public async Task ReturnsCorrectCountOfIssueLabelsWithStartForAnIssue() { var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, new NewIssue("A test issue") { Body = "A new unassigned issue" }); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); var labels = new List<Label>(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, new NewLabel("test label " + (i + 1), "FFFFF" + (i+1))); labels.Add(label); issueUpdate.AddLabel(label.Name); } var issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number); Assert.Empty(issueLabelsInfo); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); var options = new ApiOptions { PageCount = 1, PageSize = 1, StartPage = 2 }; issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, options); Assert.Equal(1, issueLabelsInfo.Count); Assert.Equal(labels.Last().Color, issueLabelsInfo.First().Color); }
public async Task ReturnsCorrectCountOfIssueLabelsWithoutStartForAnIssue() { var newIssue = new NewIssue("A test issue") { Body = "A new unassigned issue" }; var newLabel = new NewLabel("test label", "FFFFFF"); var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newLabel); var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newIssue); var issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number); Assert.Empty(issueLabelsInfo); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); issueUpdate.AddLabel(label.Name); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); var options = new ApiOptions { PageCount = 1, PageSize = 1 }; issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, options); Assert.Equal(1, issueLabelsInfo.Count); Assert.Equal(newLabel.Color, issueLabelsInfo[0].Color); }
public async Task when_updating_issue_then_can_assign_non_existent_label() { var label = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var github = new GitHubClient( new ProductHeaderValue("kzu-client"), new InMemoryCredentialStore(credentials)); var update = new IssueUpdate { State = ItemState.Open, }; update.AddLabel(label); await github.Issue.Update("kzu", "sandbox", 56, update); var issue = await github.Issue.Get("kzu", "sandbox", 56); Assert.True(issue.Labels.Any(l => l.Name == label)); var labels = await github.Issue.Labels.GetForRepository("kzu", "sandbox"); foreach (var l in labels.Select(l => l.Name)) { Guid g; if (Guid.TryParse(l, out g)) await github.Issue.Labels.Delete("kzu", "sandbox", l); } }
public bool Process(IssuesEvent issue, IssueUpdate update) { if (processed.Contains(issue)) return false; var updated = ProcessAsync(issue, update).Result; processed.Add(issue); return updated; }
public bool Process(IssuesEvent issue, IssueUpdate update) { var match = expression.Match(update.Title); if (!match.Success) return false; var login = match.Groups["user"].Value; if (string.Equals(login, "me", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) update.Assignee = issue.Sender.Login; else update.Assignee = login; update.Title = update.Title.Replace(match.Value, ""); return true; }
public async Task CanListLabelsForAnIssue() { var newIssue = new NewIssue("A test issue") { Body = "A new unassigned issue" }; var newLabel = new NewLabel("test label", "FFFFFF"); var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_repositoryOwner, _repository.Name, newLabel); var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_repositoryOwner, _repositoryName, newIssue); var issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetForIssue(_repositoryOwner, _repositoryName, issue.Number); Assert.Empty(issueLabelsInfo); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); issueUpdate.Labels.Add(label.Name); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_repositoryOwner, _repository.Name, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetForIssue(_repositoryOwner, _repositoryName, issue.Number); Assert.Equal(1, issueLabelsInfo.Count); Assert.Equal(newLabel.Color, issueLabelsInfo[0].Color); }
public bool Process(IssuesEvent issue, IssueUpdate update) { var match = expression.Match(update.Title); if (!match.Success) return false; if (labels == null) { labels = github.Issue.Labels.GetForRepository(issue.Repository.Owner.Login, issue.Repository.Name) .Result .Select(l => l.Name) .ToList(); } // Match label in case-insensitive manner, without the prefix first var label = labels.FirstOrDefault(l => string.Equals(l, match.Groups["simpleLabel"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (label == null) // Labels themselves could use the "+" sign, so we match next by the full string. label = labels.FirstOrDefault(l => string.Equals(l, match.Groups["fullLabel"].Value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (label != null) { update.AddLabel(label); tracer.Verbose("Applied pre-defined label '{0}'", label); } else { // Just apply the bare label as-is otherwise. label = match.Groups["simpleLabel"].Value; update.AddLabel(label); tracer.Verbose("Applied ad-hoc label '{0}'", label); } update.Title = update.Title.Replace(match.Value, ""); return true; }
