Пример #1
        private void AddLabels(Graphics g)
            Matrix3 m  = Matrix3.AzimuthElevation(Elevation, Azimuth);
            Point3  pt = new Point3();

            Point3[]     pts    = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
            SolidBrush   aBrush = new SolidBrush(LabelColor);
            StringFormat sf     = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            // Add x tick labels:
            float offset     = (YMax - YMin) / 20;
            float labelSpace = offset;

            for (float x = XMin + XTick; x < XMax; x = x + XTick)
                if (_melevation >= 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 90)
                        labelSpace = -offset;
                else if (_melevation < 0)
                    if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                        _mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                        labelSpace = -offset;
                pt = new Point3(x, pts[1].Y + labelSpace, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                pt.Transform(m, form1, this);
                g.DrawString(x.ToString(), TickFont, aBrush,
                             new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y), sf);

            // Add y tick labels:
            //offset = (XMax - XMin) / 20;
            offset     = 20;
            labelSpace = offset;
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

            for (float y = YMin + _myTick; y < YMax; y = y + YTick)
                pts = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
                if (_melevation >= 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < 0)
                        labelSpace = -offset;
                else if (_melevation < 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 180)
                        labelSpace = -offset;
                pt = new Point3(pts[1].X + labelSpace, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                pt.Transform(m, form1, this);
                //g.DrawString(y.ToString(), TickFont, aBrush,
                //    new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y), sf);
                g.DrawString(dt.AddSeconds(-YMax + y).ToString("mm:ss"), TickFont, aBrush,
                             new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y), sf);

            // Add z tick labels:
            labelSpace = labelSpace / 5;
            //float xoffset = (XMax - XMin) / 30.0f;
            float xoffset = 1;
            //float xoffset = (XMax - XMin) / 30.0f;
            float yoffset     = (YMax - YMin) / 15.0f;
            float xlabelSpace = xoffset;
            float ylabelSpace = yoffset;
            SizeF s           = g.MeasureString("A", TickFont);

            for (float z = ZMin; z <= ZMax; z = z + ZTick)
                sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                pts          = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
                if (_melevation >= 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                        xlabelSpace = 0;
                        ylabelSpace = yoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                        xlabelSpace = xoffset;
                        ylabelSpace = 0;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                        xlabelSpace = 0;
                        ylabelSpace = -yoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                        xlabelSpace = -xoffset;
                        ylabelSpace = 0;
                else if (_melevation < 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                        ylabelSpace = 0;
                        xlabelSpace = xoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                        ylabelSpace = -yoffset;
                        xlabelSpace = 0;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                        ylabelSpace = 0;
                        xlabelSpace = -xoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                        ylabelSpace = yoffset;
                        xlabelSpace = 0;

                pt = new Point3(pts[2].X + ylabelSpace,
                                pts[2].Y + xlabelSpace, z, pts[2].W);
                pt.Transform(m, form1, this);
                g.DrawString(z.ToString(), TickFont, aBrush,
                             new PointF(pt.X - labelSpace, pt.Y - s.Height / 2), sf);

            // Add Title:
            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            aBrush       = new SolidBrush(TitleColor);
            if (Title != "No Title")
                g.DrawString(Title, _mtitleFont, aBrush,
                             new PointF(form1.PlotPanel.Width / 2, form1.Height / 30), sf);

            // Add x axis label:
            offset       = (YMax - YMin) / 3;
            labelSpace   = offset;
            sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
            aBrush       = new SolidBrush(LabelColor);
            float offset1 = (XMax - XMin) / 10;
            float xc      = offset1;

            if (_melevation >= 0)
                if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 90)
                    labelSpace = -offset;
                if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                    xc = -offset1;
            else if (_melevation < 0)
                if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                    _mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                    labelSpace = -offset;
                if (Azimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth <= 0)
                    xc = -offset1;
            Point3[] pta = new Point3[2];
            pta[0] = new Point3(XMin, pts[1].Y + labelSpace, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
            pta[1] = new Point3((XMin + XMax) / 2 - xc, pts[1].Y + labelSpace,
                                pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
            pta[0].Transform(m, form1, this);
            pta[1].Transform(m, form1, this);
            float theta = (float)Math.Atan((pta[1].Y - pta[0].Y) / (pta[1].X - pta[0].X));

            theta = theta * 180 / (float)Math.PI;
            GraphicsState gs = g.Save();

            g.TranslateTransform(pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);
            g.DrawString(XLabel, LabelFont, aBrush,
                         new PointF(0, 0), sf);

