ValidateAttachments() публичный Метод

public ValidateAttachments ( ) : bool
Результат bool
        public void DoTeleport(ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags, IEventQueue eq)
            if (reg == null || finalDestination == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Unable to locate destination");

                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Request Teleport to {0} ({1}) {2}/{3}",
                reg.ServerURI, finalDestination.ServerURI, finalDestination.RegionName, position);

            uint newRegionX = (uint)(reg.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint newRegionY = (((uint)(reg.RegionHandle)) >> 8);
            uint oldRegionX = (uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint oldRegionY = (((uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle)) >> 8);

            ulong destinationHandle = finalDestination.RegionHandle;

            // Let's do DNS resolution only once in this process, please!
            // This may be a costly operation. The reg.ExternalEndPoint field is not a passive field,
            // it's actually doing a lot of work.
            IPEndPoint endPoint = finalDestination.ExternalEndPoint;
            if (endPoint.Address != null)
                // Fixing a bug where teleporting while sitting results in the avatar ending up removed from
                // both regions
                if (sp.ParentID != (uint)0)

                if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Failed validation of all attachments for teleport of {0} from {1} to {2}.  Continuing.",
                        sp.Name, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, finalDestination.RegionName);

//                if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
//                {
//                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Inconsistent attachment state");
//                    return;
//                }

                string reason;
                string version;
                if (!m_aScene.SimulationService.QueryAccess(finalDestination, sp.ControllingClient.AgentId, Vector3.Zero, out version, out reason))
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Teleport failed: " + reason);
                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Destination is running version {0}", version);


                // the avatar.Close below will clear the child region list. We need this below for (possibly)
                // closing the child agents, so save it here (we need a copy as it is Clear()-ed).
                //List<ulong> childRegions = avatar.KnownRegionHandles;
                // Compared to ScenePresence.CrossToNewRegion(), there's no obvious code to handle a teleport
                // failure at this point (unlike a border crossing failure).  So perhaps this can never fail
                // once we reach here...

                string capsPath = String.Empty;

                AgentCircuitData currentAgentCircuit = sp.Scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(sp.ControllingClient.CircuitCode);
                AgentCircuitData agentCircuit = sp.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
                agentCircuit.startpos = position;
                agentCircuit.child = true;
                agentCircuit.Appearance = sp.Appearance;
                if (currentAgentCircuit != null)
                    agentCircuit.ServiceURLs = currentAgentCircuit.ServiceURLs;
                    agentCircuit.IPAddress = currentAgentCircuit.IPAddress;
                    agentCircuit.Viewer = currentAgentCircuit.Viewer;
                    agentCircuit.Channel = currentAgentCircuit.Channel;
                    agentCircuit.Mac = currentAgentCircuit.Mac;
                    agentCircuit.Id0 = currentAgentCircuit.Id0;

                if (NeedsNewAgent(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                    // brand new agent, let's create a new caps seed
                    agentCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();

                // Let's create an agent there if one doesn't exist yet. 
                bool logout = false;
                if (!CreateAgent(sp, reg, finalDestination, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason, out logout))
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed(String.Format("Destination refused: {0}",

                // OK, it got this agent. Let's close some child agents
                sp.CloseChildAgents(newRegionX, newRegionY);
                IClientIPEndpoint ipepClient;  
                if (NeedsNewAgent(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                    //sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "Creating agent...");
                    #region IP Translation for NAT
                    // Uses ipepClient above
                    if (sp.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                        endPoint.Address = NetworkUtil.GetIPFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, endPoint.Address);
                    capsPath = finalDestination.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);

                    if (eq != null)
                        eq.EnableSimulator(destinationHandle, endPoint, sp.UUID);

                        // ES makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination, 
                        // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                        // So let's wait

                        eq.EstablishAgentCommunication(sp.UUID, endPoint, capsPath);

                        sp.ControllingClient.InformClientOfNeighbour(destinationHandle, endPoint);
                    agentCircuit.CapsPath = sp.Scene.CapsModule.GetChildSeed(sp.UUID, reg.RegionHandle);
                    capsPath = finalDestination.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);


                // Let's send a full update of the agent. This is a synchronous call.
                AgentData agent = new AgentData();
                agent.Position = position;
                SetCallbackURL(agent, sp.Scene.RegionInfo);

                //sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "Updating agent...");

                if (!UpdateAgent(reg, finalDestination, agent))
                    // Region doesn't take it
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: UpdateAgent failed on teleport of {0} to {1}.  Returning avatar to source region.", 
                        sp.Name, finalDestination.RegionName);
                    Fail(sp, finalDestination);

                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags | (uint)TeleportFlags.DisableCancel, "sending_dest");

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, sp.UUID);

                if (eq != null)
                    eq.TeleportFinishEvent(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint,
                                           0, teleportFlags, capsPath, sp.UUID);
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendRegionTeleport(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint, 4,
                                                                teleportFlags, capsPath);

                // Let's set this to true tentatively. This does not trigger OnChildAgent
                sp.IsChildAgent = true;

                // TeleportFinish makes the client send CompleteMovementIntoRegion (at the destination), which
                // trigers a whole shebang of things there, including MakeRoot. So let's wait for confirmation
                // that the client contacted the destination before we close things here.
                if (!WaitForCallback(sp.UUID))
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Teleport of {0} to {1} failed due to no callback from destination region.  Returning avatar to source region.", 
                        sp.Name, finalDestination.RegionName);
                    Fail(sp, finalDestination);                   

                // For backwards compatibility
                if (version == "Unknown" || version == string.Empty)
                    // CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion is a synchronous call. We shouldn't need to wait after it
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Old simulator, sending attachments one by one...");
                    CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(finalDestination, sp, true);

                // May need to logout or other cleanup
                AgentHasMovedAway(sp, logout);

                // Well, this is it. The agent is over there.
                KillEntity(sp.Scene, sp.LocalId);

                // Now let's make it officially a child agent

//                sp.Scene.CleanDroppedAttachments();

                // Finally, let's close this previously-known-as-root agent, when the jump is outside the view zone

                if (NeedsClosing(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY, reg))
                    // now we have a child agent in this region. 
                    sp.IsInTransit = false; // not sure :(

                // REFACTORING PROBLEM. Well, not a problem, but this method is HORRIBLE!
                if (sp.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(sp.UUID))
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User {0} is going to another region, profile cache removed",
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Remote Region appears to be down");
        /// <summary>
        /// This Closes child agents on neighbouring regions
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScenePresence CrossAgentToNewRegionAsync(
            ScenePresence agent, Vector3 pos, uint neighbourx, uint neighboury, GridRegion neighbourRegion,
            bool isFlying, string version)
                ulong neighbourHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize));
                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent {0} {1} to {2}-{3} running version {4}", agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname, neighbourx, neighboury, version);
                Scene m_scene = agent.Scene;
                if (neighbourRegion != null)
                    if (!agent.ValidateAttachments())
                            "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Failed validation of all attachments for region crossing of {0} from {1} to {2}.  Continuing.",
                            agent.Name, agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, neighbourRegion.RegionName);

                    pos = pos + agent.Velocity;
                    Vector3 vel2 = new Vector3(agent.Velocity.X, agent.Velocity.Y, 0);


                    AgentData cAgent = new AgentData(); 
                    cAgent.Position = pos;
                    if (isFlying)
                        cAgent.ControlFlags |= (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY;

                    // We don't need the callback anymnore
                    cAgent.CallbackURI = String.Empty;

                    if (!m_scene.SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbourRegion, cAgent))
                        // region doesn't take it
                        return agent;
                    //AgentCircuitData circuitdata = m_controllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
                    //m_log.Debug("BEFORE CROSS");
                    string agentcaps;
                    if (!agent.KnownRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: No ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
                        return agent;
                    string capsPath = neighbourRegion.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentcaps);
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, agent.UUID);

                    IEventQueue eq = agent.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                    if (eq != null)
                        eq.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, vel2 /* agent.Velocity */, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
                                       capsPath, agent.UUID, agent.ControllingClient.SessionId);
                        agent.ControllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,

                    // SUCCESS! 

