Пример #1
            public static void calculateAllKernels(SVM problemSolution)
                TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;
                ProblemConfig problemConfig = problemSolution.ProblemCfg;

                trainingSet.errors = new float[trainingSet.getN];
                trainingSet.kernels = new float[trainingSet.getN][];
                for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getN; i++)
                    trainingSet.kernels[i] = new float[trainingSet.getN];

                trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated = new bool[trainingSet.getN];

                // Caching kernels
                for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getN; i++)
                    if (problemSolution.alphaList[i] != 0)
                        trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i] = true;

                        for (int j = i; j < trainingSet.getN; j++)
                            trainingSet.kernels[i][j] = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], trainingSet.trainingArray[j], problemSolution);

                            if (j != i)
                                trainingSet.kernels[j][i] = trainingSet.kernels[i][j];
Пример #2
            public static float calculateSingleKernel(TrainingUnit xi, TrainingUnit xj,SVM ProblemSolution)
                ProblemConfig problemConfig = ProblemSolution.ProblemCfg;

                // Vectors size check
                //if (xi.getDimension() != xj.getDimension()) return 0;
                // Linear: u'*v (inner product)
                if (problemConfig.kernelType == ProblemConfig.KernelType.Linear)
                    float sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < xi.getDimension(); i++)
                        sum += xi.xVector[i] * xj.xVector[i];
                    return sum;
                // Radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
                if (problemConfig.kernelType == ProblemConfig.KernelType.RBF)
                    // Gamma is, by choice, 1 / (number of features).
                    float sum = 0, temp;
                    for (int i = 0; i < xi.getDimension(); i++)
                        temp = xi.xVector[i] - xj.xVector[i];
                        sum += temp * temp;
                    return  (float)Math.Exp(-ProblemSolution.ProblemCfg.lambda * sum);
                return 0;
Пример #3
            public static void calculateErrors(SVM problemSolution)
                // Caching errors
                for (int i = 0; i < problemSolution.TrainingSet.getN; i++)
                    //problemSolution.TrainingSet.errors[i] = calculateFx(i, problemSolution) - problemSolution.TrainingSet.trainingArray[i].y;
                    problemSolution.TrainingSet.errors[i] = - problemSolution.TrainingSet.trainingArray[i].y;

                    if (problemSolution.alphaList[i] != 0)
                        updateSingleError(problemSolution.TrainingSet, problemSolution, problemSolution.alphaList[i], i);
Пример #4
            private static void updateErrorsCache(TrainingSet trainingSet, SVM currentSolution,
                float oldAlphai, float newAlphai, int iIndex,
                float oldAlphaj, float newAlphaj, int jIndex,
                float oldB, float newB)
                float alphaiDif = newAlphai - oldAlphai;
                float alphajDif = newAlphaj - oldAlphaj;
                float BDif = newB - oldB;

                if (trainingSet.trainingArray[iIndex].y < 0) alphaiDif = -alphaiDif;
                if (trainingSet.trainingArray[jIndex].y < 0) alphajDif = -alphajDif;

                for (int t = 0; t < trainingSet.getN; t++)
                    float variation = alphaiDif * trainingSet.kernels[iIndex][t];
                    variation += alphajDif * trainingSet.kernels[jIndex][t];
                    variation += BDif;

                    trainingSet.errors[t] += variation;
Пример #5
            /// <summary>Computes the i-th line of matrix K[i][j]</summary>
            /// <param name="problemSolution">SVM to solve</param>
            /// <param name="i">Kernel line number to compute</param>
            private static void ComputeKernels(SVM problemSolution, int i)
                if (problemSolution.TrainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i]) return;
                TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;
                problemSolution.TrainingSet.kernels[i] = new float[problemSolution.TrainingSet.getN];

                trainingSet.kernels[i] = new float[trainingSet.getN];
                problemSolution.TrainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i] = true;

                for (int j = 0; j < trainingSet.getN; j++)
                    trainingSet.kernels[i][j] = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], trainingSet.trainingArray[j], problemSolution);
                    //trainingSet.kernels[j][i] = trainingSet.kernels[i][j];
Пример #6
            private static float calculateFx(int indexX, SVM currentSolution)
                TrainingSet trainingSet = currentSolution.TrainingSet;
                ProblemConfig problemConfig = currentSolution.ProblemCfg;

