Пример #1
        ///<summary>Uses sheet framework to generate a PDF file, save it to patient's image folder, and attempt to launch file with defualt reader.
        ///If using ImagesStoredInDB it will not launch PDF. If no valid patient is selected you cannot perform this action.</summary>
        private void butPDF_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (PatCur == null)           //not attached to a patient when form loaded and they haven't selected a patient to attach to yet
                MsgBox.Show(this, "The Medical Lab must be attached to a patient before the PDF can be saved.");
            if (PatCur.PatNum > 0 && _medLabCur.PatNum != PatCur.PatNum)         //save the current patient attached to the MedLab if it has been changed
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            SheetDef sheetDef = SheetUtil.GetMedLabResultsSheetDef();
            Sheet    sheet    = SheetUtil.CreateSheet(sheetDef, _medLabCur.PatNum);

            SheetFiller.FillFields(sheet, null, null, _medLabCur);
            //create the file in the temp folder location, then import so it works when storing images in the db
            string tempPath = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(PrefC.GetTempFolderPath(), _medLabCur.PatNum.ToString() + ".pdf");

            SheetPrinting.CreatePdf(sheet, tempPath, null, _medLabCur);
            HL7Def defCur   = HL7Defs.GetOneDeepEnabled(true);
            long   category = defCur.LabResultImageCat;

            if (category == 0)
                category = Defs.GetFirstForCategory(DefCat.ImageCats, true).DefNum;             //put it in the first category.
            //create doc--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            OpenDentBusiness.Document docc = null;
            try {
                docc = ImageStore.Import(tempPath, category, Patients.GetPat(_medLabCur.PatNum));
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Error saving document.");
            finally {
                //Delete the temp file since we don't need it anymore.
                try {
                catch {
                    //Do nothing.  This file will likely get cleaned up later.
            docc.Description = Lan.g(this, "MedLab Result");
            docc.DateCreated = DateTime.Now;
            string filePathAndName = "";

            if (PrefC.AtoZfolderUsed == DataStorageType.LocalAtoZ)
                string patFolder = ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(Patients.GetPat(_medLabCur.PatNum), ImageStore.GetPreferredAtoZpath());
                filePathAndName = ODFileUtils.CombinePaths(patFolder, docc.FileName);
            else if (CloudStorage.IsCloudStorage)
                FormProgress FormP = new FormProgress();
                FormP.DisplayText          = "Downloading...";
                FormP.NumberFormat         = "F";
                FormP.NumberMultiplication = 1;
                FormP.MaxVal = 100;              //Doesn't matter what this value is as long as it is greater than 0
                FormP.TickMS = 1000;
                OpenDentalCloud.Core.TaskStateDownload state = CloudStorage.DownloadAsync(
                    ImageStore.GetPatientFolder(Patients.GetPat(_medLabCur.PatNum), ImageStore.GetPreferredAtoZpath())
                    , docc.FileName
                    , new OpenDentalCloud.ProgressHandler(FormP.OnProgress));
                if (FormP.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
                    state.DoCancel = true;
                filePathAndName = PrefC.GetRandomTempFile(Path.GetExtension(docc.FileName));
                File.WriteAllBytes(filePathAndName, state.FileContent);
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            if (filePathAndName != "")
            SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.SheetEdit, sheet.PatNum, sheet.Description + " from " + sheet.DateTimeSheet.ToShortDateString() + " pdf was created");
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;