracy / 2.0;
            double odBonus  = 0.98 + (mapstats.OD * mapstats.OD) / 2500.0;

            Aim *= accBonus;
            Aim *= odBonus;

            /* speed pp -------------------------------------------- */
            Speed  = GetPPBase(speedStars);
            Speed *= lengthBonus;
            Speed *= missPenality;
            Speed *= comboBreak;
            Speed *= accBonus;
            Speed *= odBonus;

            /* acc pp ---------------------------------------------- */
            Acc = Math.Pow(1.52163, mapstats.OD) * Math.Pow(realAcc, 24.0) * 2.83;

            Acc *= Math.Min(1.15, Math.Pow(countCircles / 1000.0, 0.3));

            if ((mods & Mods.Hidden) != 0)
                Acc *= 1.02;

            if ((mods & Mods.Flashlight) != 0)
                Acc *= 1.02;

            /* total pp -------------------------------------------- */
            double finalMultiplier = 1.12;

            if ((mods & Mods.NoFail) != 0)
                finalMultiplier *= 0.90;

            if ((mods & Mods.SpunOut) != 0)
                finalMultiplier *= 0.95;

            Total = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(Aim, 1.1) + Math.Pow(Speed, 1.1) + Math.Pow(Acc, 1.1), 1.0 / 1.1) * finalMultiplier;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// calculates ppv2, results are stored in Total, Aim, Speed, Acc, AccPercent.
        /// See: <seealso cref="PPv2Parameters"/>
        /// </summary>
        private PPv2(double aimStars, double speedStars,
                     int maxCombo, int countSliders, int countCircles, int countSpinners, int countObjects,
                     float baseAR, float baseOD, GameMode mode, Mods mods,
                     int combo, double accuracy, int countMiss,
                     int scoreVersion, Beatmap beatmap)
            if (beatmap != null)
                mode          = beatmap.Mode;
                baseAR        = beatmap.AR;
                baseOD        = beatmap.OD;
                maxCombo      = beatmap.GetMaxCombo();
                countSliders  = beatmap.CountSliders;
                countCircles  = beatmap.CountCircles;
                countSpinners = beatmap.CountSpinners;
                countObjects  = beatmap.Objects.Count;

            if (mode != GameMode.Standard)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("this gamemode is not yet supported");

            if (maxCombo <= 0)
                //TODO: warn "W: max_combo <= 0, changing to 1\n"
                maxCombo = 1;

            if (combo < 0)
                combo = maxCombo - countMiss;

            /* accuracy -------------------------------------------- */
            ComputedAccuracy = new Accuracy(accPercent: accuracy, countObjects: countObjects, countMiss: countMiss);

            // reconstruct n300, n100 and n50 from accuracy because we dont really care about real amounts
            int    count300 = ComputedAccuracy.Count300;
            int    count100 = ComputedAccuracy.Count100;
            int    count50  = ComputedAccuracy.Count50;
            double realAcc  = ComputedAccuracy.Value();

            switch (scoreVersion)
            case 1:
                //scorev1 ignores sliders since they are free 300s
                //and for some reason also ignores spinners
                realAcc = new Accuracy(Math.Max(count300 - countSliders - countSpinners, 0), count100, count50,

                realAcc = Math.Max(0.0, realAcc);

            case 2:
                countCircles = countObjects;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"unsupported scorev{scoreVersion}");

            //global values ---------------------------------------
            double countObjectsOver2K = countObjects / 2000.0;

            double lengthBonus = 0.95 + 0.4 * Math.Min(1.0, countObjectsOver2K);

            if (countObjects > 2000)
                lengthBonus += Math.Log10(countObjectsOver2K) * 0.5;

            double comboBreak = Math.Pow(combo, 0.8) / Math.Pow(maxCombo, 0.8);

            //calculate stats with mods
            var mapstats = new MapStats
                AR = baseAR,
                OD = baseOD

            mapstats = MapStats.ModsApply(mods, mapstats, ModApplyFlags.ApplyAR | ModApplyFlags.ApplyOD);

            /* aim pp ---------------------------------------------- */
            Aim  = GetPPBase(aimStars);
            Aim *= lengthBonus;
            Aim *= comboBreak;

            double aimArBonus = 0.0;

            if (mapstats.AR > 10.33)
                aimArBonus += 0.3 * (mapstats.AR - 10.33);
            else if (mapstats.AR < 8.0)
                aimArBonus += 0.1 * (8.0 - mapstats.AR);

            Aim *= 1.0 + aimArBonus * lengthBonus;

            // Penalize misses by assessing # of misses relative to the total # of objects. Default a 3% reduction for any # of misses.
            if (countMiss > 0)
                Aim *= 0.97 * Math.Pow(1 - Math.Pow((double)countMiss / countObjects, 0.775), countMiss);

            double hdBonus = 1.0;

            if ((mods & Mods.Hidden) != 0)
                hdBonus += 0.04f * (12.0f - mapstats.AR);

            if ((mods & Mods.Flashlight) != 0)
                double flBonus = 1.0 + 0.35 * Math.Min(1.0, countObjects / 200.0);
                if (countObjects > 200)
                    flBonus += 0.3 * Math.Min(1, (countObjects - 200) / 300.0);

                if (countObjects > 500)
                    flBonus += (countObjects - 500) / 1200.0;

                Aim *= flBonus;

            double accBonus  = accuracy;
            double odSquared = Math.Pow(mapstats.OD, 2);
            double odBonus   = 0.98 + odSquared / 2500.0;

            Aim *= accBonus;
            Aim *= odBonus;
            Aim *= hdBonus;

            /* speed pp -------------------------------------------- */
            Speed  = GetPPBase(speedStars);
            Speed *= lengthBonus;
            Speed *= comboBreak;
            Speed *= hdBonus;

            double speedArBonus = 0.0;

            if (mapstats.AR > 10.33)
                speedArBonus += 0.3 * (mapstats.AR - 10.33);

            Speed *= 1.0 + speedArBonus * lengthBonus;

            // Penalize misses by assessing # of misses relative to the total # of objects. Default a 3% reduction for any # of misses.
            if (countMiss > 0)
                Speed *= 0.97 * Math.Pow(1 - Math.Pow((double)countMiss / countObjects, 0.775), Math.Pow(countMiss, .875));

            // Scale the speed value with accuracy and OD
            Speed *= (0.95 + odSquared / 750) * Math.Pow(accuracy, (14.5 - Math.Max(mapstats.OD, 8)) / 2);

            // Scale the speed value with # of 50s to punish doubletapping.
            Speed *= Math.Pow(0.98, count50 < countObjects / 500.0 ? 0 : count50 - countObjects / 500.0);

            /* acc pp ---------------------------------------------- */
            Acc = Math.Pow(1.52163, mapstats.OD) * Math.Pow(realAcc, 24.0) * 2.83;

            Acc *= Math.Min(1.15, Math.Pow(countCircles / 1000.0, 0.3));

            if ((mods & Mods.Hidden) != 0)
                Acc *= 1.08;

            if ((mods & Mods.Flashlight) != 0)
                Acc *= 1.02;

            /* total pp -------------------------------------------- */
            double finalMultiplier = 1.12;

            if ((mods & Mods.NoFail) != 0)
                finalMultiplier *= Math.Max(0.9, 1.0 - 0.02 * countMiss);

            if ((mods & Mods.SpunOut) != 0)
                finalMultiplier *= 1.0 - Math.Pow(countSpinners / countObjects, 0.85);

            Total = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(Aim, 1.1) + Math.Pow(Speed, 1.1) + Math.Pow(Acc, 1.1), 1.0 / 1.1) *