Пример #1
 public NumberEntity(InitParam initParam)
     Debug.Assert(initParam.Numbers.Length == 10, "set texture array whitch represents 0-9 number");
     m_initParam = initParam;
     m_plane     = DrawModel.CreateFloor(0.3f, 1.0f, Vector4.Zero);
     m_text      = "".ToArray();
Пример #2
        public static DrawModel CreateFloor(float geometryScale, float uvScale, Vector4 offset)
            var   drawSys = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var   d3d     = drawSys.D3D;
            float gs      = geometryScale;
            float us      = uvScale;

            var vertices = new _VertexCommon[]
                new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = new Vector4(-gs, 0, gs, 1), Texcoord = new Vector2(0, 0), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = new Vector4(gs, 0, gs, 1), Texcoord = new Vector2(us, 0), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = new Vector4(gs, 0, -gs, 1), Texcoord = new Vector2(us, us), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = new Vector4(-gs, 0, gs, 1), Texcoord = new Vector2(0, 0), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = new Vector4(gs, 0, -gs, 1), Texcoord = new Vector2(us, us), Normal = Vector3.UnitY
                new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = new Vector4(-gs, 0, -gs, 1), Texcoord = new Vector2(0, us), Normal = Vector3.UnitY

            Aabb aabb = Aabb.Invalid();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                vertices[i].Position  += offset;
                vertices[i].Position.W = 1;

            var model = new DrawModel("");
            var mesh  = DrawUtil.CreateMeshData <_VertexCommon>(d3d, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList, vertices);

            model.m_nodeList.Add(new Node()
                Mesh = mesh, Material = DebugMaterial.Create(), IsDebug = false, HasBone = false
            model.m_bb = aabb;

Пример #3
        public PlayerEntity()
            : base("player")
            var entitySys = EntitySystem.GetInstance();
            var mapSys    = MapSystem.GetInstance();

            //var path = "Chr/c9000/test.blend";
            //var searchPath = "Chr/c9000";
            var path       = "Chr/c9100/c9100.blend";
            var searchPath = "Chr/c9100";
            var scene      = BlenderScene.FromFile(path);

            if (scene != null)
                var drawModel = DrawModel.FromScene(path + "/draw", scene, searchPath);
                var animRes   = AnimResource.FromBlenderScene(path + "/anim", scene);
                //var debugModel = DrawModel.CreateTangentFrame(path + "/debug", scene);

                if (drawModel.BoneArray.Length != 0)
                    var skeletonC = new SkeletonComponent(drawModel.BoneArray);

                var layoutC = new LayoutComponent();
                layoutC.Transform = Matrix.Identity;

                //var markerC = new ModelMarkerComponent(scene);

                var modelC = new ModelComponent(GameEntityComponent.UpdateLines.Draw);
                modelC.ModelContext.EnableCastShadow = true;
                modelC.ModelContext.DrawModel        = drawModel;
                //modelC.ModelContext.DebugModel = debugModel;

                var animC = new AnimComponent(animRes);

                var behaviorC = new ChrBehaviorComponent();

                var minimapC = new MinimapComponent();

                MapLocation startLocation = mapSys.GetStartInfo();
                //var inputC = new GodViewInputComponent();
                var inputC = new FpsInputComponent(startLocation);
Пример #4
        private DrawModel _LoadParts(int modelId)
            var pathFormat = "Parts/p{0}/p{0}.blend";
            var scene      = BlenderScene.FromFile(String.Format(pathFormat, modelId));

            var drawModel = DrawModel.FromScene("p" + modelId + "/draw", scene);

            m_drawModelList.Add(new _ModelInfo()
                Model = drawModel, ModelId = modelId
Пример #5
        public void DrawDebugModel(Matrix masterTrans)
            var drawSys = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var context = drawSys.GetDrawContext();