                    // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents

                    // Backwards compatibility. Best effort
                    if (version == "Unknown" || version == string.Empty)
                        m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: neighbor with old version, passing attachments one by one...");
                        Thread.Sleep(3000); // wait a little now that we're not waiting for the callback
                        CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourRegion, agent, true);

                    // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
                    agent.CloseChildAgents(neighbourx, neighboury);
                    AgentHasMovedAway(agent, false);
                    // the user may change their profile information in other region,
                    // so the userinfo in UserProfileCache is not reliable any more, delete it
                    // REFACTORING PROBLEM. Well, not a problem, but this method is HORRIBLE!
                    if (agent.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(agent.UUID))
                            "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User {0} is going to another region", agent.UUID);
                //m_log.Debug("AFTER CROSS");
            catch (Exception e)
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Problem crossing user {0} to new region {1} from {2}.  Exception {3}{4}",
                    agent.Name, neighbourRegion.RegionName, agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, e.Message, e.StackTrace);

            return agent;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This Closes child agents on neighboring regions
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScenePresence CrossAgentToNewRegionAsync(ScenePresence agent, Vector3 pos, uint neighbourx, uint neighboury, bool isFlying)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent {0} {1} to {2}-{3}", agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname, neighbourx, neighboury);

            Scene m_scene = agent.Scene;
            ulong neighbourHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize));

            int x = (int)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), y = (int)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize);
            GridRegion neighbourRegion = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, (int)x, (int)y);

            if (neighbourRegion != null && agent.ValidateAttachments())
                pos = pos + (agent.Velocity);

                AgentData cAgent = new AgentData();
                cAgent.Position = pos;
                if (isFlying)
                    cAgent.ControlFlags |= (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY;
                cAgent.CallbackURI = "http://" + m_scene.RegionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + m_scene.RegionInfo.HttpPort +
                    "/agent/" + agent.UUID.ToString() + "/" + m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString() + "/release/";

                if (!m_scene.SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbourRegion, cAgent))
                    // region doesn't take it
                    return agent;


                string agentcaps;
                if (!agent.KnownRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: No ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
                    return agent;
                // TODO Should construct this behind a method
                string capsPath =
                    "http://" + neighbourRegion.ExternalHostName + ":" + neighbourRegion.HttpPort
                     + "/CAPS/" + agentcaps /*circuitdata.CapsPath*/ + "0000/";

                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, agent.UUID);

                IEventQueue eq = agent.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                if (eq != null)
                    eq.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
                                   capsPath, agent.UUID, agent.ControllingClient.SessionId);
                    agent.ControllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,

                if (!WaitForCallback(agent.UUID))
                    m_log.Debug("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Callback never came in crossing agent");

                    // Yikes! We should just have a ref to scene here.

                    return agent;

                // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
                agent.CloseChildAgents(neighbourx, neighboury);

                // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents

                CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourRegion, agent, true);

            //m_log.Debug("AFTER CROSS");
            return agent;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This Closes child agents on neighboring regions
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScenePresence CrossAgentSittingToNewRegionAsync(ScenePresence agent, GridRegion neighbourRegion, SceneObjectGroup grp)
            Scene m_scene = agent.Scene;
            if (agent.ValidateAttachments())
                AgentData cAgent = new AgentData();
                cAgent.Position = grp.AbsolutePosition;

                cAgent.CallbackURI = "http://" + m_scene.RegionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + m_scene.RegionInfo.HttpPort +
                    "/agent/" + agent.UUID.ToString() + "/" + m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString() + "/release/";

                if (!m_scene.SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbourRegion, cAgent))
                    // region doesn't take it
                    return agent;

                // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
                agent.CloseChildAgents((uint)neighbourRegion.RegionLocX / 256, (uint)neighbourRegion.RegionLocY / 256);

                string agentcaps;
                if (!agent.KnownRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: No ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
                    return agent;
                // TODO Should construct this behind a method
                string capsPath =
                    "http://" + neighbourRegion.ExternalHostName + ":" + neighbourRegion.HttpPort
                     + "/CAPS/" + agentcaps /*circuitdata.CapsPath*/ + "0000/";

                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, agent.UUID);

                IEventQueue eq = agent.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                if (eq != null)
                    eq.CrossRegion(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, agent.AbsolutePosition, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
                                   capsPath, agent.UUID, agent.ControllingClient.SessionId);
                    agent.ControllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, agent.AbsolutePosition, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,

                // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents

                CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourRegion, agent, true);
            return agent;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Teleports the agent to another region.
        /// This method doesn't manage the transfer state; the caller must do that.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoTeleportInternal(
            ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination,
            Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags)
            if (reg == null || finalDestination == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Unable to locate destination");

            string homeURI = Scene.GetAgentHomeURI(sp.ControllingClient.AgentId);

                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Teleporting {0} {1} from {2} to {3} ({4}) {5}/{6}",
                sp.Name, sp.UUID, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName,
                reg.ServerURI, finalDestination.ServerURI, finalDestination.RegionName, position);

            RegionInfo sourceRegion = sp.Scene.RegionInfo;

            if (!IsWithinMaxTeleportDistance(sourceRegion, finalDestination))
                      "Can't teleport to {0} ({1},{2}) from {3} ({4},{5}), destination is more than {6} regions way",
                      finalDestination.RegionName, finalDestination.RegionCoordX, finalDestination.RegionCoordY,
                      sourceRegion.RegionName, sourceRegion.RegionLocX, sourceRegion.RegionLocY,


            uint newRegionX, newRegionY, oldRegionX, oldRegionY;
            Util.RegionHandleToRegionLoc(reg.RegionHandle, out newRegionX, out newRegionY);
            Util.RegionHandleToRegionLoc(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle, out oldRegionX, out oldRegionY);

            ulong destinationHandle = finalDestination.RegionHandle;

            // Let's do DNS resolution only once in this process, please!
            // This may be a costly operation. The reg.ExternalEndPoint field is not a passive field,
            // it's actually doing a lot of work.
            IPEndPoint endPoint = finalDestination.ExternalEndPoint;
            if (endPoint == null || endPoint.Address == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Remote Region appears to be down");


            if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Failed validation of all attachments for teleport of {0} from {1} to {2}.  Continuing.",
                    sp.Name, sp.Scene.Name, finalDestination.RegionName);

            string reason;
            string version;
            string myversion = string.Format("{0}/{1}", OutgoingTransferVersionName, MaxOutgoingTransferVersion);
            if (!Scene.SimulationService.QueryAccess(
                finalDestination, sp.ControllingClient.AgentId, homeURI, true, position, myversion, out version, out reason))

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: {0} was stopped from teleporting from {1} to {2} because: {3}",
                    sp.Name, sp.Scene.Name, finalDestination.RegionName, reason);


            // Before this point, teleport 'failure' is due to checkable pre-conditions such as whether the target
            // simulator can be found and is explicitly prepared to allow access.  Therefore, we will not count these
            // as server attempts.

