Пример #1
        ///<summary>NO LONGER USED.
        ///Leaving function here in case we want to reuse the code in future.  We only support connecting to archive DB directly.</summary>
        public static T RunFuncOnArchiveDatabase <T>(Func <T> f)
            //Makes a connection to the archive database, validates that the version of the database is the same as the current database version,
            //executes the func passed in, and then sets the connection back to the original database before returning the results of the func passed in.
            //Optionally pass in connection settings to override the archive preferences.  Throws exceptions.
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole.In(RemotingRole.ClientWeb, RemotingRole.ServerWeb))            //May already be behind a remoting role check.
            //This method will eventually invoke SetDB() which is unacceptable for the Middle Tier.
                throw new ApplicationException(Lans.g(nameof(MiscData), "Archive databases are not available when using a Middle Tier connection.") + "\r\n" +
                                               Lans.g(nameof(MiscData), "Archive databases may only be created or accessed on a direct database connection."));
            string         connectionStrOrig = DataConnection.GetCurrentConnectionString();
            DatabaseType   dbTypeOrig        = DataConnection.DBtype;
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();

            try {
                //Keep track of the original connection settings so that we can revert back to them once finished archiving.
                Version versionDbOrig     = new Version(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.DataBaseVersion));
                string  archiveServerName = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ArchiveServerName);
                string  archiveUserName   = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ArchiveUserName);
                string  decryptedPass;
                CDT.Class1.Decrypt(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ArchivePassHash), out decryptedPass);
                //Connect to the archive database.  This can throw many exceptions.
                dcon.SetDb(archiveServerName, MiscData.GetArchiveDatabaseName(), archiveUserName, decryptedPass, "", "", dbTypeOrig);
                #region Validate archive database version
                //At this point there is an active connection to the archive database, validate the DataBaseVersion.
                string version = PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.DataBaseVersion);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                    //Preference table does not have version information.  Somehow they have a database with proper structure but no data.
                    //This archive database can't be trusted and we have no idea what version the schema is at.
                    //They need to call support so that we can take a look or they need to delete the invalid archive (or remove it from the data dir)
                    //so that a new archive database can be made from scratch.
                    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid archive database detected.");
                Version versionDbArchive = new Version(version);
                if (versionDbOrig > versionDbArchive)
                    //The archive database needs to be updated before funcs can be invoked against it.
                    throw new ApplicationException("Archive database is at a lower version than the current database."
                                                   + "  Run the Archive tool in order to update the database.");
                else if (versionDbArchive > versionDbOrig)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Archive database version is higher than the current database.  Process cannot continue.");
                //Invoke the func passed in.
            finally {                                          //Always put the connection back to the original no matter what happened above when trying to make an archive.
                dcon.SetDb(connectionStrOrig, "", dbTypeOrig); //It is acceptable to crash the program if this fails.
Пример #2
        ///<summary>Returns true if it is time to retrieve reports.</summary>
        private static bool IsTimeToRetrieveReports(bool isAutomaticMode, out string errorMessage, IODProgressExtended progress = null)
            progress = progress ?? new ODProgressExtendedNull();
            DateTime timeLastReport      = PIn.DateT(PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.ClaimReportReceiveLastDateTime));
            double   timeReceiveInternal = PIn.Double(PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.ClaimReportReceiveInterval));        //Interval in minutes.
            DateTime timeToRecieve       = DateTime.Now.Date + PrefC.GetDateT(PrefName.ClaimReportReceiveTime).TimeOfDay;
            double   timeDiff            = DateTime.Now.Subtract(timeLastReport).TotalMinutes;