            foreach (var node in m_nodeArray)
                if (node.DbgDrawModel == null)
                    // create model in first draw time
                    var model = DrawModel.CreateBone(node.Bone.Name, node.Bone.Length, Color.Yellow, Vector4.Zero);
                    //var model = DrawModel.CreateGizmo(node.Bone.Name, 1.0f);
                    node.DbgDrawModel = model;

                var mesh           = node.DbgDrawModel.NodeList[0].Mesh;
                var worldTransform = GetModelTransform(node.Index) * masterTrans;
                var material       = node.DbgDrawModel.NodeList[0].Material;
                context.DrawDebugModel(worldTransform, mesh, DrawSystem.RenderMode.Transparency);
Пример #6
        private void _RegisterDebugEntity()
            var entitySys = EntitySystem.GetInstance();

            var entity = new GameEntity("frustum");

            var layoutC = new LayoutComponent();

            layoutC.Transform = Matrix.Identity;

            var drawC = new EasyDrawComponent((IDrawContext context, Matrix layout, DrawModel lastDrawModel) =>
                if (lastDrawModel != null)

                var cameraSys = CameraSystem.GetInstance();
                if (cameraSys.IngameCamera != cameraSys.ActiveCamera)
                    // frustum is visible in editor mode
                    var drawModel = DrawModel.CreateFrustum("frustum", _GetFrustumMatrix(), Color.Cyan);
                    foreach (var node in drawModel.NodeList)
                        context.DrawDebugModel(layout, node.Mesh, DrawSystem.RenderMode.Transparency);



            m_dbgModelEntity = entity;
Пример #7
        public static DrawModel CreateFrustum(String uid, Matrix viewProjectionMatrix, Color4 color)
            var drawSys = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var d3d     = drawSys.D3D;


            var points = new Vector4[8];

            points[0] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[1] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(1, -1, 0), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[2] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-1, 1, 0), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[3] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(1, 1, 0), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[4] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-1, -1, 1), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[5] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(1, -1, 1), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[6] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-1, 1, 1), viewProjectionMatrix);
            points[7] = Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), viewProjectionMatrix);

            var vertices = new _VertexDebug[]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[0]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[1]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[1]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[3]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[3]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[2]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[2]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[0]

                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[4]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[5]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[5]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[7]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[7]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[6]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[6]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[4]

                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[0]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[4]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[1]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[5]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[2]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[6]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[3]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = points[7]

            Aabb aabb = Aabb.Invalid();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                vertices[i].Position.X /= vertices[i].Position.W;
                vertices[i].Position.Y /= vertices[i].Position.W;
                vertices[i].Position.Z /= vertices[i].Position.W;
                vertices[i].Position.W  = 1;
                vertices[i].Color       = color;

            var model = new DrawModel(uid);

            model.m_nodeList.Add(new Node()
                Mesh     = DrawUtil.CreateMeshData <_VertexDebug>(d3d, PrimitiveTopology.LineList, vertices),
                Material = DebugMaterial.Create(),
                IsDebug  = true,
                HasBone  = false,
            model.m_bb = aabb;

Пример #8
        public static DrawModel CreateBox(String uid, Aabb box, Color4 color)
            var drawSys = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var d3d     = drawSys.D3D;

            Vector3 min      = box.Min;
            Vector3 max      = box.Max;
            var     vertices = new _VertexDebug[]
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, 1)

                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, min.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, min.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, min.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, min.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, 1)

                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, max.Y, min.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(max.X, max.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, max.Y, max.Z, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(min.X, max.Y, min.Z, 1)

            Aabb aabb = Aabb.Invalid();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                vertices[i].Position.W = 1;
                vertices[i].Color      = color;

            var model = new DrawModel(uid);

            model.m_nodeList.Add(new Node()
                Mesh     = DrawUtil.CreateMeshData <_VertexDebug>(d3d, PrimitiveTopology.LineList, vertices),
                Material = DebugMaterial.Create(),
                IsDebug  = true,
                HasBone  = false,
            model.m_bb = aabb;