                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: {0} max transfer version is {1}/{2}, {3} max version is {4}", 
                sp.Scene.Name, OutgoingTransferVersionName, MaxOutgoingTransferVersion, finalDestination.RegionName, version);

            // Fixing a bug where teleporting while sitting results in the avatar ending up removed from
            // both regions
            if (sp.ParentID != (uint)0)
            else if (sp.Flying)
                teleportFlags |= (uint)TeleportFlags.IsFlying;

            if (DisableInterRegionTeleportCancellation)
                teleportFlags |= (uint)TeleportFlags.DisableCancel;

            // At least on LL 3.3.4, this is not strictly necessary - a teleport will succeed without sending this to
            // the viewer.  However, it might mean that the viewer does not see the black teleport screen (untested).

            // the avatar.Close below will clear the child region list. We need this below for (possibly)
            // closing the child agents, so save it here (we need a copy as it is Clear()-ed).
            //List<ulong> childRegions = avatar.KnownRegionHandles;
            // Compared to ScenePresence.CrossToNewRegion(), there's no obvious code to handle a teleport
            // failure at this point (unlike a border crossing failure).  So perhaps this can never fail
            // once we reach here...

            AgentCircuitData currentAgentCircuit = sp.Scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(sp.ControllingClient.CircuitCode);
            AgentCircuitData agentCircuit = sp.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
            agentCircuit.startpos = position;
            agentCircuit.child = true;
            agentCircuit.Appearance = sp.Appearance;
            if (currentAgentCircuit != null)
                agentCircuit.ServiceURLs = currentAgentCircuit.ServiceURLs;
                agentCircuit.IPAddress = currentAgentCircuit.IPAddress;
                agentCircuit.Viewer = currentAgentCircuit.Viewer;
                agentCircuit.Channel = currentAgentCircuit.Channel;
                agentCircuit.Mac = currentAgentCircuit.Mac;
                agentCircuit.Id0 = currentAgentCircuit.Id0;

            // if (NeedsNewAgent(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
            float dist = (float)Math.Max(sp.Scene.DefaultDrawDistance,
                (float)Math.Max(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeX, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionSizeY));
            if (NeedsNewAgent(dist, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                // brand new agent, let's create a new caps seed
                agentCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();

            // We're going to fallback to V1 if the destination gives us anything smaller than 0.2 or we're forcing
            // use of the earlier protocol
            float versionNumber = 0.1f;
            string[] versionComponents = version.Split(new char[] { '/' });
            if (versionComponents.Length >= 2)
                float.TryParse(versionComponents[1], out versionNumber);

            if (versionNumber >= 0.2f && MaxOutgoingTransferVersion >= versionNumber)
                TransferAgent_V2(sp, agentCircuit, reg, finalDestination, endPoint, teleportFlags, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY, version, out reason);
                TransferAgent_V1(sp, agentCircuit, reg, finalDestination, endPoint, teleportFlags, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY, version, out reason);           
Пример #6
        public virtual void DoTeleport(ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags, IEventQueue eq)
            sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "sending_dest");
            if (reg == null || finalDestination == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Unable to locate destination");

                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Request Teleport to {0}:{1}:{2}/{3}",
                reg.ExternalHostName, reg.HttpPort, finalDestination.RegionName, position);

            uint newRegionX = (uint)(reg.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint newRegionY = (((uint)(reg.RegionHandle)) >> 8);
            uint oldRegionX = (uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint oldRegionY = (((uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle)) >> 8);

            ulong destinationHandle = finalDestination.RegionHandle;

            // Let's do DNS resolution only once in this process, please!
            // This may be a costly operation. The reg.ExternalEndPoint field is not a passive field,
            // it's actually doing a lot of work.
            IPEndPoint endPoint = finalDestination.ExternalEndPoint;
            if (endPoint.Address != null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "arriving");
                if (m_cancelingAgents.Contains(sp.UUID))
                // Fixing a bug where teleporting while sitting results in the avatar ending up removed from
                // both regions
                if (sp.ParentID != UUID.Zero)

                if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "missing_attach_tport");
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Inconsistent attachment state");

                string capsPath = String.Empty;

                AgentCircuitData currentAgentCircuit = sp.Scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(sp.ControllingClient.CircuitCode);
                AgentCircuitData agentCircuit = sp.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
                agentCircuit.startpos = position;
                agentCircuit.child = true;
                agentCircuit.Appearance = sp.Appearance;
                if (currentAgentCircuit != null)
                    agentCircuit.ServiceURLs = currentAgentCircuit.ServiceURLs;
                    agentCircuit.IPAddress = currentAgentCircuit.IPAddress;
                    agentCircuit.Viewer = currentAgentCircuit.Viewer;
                    agentCircuit.Channel = currentAgentCircuit.Channel;
                    agentCircuit.Mac = currentAgentCircuit.Mac;
                    agentCircuit.Id0 = currentAgentCircuit.Id0;

                if (NeedsNewAgent(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                    // brand new agent, let's create a new caps seed
                    agentCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();

                string reason = String.Empty;
                // Let's create an agent there if one doesn't exist yet. 
                bool logout = false;
                if (!CreateAgent(sp, reg, finalDestination, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason, out logout))
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed(String.Format("Destination refused: {0}",

                // OK, it got this agent. Let's close some child agents
                sp.CloseChildAgents(newRegionX, newRegionY);

                if (NeedsNewAgent(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                    //sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "Creating agent...");

                    #region IP Translation for NAT
                    IClientIPEndpoint ipepClient;
                    if (sp.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                            = "http://"
                              + NetworkUtil.GetHostFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, finalDestination.ExternalHostName)
                              + ":"
                              + finalDestination.HttpPort
                              + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);
                            = "http://"
                              + finalDestination.ExternalHostName
                              + ":"
                              + finalDestination.HttpPort
                              + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);

                    if (eq != null)
                        #region IP Translation for NAT
                        // Uses ipepClient above
                        if (sp.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                            endPoint.Address = NetworkUtil.GetIPFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, endPoint.Address);

                        eq.EnableSimulator(destinationHandle, endPoint, sp.UUID);

                        // ES makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination, 
                        // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                        // So let's wait

                        eq.EstablishAgentCommunication(sp.UUID, endPoint, capsPath);

                        sp.ControllingClient.InformClientOfNeighbour(destinationHandle, endPoint);
                    agentCircuit.CapsPath = sp.Scene.CapsModule.GetChildSeed(sp.UUID, reg.RegionHandle);
                    capsPath = "http://" + finalDestination.ExternalHostName + ":" + finalDestination.HttpPort
                                + "/CAPS/" + agentCircuit.CapsPath + "0000/";

                if (m_cancelingAgents.Contains(sp.UUID))


                // Let's send a full update of the agent. This is a synchronous call.
                AgentData agent = new AgentData();
                agent.Position = position;
                SetCallbackURL(agent, sp.Scene.RegionInfo);

                //sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "Updating agent...");

                if (!UpdateAgent(reg, finalDestination, agent))
                    // Region doesn't take it
                    Fail(sp, finalDestination);

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, sp.UUID);

                if (eq != null)
                    eq.TeleportFinishEvent(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint,
                                           0, teleportFlags, capsPath, sp.UUID, teleportFlags);
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendRegionTeleport(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint, 4,
                                                                teleportFlags, capsPath);

                // Let's set this to true tentatively. This does not trigger OnChildAgent
                sp.IsChildAgent = true;

                // TeleportFinish makes the client send CompleteMovementIntoRegion (at the destination), which
                // trigers a whole shebang of things there, including MakeRoot. So let's wait for confirmation
                // that the client contacted the destination before we send the attachments and close things here.
                //OpenSim sucks at callbacks, disable it for now
                if (!WaitForCallback(sp.UUID))
                    /*//Make sure the client hasn't TPed back in this time.
                    ScenePresence SP = m_aScene.GetScenePresence(sp.UUID);
                    if (SP != null && SP.IsChildAgent)
                        //Disabling until this actually helps and doesn't kill clients
                        //Fail(sp, finalDestination);
                    else if (SP == null)
                        //Err.. this happens somehow.

