Пример #1
        public void DisplayFood(int foodId = -1)
            displayedNutrient = null;
            if (foodId != -1)
                displayedFoodItem = foodDescs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.id == foodId);
            if (displayedFoodItem == null)
                lblFoodDetail.Text = "Nothing selected";
                chkLock.Visible    = nudUnitsInPlan.Visible = label1.Visible = false;
            lblFoodDetail.Text = "Food details:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Full name: " + displayedFoodItem.longDesc + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Group: " + foodGroups.First(p => p.id == displayedFoodItem.foodGroupId); //TODO: Add tags and stuff to foods

            //Only show the fields that link to the winning chromosome if this food is enabled
            chkLock.Visible = nudUnitsInPlan.Visible = label1.Visible = foodEnabled.Contains(displayedFoodItem.id) && solver != null;

            int count = 0;

            if (solver != null && solver.HasWinner)
                solver.GetWinningFoods().TryGetValue(displayedFoodItem.id, out count);
            nudUnitsInPlan.Value = count;
            chkLock.Checked      = foodLocked.Contains(displayedFoodItem.id);
Пример #2
        public void DisplayNutrient(ushort nutrientId)
            displayedNutrient  = nutrients.FirstOrDefault(p => p.id == nutrientId);
            displayedFoodItem  = null;
            chkLock.Visible    = nudUnitsInPlan.Visible = label1.Visible = false;
            lblFoodDetail.Text = "Nutrient details:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Name: " + displayedNutrient.name + Environment.NewLine +
                                 "Unit of measure: " + displayedNutrient.unitOfMeasure;

Пример #3
        //TODO: Can I move this and most of the below method into Scorer so I can reuse them for Calculator?
        private void GenerateFoodText(FoodDescription food, int count, StringBuilder sb, List <Tuple <ushort, float, string> > nutrientTotals)
            sb.AppendLine("(" + nutrientsByFoodId[food.id][0].foodId + ") " + food.longDesc);
            sb.AppendLine("    " + (count * 100) + "g");
            for (var y = 0; y < nutrientsByFoodId[food.id].Length; y++)
                var nutrient           = nutrients.First(p => p.id == nutrientsByFoodId[food.id][y].nutrientId);
                var range              = scorer.Targets.FirstOrDefault(p => p.nutrientId == nutrient.id);
                var trueNutrientAmount = count * nutrientsByFoodId[food.id][y].nutrientAmount;
                var percent            = range != null && range.target != 0 ? " (" + Math.Round(trueNutrientAmount * 700 / range.target, 1) + "% DV)" : "";
                sb.AppendLine("    " + nutrient.name + ": " + trueNutrientAmount + nutrient.unitOfMeasure + percent);

                var totalIdx = nutrientTotals.FindIndex(p => p.Item1 == nutrient.id);
                if (totalIdx < 0)
                    nutrientTotals.Add(new Tuple <ushort, float, string>(nutrient.id, trueNutrientAmount, nutrient.name));
                    nutrientTotals[totalIdx] = new Tuple <ushort, float, string>(nutrient.id, nutrientTotals[totalIdx].Item2 + trueNutrientAmount, nutrient.name);