/// <summary>
        /// Handles a user response to a dialog.
        /// </summary>
        private ServiceResult OnDialogComplete(
            ISystemContext context, 
            DialogConditionState dialog, 
            DialogConditionChoice response)
            if (m_dialog != null)
                DeleteNode(SystemContext, m_dialog.NodeId);
                m_dialog = null;

            return ServiceResult.Good;
        /// <summary>
        /// Peridically checks the system state.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnCheckSystemStatus(object state)
            #if CONDITION_SAMPLES
            lock (Lock)
                    // create the dialog.
                    if (m_dialog == null)
                        m_dialog = new DialogConditionState(null);

                            ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(ObjectIds.Data_Conditions, SystemContext.NamespaceUris),
                            new QualifiedName("ResetSystemDialog", m_namespaceIndex),

                        m_dialog.OnAfterResponse = OnDialogComplete;
                    StatusCode systemStatus = m_system.SystemStatus;

                    // cycle through different status codes in order to simulate a real system.
                    if (StatusCode.IsGood(systemStatus))
                        m_system.SystemStatus = StatusCodes.Uncertain;
                    else if (StatusCode.IsUncertain(systemStatus))
                        m_system.SystemStatus = StatusCodes.Bad;
                        m_system.SystemStatus = StatusCodes.Good;

                    // request a reset if status is bad.
                    if (StatusCode.IsBad(systemStatus))
                            "Reset the test system?", 
                            (uint)(int)(DialogConditionChoice.Ok | DialogConditionChoice.Cancel),
                    // report the event.
                    TranslationInfo info = new TranslationInfo(
                        "The TestSystem status is now {0}.",

                        new LocalizedText(info),
                catch (Exception e)
                    Utils.Trace(e, "Unexpected error monitoring system status.");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prompts the user to enter a comment.
        /// </summary>
        public int ShowDialog(DialogConditionState dialog)
            // set the prompt.
            PromptLB.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", BaseVariableState.GetValue(dialog.Prompt));

            Dictionary<DialogResult,int> resultMapping = new Dictionary<DialogResult, int>();

            // configure the buttons.
            LocalizedText[] options = BaseVariableState.GetValue(dialog.ResponseOptionSet);
            switch (options.Length)
                case 1:
                    OkBTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[0]);

                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[0].Width = 50;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[1].Width = 0;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[2].Width = 0;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[3].Width = 0;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[4].Width = 50;
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.OK, 0);

                case 2:
                    OkBTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[0]);
                    Response2BTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[1]);

                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[0].Width = 33;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[1].Width = 0;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[2].Width = 34;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[3].Width = 0;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[4].Width = 33;

                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.OK, 0);
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.Retry, 1);

                case 3:
                    OkBTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[0]);
                    Response1BTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[1]);
                    Response3BTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[2]);

                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[0].Width = 25;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[1].Width = 25;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[2].Width = 0;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[3].Width = 25;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[4].Width = 25;

                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.OK, 0);
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.Abort, 1);
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.Ignore, 2);

                case 4:
                    OkBTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[0]);
                    Response1BTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[1]);
                    Response2BTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[2]);
                    Response3BTN.Text = Utils.Format("{0}", options[3]);

                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[0].Width = 20;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[1].Width = 20;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[2].Width = 20;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[3].Width = 20;
                    ButtonsPN.ColumnStyles[4].Width = 20;

                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.OK, 0);
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.Abort, 1);
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.Retry, 2);
                    resultMapping.Add(DialogResult.Ignore, 3);

            // display the dialog.
            DialogResult result = ShowDialog();

            // map the response.
            int selectedResponse = -1;

            if (!resultMapping.TryGetValue(result, out selectedResponse))
                return -1;

            return selectedResponse;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an event object from a notification.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
        /// <param name="monitoredItem">The monitored item that produced the notification.</param>
        /// <param name="notification">The notification.</param>
        /// <param name="eventTypeMappings">Mapping between event types and known event types.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The event object. Null if the notification is not a valid event type.
        /// </returns>
        public static BaseEventState ConstructEvent(
            Session session,
            MonitoredItem monitoredItem,
            EventFieldList notification,
            Dictionary<NodeId,NodeId> eventTypeMappings)
            // find the event type.
            NodeId eventTypeId = FindEventType(monitoredItem, notification);

            if (eventTypeId == null)
                return null;

            // look up the known event type.
            NodeId knownTypeId = null;

            if (!eventTypeMappings.TryGetValue(eventTypeId, out knownTypeId))
                // check for a known type
                for (int jj = 0; jj < KnownEventTypes.Length; jj++)
                    if (KnownEventTypes[jj] == eventTypeId)
                        knownTypeId = eventTypeId;
                        eventTypeMappings.Add(eventTypeId, eventTypeId);
                // browse for the supertypes of the event type.
                if (knownTypeId == null)
                    ReferenceDescriptionCollection supertypes = FormUtils.BrowseSuperTypes(session, eventTypeId, false);