            errorMessage = "";
            if (isAutomaticMode)
                if (timeReceiveInternal != 0)                //preference is set instead of pref for specific time.
                    if (timeDiff < timeReceiveInternal)
                        //Automatically retrieving reports from this computer and the report interval has not passed yet.
                else                  //pref is set for specific time, not interval
                    if (DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay < timeToRecieve.TimeOfDay ||                 //We haven't reach to the time to retrieve
                        timeLastReport.Date == DateTime.Today)                         //Or we have already retrieved today
                        //Automatically retrieving reports and the time has not come to pass yet
            else if (timeDiff < 1)
                //When the user presses the Get Reports button manually we allow them to get reports up to once per minute
                errorMessage = Lans.g(progress.LanThis, "Reports can only be retrieved once per minute.");
                progress.UpdateProgress(Lans.g(progress.LanThis, "Reports can only be retrieved once per minute. Attempting to import manually downloaded reports."));
Пример #3
        ///<summary>Backs up the database to the same directory as the original just in case the user did not have sense enough to do a backup first.
        ///Does not work for Oracle, due to some MySQL specific commands inside.</summary>
        public static void MakeABackup(string serverName = "", string user = "", string pass = "", bool doVerify = false)
            //This function should always make the backup on the server itself, and since no directories are
            //referred to (all handled with MySQL), this function will always be referred to the server from
            //client machines.
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), serverName, user, pass, doVerify);
            //UpdateStreamLinePassword is purposefully named poorly and used in an odd fashion to sort of obfuscate it from our users.
            //GetStringNoCache() will return blank if pref does not exist.
            if (PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.UpdateStreamLinePassword) == "abracadabra")
            string currentServerName = DataConnection.GetServerName().ToLower();
            bool   useSameServer     = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName) || currentServerName.Equals(serverName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName) && currentServerName == "localhost" && serverName.ToLower() != "localhost")          //there could be a mismatch but technically the same server
                useSameServer = serverName.Equals(Environment.MachineName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
            if (serverName.ToLower() == "localhost" && currentServerName != "localhost")          //there could be a mismatch but technically the same server
                useSameServer = currentServerName.Equals(Environment.MachineName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
            //only used in two places: upgrading version, and upgrading mysql version.
            //Both places check first to make sure user is using mysql.
            //we have to be careful to throw an exception if the backup is failing.
            DataConnection dcon = new DataConnection();
            //if they provided a different server where they want their backup to be, we need a separate connection for that
            DataConnection dconBackupServer = useSameServer ? new DataConnection() : new DataConnection(serverName, "", user, pass, DatabaseType.MySql);
            //Check that the backup server does not already contain this database
            string    command = "SELECT database()";
            DataTable table   = dcon.GetTable(command);
            string    oldDb   = PIn.String(table.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            string    newDb   = oldDb + "backup_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy");

            command = "SHOW DATABASES";
            table   = dconBackupServer.GetTable(command);
            string[] databases = new string[table.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                databases[i] = table.Rows[i][0].ToString();
            if (Contains(databases, newDb))            //if the new database name already exists
            //find a unique one
                int    uniqueID      = 1;
                string originalNewDb = newDb;
                    newDb = originalNewDb + "_" + uniqueID.ToString();
                }while(Contains(databases, newDb));
            command = "CREATE DATABASE `" + newDb + "` CHARACTER SET utf8";
            dconBackupServer.NonQ(command);                             //create the backup db on the backup server
            //But get the tables from the current, not the backup server
            command = "SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type='BASE TABLE'"; //Tables, not views.  Does not work in MySQL 4.1, however we test for MySQL version >= 5.0 in PrefL.
            table   = dcon.GetTable(command);
            //Set the connection to the new database now that it has been created
            dconBackupServer = useSameServer?new DataConnection(newDb):new DataConnection(serverName, newDb, user, pass, DatabaseType.MySql);
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                string tableName = row[0].ToString();
                //First create the table on the new db
                MiscDataEvent.Fire(ODEventType.MiscData, $"Backing up table: {tableName}");
                //also works with views. Added backticks around table name for unusual characters.
                command = $"SHOW CREATE TABLE `{oldDb}`.`{tableName}`";
                DataTable dtCreate = dcon.GetTable(command);
                command = PIn.ByteArray(dtCreate.Rows[0][1]);
                //The backup database tables will be MyISAM because it is significantly faster at doing bulk inserts.
                command = command.Replace("ENGINE=InnoDB", "ENGINE=MyISAM");
                //Then copy the data into the new table
                if (useSameServer)
                    //If on the same server we can select into directly, which is faster
                    command = $"INSERT INTO `{newDb}`.`{tableName}` SELECT * FROM `{oldDb}`.`{tableName}`";                  //Added backticks around table name for unusual characters.
                    long count = PIn.Long(dcon.GetCount($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{oldDb}`.`{tableName}`"));
                    int  limit = 10000;
                    if (tableName == "documentmisc")                    //This table can have really large rows so just to be safe, handle the backup one row at a time
                        limit = 1;
                    int offset = 0;
                    while (count > offset)
                        DataTable dtOld = dcon.GetTable($" SELECT * FROM `{oldDb}`.`{tableName}` LIMIT {limit} OFFSET {offset}");
                        offset += dtOld.Rows.Count;
                        dconBackupServer.BulkCopy(dtOld, tableName);
            //Verify that the old database and the new backup have the same number of rows
            if (doVerify)
                List <string> listTablesFailed = new List <string>();
                foreach (DataRow dbTable in table.Rows)
                    string tableName = dbTable[0].ToString();
                    MiscDataEvent.Fire(ODEventType.MiscData, $"Verifying backup: {tableName}");
                    int ctOld = PIn.Int(dcon.GetCount($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{oldDb}`.`{tableName}`"));
                    int ctNew = PIn.Int(dconBackupServer.GetCount($"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{newDb}`.`{tableName}`"));
                    if (ctOld != ctNew)
                if (listTablesFailed.Count > 0)
                    throw new Exception($@"Failed to create database backup because the following tables contained a different number of rows than expected: 
					{string.Join(", ",listTablesFailed)}."                    );
Пример #4
        public static DataTable GetData(long patNum, bool isFamily, bool isDetailed)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), patNum, isFamily, isDetailed));
            int payPlanVersion = PIn.Int(PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.PayPlansVersion));

