Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new alarm for the source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="alarm">The alarm.</param>
        /// <param name="branchId">The branch id.</param>
        /// <returns>The new alarm.</returns>
        private AlarmConditionState CreateAlarm(UnderlyingSystemAlarm alarm, NodeId branchId)
            ISystemContext context = m_nodeManager.SystemContext;

            AlarmConditionState node = null;

            // need to map the alarm type to a UA defined alarm type.
            switch (alarm.AlarmType)
                case "HighAlarm":
                    ExclusiveDeviationAlarmState node2 = new ExclusiveDeviationAlarmState(this);
                    node = node2;
                    node2.HighLimit = new PropertyState<double>(node2);

                case "HighLowAlarm":
                    NonExclusiveLevelAlarmState node2 = new NonExclusiveLevelAlarmState(this);
                    node = node2;

                    node2.HighHighLimit = new PropertyState<double>(node2);
                    node2.HighLimit = new PropertyState<double>(node2);
                    node2.LowLimit = new PropertyState<double>(node2);
                    node2.LowLowLimit = new PropertyState<double>(node2);

                    node2.HighHighState = new TwoStateVariableState(node2);
                    node2.HighState = new TwoStateVariableState(node2);
                    node2.LowState = new TwoStateVariableState(node2);
                    node2.LowLowState = new TwoStateVariableState(node2);

                case "TripAlarm":
                    node = new TripAlarmState(this);

                    node = new AlarmConditionState(this);

            node.SymbolicName = alarm.Name;

            // add optional components.
            node.Comment = new ConditionVariableState<LocalizedText>(node);
            node.ClientUserId = new PropertyState<string>(node);
            node.AddComment = new AddCommentMethodState(node);
            node.ConfirmedState = new TwoStateVariableState(node);
            node.Confirm = new AddCommentMethodState(node);

            if (NodeId.IsNull(branchId))
                node.SuppressedState = new TwoStateVariableState(node);
                node.ShelvingState = new ShelvedStateMachineState(node);

            // adding optional components to children is a little more complicated since the 
            // necessary initilization strings defined by the class that represents the child.
            // in this case we pre-create the child, add the optional components
            // and call create without assigning NodeIds. The NodeIds will be assigned when the
            // parent object is created.
            node.EnabledState = new TwoStateVariableState(node);
            node.EnabledState.TransitionTime = new PropertyState<DateTime>(node.EnabledState);
            node.EnabledState.EffectiveDisplayName = new PropertyState<LocalizedText>(node.EnabledState);
            node.EnabledState.Create(context, null, BrowseNames.EnabledState, null, false);

            // same procedure add optional components to the ActiveState component.
            node.ActiveState = new TwoStateVariableState(node);
            node.ActiveState.TransitionTime = new PropertyState<DateTime>(node.ActiveState);
            node.ActiveState.EffectiveDisplayName = new PropertyState<LocalizedText>(node.ActiveState);
            node.ActiveState.Create(context, null, BrowseNames.ActiveState, null, false);

            // specify reference type between the source and the alarm.
            node.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.HasComponent;

            // This call initializes the condition from the type model (i.e. creates all of the objects
            // and variables requried to store its state). The information about the type model was 
            // incorporated into the class when the class was created.
            // This method also assigns new NodeIds to all of the components by calling the INodeIdFactory.New
            // method on the INodeIdFactory object which is part of the system context. The NodeManager provides
            // the INodeIdFactory implementation used here.
                new QualifiedName(alarm.Name, this.BrowseName.NamespaceIndex),

            // don't add branches to the address space.
            if (NodeId.IsNull(branchId))

            // initialize event information.node
            node.EventType.Value = node.TypeDefinitionId;
            node.SourceNode.Value = this.NodeId;
            node.SourceName.Value = this.SymbolicName;
            node.ConditionName.Value = node.SymbolicName;
            node.Time.Value = DateTime.UtcNow;
            node.ReceiveTime.Value = node.Time.Value;
            node.LocalTime.Value = Utils.GetTimeZoneInfo();
            node.BranchId.Value = branchId;
            // set up method handlers.
            node.OnEnableDisable = OnEnableDisableAlarm;
            node.OnAcknowledge = OnAcknowledge;
            node.OnAddComment = OnAddComment;
            node.OnConfirm = OnConfirm;
            node.OnShelve = OnShelve;
            node.OnTimedUnshelve = OnTimedUnshelve;

            // return the new node.
            return node;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Does any initialization required before the address space can be used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The externalReferences is an out parameter that allows the node manager to link to nodes
        /// in other node managers. For example, the 'Objects' node is managed by the CoreNodeManager and
        /// should have a reference to the root folder node(s) exposed by this node manager.  
        /// </remarks>
        public override void CreateAddressSpace(IDictionary<NodeId, IList<IReference>> externalReferences)
            lock (Lock)
                // check if the type model needs to be loaded.
                if (NamespaceIndexes.Length > 1)
                    LoadPredefinedNodes(SystemContext, externalReferences);

                IList<IReference> references = null;

                // create the root node.
                string serverName = m_configuration.ServerName;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(serverName))
                    serverName = "ComAeServer";

                AeAreaState root = new AeAreaState(SystemContext, String.Empty, serverName, NamespaceIndex);
                root.AddReference(ReferenceTypeIds.Organizes, true, ObjectIds.ObjectsFolder);

                // link root to objects folder.
                if (!externalReferences.TryGetValue(ObjectIds.ObjectsFolder, out references))
                    externalReferences[ObjectIds.ObjectsFolder] = references = new List<IReference>();

                references.Add(new NodeStateReference(ReferenceTypeIds.Organizes, false, root.NodeId));

                // link root to server object.
                if (!externalReferences.TryGetValue(ObjectIds.Server, out references))
                    externalReferences[ObjectIds.Server] = references = new List<IReference>();

                references.Add(new NodeStateReference(ReferenceTypeIds.HasNotifier, false, root.NodeId));

                // create the status node.
                ComServerStatusState status = new ComServerStatusState(root);
                status.ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.Organizes;

                // get the type namepace for the browse name.
                int typeNamepaceIndex = Server.NamespaceUris.GetIndex(Namespaces.ComInterop);

                if (typeNamepaceIndex < 0)
                    typeNamepaceIndex = NamespaceIndex;

                    AeModelUtils.ConstructIdForInternalNode("ServerStatus", NamespaceIndex),
                    new QualifiedName("ServerStatus", (ushort)typeNamepaceIndex),


                // store root folder in the pre-defined nodes.
                AddPredefinedNode(SystemContext, root);

                // create the COM server.
                m_system.Initialize(SystemContext, m_configuration, status, Lock, OnServerReconnected);

                // create a template condition that can be used to initialize static metadata.
                m_templateAlarm = new AlarmConditionState(null);
                m_templateAlarm.SymbolicName = "TemplateAlarm";

                    new QualifiedName(m_templateAlarm.SymbolicName, NamespaceIndex),

                m_templateAlarm.Acknowledge.OnCall = OnAcknowledge;
                StartMetadataUpdates(DoMetadataUpdate, null, 5000, m_configuration.MaxReconnectWait);