                float sum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getN; i++)
                    if (trainingSet.trainingArray[i].y > 0)
                        sum += currentSolution.alphaList[i] * trainingSet.kernels[i][indexX];
                        sum -= currentSolution.alphaList[i] * trainingSet.kernels[i][indexX];
                return sum + currentSolution.b;
Пример #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Solves the SMO considering no previous knowledge about the problem
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="problemSolution">Solution of the problem</param>
            /// <returns>Solution of the problem with alphas and threshold</returns>
            public static SVM solveSMOStartingFromZero(SVM problemSolution)

                // Solve it
                return solveSMOStartingFromPreviousSolution(problemSolution);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Predicts the output of a single entry, given a previous problem, solution and correspondent training set
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problemSolution">Correspondent problem solution</param>
        /// <param name="untrainedUnit">Input features from which the output will be predicted</param>
        /// <returns>The y classification (true/false = positive/negative)</returns>
        public static float CLpredictOutput(SVM problemSolution, TrainingUnit untrainedUnit)
            TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;
            ProblemConfig problemConfig = problemSolution.ProblemCfg;

            #region Compute kernel
            float[] K = new float[problemSolution.TrainingSet.getN];

            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[]

            for (int j = 0; j < untrainedUnit.xVector.Length; j++)
                problemSolution.HostSample[j] = untrainedUnit.xVector[j];


            lock (CLResource)
                kernelComputeKernelRBF.Execute(args, problemSolution.TrainingSet.getN);

            // F(x) = sum + b
            // sum = summation of alpha_i * y_i * kernel(untrained unit, i) for all i in the training set
            float sum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getN; i++)
                if (trainingSet.trainingArray[i].y > 0)
                    sum += problemSolution.alphaList[i] * K[i];
                    sum -= problemSolution.alphaList[i] * K[i];

            return sum + problemSolution.b;
Пример #9
            public static float calculateSingleKernel(TrainingUnit xi, TrainingUnit xj, SVM ProblemSolution)
                ProblemConfig problemConfig = ProblemSolution.ProblemCfg;

                // Vectors size check
                //if (xi.getDimension() != xj.getDimension()) return 0;
                // Linear: u'*v (inner product)
                if (problemConfig.kernelType == ProblemConfig.KernelType.Linear)
                    float sum = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < xi.getDimension(); i++)
                        sum += xi.xVector[i] * xj.xVector[i];
                // Radial basis function: exp(-gamma*|u-v|^2)
                if (problemConfig.kernelType == ProblemConfig.KernelType.RBF)
                    // Gamma is, by choice, 1 / (number of features).
                    float sum = 0, temp;
                    for (int i = 0; i < xi.getDimension(); i++)
                        temp = xi.xVector[i] - xj.xVector[i];
                        sum += temp * temp;
                    return((float)Math.Exp(-ProblemSolution.ProblemCfg.lambda * sum));
Пример #10
            /// <summary>
            /// Solves the SMO considering no previous knowledge about the problem
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="problemSolution">Known solution</param>
            /// <returns>Solution of the problem with alphas and threshold</returns>
            public static SVM solveSMOStartingFromPreviousSolution(SVM problemSolution)
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swTotalTime     = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swHeuristica    = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swComputeKernel = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swUpdateError   = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                ProblemConfig problemConfig = problemSolution.ProblemCfg;

                if (problemSolution.alphaList == null)

                //Initializes GPU error vector
                if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)

                TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;

                int passes = 0;
                int m      = trainingSet.getN;

                while (passes < problemConfig.maxPasses)
                    int changedAlphas = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                        float yi      = trainingSet.trainingArray[i].y;
                        float alpha_i = problemSolution.alphaList[i];
                        // Error between the SVM output on the ith training unit and the true ith output
                        float ei = trainingSet.errors[i];

                        // KKT conditions for ith element
                        if (
                            ((yi * ei < -problemConfig.tol && alpha_i < problemConfig.c) || (yi * ei > problemConfig.tol && alpha_i > 0))

