public override void Draw()
            var modifiers = Game.GetModifierKeys();
            IEnumerable <Actor> rollover;

            if (IsValidDragbox)
                var a = worldRenderer.Viewport.WorldToViewPx(dragStart);
                var b = worldRenderer.Viewport.WorldToViewPx(mousePos);

                var color = normalSelectionColor;
                if (modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Alt) && !modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Ctrl))
                    color = altSelectionColor;
                else if (modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Ctrl) && !modifiers.HasFlag(Modifiers.Alt))
                    color = ctrlSelectionColor;

                Game.Renderer.RgbaColorRenderer.DrawRect(a, b, 1, color);

                // Render actors in the dragbox
                rollover = SelectionUtils.SelectActorsInBoxWithDeadzone(World, dragStart, mousePos, modifiers);
                // Render actors under the mouse pointer
                rollover = SelectionUtils.SelectActorsInBoxWithDeadzone(World, mousePos, mousePos, modifiers);

        public override bool HandleMouseInput(MouseInput mi)
            mousePos = worldRenderer.Viewport.ViewToWorldPx(mi.Location);

            var useClassicMouseStyle = Game.Settings.Game.UseClassicMouseStyle;

            var multiClick = mi.MultiTapCount >= 2;

            if (!(World.OrderGenerator is UnitOrderGenerator uog))
                ApplyOrders(World, mi);
                isDragging = false;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Down)
                if (!TakeMouseFocus(mi))

                dragStart  = mousePos;
                isDragging = true;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Left && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Up)
                if (useClassicMouseStyle && HasMouseFocus)
                    if (!IsValidDragbox && World.Selection.Actors.Any() && !multiClick && uog.InputOverridesSelection(World, mousePos, mi))
                        // Order units instead of selecting
                        ApplyOrders(World, mi);
                        isDragging = false;

                if (multiClick)
                    var unit = World.ScreenMap.ActorsAtMouse(mousePos)
                               .WithHighestSelectionPriority(mousePos, mi.Modifiers);

                    var eligiblePlayers = SelectionUtils.GetPlayersToIncludeInSelection(World);

                    if (unit != null && eligiblePlayers.Contains(unit.Owner))
                        var s = unit.TraitOrDefault <ISelectable>();
                        if (s != null)
                            // Select actors on the screen that have the same selection class as the actor under the mouse cursor
                            var newSelection = SelectionUtils.SelectActorsOnScreen(World, worldRenderer, new HashSet <string> {
                            }, eligiblePlayers);

                            World.Selection.Combine(World, newSelection, true, false);
                    /* The block below does three things:
                     * // 1. Allows actor selection using a selection box regardless of input mode.
                     * // 2. Allows actor deselection with a single click in the default input mode (UnitOrderGenerator).
                     * // 3. Prevents units from getting deselected when exiting input modes (eg. AttackMove or Guard).
                     * //
                     * // We cannot check for UnitOrderGenerator here since it's the default order generator that gets activated in
                     * // World.CancelInputMode. If we did check it, actor de-selection would not be possible by just clicking somewhere,
                     * // only by dragging an empty selection box.
                    if (isDragging && (uog.ClearSelectionOnLeftClick || IsValidDragbox))
                        var newSelection = SelectionUtils.SelectActorsInBoxWithDeadzone(World, dragStart, mousePos, mi.Modifiers);
                        World.Selection.Combine(World, newSelection, mi.Modifiers.HasModifier(Modifiers.Shift), dragStart == mousePos);


                isDragging = false;

            if (mi.Button == MouseButton.Right && mi.Event == MouseInputEvent.Up)
                // Don't do anything while selecting
                if (!IsValidDragbox)
                    if (useClassicMouseStyle)

                    ApplyOrders(World, mi);