            // Add y axis label:
            offset     = (XMax - XMin) / 3;
            offset1    = (YMax - YMin) / 5;
            labelSpace = offset;
            float yc = YTick;

            if (_melevation >= 0)
                if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < 0)
                    labelSpace = -offset;
                if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth <= 90)
                    yc = -offset1;
            else if (_melevation < 0)
                yc = -offset1;
                if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 180)
                    labelSpace = -offset;
                if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth <= 90)
                    yc = offset1;
            pta[0] = new Point3(pts[1].X + labelSpace, YMin, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
            pta[1] = new Point3(pts[1].X + labelSpace, (YMin + YMax) / 2 + yc, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
            pta[0].Transform(m, form1, this);
            pta[1].Transform(m, form1, this);
            theta = (float)Math.Atan((pta[1].Y - pta[0].Y) / (pta[1].X - pta[0].X));
            theta = theta * 180 / (float)Math.PI;
            gs    = g.Save();
            g.TranslateTransform(pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);
            g.DrawString(YLabel, LabelFont, aBrush,
                         new PointF(0, 0), sf);

            // Add z axis labels:
            float zticklength = 10;

            labelSpace = -1.3f * offset;
            offset1    = (ZMax - ZMin) / 8;
            float zc = -offset1;

            for (float z = ZMin; z < ZMax; z = z + ZTick)
                SizeF size = g.MeasureString(z.ToString(), TickFont);
                if (zticklength < size.Width)
                    zticklength = size.Width;
            float zlength = -zticklength;

            if (_melevation >= 0)
                if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                    zlength    = -zticklength;
                    labelSpace = -1.3f * offset;
                    zc         = -offset1;
                else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                    zlength    = zticklength;
                    labelSpace = 2 * offset / 3;
                    zc         = offset1;
                else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                    zlength    = zticklength;
                    labelSpace = 2 * offset / 3;
                    zc         = -offset1;
                else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                    zlength    = -zticklength;
                    labelSpace = -1.3f * offset;
                    zc         = offset1;
            else if (_melevation < 0)
                if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                    zlength    = -zticklength;
                    labelSpace = -1.3f * offset;
                    zc         = offset1;
                else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                    zlength    = zticklength;
                    labelSpace = 2 * offset / 3;
                    zc         = -offset1;
                else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                    zlength    = zticklength;
                    labelSpace = 2 * offset / 3;
                    zc         = offset1;
                else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                    zlength    = -zticklength;
                    labelSpace = -1.3f * offset;
                    zc         = -offset1;
            pta[0] = new Point3(pts[2].X - labelSpace, pts[2].Y,
                                (ZMin + ZMax) / 2 + zc, pts[2].W);
            pta[0].Transform(m, form1, this);
            gs = g.Save();
            g.TranslateTransform(pta[0].X - zlength, pta[0].Y);
            g.DrawString(ZLabel, LabelFont, aBrush,
                         new PointF(0, 0), sf);
Пример #2
        private void AddTicks(Graphics g)
            Matrix3 m = Matrix3.AzimuthElevation(Elevation, Azimuth);

            Point3[] pta  = new Point3[2];
            Point3[] pts  = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
            Pen      aPen = new Pen(AxisStyle.LineColor, AxisStyle.Thickness);

            aPen.DashStyle = AxisStyle.Pattern;

            // Add x ticks:
            float offset     = (YMax - YMin) / 30.0f;
            float ticklength = offset;

            for (float x = XMin; x <= XMax; x = x + XTick)
                if (_melevation >= 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 90)
                        ticklength = -offset;
                else if (_melevation < 0)
                    if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                        _mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                        ticklength = -(YMax - YMin) / 30;
                pta[0] = new Point3(x, pts[1].Y + ticklength, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                pta[1] = new Point3(x, pts[1].Y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                for (int i = 0; i < pta.Length; i++)
                    pta[i].Transform(m, form1, this);
                g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[0].X, pta[0].Y, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);

            // Add y ticks:
            offset     = (XMax - XMin) / 30.0f;
            ticklength = offset;
            for (float y = YMin; y <= YMax; y = y + YTick)
                pts = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
                if (_melevation >= 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < 0)
                        ticklength = -offset;
                else if (_melevation < 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 180)
                        ticklength = -offset;
                pta[0] = new Point3(pts[1].X + ticklength, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[1].X, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                for (int i = 0; i < pta.Length; i++)
                    pta[i].Transform(m, form1, this);
                g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[0].X, pta[0].Y, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);

            //float xoffset = (XMax - XMin) / 45.0f;
            //float yoffset = (YMax - YMin) / 20.0f;
            float xoffset     = (float)0.444444448;
            float yoffset     = (float)0.444444448;
            float xticklength = xoffset;
            float yticklength = yoffset;

            for (float z = ZMin; z <= ZMax; z = z + ZTick)
                if (_melevation >= 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                        xticklength = 0;
                        yticklength = yoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                        xticklength = xoffset;
                        yticklength = 0;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                        xticklength = 0;
                        yticklength = -yoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                        xticklength = -xoffset;
                        yticklength = 0;
                else if (_melevation < 0)
                    if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                        yticklength = 0;
                        xticklength = xoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                        yticklength = -yoffset;
                        xticklength = 0;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                        yticklength = 0;
                        xticklength = -xoffset;
                    else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                        yticklength = yoffset;
                        xticklength = 0;
                pta[0] = new Point3(pts[2].X, pts[2].Y, z, pts[2].W);
                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[2].X + yticklength,
                                    pts[2].Y + xticklength, z, pts[2].W);
                for (int i = 0; i < pta.Length; i++)
                    pta[i].Transform(m, form1, this);
                g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[0].X, pta[0].Y, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);
Пример #3
        private void AddGrids(Graphics g)
            Matrix3 m = Matrix3.AzimuthElevation(Elevation, Azimuth);