                            #region Computes J using maximum variation heuristics
                            // Get a number from 0 to m - 1 not equal to i
                            int j = 0;
                            if (trainingSet.errors[i] >= 0)
                                if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                    j = CLFindMinError(problemSolution);
                                    float minError = trainingSet.errors[0];
                                    for (int k = 1; k < trainingSet.getN; k++)
                                        if (minError > trainingSet.errors[k])
                                            minError = trainingSet.errors[k];
                                            j        = k;
                                if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                    j = CLFindMaxError(problemSolution);
                                    float maxError = trainingSet.errors[0];
                                    for (int k = 1; k < trainingSet.getN; k++)
                                        if (maxError < trainingSet.errors[k])
                                            maxError = trainingSet.errors[k];
                                            j        = k;


                            float yj      = trainingSet.trainingArray[j].y;
                            float alpha_j = problemSolution.alphaList[j];
                            // Error between the SVM output on the jth training unit and the true jth output
                            float ej = trainingSet.errors[j];

                            // Save old alphas
                            float oldAlpha_i = problemSolution.alphaList[i];
                            float oldAlpha_j = problemSolution.alphaList[j];

                            #region Compute lower and higher bounds of alpha_j
                            float lowerBound;
                            float higherBound;
                            if (yi != yj)
                                lowerBound  = Math.Max(0, alpha_j - alpha_i);
                                higherBound = Math.Min(problemConfig.c, problemConfig.c + alpha_j - alpha_i);
                                lowerBound  = Math.Max(0, alpha_j + alpha_i - problemConfig.c);
                                higherBound = Math.Min(problemConfig.c, alpha_j + alpha_i);

                            // Nothing to adjust if we can't set any value between those bounds
                            if (lowerBound == higherBound)

                            #region Compute eta
                            float kernel_xi_xj;
                            float kernel_xi_xi;
                            float kernel_xj_xj;

                            if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i])
                                kernel_xi_xj = trainingSet.kernels[i][j];
                            else if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[j])
                                kernel_xi_xj = trainingSet.kernels[j][i];
                                kernel_xi_xj = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], trainingSet.trainingArray[j], problemSolution); //trainingSet.kernels[i][j];
                            if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i])
                                kernel_xi_xi = trainingSet.kernels[i][i];
                                kernel_xi_xi = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], trainingSet.trainingArray[i], problemSolution); //trainingSet.kernels[i][i];
                            if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[j])
                                kernel_xj_xj = trainingSet.kernels[j][j];
                                kernel_xj_xj = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[j], trainingSet.trainingArray[j], problemSolution); //trainingSet.kernels[j][j];
                            float eta = 2 * kernel_xi_xj - kernel_xi_xi - kernel_xj_xj;
                            if (eta >= 0)

                            // Compute new alpha_j
                            alpha_j = alpha_j - yj * (ei - ej) / eta;
                            // Clip alpha_j if necessary
                            if (alpha_j > higherBound)
                                alpha_j = higherBound;
                            else if (alpha_j < lowerBound)
                                alpha_j = lowerBound;

                            // If the changes are not big enough, just continue
                            if (Math.Abs(oldAlpha_j - alpha_j) < MIN_ALPHA_CHANGE)

                            //Needs to compute lines K[i][] and K[j][] since the alphas will change
                            if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                CLComputeKernels(problemSolution, i);
                                CLComputeKernels(problemSolution, j);
                                ComputeKernels(problemSolution, i);
                                ComputeKernels(problemSolution, j);

                            // Compute value for alpha_i
                            alpha_i = alpha_i + yi * yj * (oldAlpha_j - alpha_j);

                            // Compute b1, b2 and new b (threshold)
                            float oldB = problemSolution.b;
                            if (0 < alpha_i && alpha_i < problemConfig.c)
                                // b1 is enough in this case
                                float b1 = problemSolution.b - ei - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xi - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xi_xj;
                                problemSolution.b = b1;
                            else if (0 < alpha_j && alpha_j < problemConfig.c)
                                // b2 is enough in this case
                                float b2 = problemSolution.b - ej - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xj - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xj_xj;
                                problemSolution.b = b2;
                                // b is the average between b1 and b2
                                float b1 = problemSolution.b - ei - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xi - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xi_xj;
                                float b2 = problemSolution.b - ej - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xj - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xj_xj;
                                problemSolution.b = (b1 + b2) * 0.5f;

