public static void LoadMapSettings(Session.Global gs, Ruleset rules) { var devMode = rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfo<DeveloperModeInfo>(); gs.AllowCheats = devMode.Enabled; var crateSpawner = rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfoOrDefault<CrateSpawnerInfo>(); gs.Crates = crateSpawner != null && crateSpawner.Enabled; var shroud = rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfo<ShroudInfo>(); gs.Fog = shroud.FogEnabled; gs.Shroud = !shroud.ExploredMapEnabled; var resources = rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfo<PlayerResourcesInfo>(); gs.StartingCash = resources.DefaultCash; var startingUnits = rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfoOrDefault<SpawnMPUnitsInfo>(); gs.StartingUnitsClass = startingUnits == null ? "none" : startingUnits.StartingUnitsClass; var mapBuildRadius = rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfoOrDefault<MapBuildRadiusInfo>(); gs.AllyBuildRadius = mapBuildRadius != null && mapBuildRadius.AllyBuildRadiusEnabled; var mapCreeps = rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfoOrDefault<MapCreepsInfo>(); gs.Creeps = mapCreeps != null && mapCreeps.Enabled; var mapOptions = rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfo<MapOptionsInfo>(); gs.ShortGame = mapOptions.ShortGameEnabled; gs.TechLevel = mapOptions.TechLevel; gs.Difficulty = mapOptions.Difficulty ?? mapOptions.Difficulties.FirstOrDefault(); }
public static Dictionary<CPos, SpawnOccupant> GetSpawnOccupants(Session lobbyInfo, MapPreview preview) { var spawns = preview.SpawnPoints; return lobbyInfo.Clients .Where(c => (c.SpawnPoint - 1 >= 0) && (c.SpawnPoint - 1 < spawns.Length)) .ToDictionary(c => spawns[c.SpawnPoint - 1], c => new SpawnOccupant(c)); }
public Replay(string filename) { Filename = filename; var lastFrame = 0; var hasSeenGameStart = false; var lobbyInfo = null as Session; using (var conn = new ReplayConnection(filename)) conn.Receive((client, packet) => { var frame = BitConverter.ToInt32(packet, 0); if (packet.Length == 5 && packet[4] == 0xBF) return; // disconnect else if (packet.Length >= 5 && packet[4] == 0x65) return; // sync else if (frame == 0) { /* decode this to recover lobbyinfo, etc */ var orders = packet.ToOrderList(null); foreach (var o in orders) if (o.OrderString == "StartGame") hasSeenGameStart = true; else if (o.OrderString == "SyncInfo" && !hasSeenGameStart) lobbyInfo = Session.Deserialize(o.TargetString); } else lastFrame = Math.Max(lastFrame, frame); }); Duration = lastFrame * Game.NetTickScale; LobbyInfo = lobbyInfo; }
public static void ShowSlotDropDown(Ruleset rules, DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Slot slot, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager) { var options = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<SlotDropDownOption>>() {{"Slot", new List<SlotDropDownOption>() { new SlotDropDownOption("Open", "slot_open "+slot.PlayerReference, () => (!slot.Closed && client == null)), new SlotDropDownOption("Closed", "slot_close "+slot.PlayerReference, () => slot.Closed) }}}; var bots = new List<SlotDropDownOption>(); if (slot.AllowBots) { foreach (var b in rules.Actors["player"].Traits.WithInterface<IBotInfo>().Select(t => t.Name)) { var bot = b; var botController = orderManager.LobbyInfo.Clients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.IsAdmin); bots.Add(new SlotDropDownOption(bot, "slot_bot {0} {1} {2}".F(slot.PlayerReference, botController.Index, bot), () => client != null && client.Bot == bot)); } } options.Add(bots.Any() ? "Bots" : "Bots Disabled", bots); Func<SlotDropDownOption, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (o, itemTemplate) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate, o.Selected, () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command(o.Order))); item.Get<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => o.Title; return item; }; dropdown.ShowDropDown<SlotDropDownOption>("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 167, options, setupItem); }