                /*//Make sure the client hasn't TPed back in this time.
                ScenePresence newSP = m_aScene.GetScenePresence(sp.UUID);
                if (newSP != null && !newSP.IsChildAgent)
                    //They are root again, don't cross them!
                else if (newSP == null)
                    //Err.. this happens somehow.

                // CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion is a synchronous call. We shouldn't need to wait after it
                CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(finalDestination, sp, true);

                // Well, this is it. The agent is over there.

                KillEntity(sp.Scene, sp.LocalId);

                // May need to logout or other cleanup
                AgentHasMovedAway(sp.ControllingClient.SessionId, logout);

                // Now let's make it officially a child agent

                // Finally, let's close this previously-known-as-root agent, when the jump is outside the view zone

                if (NeedsClosing(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY, reg))
                    // now we have a child agent in this region. 

                //If they canceled too late, remove them so the next tp does not fail.
                if (m_cancelingAgents.Contains(sp.UUID))
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Remote Region appears to be down");
        /// <summary>
        /// This Closes child agents on neighboring regions
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScenePresence CrossAgentToNewRegionAsync(ScenePresence agent, Vector3 pos, uint neighbourx, uint neighboury, bool isFlying)
            m_log.DebugFormat("[SCENE COMM]: Crossing agent {0} {1} to {2}-{3}", agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname, neighbourx, neighboury);

            ulong neighbourHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize));

            int x = (int)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), y = (int)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize);
            GridRegion neighbourRegion = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, (int)x, (int)y);

            if (neighbourRegion != null && agent.ValidateAttachments())
                pos = pos + (agent.Velocity);

                //CachedUserInfo userInfo = m_commsProvider.UserProfileCacheService.GetUserDetails(agent.UUID);
                //if (userInfo != null)
                //    userInfo.DropInventory();
                //    m_log.WarnFormat("[SCENE COMM]: No cached user info found for {0} {1} on leaving region {2}", 
                //            agent.Name, agent.UUID, agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);

                //bool crossingSuccessful =
                //    CrossToNeighbouringRegion(neighbourHandle, agent.ControllingClient.AgentId, pos,

                AgentData cAgent = new AgentData();
                cAgent.Position = pos;
                if (isFlying)
                    cAgent.ControlFlags |= (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY;
                cAgent.CallbackURI = "http://" + m_regionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + m_regionInfo.HttpPort +
                    "/agent/" + agent.UUID.ToString() + "/" + agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle.ToString() + "/release/";

                m_interregionCommsOut.SendChildAgentUpdate(neighbourHandle, cAgent);

                // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
                agent.CloseChildAgents(neighbourx, neighboury);

                //AgentCircuitData circuitdata = m_controllingClient.RequestClientInfo();

                //m_log.Debug("BEFORE CROSS");
                string agentcaps;
                if (!agent.KnownRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[SCENE COMM]: No CAPS information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
                    return agent;
                // TODO Should construct this behind a method
                string capsPath =
                    "http://" + neighbourRegion.ExternalHostName + ":" + neighbourRegion.HttpPort
                     + "/CAPS/" + agentcaps /*circuitdata.CapsPath*/ + "0000/";

                m_log.DebugFormat("[CAPS]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, agent.UUID);

                IEventQueue eq = agent.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                if (eq != null)
                    eq.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
                                   capsPath, agent.UUID, agent.ControllingClient.SessionId);
                    agent.ControllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,

                if (!WaitForCallback(agent.UUID))

                    // Yikes! We should just have a ref to scene here.

                    return agent;

                // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents

                agent.CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourHandle, true);

                //                    m_scene.SendKillObject(m_localId);

                // the user may change their profile information in other region,
                // so the userinfo in UserProfileCache is not reliable any more, delete it
                if (agent.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(agent.UUID))
                        "[SCENE COMM]: User {0} is going to another region, profile cache removed", agent.UUID);

            //m_log.Debug("AFTER CROSS");
            return agent;
        /// <summary>
        /// Try to teleport an agent to a new region.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="RegionHandle"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="lookAt"></param>
        /// <param name="flags"></param>
        public virtual void RequestTeleportToLocation(ScenePresence avatar, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position,
                                                      Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags)
            if (!avatar.Scene.Permissions.CanTeleport(avatar.UUID))

            bool destRegionUp = true;

            IEventQueue eq = avatar.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();

            // Reset animations; the viewer does that in teleports.

            if (regionHandle == m_regionInfo.RegionHandle)
                    "[SCENE COMMUNICATION SERVICE]: RequestTeleportToLocation {0} within {1}",
                    position, m_regionInfo.RegionName);

                // Teleport within the same region
                if (IsOutsideRegion(avatar.Scene, position) || position.Z < 0)
                    Vector3 emergencyPos = new Vector3(128, 128, 128);

                        "[SCENE COMMUNICATION SERVICE]: RequestTeleportToLocation() was given an illegal position of {0} for avatar {1}, {2}.  Substituting {3}",
                        position, avatar.Name, avatar.UUID, emergencyPos);
                    position = emergencyPos;

                // TODO: Get proper AVG Height
                float localAVHeight = 1.56f;
                float posZLimit = 22;

                // TODO: Check other Scene HeightField
                if (position.X > 0 && position.X <= (int)Constants.RegionSize && position.Y > 0 && position.Y <=(int)Constants.RegionSize)
                    posZLimit = (float) avatar.Scene.Heightmap[(int) position.X, (int) position.Y];

                float newPosZ = posZLimit + localAVHeight;
                if (posZLimit >= (position.Z - (localAVHeight / 2)) && !(Single.IsInfinity(newPosZ) || Single.IsNaN(newPosZ)))
                    position.Z = newPosZ;

                // Only send this if the event queue is null
                if (eq == null)
                avatar.ControllingClient.SendLocalTeleport(position, lookAt, teleportFlags);
                uint x = 0, y = 0;
                Utils.LongToUInts(regionHandle, out x, out y);
                GridRegion reg = m_scene.GridService.GetRegionByPosition(m_scene.RegionInfo.ScopeID, (int)x, (int)y);

                if (reg != null)
                        "[SCENE COMMUNICATION SERVICE]: RequestTeleportToLocation to {0} in {1}", 
                        position, reg.RegionName);
                    if (eq == null)

