Пример #1
        ///<summary>Removes the assigned user from the InsVerify of the InsPlan that is associated to the PatPlan passed in.
        ///Will only unassign if the user assigned to the patplan matches the user assigned to the insplan.</summary>
        private static void RemoveAssignedUser(PatPlan patPlanCur)
            //No Remoting check; no call to db.
            //Get the insurance verified assigned to the PatPlan.
            InsVerify insVerifyForPatPlan = InsVerifies.GetOneByFKey(patPlanCur.PatPlanNum, VerifyTypes.PatientEnrollment);

            if (insVerifyForPatPlan != null && insVerifyForPatPlan.UserNum > 0)
                //Get the insplan associated to the PatPlan.
                InsSub inssub = null;
                if (patPlanCur != null)
                    inssub = InsSubs.GetOne(patPlanCur.InsSubNum);
                InsPlan insPlan = null;
                if (inssub != null)
                    insPlan = InsPlans.RefreshOne(inssub.PlanNum);
                if (insPlan != null)
                    //Get the insVerify for the insplan associated to the patplan we are about to delete.
                    InsVerify insVerifyForInsPlan = InsVerifies.GetOneByFKey(insPlan.PlanNum, VerifyTypes.InsuranceBenefit);
                    //Only unassign the user for the insplan if it matches the user for the patplan being dropped
                    if (insVerifyForInsPlan != null && insVerifyForInsPlan.UserNum == insVerifyForPatPlan.UserNum)
                        //Remove user and set DateLastVerified to MinValue.
                        insVerifyForInsPlan.UserNum          = 0;
                        insVerifyForInsPlan.DateLastVerified = DateTime.MinValue;
Пример #2
 public static void Update(InsVerify insVerify)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), insVerify);
Пример #3
 public static long Insert(InsVerify insVerify)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         insVerify.InsVerifyNum = Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), insVerify);
Пример #4
 public InsVerifyGridObject(InsVerify pat = null, InsVerify plan = null)
     if (pat != null)
         PatInsVerify = pat;
     if (plan != null)
         PlanInsVerify = plan;
Пример #5
        ///<summary>Inserts a default InsVerify into the database based on the passed in insplan.  Used when inserting a new insplan.
        ///Returns the primary key of the new InsVerify.</summary>
        public static long InsertForPlanNum(long planNum)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), planNum));
            InsVerify insVerify = new InsVerify();

            insVerify.VerifyType = VerifyTypes.InsuranceBenefit;
            insVerify.FKey       = planNum;
Пример #6
 public InsVerifyHist(InsVerify insVerify)
     this.InsVerifyNum     = insVerify.InsVerifyNum;
     this.DateLastVerified = insVerify.DateLastVerified;
     this.UserNum          = insVerify.UserNum;
     this.VerifyType       = insVerify.VerifyType;
     this.FKey             = insVerify.FKey;
     this.DefNum           = insVerify.DefNum;
     this.Note             = insVerify.Note;
     this.DateLastAssigned = insVerify.DateLastAssigned;
     this.DateTimeEntry    = insVerify.DateTimeEntry;
     this.HoursAvailableForVerification = insVerify.HoursAvailableForVerification;
     this.VerifyUserNum = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
Пример #7
        ///<summary>Gets one InsVerifyNum from the db that has the given fkey and verify type.</summary>
        public static long GetInsVerifyNumByFKey(long fkey, VerifyTypes verifyType)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetLong(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), fkey, verifyType));
            string    command   = "SELECT * FROM insverify WHERE FKey=" + POut.Long(fkey) + " AND VerifyType=" + POut.Int((int)verifyType) + "";
            InsVerify insVerify = Crud.InsVerifyCrud.SelectOne(command);

            if (insVerify == null)
Пример #8
 ///<summary>If the passed in InsVerify is null, do nothing.