            Point3[] pta  = new Point3[3];
            Point3[] pts  = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
            Pen      aPen = new Pen(GridStyle.LineColor, GridStyle.Thickness);

            aPen.DashStyle = GridStyle.Pattern;

            // Draw x gridlines:
            if (IsXGrid)
                for (float x = XMin; x <= XMax; x = x + XTick)
                    pts    = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
                    pta[0] = new Point3(x, pts[1].Y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                    if (_melevation >= 0)
                        if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                            (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90))
                            pta[1] = new Point3(x, pts[0].Y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                            pta[2] = new Point3(x, pts[0].Y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                            pta[1] = new Point3(x, pts[2].Y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                            pta[2] = new Point3(x, pts[2].Y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                    else if (_melevation < 0)
                        if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                            (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90))
                            pta[1] = new Point3(x, pts[2].Y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                            pta[2] = new Point3(x, pts[2].Y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                            pta[1] = new Point3(x, pts[0].Y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                            pta[2] = new Point3(x, pts[0].Y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pta.Length; i++)
                        pta[i].Transform(m, form1, this);
                    g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[0].X, pta[0].Y, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);
                    g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y, pta[2].X, pta[2].Y);

                // Draw y gridlines:
                if (IsYGrid)
                    for (float y = YMin; y <= YMax; y = y + YTick)
                        pts    = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
                        pta[0] = new Point3(pts[1].X, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                        if (_melevation >= 0)
                            if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                                (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90))
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[2].X, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[2].X, y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[0].X, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[0].X, y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                        if (_melevation < 0)
                            if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                                (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90))
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[0].X, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[0].X, y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[2].X, y, pts[1].Z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[2].X, y, pts[3].Z, pts[1].W);
                        for (int i = 0; i < pta.Length; i++)
                            pta[i].Transform(m, form1, this);
                        g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[0].X, pta[0].Y, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);
                        g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y, pta[2].X, pta[2].Y);

                // Draw Z gridlines:
                if (IsZGrid)
                    for (float z = ZMin; z <= ZMax; z = z + ZTick)
                        pts    = CoordinatesOfChartBox();
                        pta[0] = new Point3(pts[2].X, pts[2].Y, z, pts[2].W);
                        if (_melevation >= 0)
                            if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                                (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90))
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[2].X, pts[0].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[0].X, pts[0].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[0].X, pts[2].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[0].X, pts[1].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                        if (_melevation < 0)
                            if ((_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90) ||
                                (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90))
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[0].X, pts[2].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[0].X, pts[0].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[1] = new Point3(pts[2].X, pts[0].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                                pta[2] = new Point3(pts[0].X, pts[0].Y, z, pts[1].W);
                        for (int i = 0; i < pta.Length; i++)
                            pta[i].Transform(m, form1, this);
                        g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[0].X, pta[0].Y, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y);
                        g.DrawLine(aPen, pta[1].X, pta[1].Y, pta[2].X, pta[2].Y);
Пример #4
        private Point3[] CoordinatesOfChartBox()
            // Create coordinate of the axes:创建坐标轴的坐标
            Point3[] pta = new Point3[8];
            pta[0] = new Point3(XMax, YMin, ZMin, 1);
            pta[1] = new Point3(XMin, YMin, ZMin, 1);
            pta[2] = new Point3(XMin, YMax, ZMin, 1);
            pta[3] = new Point3(XMin, YMax, ZMax, 1);
            pta[4] = new Point3(XMin, YMin, ZMax, 1);
            pta[5] = new Point3(XMax, YMin, ZMax, 1);
            pta[6] = new Point3(XMax, YMax, ZMax, 1);
            pta[7] = new Point3(XMax, YMax, ZMin, 1);

            Point3[] pts  = new Point3[4];
            int[]    npts = new int[4] {
                0, 1, 2, 3
            if (_melevation >= 0)
                if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        1, 2, 7, 6
                else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        0, 1, 2, 3
                else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        7, 0, 1, 4
                else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        2, 7, 0, 5
            else if (_melevation < 0)
                if (_mazimuth >= -180 && _mazimuth < -90)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        1, 0, 7, 6
                else if (_mazimuth >= -90 && _mazimuth < 0)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        0, 7, 2, 3
                else if (_mazimuth >= 0 && _mazimuth < 90)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        7, 2, 1, 4
                else if (_mazimuth >= 90 && _mazimuth <= 180)
                    npts = new int[4] {
                        2, 1, 0, 5

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                pts[i] = pta[npts[i]];