Наследование: System.Windows.Controls.UserControl, IMapToolbar
 public void OnDeactivated()
     // Clean up any objects if still set.
     if (_cancelToolbar != null)
         _cancelToolbar = null;
 public void OnDeactivated()
     // Clean up any objects if still set.
       if (_cancelToolbar != null)
     _cancelToolbar = null;
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     // When the user clicks the map tool button, begin installing zoom code.
     // Ensure the tool has a valid map to work with.
     if ((MapWidget != null) && (MapWidget.Map != null))
         // Provide a way for the user to cancel the operation, by installing a temporary toolbar.
         // This also prevents other tools from being used in the meantime.
         _cancelToolbar = new CancelationToolbar(MapWidget);
 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     // When the user clicks the map tool button, begin installing zoom code.
       // Ensure the tool has a valid map to work with.
       if ((MapWidget != null) && (MapWidget.Map != null))
     // Provide a way for the user to cancel the operation, by installing a temporary toolbar.
     // This also prevents other tools from being used in the meantime.
     _cancelToolbar = new CancelationToolbar(MapWidget);