                            // Update the changed alphas in the solution
                            problemSolution.alphaList[i] = alpha_i;
                            problemSolution.alphaList[j] = alpha_j;

                            // Update errors cache
                            if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                CLupdateErrorsCache(trainingSet, problemSolution, oldAlpha_i, alpha_i, i, oldAlpha_j, alpha_j, j, oldB, problemSolution.b);
                                updateErrorsCache(trainingSet, problemSolution, oldAlpha_i, alpha_i, i, oldAlpha_j, alpha_j, j, oldB, problemSolution.b);


                    if (changedAlphas == 0)
                        passes = 0;

Пример #11
 private static void WriteCLErr(SVM svm)
     lock (CLResource)
         //Initializes OpenCL memory error vector
         if (svm.CLerr == null || svm.CLerr.OriginalVarLength != svm.TrainingSet.errors.Length)
             svm.CLerr = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(svm.TrainingSet.errors);
             svm.CLErrLen.WriteToDevice(new int[] { svm.TrainingSet.errors.Length });
Пример #12
        private static void CLupdateErrorsCache(TrainingSet trainingSet, SVM svm,
            float oldAlphai, float newAlphai, int iIndex,
            float oldAlphaj, float newAlphaj, int jIndex,
            float oldB, float newB)
            float alphaiDif = newAlphai - oldAlphai;
            float alphajDif = newAlphaj - oldAlphaj;
            float BDif = newB - oldB;

            if (trainingSet.trainingArray[iIndex].y < 0) alphaiDif = -alphaiDif;
            if (trainingSet.trainingArray[jIndex].y < 0) alphajDif = -alphajDif;

            lock (CLResource)
                //Writes kernel values
                if (svm.CLKi == null || svm.CLKi.OriginalVarLength != svm.TrainingSet.errors.Length)
                    svm.CLKi = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(svm.TrainingSet.kernels[iIndex]);
                    svm.CLKj = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(svm.TrainingSet.kernels[jIndex]);
                float[] p = new float[3] { alphaiDif, BDif, alphajDif };

                //Executes update using GPU
                kernelUpdateErr.Execute(new CLCalc.Program.Variable[] { svm.CLerr, svm.CLKi, svm.CLKj, svm.CLUpdtErrParams }, svm.TrainingSet.getN);

Пример #13
        /// <summary>Finds minimum E[i] in SVM and returns corresponding i (returns arg min E[i])</summary>
        /// <param name="svm">SVM to check</param>
        private static int CLFindMinError(SVM svm)
            CLCalc.Program.Variable[] args = new CLCalc.Program.Variable[] { svm.CLerr, svm.CLErrLen, svm.CLMaxMinErrs, svm.CLMaxMinInds };
            lock (CLResource)
                //Majority of Minimums
                kernelMinErr.Execute(args, MAXMINWORKSIZE);

                //Computes values
                args = new CLCalc.Program.Variable[] { svm.CLMaxMinErrs, svm.CLMaxMinInds };
                int i = MAXMINWORKSIZE >> 1;
                while (i > 0)
                    kernelComputeMin.Execute(args, i);
                    i = (i >> 1);

                //Retrieves index
                args = new CLCalc.Program.Variable[] { svm.CLMaxMinInds, svm.CLResp };
                kernelGetResp.Execute(args, 1);

            return svm.HostResp[0];
Пример #14
        /// <summary>Computes the i-th line of matrix K[i][j]</summary>
        /// <param name="problemSolution">SVM to solve</param>
        /// <param name="i">Kernel line number to compute</param>
        private static void CLComputeKernels(SVM problemSolution, int i)
            if (problemSolution.TrainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i]) return;
            problemSolution.TrainingSet.kernels[i] = new float[problemSolution.TrainingSet.getN];

            TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;

            trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i] = true;

            for (int j = 0; j < trainingSet.trainingArray[i].xVector.Length; j++)
                problemSolution.HostSample[j] = trainingSet.trainingArray[i].xVector[j];

            //OpenCL Kernel execution
            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[]

            lock (CLResource)
                kernelComputeKernelRBF.Execute(args, trainingSet.getN);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>Classifies multiple samples stored in OpenCL memory</summary>
        /// <param name="Samples">Samples data to classify</param>
        /// <param name="svm">SVM to use as classifier</param>
        public static float[] MultiClassify(SVM svm, CLCalc.Program.Image2D Samples)
            float[] resp = new float[Samples.Height];


            if ((Samples.Width << 2) != svm.HostVLen[0]) throw new Exception("Invalid Samples width, should be the same length of training features");

            if (svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify == null || svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify.OriginalVarLength != svm.alphaList.Count * Samples.Height)
                svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[svm.alphaList.Count * Samples.Height]);

            if (svm.CLAlphas == null || svm.CLAlphas.OriginalVarLength != svm.alphaList.Count)
                svm.CLAlphas = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(svm.alphaList.ToArray());

                float[] ys = new float[svm.TrainingSet.trainingArray.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++) ys[i] = svm.TrainingSet.trainingArray[i].y;

                svm.CLys = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(ys);
            if (svm.CLb==null)
                svm.CLb = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[] { svm.b });
                svm.CLQtdSupVecs = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new int[] { svm.alphaList.Count });
                CLMultiClassifSums = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[Samples.Height]);

            if (CLMultiClassifSums.OriginalVarLength != Samples.Height)
                CLMultiClassifSums = new CLCalc.Program.Variable(new float[Samples.Height]);

            //svm.CLb.WriteToDevice(new float[] { svm.b });
            //svm.CLQtdSupVecs.WriteToDevice(new int[] { svm.alphaList.Count });

            CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { svm.CLTrainingFeatures, svm.CLQtdSupVecs, svm.CLXVecLen, Samples, svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify, svm.CLLambda };
            kernelComputeMultiKernelRBF.Execute(args, new int[] { svm.alphaList.Count, Samples.Height });


            args = new CLCalc.Program.MemoryObject[] { svm.CLAlphas, svm.CLQtdSupVecs, svm.CLXVecLen, svm.CLys, svm.CLKernelValuesMultiClassify, svm.CLb, CLMultiClassifSums };
            kernelSumKernels.Execute(args, Samples.Height);

            return resp;
Пример #16
 private static void updateSingleError(TrainingSet trainingSet, SVM currentSolution,
     float newAlphai, int iIndex)
     for (int t = 0; t < trainingSet.getN; t++)
         float variation = 0;
         if (trainingSet.trainingArray[iIndex].y > 0)
             variation += newAlphai * trainingSet.kernels[iIndex][t];
             variation -= newAlphai * trainingSet.kernels[iIndex][t];
         trainingSet.errors[t] += variation;
Пример #17
            /// <summary>
            /// Predicts the output of a single entry, given a previous problem, solution and correspondent training set
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="problemSolution">Correspondent problem solution</param>
            /// <param name="untrainedUnit">Input features from which the output will be predicted</param>
            /// <returns>The y classification (true/false = positive/negative)</returns>
            public static float predictOutput(SVM problemSolution, TrainingUnit untrainedUnit)
                TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;
                ProblemConfig problemConfig = problemSolution.ProblemCfg;

                // F(x) = sum + b
                // sum = summation of alpha_i * y_i * kernel(untrained unit, i) for all i in the training set
                float sum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getN; i++)
                    if (trainingSet.trainingArray[i].y > 0)
                        sum += problemSolution.alphaList[i] * calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], untrainedUnit, problemSolution);
                        sum -= problemSolution.alphaList[i] * calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], untrainedUnit, problemSolution);

                return sum + problemSolution.b;
Пример #18
            /// <summary>
            /// Solves the SMO considering no previous knowledge about the problem
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="problemSolution">Known solution</param>
            /// <returns>Solution of the problem with alphas and threshold</returns>
            public static SVM solveSMOStartingFromPreviousSolution(SVM problemSolution)
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swTotalTime = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swHeuristica = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swComputeKernel = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch swUpdateError = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