 ///Otherwise, insert the passed in InsVerify into InsVerifyHist and blank out InsVerify's UserNum, Status, and Note.</summary>
 public static void InsertFromInsVerify(InsVerify insVerify)
     if (insVerify == null)
     Insert(new InsVerifyHist(insVerify));
     insVerify.UserNum          = 0;
     insVerify.DefNum           = 0;
     insVerify.Note             = "";
     insVerify.DateLastAssigned = DateTime.MinValue;
     if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.InsVerifyFutureDateBenefitYear) && insVerify.AppointmentDateTime > DateTime.MinValue)
         insVerify.DateLastVerified = insVerify.AppointmentDateTime;
Пример #9
        ///<summary>Calculates the time available to verify based on a variety of patient and appointment factors.
        ///Looks at Appointment date, appointment creation date, last verification date, next scheduled verification, insurance renewal
        public static InsVerify SetTimeAvailableForVerify(InsVerify insVer, PlanToVerify planType, int appointmentScheduledDays, int insBenefitEligibilityDays,
                                                          int patientEnrollmentDays)
            DateTime dateTimeLatestApptScheduling;
            //DateAppointmentScheduled-appointmentScheduledDays (default is 7)
            DateTime dateTimeUntilAppt;
            //DateTime the appointment takes place.
            DateTime dateTimeAppointment;
            //DateTime the patient was scheduled to be re-verified
            DateTime dateTimeScheduledReVerify;
            //DateTime verification last took place.  Will be 01/01/0001 if verification has never happened.
            DateTime dateTimeLastVerified;
            //DateTime the insurance renewal month rolls over.
            //The month the renewal takes place is stored in the database.  If the month is 0, then it is actually january.
            //It is the first day of the given month at midnight, or (Month#)/01/(year) @ 00:00AM.
            //Set to max val by default in case the PrefName.InsVerifyFutureDateBenefitYear=false.
            //Since max val is later in time than the appointment time, it will be ignored.
            DateTime dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = DateTime.MaxValue;

            #region Appointment Dates
            dateTimeAppointment = insVer.AppointmentDateTime;
            dateTimeUntilAppt   = insVer.AppointmentDateTime.AddDays(-appointmentScheduledDays);
            //Calculate when the appointment was put into it's current time slot.
            //This will be the earliest datetime where the scheduled appointment time is what it is now
            List <HistAppointment> listHistAppt = HistAppointments.GetForApt(insVer.AptNum);
            listHistAppt.RemoveAll(x => x.AptDateTime.Date != insVer.AppointmentDateTime.Date);
            listHistAppt = listHistAppt.Where(x => x.AptStatus == ApptStatus.Scheduled).OrderBy(x => x.AptDateTime).ToList();
            if (listHistAppt.Count > 0)
                //If the appointment was moved to the current date after the (Apt.DateTime-appointmentScheduledDays),
                //we only had (Apt.DateTime-listHistAppt.First().HistDateTstamp) days instead of (appointmentScheduledDays)
                dateTimeLatestApptScheduling = listHistAppt.First().HistDateTStamp;
                //Just in case there's no history for an appointment for some reason.
                //Shouldn't happen because a log entry is created when the appointment is created.
                //Use the date the appointment was created.  This is better than nothing and should never happen anyways.
                dateTimeLatestApptScheduling = Appointments.GetOneApt(insVer.AptNum).SecDateEntry;
            #endregion Appointment Dates
            #region Insurance Verification
            dateTimeLastVerified = insVer.DateLastVerified;
            //Add defined number of days to date last verified to calculate when the next verification date should have started.
            if (planType == PlanToVerify.InsuranceBenefits)
                if (insVer.DateLastVerified == DateTime.MinValue)               //If it's the min value, the insurance has never been verified.