                    // Let's do DNS resolution only once in this process, please!
                    // This may be a costly operation. The reg.ExternalEndPoint field is not a passive field,
                    // it's actually doing a lot of work.
                    IPEndPoint endPoint = reg.ExternalEndPoint;
                    if (endPoint.Address == null)
                        // Couldn't resolve the name. Can't TP, because the viewer wants IP addresses.
                        destRegionUp = false;

                    if (destRegionUp)
                        uint newRegionX = (uint)(reg.RegionHandle >> 40);
                        uint newRegionY = (((uint)(reg.RegionHandle)) >> 8);
                        uint oldRegionX = (uint)(m_regionInfo.RegionHandle >> 40);
                        uint oldRegionY = (((uint)(m_regionInfo.RegionHandle)) >> 8);

                        // Fixing a bug where teleporting while sitting results in the avatar ending up removed from
                        // both regions
                        if (avatar.ParentID != (uint)0)
                        if (!avatar.ValidateAttachments())
                            avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Inconsistent attachment state");

                        // the avatar.Close below will clear the child region list. We need this below for (possibly)
                        // closing the child agents, so save it here (we need a copy as it is Clear()-ed).
                        //List<ulong> childRegions = new List<ulong>(avatar.GetKnownRegionList());
                        // Compared to ScenePresence.CrossToNewRegion(), there's no obvious code to handle a teleport
                        // failure at this point (unlike a border crossing failure).  So perhaps this can never fail
                        // once we reach here...

                        string capsPath = String.Empty;
                        AgentCircuitData agentCircuit = avatar.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
                        agentCircuit.BaseFolder = UUID.Zero;
                        agentCircuit.InventoryFolder = UUID.Zero;
                        agentCircuit.startpos = position;
                        agentCircuit.child = true;
                        if (Util.IsOutsideView(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                            // brand new agent, let's create a new caps seed
                            agentCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();

                        string reason = String.Empty;

                        // Let's create an agent there if one doesn't exist yet. 
                        //if (!m_commsProvider.InterRegion.InformRegionOfChildAgent(reg.RegionHandle, agentCircuit))
                        if (!m_interregionCommsOut.SendCreateChildAgent(reg.RegionHandle, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason))
                            avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed(String.Format("Destination is not accepting teleports: {0}",

                        // OK, it got this agent. Let's close some child agents
                        avatar.CloseChildAgents(newRegionX, newRegionY);

                        if (Util.IsOutsideView(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                            #region IP Translation for NAT
                            IClientIPEndpoint ipepClient;
                            if (avatar.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                                    = "http://"
                                      + NetworkUtil.GetHostFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, reg.ExternalHostName)
                                      + ":"
                                      + reg.HttpPort
                                      + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);
                                    = "http://"
                                      + reg.ExternalHostName
                                      + ":"
                                      + reg.HttpPort
                                      + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);

                            if (eq != null)
                                #region IP Translation for NAT
                                // Uses ipepClient above
                                if (avatar.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                                    endPoint.Address = NetworkUtil.GetIPFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, endPoint.Address);

                                eq.EnableSimulator(reg.RegionHandle, endPoint, avatar.UUID);

                                // ES makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination, 
                                // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                                // So let's wait

                                eq.EstablishAgentCommunication(avatar.UUID, endPoint, capsPath);
                                avatar.ControllingClient.InformClientOfNeighbour(reg.RegionHandle, endPoint);
                            agentCircuit.CapsPath = avatar.Scene.CapsModule.GetChildSeed(avatar.UUID, reg.RegionHandle);
                            capsPath = "http://" + reg.ExternalHostName + ":" + reg.HttpPort
                                        + "/CAPS/" + agentCircuit.CapsPath + "0000/";

                        // Expect avatar crossing is a heavy-duty function at the destination.
                        // That is where MakeRoot is called, which fetches appearance and inventory.
                        // Plus triggers OnMakeRoot, which spawns a series of asynchronous updates.
                        //m_commsProvider.InterRegion.ExpectAvatarCrossing(reg.RegionHandle, avatar.ControllingClient.AgentId,
                        //                                                      position, false);

                        //    avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Problem with destination.");
                        //    // We should close that agent we just created over at destination...
                        //    List<ulong> lst = new List<ulong>();
                        //    lst.Add(reg.RegionHandle);
                        //    SendCloseChildAgentAsync(avatar.UUID, lst);
                        //    return;

                        // Let's send a full update of the agent. This is a synchronous call.
                        AgentData agent = new AgentData();
                        agent.Position = position;
                        agent.CallbackURI = "http://" + m_regionInfo.ExternalHostName + ":" + m_regionInfo.HttpPort + 
                            "/agent/" + avatar.UUID.ToString() + "/" + avatar.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle.ToString() + "/release/";

                        m_interregionCommsOut.SendChildAgentUpdate(reg.RegionHandle, agent);

                            "[CAPS]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, avatar.UUID);

                        if (eq != null)
                            eq.TeleportFinishEvent(reg.RegionHandle, 13, endPoint,
                                                   0, teleportFlags, capsPath, avatar.UUID);
                            avatar.ControllingClient.SendRegionTeleport(reg.RegionHandle, 13, endPoint, 4,
                                                                        teleportFlags, capsPath);

                        // TeleportFinish makes the client send CompleteMovementIntoRegion (at the destination), which
                        // trigers a whole shebang of things there, including MakeRoot. So let's wait for confirmation
                        // that the client contacted the destination before we send the attachments and close things here.
                        if (!WaitForCallback(avatar.UUID))
                            // Client never contacted destination. Let's restore everything back
                            avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Problems connecting to destination.");

                            // Yikes! We should just have a ref to scene here.

                            // Finally, kill the agent we just created at the destination.
                            m_interregionCommsOut.SendCloseAgent(reg.RegionHandle, avatar.UUID);


                        // Can't go back from here
                        if (KiPrimitive != null)


                        // CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion is a synchronous call. We shouldn't need to wait after it
                        avatar.CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(reg.RegionHandle, true);

                        // Finally, let's close this previously-known-as-root agent, when the jump is outside the view zone

                        if (Util.IsOutsideView(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                            // now we have a child agent in this region. 

                        // if (teleport success) // seems to be always success here
                        // the user may change their profile information in other region,
                        // so the userinfo in UserProfileCache is not reliable any more, delete it
                        if (avatar.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(avatar.UUID))
                                "[SCENE COMMUNICATION SERVICE]: User {0} is going to another region, profile cache removed",
                        avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Remote Region appears to be down");
                    // TP to a place that doesn't exist (anymore)
                    // Inform the viewer about that
                    avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("The region you tried to teleport to doesn't exist anymore");
                    // and set the map-tile to '(Offline)'
                    uint regX, regY;
                    Utils.LongToUInts(regionHandle, out regX, out regY);
                    MapBlockData block = new MapBlockData();
                    block.X = (ushort)(regX / Constants.RegionSize);
                    block.Y = (ushort)(regY / Constants.RegionSize);
                    block.Access = 254; // == not there
                    List<MapBlockData> blocks = new List<MapBlockData>();
                    avatar.ControllingClient.SendMapBlock(blocks, 0);
        protected void DoTeleport(ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags, IEventQueue eq)
            if (reg == null || finalDestination == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Unable to locate destination");

                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Request Teleport to {0}:{1}:{2}/{3}",
                reg.ExternalHostName, reg.HttpPort, finalDestination.RegionName, position);

            uint newRegionX = (uint)(reg.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint newRegionY = (((uint)(reg.RegionHandle)) >> 8);
            uint oldRegionX = (uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint oldRegionY = (((uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle)) >> 8);

            ulong destinationHandle = finalDestination.RegionHandle;

            if (eq == null)