            if (payPlanVersion == 0)
                payPlanVersion = 1;
            string command = $@"
				/*top layer gets final columns for display*/
					IF(display.TranDate != '', '',display.ProcDate) AS 'Date',
					display.TranDate AS 'Trans Date',
				/*cases out data from rows that we need, performing aggregate functions for day and overall totals.*/
					IF(dup.Num = 2, 0,core.ProcNum) AS ProcNum,
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN IF(core.Type IN ('Proc','Adj-Att.','PatPay Att.','WriteOff-Att.','InsPay-Att.','PayPlan Charge Att.','PatPay Att. PayPlan','Unallocated'),1,2) -- get allocated items ordered before unallocated ones
						WHEN 2
							THEN IF(core.Type = 'Unallocated',1,2)
						WHEN 3
							THEN 4
						WHEN 4
							THEN 5
					END) AS OrderingNum,
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN core.Type
						WHEN 2
							THEN 'Unallocated'
						WHEN 3
							THEN 'Day Total'
						WHEN 4
							THEN 'Overall Total'
					END) AS 'Type',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN core.ProcDate
						WHEN 2
							THEN core.ProcDate
						WHEN 3
							THEN core.ProcDate
						WHEN 4
							THEN NULL
					END) AS 'ProcDate',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN IF(core.Type = 'Proc', '',core.TranDate)
						WHEN 2
							THEN ''
						WHEN 3
							THEN ''
						WHEN 4
							THEN NULL
					END) AS 'TranDate',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN core.Patient
						WHEN 2
							THEN '' -- intentionaly blank
						WHEN 3
							THEN ''
						WHEN 4
							THEN '' -- intentionally blank
					END) AS 'Patient',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN IF(core.Type IN ('Adj-Att.','PatPay Att.','WriteOff-Att.','InsPay-Att.','PayPlan Charge Att.','PatPay Att. PayPlan'),CONCAT('  ',core.Reference),core.Reference)
						WHEN 2
							THEN 'Unallocated Trans'
						WHEN 3
							THEN CONCAT(REPEAT(' ',2),'Total for Date')
						WHEN 4
							THEN {(isFamily ? "'Family Total:'" : "'Patient Total:'" )}
					END) AS 'Reference',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Charge),2)
						WHEN 2
							THEN '' -- intentionaly blank
						WHEN 3
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Charge),2) -- total for date
						WHEN 4
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Charge),2) -- overall total
					END) AS 'Charge',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Credit),2)
						WHEN 2
							THEN '' -- intentionaly blank
						WHEN 3
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Credit),2) -- total for date
						WHEN 4
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Credit),2) -- overall total
					END) AS 'Credit',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN core.Prov
						WHEN 2
							THEN '' -- intentionaly blank
						WHEN 3
							THEN '' -- intentionally blank
						WHEN 4
							THEN '' -- intentionally blank
					END) AS 'Pvdr',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN {(isDetailed ? "IF(core.Type = 'Proc', FORMAT(core.InsCredits,2),'')": "''")} 
						WHEN 2
							THEN '' -- intentionally blank
						WHEN 3
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(IF(core.Type = 'Proc', core.InsCredits,0)),2) -- total for date
						WHEN 4
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(IF(core.Type = 'Proc', core.InsCredits,0)),2) -- overall total
					END) AS 'InsBal',
					(CASE dup.Num
						WHEN 1
							THEN {(isDetailed ? "IF(core.Type = 'Proc', FORMAT(core.Charge - (core.ProcCredits + core.InsCredits),2),'')" : "''")}
						WHEN 2
							THEN '' -- intentionally blank
						WHEN 3
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Charge - core.Credit - core.InsCredits),2) -- total for date
						WHEN 4
							THEN FORMAT(SUM(core.Charge - core.Credit - core.InsCredits),2) -- overall total
					END) AS 'AcctBal'
				) core
				/*add 2 extra rows to every transaction so we can use the data more than once for per day and overall totals without running the query again*/
					SELECT 1 AS Num
					SELECT 2
					SELECT 3
					SELECT 4
				) dup
					ON IF(dup.Num = 2 AND (core.Type LIKE '%Att.' || core.Type LIKE 'Proc'),FALSE,TRUE) -- only join on the 2 row when there are unallocated transactions on a day. 
				GROUP BY (CASE WHEN dup.Num = 1 -- per transaction
								THEN CONCAT(core.TranNum,'|',core.ProcDate,'|',core.Type) -- unique identifier for transaction rows
							WHEN dup.Num IN (2,3) -- per date of service, including an extra row per date for unallocated transactions identifier
								THEN CONCAT(dup.Num,'-',core.ProcDate) -- unique identifier for date of service row
							WHEN dup.Num = 4 -- ending total for family/patient
								THEN dup.Num -- only need to have one row here
				) display
				/*ensure final order is what we need it to be*/
					display.ProcNum DESC,
					FIELD(display.Type,'Proc','Adj-Att.','PatPay Att.','WriteOff-Att.','InsPay-Att.','PayPlan Charge Att.','PatPay Att. PayPlan','Unallocated','PatPay','WriteOff','Adj','InsPay','PayPlan Credit','PayPlan Charge','PatPay PayPlan','Day Total','Overall Total')
			"            ;