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateTimeEntry;
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateLastVerified.AddDays(insBenefitEligibilityDays);
            else              //PlanToVerify.PatientEligibility
                if (insVer.DateLastVerified == DateTime.MinValue)
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateTimeEntry;
                    dateTimeScheduledReVerify = insVer.DateLastVerified.AddDays(patientEnrollmentDays);
            #endregion insurance verification
            #region Benifit Renewal
            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.InsVerifyFutureDateBenefitYear))
                InsPlan insPlan = InsPlans.GetPlan(insVer.PlanNum, null);
                //Setup the month renew dates.  Need all 3 years in case the appointment verify window crosses over a year
                //e.g. Appt verify date: 12/30/2016 and Appt Date: 1/6/2017
                DateTime dateTimeOldestRenewal = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year - 1, Math.Max((byte)1, insPlan.MonthRenew), 1);
                DateTime dateTimeMiddleRenewal = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, Math.Max((byte)1, insPlan.MonthRenew), 1);
                DateTime dateTimeNewestRenewal = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 1, Math.Max((byte)1, insPlan.MonthRenew), 1);
                //We want to find the date closest to the appointment date without going past it.
                if (dateTimeMiddleRenewal > dateTimeAppointment)
                    dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = dateTimeOldestRenewal;
                    if (dateTimeNewestRenewal > dateTimeAppointment)
                        dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = dateTimeMiddleRenewal;
                        dateBenifitRenewalNeeded = dateTimeNewestRenewal;
            #endregion Benifit Renewal
            DateTime dateTimeAbleToVerify = VerifyDateCalulation(dateTimeUntilAppt, dateTimeLatestApptScheduling, dateTimeScheduledReVerify, dateBenifitRenewalNeeded);
            insVer.HoursAvailableForVerification = insVer.AppointmentDateTime.Subtract(dateTimeAbleToVerify).TotalHours;
Пример #10
        ///<summary>UserNum=-1 is "All", UserNum=0 is "Unassigned".
        ///statusDefNum=-1 or statusDefNum=0 is "All".
        ///listClinicNums containing -1 is "All". listClinicNums containing 0 is "Unassigned".
        ///listRegionDefNums containing 0 or -1 is "All".</summary>
        public static List <InsVerifyGridObject> GetVerifyGridList(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, DateTime datePatEligibilityLastVerified
                                                                   , DateTime datePlanBenefitsLastVerified, List <long> listClinicNums, List <long> listRegionDefNums, long statusDefNum
                                                                   , long userNum, string carrierName, bool excludePatVerifyWhenNoIns, bool excludePatClones)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <InsVerifyGridObject> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), startDate, endDate, datePatEligibilityLastVerified
                                                                    , datePlanBenefitsLastVerified, listClinicNums, listRegionDefNums, statusDefNum, userNum, carrierName, excludePatVerifyWhenNoIns, excludePatClones));
            //clinicJoin should only be used if the passed in clinicNum is a value other than 0 (Unassigned).