static Player FindPlayerByClient(this World world, Session.Client c) { /* TODO: this is still a hack. * the cases we're trying to avoid are the extra players on the host's client -- Neutral, other MapPlayers,..*/ return world.Players.FirstOrDefault( p => (p.ClientIndex == c.Index && p.PlayerReference.Playable)); }
public static void ShowSlotDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Slot slot, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager) { var options = new List<SlotDropDownOption>() { new SlotDropDownOption("Open", "slot_open "+slot.PlayerReference, () => (!slot.Closed && client == null)), new SlotDropDownOption("Closed", "slot_close "+slot.PlayerReference, () => slot.Closed) }; if (slot.AllowBots) foreach (var b in Rules.Info["player"].Traits.WithInterface<IBotInfo>().Select(t => t.Name)) { var bot = b; options.Add(new SlotDropDownOption("Bot: {0}".F(bot), "slot_bot {0} {1}".F(slot.PlayerReference, bot), () => client != null && client.Bot == bot)); } Func<SlotDropDownOption, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (o, itemTemplate) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate, o.Selected, () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command(o.Order))); item.GetWidget<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => o.Title; return item; }; dropdown.ShowDropDown("LABEL_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 150, options, setupItem); }
public SpawnOccupant(Session.Client client) { Color = client.Color; ClientIndex = client.Index; PlayerName = client.Name; Team = client.Team; Country = client.Country; SpawnPoint = client.SpawnPoint; }
public Player(World world, Session.Client client, PlayerReference pr) { string botType; World = world; InternalName = pr.Name; PlayerReference = pr; // Real player or host-created bot if (client != null) { ClientIndex = client.Index; Color = client.Color; PlayerName = client.Name; botType = client.Bot; Faction = ChooseFaction(world, client.Faction, !pr.LockFaction); DisplayFaction = ChooseDisplayFaction(world, client.Faction); } else { // Map player ClientIndex = 0; // Owned by the host (TODO: fix this) Color = pr.Color; PlayerName = pr.Name; NonCombatant = pr.NonCombatant; Playable = pr.Playable; Spectating = pr.Spectating; botType = pr.Bot; Faction = ChooseFaction(world, pr.Faction, false); DisplayFaction = ChooseDisplayFaction(world, pr.Faction); } PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(this) }); Shroud = PlayerActor.Trait<Shroud>(); fogVisibilities = PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing<IFogVisibilityModifier>().ToArray(); // Enable the bot logic on the host IsBot = botType != null; if (IsBot && Game.IsHost) { var logic = PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing<IBot>().FirstOrDefault(b => b.Info.Name == botType); if (logic == null) Log.Write("debug", "Invalid bot type: {0}", botType); else logic.Activate(this); } stanceColors.Self = ChromeMetrics.Get<Color>("PlayerStanceColorSelf"); stanceColors.Allies = ChromeMetrics.Get<Color>("PlayerStanceColorAllies"); stanceColors.Enemies = ChromeMetrics.Get<Color>("PlayerStanceColorEnemies"); stanceColors.Neutrals = ChromeMetrics.Get<Color>("PlayerStanceColorNeutrals"); }
public static string LatencyDescription(Session.ClientPing ping) { if (ping == null) return "Unknown"; if (ping.Latency < 0) return "Unknown"; if (ping.Latency < 300) return "Good"; if (ping.Latency < 600) return "Moderate"; return "Poor"; }
public static void SyncClientToPlayerReference(Session.Client c, PlayerReference pr) { if (pr == null) return; if (pr.LockFaction) c.Faction = pr.Faction; if (pr.LockSpawn) c.SpawnPoint = pr.Spawn; if (pr.LockTeam) c.Team = pr.Team; c.Color = pr.LockColor ? pr.Color : c.PreferredColor; }
public static void ShowTeamDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager, int teamCount) { Func<int, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (ii, itemTemplate) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate, () => client.Team == ii, () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("team {0} {1}".F(client.Index, ii)))); item.Get<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => ii == 0 ? "-" : ii.ToString(); return item; }; var options = Exts.MakeArray(teamCount + 1, i => i).ToList(); dropdown.ShowDropDown("TEAM_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 150, options, setupItem); }