                ProblemConfig problemConfig = problemSolution.ProblemCfg;
                if (problemSolution.alphaList == null) problemSolution.initializeWithZeros();

                //Initializes GPU error vector
                if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)

                TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;

                int passes = 0;
                int m = trainingSet.getN;

                while (passes < problemConfig.maxPasses)

                    int changedAlphas = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)

                        float yi = trainingSet.trainingArray[i].y;
                        float alpha_i = problemSolution.alphaList[i];
                        // Error between the SVM output on the ith training unit and the true ith output
                        float ei = trainingSet.errors[i];

                        // KKT conditions for ith element
                        if (
                            ((yi * ei < -problemConfig.tol && alpha_i < problemConfig.c) || (yi * ei > problemConfig.tol && alpha_i > 0))

                            #region Computes J using maximum variation heuristics
                            // Get a number from 0 to m - 1 not equal to i
                            int j = 0;
                            if (trainingSet.errors[i] >= 0)
                                if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                    j = CLFindMinError(problemSolution);
                                    float minError = trainingSet.errors[0];
                                    for (int k = 1; k < trainingSet.getN; k++)
                                        if (minError > trainingSet.errors[k])
                                            minError = trainingSet.errors[k];
                                            j = k;

                                if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                    j = CLFindMaxError(problemSolution);
                                    float maxError = trainingSet.errors[0];
                                    for (int k = 1; k < trainingSet.getN; k++)
                                        if (maxError < trainingSet.errors[k])
                                            maxError = trainingSet.errors[k];
                                            j = k;


                            float yj = trainingSet.trainingArray[j].y;
                            float alpha_j = problemSolution.alphaList[j];
                            // Error between the SVM output on the jth training unit and the true jth output
                            float ej = trainingSet.errors[j];

                            // Save old alphas
                            float oldAlpha_i = problemSolution.alphaList[i];
                            float oldAlpha_j = problemSolution.alphaList[j];

                            #region Compute lower and higher bounds of alpha_j
                            float lowerBound;
                            float higherBound;
                            if (yi != yj)
                                lowerBound = Math.Max(0, alpha_j - alpha_i);
                                higherBound = Math.Min(problemConfig.c, problemConfig.c + alpha_j - alpha_i);
                                lowerBound = Math.Max(0, alpha_j + alpha_i - problemConfig.c);
                                higherBound = Math.Min(problemConfig.c, alpha_j + alpha_i);

                            // Nothing to adjust if we can't set any value between those bounds
                            if (lowerBound == higherBound) continue;

                            #region Compute eta
                            float kernel_xi_xj;
                            float kernel_xi_xi;
                            float kernel_xj_xj;

                            if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i])
                                kernel_xi_xj = trainingSet.kernels[i][j];
                            else if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[j])
                                kernel_xi_xj = trainingSet.kernels[j][i];
                            else kernel_xi_xj = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], trainingSet.trainingArray[j], problemSolution);//trainingSet.kernels[i][j];

                            if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[i])
                                kernel_xi_xi = trainingSet.kernels[i][i];
                            else kernel_xi_xi = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[i], trainingSet.trainingArray[i], problemSolution);//trainingSet.kernels[i][i];

                            if (trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated[j])
                                kernel_xj_xj = trainingSet.kernels[j][j];
                            else kernel_xj_xj = calculateSingleKernel(trainingSet.trainingArray[j], trainingSet.trainingArray[j], problemSolution);//trainingSet.kernels[j][j];

                            float eta = 2 * kernel_xi_xj - kernel_xi_xi - kernel_xj_xj;
                            if (eta >= 0) continue;

                            // Compute new alpha_j
                            alpha_j = alpha_j - yj * (ei - ej) / eta;
                            // Clip alpha_j if necessary
                            if (alpha_j > higherBound) alpha_j = higherBound;
                            else if (alpha_j < lowerBound) alpha_j = lowerBound;

                            // If the changes are not big enough, just continue
                            if (Math.Abs(oldAlpha_j - alpha_j) < MIN_ALPHA_CHANGE) continue;