            string whereClinic = "";

            if (listClinicNums.Contains(-1))             //All clinics
                whereClinic = "AND (clinic.IsInsVerifyExcluded=0 OR clinic.ClinicNum IS NULL) ";
                if (!listRegionDefNums.Contains(0) && !listRegionDefNums.Contains(-1) && listRegionDefNums.Count > 0)               //Specific region
                    whereClinic += " AND clinic.Region IN(" + string.Join(",", listRegionDefNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            else if (listClinicNums.Contains(0))             //Unassigned clinics
                whereClinic = "AND clinic.ClinicNum IS NULL ";
                if (listClinicNums.Count(x => x != 0) > 0)             //Also has specific clinics selected
                    whereClinic  = "AND (clinic.ClinicNum IS NULL OR ";
                    whereClinic += "(clinic.IsInsVerifyExcluded=0 AND clinic.ClinicNum IN(" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
                    if (!listRegionDefNums.Contains(0) && !listRegionDefNums.Contains(-1) && listRegionDefNums.Count > 0)                   //Specific region
                        whereClinic += " AND clinic.Region IN(" + string.Join(",", listRegionDefNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
                    whereClinic += ")) ";
            else              //Specific Clinic
                whereClinic = "AND clinic.IsInsVerifyExcluded=0 AND clinic.ClinicNum IN(" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
                if (!listRegionDefNums.Contains(0) && !listRegionDefNums.Contains(-1) && listRegionDefNums.Count > 0)               //Specific region
                    whereClinic += " AND clinic.Region IN(" + string.Join(",", listRegionDefNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            bool   checkBenefitYear = PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.InsVerifyFutureDateBenefitYear);
            string mainQuery        = @"
				SELECT insverify.*,
				COALESCE(clinic.Abbr,'None') AS ClinicName
				FROM appointment 
				LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=appointment.ClinicNum 
				INNER JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=appointment.PatNum 
				INNER JOIN patplan ON patplan.PatNum=appointment.PatNum 
				INNER JOIN inssub ON inssub.InsSubNum=patplan.InsSubNum 
				INNER JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=inssub.PlanNum 
					"                     + (excludePatVerifyWhenNoIns ? "AND insplan.HideFromVerifyList=0" : "") + @"
				INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum 
					"                     + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(carrierName) ? "" : "AND carrier.CarrierName LIKE '%" + POut.String(carrierName) + "%'") + @"
				"                 + (excludePatClones ? "LEFT JOIN patientlink ON patientlink.PatNumTo=patient.PatNum AND patientlink.LinkType="
                                     + POut.Int((int)PatientLinkType.Clone) + " " : "");
            string insVerifyJoin1 = @"INNER JOIN insverify ON 
					(insverify.VerifyType="                     + POut.Int((int)VerifyTypes.InsuranceBenefit) + @" 
					AND insverify.FKey=insplan.PlanNum 
					AND (insverify.DateLastVerified<"                     + POut.Date(datePlanBenefitsLastVerified) + @"
						"                         + (checkBenefitYear?@"OR (insverify.DateLastVerified<DATE_FORMAT(appointment.AptDateTime,CONCAT('%Y-',LPAD(MonthRenew,2,'0'),'-01')) 
							AND DATE_FORMAT(appointment.AptDateTime,CONCAT('%Y-',LPAD(MonthRenew,2,'0'),'-01'))<="                             + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("appointment.AptDateTime") + ")":"") + @") 
					"                     + (excludePatVerifyWhenNoIns ? "" : "AND insplan.HideFromVerifyList=0") + @") ";
            string insVerifyJoin2 = @"INNER JOIN insverify ON 
					(insverify.VerifyType="                     + POut.Int((int)VerifyTypes.PatientEnrollment) + @"
					AND insverify.FKey=patplan.PatPlanNum
					AND (insverify.DateLastVerified<"                     + POut.Date(datePatEligibilityLastVerified) + @"
						"                         + (checkBenefitYear?@"OR (insverify.DateLastVerified<DATE_FORMAT(appointment.AptDateTime,CONCAT('%Y-',LPAD(MonthRenew,2,'0'),'-01')) 
							AND DATE_FORMAT(appointment.AptDateTime,CONCAT('%Y-',LPAD(MonthRenew,2,'0'),'-01'))<="                             + DbHelper.DtimeToDate("appointment.AptDateTime") + ")":"") + @"))	";
            string whereClause = @"
				WHERE appointment.AptDateTime BETWEEN "                 + DbHelper.DtimeToDate(POut.Date(startDate)) + " AND " + DbHelper.DtimeToDate(POut.Date(endDate.AddDays(1))) + @" 
				AND appointment.AptStatus IN ("                 + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Scheduled) + "," + POut.Int((int)ApptStatus.Complete) + @")
				"                 + (userNum == -1 ? "" : "AND insverify.UserNum=" + POut.Long(userNum)) + @"
				"                 + (statusDefNum < 1 ? "" : "AND insverify.DefNum=" + POut.Long(statusDefNum)) + @"
				"                 + (excludePatClones ? "AND patientlink.PatNumTo IS NULL" : "") + @"
				"                 + whereClinic;
            //Previously we joined the insverify table using a large OR clause. This caused MySQL to not be able to use any index on the insverify table.