                    // can't do anything with unknown types.
                    if (supertypes == null)
                        return null;

                    // find the first supertype that matches a known event type.
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < supertypes.Count; ii++)
                        for (int jj = 0; jj < KnownEventTypes.Length; jj++)
                            if (KnownEventTypes[jj] == supertypes[ii].NodeId)
                                knownTypeId = KnownEventTypes[jj];
                                eventTypeMappings.Add(eventTypeId, knownTypeId);

                        if (knownTypeId != null)

            if (knownTypeId == null)
                return null;

            // all of the known event types have a UInt32 as identifier.
            uint? id = knownTypeId.Identifier as uint?;

            if (id == null)
                return null;

            // construct the event based on the known event type.
            BaseEventState e = null;

            switch (id.Value)
                case ObjectTypes.ConditionType: { e = new ConditionState(null); break; }
                case ObjectTypes.DialogConditionType: { e = new DialogConditionState(null); break; }
                case ObjectTypes.AlarmConditionType: { e = new AlarmConditionState(null); break; }
                case ObjectTypes.ExclusiveLimitAlarmType: { e = new ExclusiveLimitAlarmState(null); break; }
                case ObjectTypes.NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType: { e = new NonExclusiveLimitAlarmState(null); break; }
                case ObjectTypes.AuditEventType: { e = new AuditEventState(null); break; }
                case ObjectTypes.AuditUpdateMethodEventType: { e = new AuditUpdateMethodEventState(null); break; }

                    e = new BaseEventState(null);

            // get the filter which defines the contents of the notification.
            EventFilter filter = monitoredItem.Status.Filter as EventFilter;

            // initialize the event with the values in the notification.
            e.Update(session.SystemContext, filter.SelectClauses, notification);

            // save the orginal notification.
            e.Handle = notification;

            return e;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the dialog receives a response.
        /// </summary>
        private ServiceResult OnRespond(
            ISystemContext context,
            DialogConditionState dialog,
            int selectedResponse)
            // response 0 means set the source online.
            if (selectedResponse == 0)

            // response 1 means set the source offine.
            if (selectedResponse == 1)

            // other responses mean do nothing.
            dialog.SetResponse(context, selectedResponse);

            // dialog no longer interesting once it is deactivated.
            dialog.Message.Value = "The dialog was deactivated";
            dialog.Retain.Value = false;

            return ServiceResult.Good;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new dialog condition
        /// </summary>
        private DialogConditionState CreateDialog(string dialogName)
            ISystemContext context = m_nodeManager.SystemContext;

            DialogConditionState node = new DialogConditionState(this);

            node.SymbolicName = dialogName;

            // specify optional fields.
            node.EnabledState = new TwoStateVariableState(node);
            node.EnabledState.TransitionTime = new PropertyState<DateTime>(node.EnabledState);
            node.EnabledState.EffectiveDisplayName = new PropertyState<LocalizedText>(node.EnabledState);
            node.EnabledState.Create(context, null, BrowseNames.EnabledState, null, false);

            // specify reference type between the source and the alarm.
            node.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.HasComponent;

            // This call initializes the condition from the type model (i.e. creates all of the objects
            // and variables requried to store its state). The information about the type model was 
            // incorporated into the class when the class was created.
                new QualifiedName(dialogName, this.BrowseName.NamespaceIndex),


            // initialize event information.
            node.EventId.Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray();
            node.EventType.Value = node.TypeDefinitionId;
            node.SourceNode.Value = this.NodeId;
            node.SourceName.Value = this.SymbolicName;
            node.ConditionName.Value = node.SymbolicName;
            node.Time.Value = DateTime.UtcNow;
            node.ReceiveTime.Value = node.Time.Value;
            node.LocalTime.Value = Utils.GetTimeZoneInfo();
            node.Message.Value = "The dialog was activated";
            node.Retain.Value = true;

            node.SetEnableState(context, true);
            node.SetSeverity(context, EventSeverity.Low);

            // initialize the dialog information.
            node.Prompt.Value = "Please specify a new state for the source.";
            node.ResponseOptionSet.Value = s_ResponseOptions;
            node.DefaultResponse.Value = 2;
            node.CancelResponse.Value = 2;
            node.OkResponse.Value = 0;

            // set up method handlers.
            node.OnRespond = OnRespond;

            // this flag needs to be set because the underlying system does not produce these events.
            node.AutoReportStateChanges = true;

            // activate the dialog.

            // return the new node.
            return node;