public static void Main(string[] args) { Oddday oddday = new Oddday(); Items odddayitem = new Items(); Bag odddaybag = new Bag(); Player odddayplayer = new Player(); }
public static void PurchaseShop(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("Choose between [food], [weapons] or [leave]"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); var PrchsShp = Console.ReadLine(); switch (PrchsShp.ToLower()) { case "food": Console.WriteLine("Hello Customer!"); Console.WriteLine("Do you wanna buy something?"); break; case "weapons": Console.WriteLine("Hello " + oddday.PlayerRace1 + " How can I help you?"); break; case "leave": Console.WriteLine(oddday.PlayerName1 + "leaving bye!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Select again"); PurchaseShop(oddday); break; } }
public static void CheckMenu(Oddday oddday) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(oddday.PlayerName1 + ": Guess with [m] I can open the menu.."); var ChckMenu = Console.ReadLine(); switch (ChckMenu.ToLower()) { case "m": //PrintMenu(); break; default: Console.WriteLine(oddday.PlayerName1 + ": So you just ignore that i said with [m] you could open the Menu?.."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("We'll get it this time right? ;)"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("try again"); Console.ReadLine(); CheckMenu(oddday); break; } return; }
public void PrintFood(Oddday oddday) { var PrntFood = Console.ReadLine(); switch (PrntFood.ToLower()) { case "apple": Console.WriteLine("How many Apples do you want?"); HowMuch(oddday); PrintFood(oddday); break; case "bread": Console.WriteLine("How many Bread do you want?"); HowMuch(oddday); PrintFood(oddday); break; case "Meat": Console.WriteLine("How many Meat do you want?"); HowMuch(oddday); PrintFood(oddday); break; case "nothing": Console.WriteLine("So you don't want anything?"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("I don't understand"); Console.ReadLine(); PrintFood(oddday); break; } }
private static void Chicken(Oddday oddday) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Want to take a look at the chicken?"); Console.WriteLine(" Entry: [yes] or [no]"); var Chckn = Console.ReadLine(); switch (Chckn.ToLower()) { case "yes": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Mama mia looks like im right in time.. a minute later and i'd have to trough it away"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You gain exp.."); break; case "no": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("hmmpf..."); Console.WriteLine("The Chicken will remember this"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You cant decide so you let it exist in a superposition"); Console.WriteLine("The space-time-continuum has stopped working.. " + oddday.PlayerName1 + " look what you've done!!"); oddday.RestartGame(oddday); break; } }
public static void Map(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("Select your next target:"); Console.WriteLine(" Entry: [Market], [Forest] or [House]"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); var TravelMode = Console.ReadLine(); switch (TravelMode.ToLower()) { case "market": Market.MarketPlace(oddday); break; case "forest": Forest.ForestPlace(oddday); break; case "home": Console.WriteLine("Home sweet home"); Home.HomePlayer(oddday); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Try again"); Map(oddday); break; } }
public static void MarketPlace(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("You're at the market now!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(oddday.PlayerName1 + " hmmmm.. there's a Bazar"); Purchase.PurchaseShop(oddday); }
public static void ForestPlace(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("You're at the forest now!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(oddday.PlayerName1 + " hmmmm.. "); Console.WriteLine("The air you breath is thin and cold.. maybe you shouldn't be here for now.."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); }
public void PrintStats(Oddday oddday) { /*Console.WriteLine("Stats: "); * Console.WriteLine("Race: " + oddday.PlayerRace1); * Console.WriteLine("Health: " + BaseStatsPlayer.Health); * Console.WriteLine("Attack: " + BaseStatsPlayer.Attack); * Console.WriteLine("Defense: " + BaseStatsPlayer.Defense); * Console.WriteLine("Speed: " + BaseStatsPlayer.Speed); * Console.WriteLine("Chance of fleeing: " + BaseStatsPlayer.Flight);*/ }
public static void HomePlayer(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("You're home now!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(oddday.PlayerName1 + ": I think i forgot the chicken.."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Chicken(oddday); }
public void HowMuch(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("Entry a number: "); Console.WriteLine("Or don't buy anything []"); int num = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (num) { case 0: Console.WriteLine("You wanna buy " + num + " of these?"); break; default: Console.WriteLine("You don't want those?"); Console.WriteLine("Ok"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } }
public void YouSure(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("You sure you want to?"); Console.WriteLine(" Entry: [yes] or [no]"); var USure = Console.ReadLine(); switch (USure.ToLower()) { case "yes": break; case "no": PrintMenu(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("please one of these: [yes] or [no]?"); break; } }
public static void CheckEntryChar(Oddday oddday) { Console.Write("Entry [warrior] or [magician]: "); var race = Console.ReadLine(); switch (race.ToLower()) { case "warrior": Console.WriteLine("I see you're a strong warrior!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Are you sure you're a warrior i mean i don't see any muscles hohoho!"); CheckChar(); oddday.PlayerRace1 = race; /*BaseStatsPlayer.Health += Warrior.BaseStatsWarrior.Health; * BaseStatsPlayer.Attack += Warrior.BaseStatsWarrior.Attack; * BaseStatsPlayer.Defense += Warrior.BaseStatsWarrior.Defense; * BaseStatsPlayer.Speed += Warrior.BaseStatsWarrior.Speed; * BaseStatsPlayer.Flight += Warrior.BaseStatsWarrior.Flight;*/ break; case "magician": Console.WriteLine("Simsala bim.. hahaha... haha.. ha.."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("sorry.. i just like magicians.."); CheckChar(); oddday.PlayerRace1 = race; /*BaseStatsPlayer.Health += Magician.BaseStatsMagician.Health; * BaseStatsPlayer.Attack += Magician.BaseStatsMagician.Attack; * BaseStatsPlayer.Defense += Magician.BaseStatsMagician.Defense; * BaseStatsPlayer.Speed += Magician.BaseStatsMagician.Speed; * BaseStatsPlayer.Flight += Magician.BaseStatsMagician.Flight;*/ break; case "player": Console.WriteLine( "You sure? This will make it difficult af and btw how did you know this one is even available?! Hacker exposed!!!"); Console.ReadLine(); CheckChar(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("This race does not exist!"); Console.WriteLine("Don't worry about it we all do typo's"); CheckEntryChar(oddday); break; } void CheckChar() { Console.WriteLine("Continue[c] or select again[sa]?"); var CheckRace = Console.ReadLine(); switch (CheckRace.ToLower()) { case "c": break; case "sa": CheckEntryChar(oddday); break; } } }
public void PrintBag(Oddday oddday) { Console.WriteLine("Bag: "); //Items.PrintItems(oddday); }