Пример #1
        ///Advances the specified parse and returns the an array advanced parses whose probability accounts for
        ///more than the speicficed amount of probability mass, Q.
        ///<param name="inputParse">
        ///The parse to advance.
        ///<param name="Q">
        ///The amount of probability mass that should be accounted for by the advanced parses.
        private Parse[] AdvanceParses(Parse inputParse, double Q)
            double q              = 1 - Q;
            Parse  lastStartNode  = null;               // The closest previous node which has been labeled as a start node.
            int    lastStartIndex = -1;                 // The index of the closest previous node which has been labeled as a start node.
            string lastStartType  = null;               // The type of the closest previous node which has been labeled as a start node.
            int    advanceNodeIndex;                    // The index of the node which will be labeled in this iteration of advancing the parse.
            Parse  advanceNode = null;                  // The node which will be labeled in this iteration of advancing the parse.

            Parse[] children  = inputParse.GetChildren();
            int     nodeCount = children.Length;

            //determines which node needs to be labeled and prior labels.
            for (advanceNodeIndex = 0; advanceNodeIndex < nodeCount; advanceNodeIndex++)
                advanceNode = children[advanceNodeIndex];
                if (advanceNode.Label == null)
                else if (mStartTypeMap.ContainsKey(advanceNode.Label))
                    lastStartType  = mStartTypeMap[advanceNode.Label];
                    lastStartNode  = advanceNode;
                    lastStartIndex = advanceNodeIndex;
                    //System.Console.Error.WriteLine("lastStart " + lastStartIndex + " " + lastStartNode.Label + " " + lastStartNode.Probability);
            List <Parse> newParsesList = new List <Parse>(mBuildModel.OutcomeCount);

            //call build
            mBuildModel.Evaluate(mBuildContextGenerator.GetContext(children, advanceNodeIndex), mBuildProbabilities);
            double buildProbabilitiesSum = 0;

            while (buildProbabilitiesSum < Q)
                //  The largest unadvanced labeling.
                int highestBuildProbabilityIndex = 0;
                for (int probabilityIndex = 1; probabilityIndex < mBuildProbabilities.Length; probabilityIndex++)
                {                 //for each build outcome
                    if (mBuildProbabilities[probabilityIndex] > mBuildProbabilities[highestBuildProbabilityIndex])
                        highestBuildProbabilityIndex = probabilityIndex;
                if (mBuildProbabilities[highestBuildProbabilityIndex] == 0)

                double highestBuildProbability = mBuildProbabilities[highestBuildProbabilityIndex];

                mBuildProbabilities[highestBuildProbabilityIndex] = 0;                 //zero out so new max can be found
                buildProbabilitiesSum += highestBuildProbability;

                string tag = mBuildModel.GetOutcomeName(highestBuildProbabilityIndex);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine("trying " + tag + " " + buildProbabilitiesSum + " lst=" + lst);
                if (highestBuildProbabilityIndex == mTopStartIndex)
                {                 // can't have top until complete
                //System.Console.Error.WriteLine(probabilityIndex + " " + tag + " " + highestBuildProbability);
                if (mStartTypeMap.ContainsKey(tag))
                {                 //update last start
                    lastStartIndex = advanceNodeIndex;
                    lastStartNode  = advanceNode;
                    lastStartType  = mStartTypeMap[tag];
                else if (mContinueTypeMap.ContainsKey(tag))
                    if (lastStartNode == null || lastStartType != mContinueTypeMap[tag])
                        continue;                         //Cont must match previous start or continue
                Parse newParse1 = (Parse)inputParse.Clone();                  //clone parse
                if (mCreateDerivationString)
                newParse1.SetChild(advanceNodeIndex, tag);                 //replace constituent labeled

                mCheckModel.Evaluate(mCheckContextGenerator.GetContext(newParse1.GetChildren(), lastStartType, lastStartIndex, advanceNodeIndex), mCheckProbabilities);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine("check " + mCheckProbabilities[mCompleteIndex] + " " + mCheckProbabilities[mIncompleteIndex]);
                Parse newParse2 = newParse1;
                if (mCheckProbabilities[mCompleteIndex] > q)
                {                 //make sure a reduce is likely
                    newParse2 = (Parse)newParse1.Clone();
                    if (mCreateDerivationString)
                    Parse[] constituent = new Parse[advanceNodeIndex - lastStartIndex + 1];
                    bool    isFlat      = true;
                    constituent[0] = lastStartNode;
                    if (constituent[0].Type != constituent[0].Head.Type)
                        isFlat = false;
                    constituent[advanceNodeIndex - lastStartIndex] = advanceNode;
                    if (isFlat && constituent[advanceNodeIndex - lastStartIndex].Type != constituent[advanceNodeIndex - lastStartIndex].Head.Type)
                        isFlat = false;
                    for (int constituentIndex = 1; constituentIndex < advanceNodeIndex - lastStartIndex; constituentIndex++)
                        constituent[constituentIndex] = children[constituentIndex + lastStartIndex];
                        if (isFlat && constituent[constituentIndex].Type != constituent[constituentIndex].Head.Type)
                            isFlat = false;
                    if (!isFlat)
                    {                     //flat chunks are done by chunker
                        newParse2.Insert(new Parse(inputParse.Text, new Util.Span(lastStartNode.Span.Start, advanceNode.Span.End), lastStartType, mCheckProbabilities[1], mHeadRules.GetHead(constituent, lastStartType)));
                if (mCheckProbabilities[mIncompleteIndex] > q)
                {                 //make sure a shift is likely
                    if (mCreateDerivationString)
                    if (advanceNodeIndex != nodeCount - 1)
                    {                     //can't shift last element
            Parse[] newParses = newParsesList.ToArray();