Пример #9
        public static DrawModel CreateBone(String uid, float length, Color4 color, Vector4 offset)
            var   drawSys = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var   d3d     = drawSys.D3D;
            float w       = 0.1f * length;
            float L       = length;

            var vertices = new _VertexDebug[]
                // bottom pyramid
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, w, w, 1)

                // middle plane
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, w, w, 1)

                // top pyramid
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, L, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, L, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, -w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, L, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(-w, w, w, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(0, 0, L, 1)
                new _VertexDebug()
                    Position = new Vector4(w, w, w, 1)

            Aabb aabb = Aabb.Invalid();

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; ++i)
                vertices[i].Position  += offset;
                vertices[i].Position.W = 1;
                vertices[i].Color      = color;

            var model = new DrawModel(uid);

            model.m_nodeList.Add(new Node()
                Mesh     = DrawUtil.CreateMeshData <_VertexDebug>(d3d, PrimitiveTopology.LineList, vertices),
                Material = DebugMaterial.Create(),
                IsDebug  = true,
                HasBone  = false,
            model.m_bb = aabb;

Пример #10
        public static DrawModel FromScene(String uid, BlenderScene scene, string fileSearchPath)
            var drawSys        = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var drawRepository = drawSys.ResourceRepository;
            var d3d            = drawSys.D3D;

            var  model   = new DrawModel(uid);
            bool hasBone = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(scene.NodeList[0].BoneArray) > 0;// boneArray is set to the first node
            var  aabb    = Aabb.Invalid();

            foreach (var n in scene.NodeList)
                if (n.MaterialData.Type == MaterialBase.MaterialTypes.Marker)
                    // marker material is used as 'Marker'

                if (n.Vertics.Count() == 0)
                    // empty vertex list

                // Build a vertex buffer(s)
                var vertices1 = n.Vertics
                                .Select(v => new _VertexCommon()
                    Position = v.Position,
                    Normal   = v.Normal,
                    Texcoord = v.Texcoord

                var vertices2 = n.Vertics
                                .Select(v => v.Tangent).ToArray();

                // update aabb
                foreach (var v in vertices1)

                var node = new Node();
                node.Material = n.MaterialData;
                node.IsDebug  = false;
                node.HasBone  = hasBone;
                if (node.HasBone)
                    // if model has bone, we create a bone vertex info
                    var vertices3 = n.Vertics
                                    .Select(v =>
                        Debug.Assert(BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneIndices) == BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights), "both of bone index and bone weight must be matched");
                        //Debug.Assert(BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights) <= _VertexBoneWeight.MAX_COUNT, "length of bone weight is over :" + BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights));
                        Debug.Assert(BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights) != 0, "no bone entry");
                        var tmp = new _VertexBoneWeight()
                            Index0  = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneIndices) > 0 ? v.BoneIndices[0] : 0,
                            Weight0 = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights) > 0 ? v.BoneWeights[0] : 0.0f,
                            Index1  = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneIndices) > 1 ? v.BoneIndices[1] : 0,
                            Weight1 = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights) > 1 ? v.BoneWeights[1] : 0.0f,
                            Index2  = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneIndices) > 2 ? v.BoneIndices[2] : 0,
                            Weight2 = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights) > 2 ? v.BoneWeights[2] : 0.0f,
                            Index3  = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneIndices) > 3 ? v.BoneIndices[3] : 0,
                            Weight3 = BlenderUtil.GetLengthOf(v.BoneWeights) > 3 ? v.BoneWeights[3] : 0.0f,
                        float sumWeight = tmp.Weight0 + tmp.Weight1 + tmp.Weight2 + tmp.Weight3;
                        tmp.Weight0    /= sumWeight;
                        tmp.Weight1    /= sumWeight;
                        tmp.Weight2    /= sumWeight;
                        tmp.Weight3    /= sumWeight;

                    node.Mesh = DrawUtil.CreateMeshData(d3d, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList, vertices1, vertices2, vertices3);
                    node.Mesh = DrawUtil.CreateMeshData(d3d, PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList, vertices1, vertices2);