            // Let's do DNS resolution only once in this process, please!
            // This may be a costly operation. The reg.ExternalEndPoint field is not a passive field,
            // it's actually doing a lot of work.
            IPEndPoint endPoint = finalDestination.ExternalEndPoint;
            if (endPoint.Address != null)
                // Fixing a bug where teleporting while sitting results in the avatar ending up removed from
                // both regions
                if (sp.ParentID != (uint)0)

                if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Inconsistent attachment state");

                // the avatar.Close below will clear the child region list. We need this below for (possibly)
                // closing the child agents, so save it here (we need a copy as it is Clear()-ed).
                //List<ulong> childRegions = new List<ulong>(avatar.GetKnownRegionList());
                // Compared to ScenePresence.CrossToNewRegion(), there's no obvious code to handle a teleport
                // failure at this point (unlike a border crossing failure).  So perhaps this can never fail
                // once we reach here...

                string capsPath = String.Empty;

                AgentCircuitData currentAgentCircuit = sp.Scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(sp.ControllingClient.CircuitCode);
                AgentCircuitData agentCircuit = sp.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
                agentCircuit.startpos = position;
                agentCircuit.child = true;
                agentCircuit.Appearance = sp.Appearance;
                if (currentAgentCircuit != null)
                    agentCircuit.ServiceURLs = currentAgentCircuit.ServiceURLs;
                    agentCircuit.Viewer = currentAgentCircuit.Viewer;

                if (NeedsNewAgent(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                    // brand new agent, let's create a new caps seed
                    agentCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();

                string reason = String.Empty;

                // Let's create an agent there if one doesn't exist yet. 
                if (!CreateAgent(sp, reg, finalDestination, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason))
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed(String.Format("Destination refused: {0}",

                // OK, it got this agent. Let's close some child agents
                sp.CloseChildAgents(newRegionX, newRegionY);

                if (NeedsNewAgent(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                    #region IP Translation for NAT
                    IClientIPEndpoint ipepClient;
                    if (sp.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                            = "http://"
                              + NetworkUtil.GetHostFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, finalDestination.ExternalHostName)
                              + ":"
                              + finalDestination.HttpPort
                              + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);
                            = "http://"
                              + finalDestination.ExternalHostName
                              + ":"
                              + finalDestination.HttpPort
                              + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);

                    if (eq != null)
                        #region IP Translation for NAT
                        // Uses ipepClient above
                        if (sp.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                            endPoint.Address = NetworkUtil.GetIPFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, endPoint.Address);

                        eq.EnableSimulator(destinationHandle, endPoint, sp.UUID);

                        // ES makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination, 
                        // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                        // So let's wait

                        eq.EstablishAgentCommunication(sp.UUID, endPoint, capsPath);

                        sp.ControllingClient.InformClientOfNeighbour(destinationHandle, endPoint);
                    agentCircuit.CapsPath = sp.Scene.CapsModule.GetChildSeed(sp.UUID, reg.RegionHandle);
                    capsPath = "http://" + finalDestination.ExternalHostName + ":" + finalDestination.HttpPort
                                + "/CAPS/" + agentCircuit.CapsPath + "0000/";

                // Expect avatar crossing is a heavy-duty function at the destination.
                // That is where MakeRoot is called, which fetches appearance and inventory.
                // Plus triggers OnMakeRoot, which spawns a series of asynchronous updates.
                //m_commsProvider.InterRegion.ExpectAvatarCrossing(reg.RegionHandle, avatar.ControllingClient.AgentId,
                //                                                      position, false);

                //    avatar.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Problem with destination.");
                //    // We should close that agent we just created over at destination...
                //    List<ulong> lst = new List<ulong>();
                //    lst.Add(reg.RegionHandle);
                //    SendCloseChildAgentAsync(avatar.UUID, lst);
                //    return;


                // Let's send a full update of the agent. This is a synchronous call.
                AgentData agent = new AgentData();
                agent.Position = position;
                SetCallbackURL(agent, sp.Scene.RegionInfo);

                UpdateAgent(reg, finalDestination, agent);

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, sp.UUID);

                if (eq != null)
                    eq.TeleportFinishEvent(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint,
                                           0, teleportFlags, capsPath, sp.UUID);
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendRegionTeleport(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint, 4,
                                                                teleportFlags, capsPath);

                // TeleportFinish makes the client send CompleteMovementIntoRegion (at the destination), which
                // trigers a whole shebang of things there, including MakeRoot. So let's wait for confirmation
                // that the client contacted the destination before we send the attachments and close things here.
                if (!WaitForCallback(sp.UUID))
                    // Client never contacted destination. Let's restore everything back
                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Problems connecting to destination.");


                    // Yikes! We should just have a ref to scene here.

                    // Finally, kill the agent we just created at the destination.
                    m_aScene.SimulationService.CloseAgent(finalDestination, sp.UUID);


                // CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion is a synchronous call. We shouldn't need to wait after it
                CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(finalDestination, sp, true);

                KillEntity(sp.Scene, sp.LocalId);

                // Finally, let's close this previously-known-as-root agent, when the jump is outside the view zone

                if (NeedsClosing(oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY, reg))
                    // now we have a child agent in this region. 

                // REFACTORING PROBLEM. Well, not a problem, but this method is HORRIBLE!
                if (sp.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(sp.UUID))
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User {0} is going to another region, profile cache removed",
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Remote Region appears to be down");
        /// <summary>
        /// This Closes child agents on neighbouring regions
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScenePresence CrossAgentToNewRegionAsync(ScenePresence agent, Vector3 pos, uint neighbourx, uint neighboury, GridRegion neighbourRegion, bool isFlying, string version)
            ulong neighbourHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize));

            m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent {0} {1} to {2}-{3} running version {4}", agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname, neighbourx, neighboury, version);

            Scene m_scene = agent.Scene;

            if (neighbourRegion != null && agent.ValidateAttachments())
                pos = pos + (agent.Velocity);

                AgentData cAgent = new AgentData();
                cAgent.Position = pos;
                if (isFlying)
                    cAgent.ControlFlags |= (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY;
                cAgent.CallbackURI = m_scene.RegionInfo.ServerURI +
                    "agent/" + agent.UUID.ToString() + "/" + m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString() + "/release/";

                if (!m_scene.SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbourRegion, cAgent))
                    // region doesn't take it
                    return agent;

                // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
                agent.CloseChildAgents(neighbourx, neighboury);

                //AgentCircuitData circuitdata = m_controllingClient.RequestClientInfo();

                //m_log.Debug("BEFORE CROSS");
                string agentcaps;
                if (!agent.KnownRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: No ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
                    return agent;
                string capsPath = neighbourRegion.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentcaps);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, agent.UUID);

                IEventQueue eq = agent.Scene.RequestModuleInterface<IEventQueue>();
                if (eq != null)
                    eq.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
                                   capsPath, agent.UUID, agent.ControllingClient.SessionId);
                    agent.ControllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,

                if (!WaitForCallback(agent.UUID))
                    m_log.Debug("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Callback never came in crossing agent");

                    // Yikes! We should just have a ref to scene here.

                    return agent;


                // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents

                // Backwards compatibility
                if (version == "Unknown" || version == string.Empty)
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Old neighbor, passing attachments one by one...");
                    CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourRegion, agent, true);