                            //Needs to compute lines K[i][] and K[j][] since the alphas will change
                            if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                CLComputeKernels(problemSolution, i);
                                CLComputeKernels(problemSolution, j);
                                ComputeKernels(problemSolution, i);
                                ComputeKernels(problemSolution, j);

                            // Compute value for alpha_i
                            alpha_i = alpha_i + yi * yj * (oldAlpha_j - alpha_j);

                            // Compute b1, b2 and new b (threshold)
                            float oldB = problemSolution.b;
                            if (0 < alpha_i && alpha_i < problemConfig.c)
                                // b1 is enough in this case
                                float b1 = problemSolution.b - ei - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xi - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xi_xj;
                                problemSolution.b = b1;
                            else if (0 < alpha_j && alpha_j < problemConfig.c)
                                // b2 is enough in this case
                                float b2 = problemSolution.b - ej - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xj - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xj_xj;
                                problemSolution.b = b2;
                                // b is the average between b1 and b2
                                float b1 = problemSolution.b - ei - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xi - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xi_xj;
                                float b2 = problemSolution.b - ej - yi * (alpha_i - oldAlpha_i) * kernel_xi_xj - yj * (alpha_j - oldAlpha_j) * kernel_xj_xj;
                                problemSolution.b = (b1 + b2) * 0.5f;

                            // Update the changed alphas in the solution
                            problemSolution.alphaList[i] = alpha_i;
                            problemSolution.alphaList[j] = alpha_j;

                            // Update errors cache
                            if (OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAcceleration == OpenCLTemplate.CLCalc.CLAccelerationType.UsingCL)
                                CLupdateErrorsCache(trainingSet, problemSolution, oldAlpha_i, alpha_i, i, oldAlpha_j, alpha_j, j, oldB, problemSolution.b);
                                updateErrorsCache(trainingSet, problemSolution, oldAlpha_i, alpha_i, i, oldAlpha_j, alpha_j, j, oldB, problemSolution.b);



                    if (changedAlphas == 0)
                    { passes++; }
                    { passes = 0; }

                return problemSolution;
Пример #19
        /// <summary>Creates a new multiclass SVM using desired outputs from training set. Classifications -1.0f are negative for all sets</summary>
        /// <param name="TSet">Training set</param>
        /// <param name="SVMCfg">Configuration parameters</param>
        private void initMultiSVM(TrainingSet TSet, ProblemConfig SVMCfg)
            //Determines how many different classifications are there
            Classifications = new List<float>();
            foreach (TrainingUnit tu in TSet.trainingArray)
                if (Classifications.IndexOf(tu.y) < 0 && tu.y != -1.0f) Classifications.Add(tu.y);

            //For each different possible classification, create a different SVM
            SVMs = new List<SVM>();
            foreach (float c in Classifications)
                SVM svm = new SVM();
                svm.TrainingSet = new TrainingSet();
                svm.ProblemCfg = SVMCfg.Clone();

                foreach (TrainingUnit tu in TSet.trainingArray)
                    TrainingUnit newTu = tu.Clone();
                    newTu.y = tu.y == c ? 1 : -1;

                //Train svm
                svm.PreCalibrateCfg(0.8f / (float)Math.Sqrt(svm.TrainingSet.getN), 0.3f / (float)Math.Sqrt(svm.TrainingSet.getN));
Пример #20
        /// <summary>Computes All kernels and errors accelerating with OpenCL</summary>
        /// <param name="problemSolution">Problem solution SVM</param>
        public static void CLcalculateAllKernels(SVM problemSolution)
            TrainingSet trainingSet = problemSolution.TrainingSet;
            ProblemConfig problemConfig = problemSolution.ProblemCfg;

            trainingSet.errors = new float[trainingSet.getN];
            trainingSet.kernels = new float[trainingSet.getN][];
            trainingSet.IsKernelCalculated = new bool[trainingSet.getN];

            // Caching kernels
            for (int i = 0; i < trainingSet.getN; i++)
                if (problemSolution.alphaList[i] != 0)
                    CLComputeKernels(problemSolution, i);