            //Now we run two unioned queries, each with a different join clause for the insverify table, so that MySQL can use insverify.FKKey as an index.
            string command =
                mainQuery +
                insVerifyJoin1 +
                whereClause + @"
				"                 +
                mainQuery +
                insVerifyJoin2 +
                whereClause + @"
				ORDER BY AptDateTime"                ;
            DataTable                  table           = Db.GetTable(command);
            List <InsVerify>           listInsVerifies = Crud.InsVerifyCrud.TableToList(table);
            List <InsVerifyGridObject> retVal          = new List <InsVerifyGridObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                DataRow   row          = table.Rows[i];
                InsVerify insVerifyCur = listInsVerifies[i].Clone();
                insVerifyCur.PatNum     = PIn.Long(row["PatNum"].ToString());
                insVerifyCur.PlanNum    = PIn.Long(row["PlanNum"].ToString());
                insVerifyCur.PatPlanNum = PIn.Long(row["PatPlanNum"].ToString());
                insVerifyCur.ClinicName = PIn.String(row["ClinicName"].ToString());
                string patName = PIn.String(row["LName"].ToString())
                                 + ", ";
                if (PIn.String(row["Preferred"].ToString()) != "")
                    patName += "'" + PIn.String(row["Preferred"].ToString()) + "' ";
                patName += PIn.String(row["FName"].ToString());
                insVerifyCur.PatientName         = patName;
                insVerifyCur.CarrierName         = PIn.String(row["CarrierName"].ToString());
                insVerifyCur.AppointmentDateTime = PIn.DateT(row["AptDateTime"].ToString());
                insVerifyCur.AptNum = PIn.Long(row["AptNum"].ToString());
                if (insVerifyCur.VerifyType == VerifyTypes.InsuranceBenefit)
                    InsVerifyGridObject gridObjPlanExists = retVal.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanInsVerify != null && x.PlanInsVerify.PlanNum == insVerifyCur.PlanNum);
                    if (gridObjPlanExists == null)
                        InsVerifyGridObject gridObjExists = retVal.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PatInsVerify != null &&
                                                                                  x.PatInsVerify.PatPlanNum == insVerifyCur.PatPlanNum &&
                                                                                  x.PatInsVerify.PlanNum == insVerifyCur.PlanNum &&
                                                                                  x.PatInsVerify.Note == insVerifyCur.Note &&
                                                                                  x.PatInsVerify.DefNum == insVerifyCur.DefNum &&
                                                                                  x.PlanInsVerify == null);
                        if (gridObjExists != null)
                            gridObjExists.PlanInsVerify = insVerifyCur;
                            retVal.Add(new InsVerifyGridObject(plan: insVerifyCur));
                else if (insVerifyCur.VerifyType == VerifyTypes.PatientEnrollment)
                    InsVerifyGridObject gridObjPatExists = retVal.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PatInsVerify != null && x.PatInsVerify.PatPlanNum == insVerifyCur.PatPlanNum);
                    if (gridObjPatExists == null)
                        InsVerifyGridObject gridObjExists = retVal.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PlanInsVerify != null &&
                                                                                  x.PlanInsVerify.PlanNum == insVerifyCur.PlanNum &&
                                                                                  x.PlanInsVerify.Note == insVerifyCur.Note &&
                                                                                  x.PlanInsVerify.DefNum == insVerifyCur.DefNum &&
                                                                                  x.PatInsVerify == null);
                        if (gridObjExists != null)
                            gridObjExists.PatInsVerify = insVerifyCur;
                            retVal.Add(new InsVerifyGridObject(pat: insVerifyCur));