                AgentHasMovedAway(agent, false);

                // the user may change their profile information in other region,
                // so the userinfo in UserProfileCache is not reliable any more, delete it
                // REFACTORING PROBLEM. Well, not a problem, but this method is HORRIBLE!
                if (agent.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(agent.UUID))
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User {0} is going to another region", agent.UUID);

            //m_log.Debug("AFTER CROSS");
            return agent;
Пример #11
        public void DoTeleport(
            ScenePresence sp, GridRegion reg, GridRegion finalDestination,
            Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags)
            // Record that this agent is in transit so that we can prevent simultaneous requests and do later detection
            // of whether the destination region completes the teleport.
            if (!m_entityTransferStateMachine.SetInTransit(sp.UUID))
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Ignoring teleport request of {0} {1} to {2} ({3}) {4}/{5} - agent is already in transit.",
                    sp.Name, sp.UUID, reg.ServerURI, finalDestination.ServerURI, finalDestination.RegionName, position);


            if (reg == null || finalDestination == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Unable to locate destination");


                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Teleporting {0} {1} from {2} to {3} ({4}) {5}/{6}",
                sp.Name, sp.UUID, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName,
                reg.ServerURI, finalDestination.ServerURI, finalDestination.RegionName, position);

            RegionInfo sourceRegion = sp.Scene.RegionInfo;

            if (!IsWithinMaxTeleportDistance(sourceRegion, finalDestination))
                      "Can't teleport to {0} ({1},{2}) from {3} ({4},{5}), destination is more than {6} regions way",
                      finalDestination.RegionName, finalDestination.RegionCoordX, finalDestination.RegionCoordY,
                      sourceRegion.RegionName, sourceRegion.RegionLocX, sourceRegion.RegionLocY,



            uint newRegionX = (uint)(reg.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint newRegionY = (((uint)(reg.RegionHandle)) >> 8);
            uint oldRegionX = (uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle >> 40);
            uint oldRegionY = (((uint)(sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionHandle)) >> 8);

            ulong destinationHandle = finalDestination.RegionHandle;

            // Let's do DNS resolution only once in this process, please!
            // This may be a costly operation. The reg.ExternalEndPoint field is not a passive field,
            // it's actually doing a lot of work.
            IPEndPoint endPoint = finalDestination.ExternalEndPoint;

            if (endPoint.Address == null)
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Remote Region appears to be down");


            if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Failed validation of all attachments for teleport of {0} from {1} to {2}.  Continuing.",
                    sp.Name, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, finalDestination.RegionName);

//                if (!sp.ValidateAttachments())
//                {
//                    sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed("Inconsistent attachment state");
//                    return;
//                }

            string reason;
            string version;
            if (!Scene.SimulationService.QueryAccess(
                finalDestination, sp.ControllingClient.AgentId, Vector3.Zero, out version, out reason))

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: {0} was stopped from teleporting from {1} to {2} because {3}",
                    sp.Name, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, finalDestination.RegionName, reason);


            m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Destination is running version {0}", version);

            // Fixing a bug where teleporting while sitting results in the avatar ending up removed from
            // both regions
            if (sp.ParentID != (uint)0)

            // At least on LL 3.3.4, this is not strictly necessary - a teleport will succeed without sending this to
            // the viewer.  However, it might mean that the viewer does not see the black teleport screen (untested).

            // the avatar.Close below will clear the child region list. We need this below for (possibly)
            // closing the child agents, so save it here (we need a copy as it is Clear()-ed).
            //List<ulong> childRegions = avatar.KnownRegionHandles;
            // Compared to ScenePresence.CrossToNewRegion(), there's no obvious code to handle a teleport
            // failure at this point (unlike a border crossing failure).  So perhaps this can never fail
            // once we reach here...

            string capsPath = String.Empty;

            AgentCircuitData currentAgentCircuit = sp.Scene.AuthenticateHandler.GetAgentCircuitData(sp.ControllingClient.CircuitCode);
            AgentCircuitData agentCircuit = sp.ControllingClient.RequestClientInfo();
            agentCircuit.startpos = position;
            agentCircuit.child = true;
            agentCircuit.Appearance = sp.Appearance;
            if (currentAgentCircuit != null)
                agentCircuit.ServiceURLs = currentAgentCircuit.ServiceURLs;
                agentCircuit.IPAddress = currentAgentCircuit.IPAddress;
                agentCircuit.Viewer = currentAgentCircuit.Viewer;
                agentCircuit.Channel = currentAgentCircuit.Channel;
                agentCircuit.Mac = currentAgentCircuit.Mac;
                agentCircuit.Id0 = currentAgentCircuit.Id0;

            if (NeedsNewAgent(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                // brand new agent, let's create a new caps seed
                agentCircuit.CapsPath = CapsUtil.GetRandomCapsObjectPath();

            // Let's create an agent there if one doesn't exist yet. 
            bool logout = false;
            if (!CreateAgent(sp, reg, finalDestination, agentCircuit, teleportFlags, out reason, out logout))
                sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportFailed(String.Format("Teleport refused: {0}", reason));

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Teleport of {0} from {1} to {2} was refused because {3}",
                    sp.Name, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, finalDestination.RegionName, reason);


            // Past this point we have to attempt clean up if the teleport fails, so update transfer state.
            m_entityTransferStateMachine.UpdateInTransit(sp.UUID, AgentTransferState.Transferring);

            // OK, it got this agent. Let's close some child agents
            sp.CloseChildAgents(newRegionX, newRegionY);

            IClientIPEndpoint ipepClient;  
            if (NeedsNewAgent(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY))
                //sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "Creating agent...");
                #region IP Translation for NAT
                // Uses ipepClient above
                if (sp.ClientView.TryGet(out ipepClient))
                    endPoint.Address = NetworkUtil.GetIPFor(ipepClient.EndPoint, endPoint.Address);
                capsPath = finalDestination.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);

                if (m_eqModule != null)
                    m_eqModule.EnableSimulator(destinationHandle, endPoint, sp.UUID);

                    // ES makes the client send a UseCircuitCode message to the destination, 
                    // which triggers a bunch of things there.
                    // So let's wait

                    // At least on LL 3.3.4 for teleports between different regions on the same simulator this appears
                    // unnecessary - teleport will succeed and SEED caps will be requested without it (though possibly
                    // only on TeleportFinish).  This is untested for region teleport between different simulators
                    // though this probably also works.
                    m_eqModule.EstablishAgentCommunication(sp.UUID, endPoint, capsPath);
                    sp.ControllingClient.InformClientOfNeighbour(destinationHandle, endPoint);
                agentCircuit.CapsPath = sp.Scene.CapsModule.GetChildSeed(sp.UUID, reg.RegionHandle);
                capsPath = finalDestination.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentCircuit.CapsPath);

            // Let's send a full update of the agent. This is a synchronous call.
            AgentData agent = new AgentData();
            agent.Position = position;
            SetCallbackURL(agent, sp.Scene.RegionInfo);

            //sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags, "Updating agent...");

            if (!UpdateAgent(reg, finalDestination, agent, sp))
                // Region doesn't take it
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: UpdateAgent failed on teleport of {0} to {1} from {2}.  Returning avatar to source region.",
                    sp.Name, finalDestination.RegionName, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                Fail(sp, finalDestination, logout);

            sp.ControllingClient.SendTeleportProgress(teleportFlags | (uint)TeleportFlags.DisableCancel, "sending_dest");