public void when_processing_issue_other_links_then_updates_with_story_link_from_prefix() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(MockBehavior.Strict); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "[ui] Issue with story prefix", Body = "An issue with an existing issue #2 link", Labels = new[] { new Label { Name = "Task" } } }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupGet(repository, new Issue { Number = 2, Labels = new List<Label>() }); github.SetupSearch(new Issue { Number = 3, Title = "[ui] Story" }); var linker = new AutoLink(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); var updated = linker.Process(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner, }, update); Assert.True(updated); Assert.True(update.Body.Contains("#3")); }
private async Task<bool> ProcessAsync(IssuesEvent issue, IssueUpdate update) { var storyPrefix = storyPrefixExpr.Match(issue.Issue.Title); if (!storyPrefix.Success) { tracer.Verbose("Skipping issue {0}/{1}#{2} without a story prefix: '{3}'.", issue.Repository.Owner.Login, issue.Repository.Name, issue.Issue.Number, issue.Issue.Title); return false; } // Skip issues that are the story itself. if (issue.Issue.Labels != null && issue.Issue.Labels.Any(l => string.Equals(l.Name, "story", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) return false; // Skip the issue if it already has a story link if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(issue.Issue.Body)) { foreach (var number in issueLinkExpr.Matches(issue.Issue.Body).OfType<Match>().Where(m => m.Success).Select(m => int.Parse(m.Value))) { try { var linkedIssue = await github.Issue.Get(issue.Repository.Owner.Login, issue.Repository.Name, number); if (linkedIssue.Labels.Any(l => string.Equals(l.Name, "story", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { tracer.Info("Skipping issue {0}/{1}#{2} as it already contains story link to #{3}.", issue.Repository.Owner.Login, issue.Repository.Name, issue.Issue.Number, number); return false; } } catch (NotFoundException) { // It may be a link to a bug/issue in another system. } } } // Find the story with the same prefix. var repository = issue.Repository.Owner.Login + "/" + issue.Repository.Name; var story = await FindOpenStoryByPrefixAsync(repository, storyPrefix.Value); if (story == null || story.State == ItemState.Closed) { tracer.Warn("Issue {0}/{1}#{2} has story prefix '{3}' but no matching opened issue with the label 'Story' or 'story' was found with such prefix.", issue.Repository.Owner.Login, issue.Repository.Name, issue.Issue.Number, storyPrefix.Value); return false; } update.State = issue.Issue.State; update.Body = (issue.Issue.Body == null ? "" : issue.Issue.Body + @" ") + "Story #" + story.Number; tracer.Info("Established new story link between issue {0}/{1}#{2} and story #{3}.", issue.Repository.Owner.Login, issue.Repository.Name, issue.Issue.Number, story.Number); return true; }
public IssueUpdate ToUpdate() { var milestoneId = Milestone == null ? new int?() : Milestone.Number; var assignee = Assignee == null ? null : Assignee.Name; var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { Assignee = assignee, Body = Body, Milestone = milestoneId, State = State, Title = Title }; if (Labels.Any()) { issueUpdate.Labels = new List<string>(Labels.Select(l => l.Name)); } return issueUpdate; }
public async Task when_task_list_link_exists_and_matches_then_does_not_update() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "Issue with story link", Body = "Story #2", }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); github.SetupGet(repository, new Issue { Number = 2, Title = "Story", Body = OctoHook.Properties.Strings.FormatTask(" ", "#" + task.Number, task.Title) }); var linker = new AutoTask(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); await linker.ProcessAsync(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner }); github.Verify(x => x.Issue.Update(repository.Owner.Login, repository.Name, 2, It.IsAny<IssueUpdate>()), Times.Never()); }
public async Task ReturnsDistinctIssueLabelsBasedOnStartPageForAMilestoneWithRepositoryId() { var newMilestone = new NewMilestone("New Milestone"); var milestone = await _issuesClient.Milestone.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newMilestone); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int k = i + 1; var newIssue = new NewIssue("A test issue " + k) { Body = "A new unassigned issue " + k }; var newLabel = new NewLabel("test label " + k, "FFFFF" + k); var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_context.Repository.Id, newLabel); var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newIssue); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { Milestone = milestone.Number }; issueUpdate.AddLabel(label.Name); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); } var startOptions = new ApiOptions { PageCount = 1, PageSize = 1, StartPage = 1 }; var firstPage = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForMilestone(_context.Repository.Id, milestone.Number, startOptions); var skipStartOptions = new ApiOptions { PageSize = 1, PageCount = 1, StartPage = 2 }; var secondPage = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForMilestone(_context.Repository.Id, milestone.Number, skipStartOptions); Assert.Equal(1, firstPage.Count); Assert.Equal(1, secondPage.Count); Assert.NotEqual(firstPage.First().Color, secondPage.First().Color); }