                // add dispoable

 * foreach (var buf in node.Mesh.Buffers)
 * {
 *  model._AddDisposable(buf.Buffer);
 * }

                // create skeleton
                if (model.m_boneArray == null && n.BoneArray != null)
                    model.m_boneArray = (DrawSystem.BoneData[])n.BoneArray.Clone();

                // load new texture
                foreach (var texInfo in n.TextureInfos.Values)
                    if (!drawRepository.Contains(texInfo.Name))
                        var tex = TextureView.FromFile(texInfo.Name, drawSys.D3D, Path.Combine(fileSearchPath, texInfo.Name));

                // copy textures from cache
                foreach (DrawSystem.TextureTypes textureType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DrawSystem.TextureTypes)))
                    if (n.TextureInfos.ContainsKey(textureType))
                            new DrawSystem.TextureData
                            Resource = drawRepository.FindResource <TextureView>(n.TextureInfos[textureType].Name),
                            UvScale  = n.TextureInfos[textureType].UvScale,


            model.m_bb = aabb;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Update component
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dT">spend time [sec]</param>
        public override void Update(double dT)
            if (ModelContext.DrawModel == null)

            var drawSys    = DrawSystem.GetInstance();
            var cullingSys = CullingSystem.GetInstance();
            var context    = drawSys.GetDrawContext();
            var dbg        = DrawSystem.GetInstance().DebugCtrl;
            var layout     = m_layoutC.Transform;

            CullingSystem.FrustumCullingResult result = cullingSys.CheckFrustumCulling(ModelContext.DrawModel.BoundingBox, layout);
            if (!result.IsVisible)
                // out of view-volume
                // Add command for draw mdoel
                foreach (var node in ModelContext.DrawModel.NodeList)
                    if (UpdateLine == GameEntityComponent.UpdateLines.PreDraw)
                        // use draw buffer
                        drawSys.GetDrawBuffer().AppendStaticModel(layout, result.Z, ref node.Mesh, node.Material);
                    else if (UpdateLine == GameEntityComponent.UpdateLines.Draw)
                        Matrix[] boneMatrices = null;
                        if (m_skeletonC != null)
                            // has skeleton
                            boneMatrices = m_skeletonC.Skeleton.GetAllSkinningTransforms();

                        MaterialBase material = node.Material;
                        context.DrawModel(layout, Color4.White, node.Mesh, material, DrawSystem.RenderMode.Opaque, boneMatrices);

             *          // Add command for debug mdoel
             *          if (dbg.IsEnableDrawTangentFrame && ModelContext.DebugModel != null)
             *          {
             *                  foreach (var node in ModelContext.DebugModel.NodeList)
             *                  {
             *                          var command = DrawCommand.CreateDrawDebugCommand(node.Material, layout, node.Mesh);
             *                          drawSys.AddDrawCommand(command);
             *                  }
             *          }

             * // Add command for draw shadow
             * if (ModelContext.EnableCastShadow)
             * {
             *  foreach (var node in ModelContext.DrawModel.NodeList)
             *  {
             *                          var command = DrawCommand.CreateDrawShadowCommand(layout, node.Mesh);
             *                          drawSys.AddDrawCommand(command);
             *  }
             * }

            // draw aabb
            if (dbg.IsEnableAabb)
                if (m_dbgBoundingBoxModel == null)
                    // create model in first draw time
                    var model = DrawModel.CreateBox("aabb", ModelContext.DrawModel.BoundingBox, Color.Pink);
                    m_dbgBoundingBoxModel = model;

                var          mesh     = m_dbgBoundingBoxModel.NodeList[0].Mesh;
                MaterialBase material = m_dbgBoundingBoxModel.NodeList[0].Material;
                context.DrawDebugModel(layout, mesh, DrawSystem.RenderMode.Transparency);

            // draw bones for debug
            if (dbg.IsEnableDrawBone)
                if (m_skeletonC != null)
Пример #12
 public Context()
     EnableCastShadow = false;
     DrawModel        = null;
     DebugModel       = null;