public static bool ValidateCommand(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string cmd) { if (server.State == ServerState.GameStarted) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Cannot change state when game started. ({0})".F(cmd)); return false; } else if (client.State == Session.ClientState.Ready && !(cmd.StartsWith("state") || cmd == "startgame")) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Cannot change state when marked as ready."); return false; } return true; }
public static void SyncClientToPlayerReference(Session.Client c, PlayerReference pr) { if (pr == null) return; if (pr.LockColor) c.Color = pr.Color; else c.Color = c.PreferredColor; if (pr.LockRace) c.Country = pr.Race; if (pr.LockSpawn) c.SpawnPoint = pr.Spawn; if (pr.LockTeam) c.Team = pr.Team; }
public static Color LatencyColor(Session.ClientPing ping) { if (ping == null) return Color.Gray; // Levels set relative to the default order lag of 3 net ticks (360ms) // TODO: Adjust this once dynamic lag is implemented if (ping.Latency < 0) return Color.Gray; if (ping.Latency < 300) return Color.LimeGreen; if (ping.Latency < 600) return Color.Orange; return Color.Red; }
static bool ValidateSlotCommand(S server, Connection conn, Session.Client client, string arg, bool requiresHost) { if (!server.LobbyInfo.Slots.ContainsKey(arg)) { Log.Write("server", "Invalid slot: {0}", arg); return false; } if (requiresHost && !client.IsAdmin) { server.SendOrderTo(conn, "Message", "Only the host can do that."); return false; } return true; }
public Player(World world, Session.Client client, Session.Slot slot, PlayerReference pr) { World = world; InternalName = pr.Name; PlayerReference = pr; string botType = null; // Real player or host-created bot if (client != null) { ClientIndex = client.Index; Color = client.Color; PlayerName = client.Name; botType = client.Bot; Country = ChooseCountry(world, client.Race, !pr.LockRace); DisplayCountry = ChooseDisplayCountry(world, client.Race); } else { // Map player ClientIndex = 0; // Owned by the host (TODO: fix this) Color = pr.Color; PlayerName = pr.Name; NonCombatant = pr.NonCombatant; Playable = pr.Playable; Spectating = pr.Spectating; botType = pr.Bot; Country = ChooseCountry(world, pr.Race, false); DisplayCountry = ChooseDisplayCountry(world, pr.Race); } PlayerActor = world.CreateActor("Player", new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(this) }); Shroud = PlayerActor.Trait<Shroud>(); // Enable the bot logic on the host IsBot = botType != null; if (IsBot && Game.IsHost) { var logic = PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing<IBot>() .FirstOrDefault(b => b.Info.Name == botType); if (logic == null) Log.Write("debug", "Invalid bot type: {0}", botType); else logic.Activate(this); } }
public void UpdateServerSettings(Session.Global settings) { if (Cheats.HasValue) settings.AllowCheats = Cheats.Value; if (Crates.HasValue) settings.Crates = Crates.Value; if (Fog.HasValue) settings.Fog = Fog.Value; if (Shroud.HasValue) settings.Shroud = Shroud.Value; if (AllyBuildRadius.HasValue) settings.AllyBuildRadius = AllyBuildRadius.Value; if (StartingCash.HasValue) settings.StartingCash = StartingCash.Value; if (FragileAlliances.HasValue) settings.FragileAlliances = FragileAlliances.Value; }
public static void ShowRaceDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager, Dictionary<string, string> countryNames) { Func<string, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (race, itemTemplate) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate, () => client.Country == race, () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("race {0} {1}".F(client.Index, race)))); item.GetWidget<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => countryNames[race]; var flag = item.GetWidget<ImageWidget>("FLAG"); flag.GetImageCollection = () => "flags"; flag.GetImageName = () => race; return item; }; dropdown.ShowDropDown("RACE_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 150, countryNames.Keys.ToList(), setupItem); }