                "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} from {1} to {2}",
                capsPath, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, sp.Name);

            if (m_eqModule != null)
                m_eqModule.TeleportFinishEvent(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint, 0, teleportFlags, capsPath, sp.UUID);
                sp.ControllingClient.SendRegionTeleport(destinationHandle, 13, endPoint, 4,
                                                            teleportFlags, capsPath);

            // Let's set this to true tentatively. This does not trigger OnChildAgent
            sp.IsChildAgent = true;

            // TeleportFinish makes the client send CompleteMovementIntoRegion (at the destination), which
            // trigers a whole shebang of things there, including MakeRoot. So let's wait for confirmation
            // that the client contacted the destination before we close things here.
            if (!m_entityTransferStateMachine.WaitForAgentArrivedAtDestination(sp.UUID))
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Teleport of {0} to {1} from {2} failed due to no callback from destination region.  Returning avatar to source region.",
                    sp.Name, finalDestination.RegionName, sp.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                Fail(sp, finalDestination, logout);                   

            m_entityTransferStateMachine.UpdateInTransit(sp.UUID, AgentTransferState.CleaningUp);

            // For backwards compatibility
            if (version == "Unknown" || version == string.Empty)
                // CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion is a synchronous call. We shouldn't need to wait after it
                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Old simulator, sending attachments one by one...");
                CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(finalDestination, sp, true);

            // May need to logout or other cleanup
            AgentHasMovedAway(sp, logout);

            // Well, this is it. The agent is over there.
            KillEntity(sp.Scene, sp.LocalId);

            // Now let's make it officially a child agent

//                sp.Scene.CleanDroppedAttachments();

            // Finally, let's close this previously-known-as-root agent, when the jump is outside the view zone

            if (NeedsClosing(sp.DrawDistance, oldRegionX, newRegionX, oldRegionY, newRegionY, reg))
                // We need to delay here because Imprudence viewers, unlike v1 or v3, have a short (<200ms, <500ms) delay before
                // they regard the new region as the current region after receiving the AgentMovementComplete
                // response.  If close is sent before then, it will cause the viewer to quit instead.
                // This sleep can be increased if necessary.  However, whilst it's active,
                // an agent cannot teleport back to this region if it has teleported away.

                sp.Scene.IncomingCloseAgent(sp.UUID, false);
                // now we have a child agent in this region. 

            // Commented pending deletion since this method no longer appears to do anything at all
//            // REFACTORING PROBLEM. Well, not a problem, but this method is HORRIBLE!
//            if (sp.Scene.NeedSceneCacheClear(sp.UUID))
//            {
//                m_log.DebugFormat(
//                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: User {0} is going to another region, profile cache removed",
//                    sp.UUID);
//            }

        /// <summary>
        /// This Closes child agents on neighbouring regions
        /// Calls an asynchronous method to do so..  so it doesn't lag the sim.
        /// </summary>
        protected ScenePresence CrossAgentToNewRegionAsync(
            ScenePresence agent, Vector3 pos, uint neighbourx, uint neighboury, GridRegion neighbourRegion,
            bool isFlying, string version)
            if (neighbourRegion == null)
                return agent;

            if (!m_entityTransferStateMachine.SetInTransit(agent.UUID))
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Problem crossing user {0} to new region {1} from {2} - agent is already in transit",
                    agent.Name, neighbourRegion.RegionName, agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName);
                return agent;

            bool transitWasReset = false;

                ulong neighbourHandle = Utils.UIntsToLong((uint)(neighbourx * Constants.RegionSize), (uint)(neighboury * Constants.RegionSize));

                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Crossing agent {0} {1} to {2}-{3} running version {4}",
                    agent.Firstname, agent.Lastname, neighbourx, neighboury, version);

                Scene m_scene = agent.Scene;

                if (!agent.ValidateAttachments())
                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Failed validation of all attachments for region crossing of {0} from {1} to {2}.  Continuing.",
                        agent.Name, agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, neighbourRegion.RegionName);

                pos = pos + agent.Velocity;
                Vector3 vel2 = new Vector3(agent.Velocity.X, agent.Velocity.Y, 0);


                AgentData cAgent = new AgentData();
                cAgent.Position = pos;
                if (isFlying)
                    cAgent.ControlFlags |= (uint)AgentManager.ControlFlags.AGENT_CONTROL_FLY;

                // We don't need the callback anymnore
                cAgent.CallbackURI = String.Empty;

                // Beyond this point, extra cleanup is needed beyond removing transit state
                m_entityTransferStateMachine.UpdateInTransit(agent.UUID, AgentTransferState.Transferring);

                if (!m_scene.SimulationService.UpdateAgent(neighbourRegion, cAgent))
                    // region doesn't take it
                    m_entityTransferStateMachine.UpdateInTransit(agent.UUID, AgentTransferState.CleaningUp);

                        "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Region {0} would not accept update for agent {1} on cross attempt.  Returning to original region.", 
                        neighbourRegion.RegionName, agent.Name);


                    return agent;

                //m_log.Debug("BEFORE CROSS");
                string agentcaps;
                if (!agent.KnownRegions.TryGetValue(neighbourRegion.RegionHandle, out agentcaps))
                    m_log.ErrorFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: No ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE information for region handle {0}, exiting CrossToNewRegion.",
                    return agent;

                // No turning back
                agent.IsChildAgent = true;

                string capsPath = neighbourRegion.ServerURI + CapsUtil.GetCapsSeedPath(agentcaps);

                m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Sending new CAPS seed url {0} to client {1}", capsPath, agent.UUID);

                if (m_eqModule != null)
                        neighbourHandle, pos, vel2 /* agent.Velocity */, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,
                        capsPath, agent.UUID, agent.ControllingClient.SessionId);
                    agent.ControllingClient.CrossRegion(neighbourHandle, pos, agent.Velocity, neighbourRegion.ExternalEndPoint,

                // SUCCESS!
                m_entityTransferStateMachine.UpdateInTransit(agent.UUID, AgentTransferState.ReceivedAtDestination);

                // Unlike a teleport, here we do not wait for the destination region to confirm the receipt.
                m_entityTransferStateMachine.UpdateInTransit(agent.UUID, AgentTransferState.CleaningUp);


                // FIXME: Possibly this should occur lower down after other commands to close other agents,
                // but not sure yet what the side effects would be.
                transitWasReset = true;

                // now we have a child agent in this region. Request all interesting data about other (root) agents

                // Backwards compatibility. Best effort
                if (version == "Unknown" || version == string.Empty)
                    m_log.DebugFormat("[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: neighbor with old version, passing attachments one by one...");
                    Thread.Sleep(3000); // wait a little now that we're not waiting for the callback
                    CrossAttachmentsIntoNewRegion(neighbourRegion, agent, true);

                // Next, let's close the child agent connections that are too far away.
                agent.CloseChildAgents(neighbourx, neighboury);

                AgentHasMovedAway(agent, false);
                //m_log.Debug("AFTER CROSS");
            catch (Exception e)
                    "[ENTITY TRANSFER MODULE]: Problem crossing user {0} to new region {1} from {2}.  Exception {3}{4}",
                    agent.Name, neighbourRegion.RegionName, agent.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName, e.Message, e.StackTrace);

                // TODO: Might be worth attempting other restoration here such as reinstantiation of scripts, etc.
                if (!transitWasReset)

            return agent;