            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command)));
Пример #5
        ///<summary>Backs up the database to the same directory as the original just in case the user did not have sense enough to do a backup first.
        ///Does not work for Oracle, due to some MySQL specific commands inside.</summary>
        public static long MakeABackup()
            //This function should always make the backup on the server itself, and since no directories are
            //referred to (all handled with MySQL), this function will always be referred to the server from
            //client machines.
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
            //UpdateStreamLinePassword is purposefully named poorly and used in an odd fashion to sort of obfuscate it from our users.
            //GetStringNoCache() will return blank if pref does not exist.
            if (PrefC.GetStringNoCache(PrefName.UpdateStreamLinePassword) == "abracadabra")
            //only used in two places: upgrading version, and upgrading mysql version.
            //Both places check first to make sure user is using mysql.
            //we have to be careful to throw an exception if the backup is failing.
            DataConnection dcon    = new DataConnection();
            string         command = "SELECT database()";
            DataTable      table   = dcon.GetTable(command);
            string         oldDb   = PIn.String(table.Rows[0][0].ToString());
            string         newDb   = oldDb + "backup_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("MM_dd_yyyy");

            command = "SHOW DATABASES";
            table   = dcon.GetTable(command);
            string[] databases = new string[table.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                databases[i] = table.Rows[i][0].ToString();
            if (Contains(databases, newDb))            //if the new database name already exists
            //find a unique one
                int    uniqueID      = 1;
                string originalNewDb = newDb;
                    newDb = originalNewDb + "_" + uniqueID.ToString();
                }while(Contains(databases, newDb));
            command = "CREATE DATABASE `" + newDb + "` CHARACTER SET utf8";
            command = "SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type='BASE TABLE'";          //Tables, not views.  Does not work in MySQL 4.1, however we test for MySQL version >= 5.0 in PrefL.
            table   = dcon.GetTable(command);
            string[] tableName = new string[table.Rows.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                tableName[i] = table.Rows[i][0].ToString();
            //switch to using the new database
            DataConnection newDcon = new DataConnection(newDb);

            for (int i = 0; i < tableName.Length; i++)
                //Alert anyone that cares that we are backing up this table.
                ODEvent.Fire(new ODEventArgs("BackupProgress", Lans.g("MiscData", "Backing up table") + ": " + tableName[i]));
                command = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `" + oldDb + "`.`" + tableName[i] + "`";      //also works with views. Added backticks around table name for unusual characters.
                table   = newDcon.GetTable(command);
                command = PIn.ByteArray(table.Rows[0][1]);
                newDcon.NonQ(command);                                              //this has to be run using connection with new database
                command = "INSERT INTO `" + newDb + "`.`" + tableName[i] + "` "
                          + "SELECT * FROM `" + oldDb + "`.`" + tableName[i] + "`"; //Added backticks around table name for unusual characters.