public CalculateOhmValueUseCaseResponse Execute(CalculateOhmValueUseCaseRequest request)
            // validate the request : if invalid, set response object to invalid and retrn it
            if (!IsValidRequest(request))

            StandardOhmValueCalculator calculator = new StandardOhmValueCalculator();

                response.calculatedValue = calculator.CalculateOhmValue(request.bandAColor, request.bandBColor, request.bandCColor, request.toleranceBandColor);
                response.toleranceValue  = resistorColorCode.TranslateToleranceColor(request.toleranceBandColor);
                response.success         = true;
            catch (Exception e) {

        private bool IsValidRequest(CalculateOhmValueUseCaseRequest request)
            bool bandAColorProvided    = request.bandAColor.Length > 1;
            bool bandBColorProvided    = request.bandBColor.Length > 1;
            bool bandCColorProvided    = request.bandCColor.Length > 1;
            bool toleranceBandProvided = request.toleranceBandColor.Length > 1;

            bool isValid = true;

            // ensure at least band 1 is provided
            if (!bandAColorProvided)
                // send error message
                createErrorResponse("Must provide first band color");
                isValid = false;

            // verify no gap in band colors specified
            if (isValid && bandCColorProvided && !bandBColorProvided)
                createErrorResponse("Can not specify third band without a second");
                isValid = false;

            // verify the band colors provided are valid by consulting with dictionary
            if (isValid && !resistorColorCode.isValidBandAtoCColor(request.bandAColor))
                createErrorResponse("Band A color is invalid. Cannot be " + request.bandAColor + ".");
                isValid = false;

            // test optional band colors
            if (isValid && bandBColorProvided)
                if (!resistorColorCode.isValidBandAtoCColor(request.bandBColor))
                    createErrorResponse("Band B color is invalid. Cannot be " + request.bandBColor + ".");
                    isValid = false;

            if (isValid && bandCColorProvided)
                if (!resistorColorCode.isValidBandAtoCColor(request.bandCColor))
                    createErrorResponse("Band C color is invalid. Cannot be " + request.bandCColor + ".");
                    isValid = false;

            // test tolerance band
            if (isValid && toleranceBandProvided)
                if (!resistorColorCode.IsValidToleranceBandColor(request.toleranceBandColor))
                    createErrorResponse("Tolerance band color is invalid. Cannot be " + request.toleranceBandColor + ".");
                    isValid = false;