public static Session Deserialize(string data) { try { var session = new Session(); var nodes = MiniYaml.FromString(data); foreach (var node in nodes) { var strings = node.Key.Split('@'); switch (strings[0]) { case "Client": session.Clients.Add(Client.Deserialize(node.Value)); break; case "ClientPing": session.ClientPings.Add(ClientPing.Deserialize(node.Value)); break; case "GlobalSettings": session.GlobalSettings = Global.Deserialize(node.Value); break; case "Slot": var s = Slot.Deserialize(node.Value); session.Slots.Add(s.PlayerReference, s); break; } } return session; } catch (YamlException) { throw new YamlException("Session deserialized invalid MiniYaml:\n{0}".F(data)); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw new YamlException("Session deserialized invalid MiniYaml:\n{0}".F(data)); } }
public static void SetupNameWidget(OrderManager orderManager, Session.Client c, TextFieldWidget name) { name.Text = c.Name; name.OnEnterKey = () => { name.Text = name.Text.Trim(); if (name.Text.Length == 0) name.Text = c.Name; name.LoseFocus(); if (name.Text == c.Name) return true; orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("name " + name.Text)); Game.Settings.Player.Name = name.Text; Game.Settings.Save(); return true; }; name.OnLoseFocus = () => name.OnEnterKey(); }
public static void LoadMapSettings(S server, Session.Global gs, Ruleset rules) { var options = rules.Actors["player"].TraitInfos<ILobbyOptions>() .Concat(rules.Actors["world"].TraitInfos<ILobbyOptions>()) .SelectMany(t => t.LobbyOptions(rules)); foreach (var o in options) { var value = o.DefaultValue; var preferredValue = o.DefaultValue; Session.LobbyOptionState state; if (gs.LobbyOptions.TryGetValue(o.Id, out state)) { // Propagate old state on map change if (!o.Locked) { if (o.Values.Keys.Contains(state.PreferredValue)) value = state.PreferredValue; else if (o.Values.Keys.Contains(state.Value)) value = state.Value; } preferredValue = state.PreferredValue; } else state = new Session.LobbyOptionState(); state.Locked = o.Locked; state.Value = value; state.PreferredValue = preferredValue; gs.LobbyOptions[o.Id] = state; if (o.Id == "gamespeed") { var speed = server.ModData.Manifest.Get<GameSpeeds>().Speeds[value]; gs.Timestep = speed.Timestep; gs.OrderLatency = speed.OrderLatency; } } }
public static void ShowSpawnDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager, IEnumerable<int> spawnPoints) { Func<int, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (ii, itemTemplate) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate, () => client.SpawnPoint == ii, () => SetSpawnPoint(orderManager, client, ii)); item.Get<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => ii == 0 ? "-" : Convert.ToChar('A' - 1 + ii).ToString(); return item; }; dropdown.ShowDropDown("SPAWN_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 150, spawnPoints, setupItem); }
public static void ShowFactionDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget dropdown, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager, Dictionary<string, LobbyFaction> factions) { Func<string, ScrollItemWidget, ScrollItemWidget> setupItem = (factionId, itemTemplate) => { var item = ScrollItemWidget.Setup(itemTemplate, () => client.Faction == factionId, () => orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("faction {0} {1}".F(client.Index, factionId)))); var faction = factions[factionId]; item.Get<LabelWidget>("LABEL").GetText = () => faction.Name; var flag = item.Get<ImageWidget>("FLAG"); flag.GetImageCollection = () => "flags"; flag.GetImageName = () => factionId; item.GetTooltipText = () => faction.Description; return item; }; var options = factions.Where(f => f.Value.Selectable).GroupBy(f => f.Value.Side) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key ?? "", g => g.Select(f => f.Key)); dropdown.ShowDropDown("FACTION_DROPDOWN_TEMPLATE", 150, options, setupItem); }
public static void ShowColorDropDown(DropDownButtonWidget color, Session.Client client, OrderManager orderManager, World world, ColorPreviewManagerWidget preview) { Action onExit = () => { if (client.Bot == null) { Game.Settings.Player.Color = preview.Color; Game.Settings.Save(); } color.RemovePanel(); orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("color {0} {1}".F(client.Index, preview.Color))); }; Action<HSLColor> onChange = c => preview.Color = c; var colorChooser = Game.LoadWidget(world, "COLOR_CHOOSER", null, new WidgetArgs() { { "onChange", onChange }, { "initialColor", client.Color } }); color.AttachPanel(colorChooser, onExit); }
public static void SetupTeamWidget(Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c) { parent.Get<LabelWidget>("TEAM").GetText = () => (c.Team == 0) ? "-" : c.Team.ToString(); }
public static void SetupSpawnWidget(Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c) { parent.Get<LabelWidget>("SPAWN").GetText = () => (c.SpawnPoint == 0) ? "-" : Convert.ToChar('A' - 1 + c.SpawnPoint).ToString(); }
public static void SetupSlotWidget(Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c) { var name = parent.Get<LabelWidget>("NAME"); name.IsVisible = () => true; name.GetText = () => c != null ? c.Name : s.Closed ? "Closed" : "Open"; // Ensure Slot selector (if present) is hidden var slot = parent.GetOrNull("SLOT_OPTIONS"); if (slot != null) slot.IsVisible = () => false; }
public static void SetupReadyWidget(Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c) { parent.Get<ImageWidget>("STATUS_IMAGE").IsVisible = () => c.IsReady || c.Bot != null; }
private static void SetSpawnPoint(OrderManager orderManager, Session.Client playerToMove, int selectedSpawn) { var owned = orderManager.LobbyInfo.Clients.Any(c => c.SpawnPoint == selectedSpawn); if (selectedSpawn == 0 || !owned) orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Command("spawn {0} {1}".F((playerToMove ?? orderManager.LocalClient).Index, selectedSpawn))); }
public static void ProcessOrder(OrderManager orderManager, World world, int clientId, Order order) { if (world != null) { if (!world.WorldActor.TraitsImplementing <IValidateOrder>().All(vo => vo.OrderValidation(orderManager, world, clientId, order))) { return; } } switch (order.OrderString) { case "Chat": { var client = orderManager.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(clientId); if (client != null) { var player = world != null?world.FindPlayerByClient(client) : null; var suffix = (player != null && player.WinState == WinState.Lost) ? " (Dead)" : ""; suffix = client.IsObserver ? " (Spectator)" : suffix; Game.AddChatLine(client.Color.RGB, client.Name + suffix, order.TargetString); } else { Game.AddChatLine(Color.White, "(player {0})".F(clientId), order.TargetString); } break; } case "Message": // Server message Game.AddChatLine(Color.White, "Server", order.TargetString); break; case "Disconnected": /* reports that the target player disconnected */ { var client = orderManager.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(clientId); if (client != null) { client.State = Session.ClientState.Disconnected; } break; } case "TeamChat": { var client = orderManager.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(clientId); if (client != null) { if (world == null) { if (orderManager.LocalClient != null && client.Team == orderManager.LocalClient.Team) { Game.AddChatLine(client.Color.RGB, client.Name + " (Team)", order.TargetString); } } else { var player = world.FindPlayerByClient(client); if (player == null) { return; } if (world.LocalPlayer != null && player.Stances[world.LocalPlayer] == Stance.Ally || player.WinState == WinState.Lost) { var suffix = player.WinState == WinState.Lost ? " (Dead)" : " (Team)"; Game.AddChatLine(client.Color.RGB, client.Name + suffix, order.TargetString); } } } break; } case "StartGame": { Game.AddChatLine(Color.White, "Server", "The game has started."); Game.StartGame(orderManager.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.Map, false); break; } case "PauseGame": { var client = orderManager.LobbyInfo.ClientWithIndex(clientId); if (client != null) { var pause = order.TargetString == "Pause"; if ( != pause && !world.LobbyInfo.IsSinglePlayer) { var pausetext = "The game is {0} by {1}".F(pause ? "paused" : "un-paused", client.Name); Game.AddChatLine(Color.White, "", pausetext); } = pause; = pause; } break; } case "HandshakeRequest": { // TODO: Switch to the server's mod if we have it // Otherwise send the handshake with our current settings and let the server reject us var mod = Game.modData.Manifest.Mod; var info = new Session.Client() { Name = Game.Settings.Player.Name, PreferredColor = Game.Settings.Player.Color, Color = Game.Settings.Player.Color, Country = "random", SpawnPoint = 0, Team = 0, State = Session.ClientState.Invalid }; var response = new HandshakeResponse() { Client = info, Mod = mod.Id, Version = mod.Version, Password = orderManager.Password }; orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.HandshakeResponse(response.Serialize())); break; } case "ServerError": { orderManager.ServerError = order.TargetString; orderManager.AuthenticationFailed = false; break; } case "AuthenticationError": { orderManager.ServerError = order.TargetString; orderManager.AuthenticationFailed = true; break; } case "SyncInfo": { orderManager.LobbyInfo = Session.Deserialize(order.TargetString); SetOrderLag(orderManager); Game.SyncLobbyInfo(); break; } case "SyncLobbyClients": { var clients = new List <Session.Client>(); var nodes = MiniYaml.FromString(order.TargetString); foreach (var node in nodes) { var strings = node.Key.Split('@'); if (strings[0] == "Client") { clients.Add(Session.Client.Deserialize(node.Value)); } } orderManager.LobbyInfo.Clients = clients; Game.SyncLobbyInfo(); break; } case "SyncLobbySlots": { var slots = new Dictionary <string, Session.Slot>(); var nodes = MiniYaml.FromString(order.TargetString); foreach (var node in nodes) { var strings = node.Key.Split('@'); if (strings[0] == "Slot") { var slot = Session.Slot.Deserialize(node.Value); slots.Add(slot.PlayerReference, slot); } } orderManager.LobbyInfo.Slots = slots; Game.SyncLobbyInfo(); break; } case "SyncLobbyGlobalSettings": { var nodes = MiniYaml.FromString(order.TargetString); foreach (var node in nodes) { var strings = node.Key.Split('@'); if (strings[0] == "GlobalSettings") { orderManager.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings = Session.Global.Deserialize(node.Value); } } SetOrderLag(orderManager); Game.SyncLobbyInfo(); break; } case "SyncClientPings": { var pings = new List <Session.ClientPing>(); var nodes = MiniYaml.FromString(order.TargetString); foreach (var node in nodes) { var strings = node.Key.Split('@'); if (strings[0] == "ClientPing") { pings.Add(Session.ClientPing.Deserialize(node.Value)); } } orderManager.LobbyInfo.ClientPings = pings; break; } case "SetStance": { if (!Game.orderManager.LobbyInfo.GlobalSettings.FragileAlliances) { return; } var targetPlayer = order.Player.World.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.InternalName == order.TargetString); var newStance = (Stance)order.ExtraData; order.Player.SetStance(targetPlayer, newStance); Game.Debug("{0} has set diplomatic stance vs {1} to {2}", order.Player.PlayerName, targetPlayer.PlayerName, newStance); // automatically declare war reciprocally if (newStance == Stance.Enemy && targetPlayer.Stances[order.Player] == Stance.Ally) { targetPlayer.SetStance(order.Player, newStance); Game.Debug("{0} has reciprocated", targetPlayer.PlayerName); } break; } case "Ping": { orderManager.IssueOrder(Order.Pong(order.TargetString)); break; } default: { if (!order.IsImmediate) { var self = order.Subject; var health = self.TraitOrDefault <Health>(); if (health == null || !health.IsDead) { foreach (var t in self.TraitsImplementing <IResolveOrder>()) { t.ResolveOrder(self, order); } } } break; } } }
public static void SetupNameWidget(Widget parent, Session.Slot s, Session.Client c) { var name = parent.Get<LabelWidget>("NAME"); var font = Game.Renderer.Fonts[name.Font]; var label = WidgetUtils.TruncateText(c.Name, name.Bounds.Width, font); name.GetText = () => label; }