public async Task CanListLabelsForAnMilestoneWithRepositoryId() { var newIssue = new NewIssue("A test issue") { Body = "A new unassigned issue" }; var newLabel = new NewLabel("test label", "FFFFFF"); var newMilestone = new NewMilestone("New Milestone"); var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_context.Repository.Id, newLabel); var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newIssue); var milestone = await _issuesClient.Milestone.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newMilestone); var issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForMilestone(_context.Repository.Id, milestone.Number); Assert.Empty(issueLabelsInfo); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { Milestone = milestone.Number }; issueUpdate.AddLabel(label.Name); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForMilestone(_context.Repository.Id, milestone.Number); Assert.Equal(1, issueLabelsInfo.Count); Assert.Equal(label.Color, issueLabelsInfo[0].Color); }
public async Task ReturnsCorrectCountOfIssueLabelsWithStartForAMilestoneWithRepositoryId() { var newMilestone = new NewMilestone("New Milestone"); var milestone = await _issuesClient.Milestone.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newMilestone); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int k = i + 1; var newIssue = new NewIssue("A test issue " + k) { Body = "A new unassigned issue " + k }; var newLabel = new NewLabel("test label " + k, "FFFFF" + k); var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_context.Repository.Id, newLabel); var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, newIssue); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { Milestone = milestone.Number }; issueUpdate.AddLabel(label.Name); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); } var options = new ApiOptions { PageCount = 1, PageSize = 1, StartPage = 2 }; var issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForMilestone(_context.Repository.Id, milestone.Number, options); Assert.Equal(1, issueLabelsInfo.Count); }
private async Task CloseIssue(Issue issue) { var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { State = ItemState.Closed }; Console.WriteLine("{0} - > Close issue", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); await _gitHubClient.Issue.Update(_options.GitHubOwner, _options.GitHubRepository, issue.Number, issueUpdate); }
public async Task ReturnsDistinctIssueLabelsBasedOnStartPageForAnIssue() { var issue = await _issuesClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, new NewIssue("A test issue") { Body = "A new unassigned issue" }); var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var label = await _issuesLabelsClient.Create(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, new NewLabel("test label " + (i + 1), "FFFFF" + (i + 1))); issueUpdate.AddLabel(label.Name); } var issueLabelsInfo = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number); Assert.Empty(issueLabelsInfo); var updated = await _issuesClient.Update(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, issueUpdate); Assert.NotNull(updated); var startOptions = new ApiOptions { PageCount = 1, PageSize = 1, StartPage = 1 }; var firstPage = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, startOptions); var skipStartOptions = new ApiOptions { PageSize = 1, PageCount = 1, StartPage = 2 }; var secondPage = await _issuesLabelsClient.GetAllForIssue(_context.RepositoryOwner, _context.RepositoryName, issue.Number, skipStartOptions); Assert.Equal(1, firstPage.Count); Assert.Equal(1, secondPage.Count); Assert.NotEqual(firstPage.First().Color, secondPage.First().Color); }
public override void UpdateIssue(Repository repository, int id, IssueUpdate update) { Issue = new Issue(null, null, id, ItemState.Open, update.Title, update.Body, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, DateTimeOffset.Now, null ); }
/// <summary> /// Updates an issue for the specified repository. Issue owners and users with push access can edit an issue. /// </summary> /// <remarks></remarks> /// <param name="owner">The owner of the repository</param> /// <param name="name">The name of the repository</param> /// <param name="number">The issue number</param> /// <param name="issueUpdate">An <see cref="IssueUpdate"/> instance describing the changes to make to the issue /// </param> /// <returns>The created <see cref="Task"/> representing the updated issue from the API.</returns> public Task<Issue> Update(string owner, string name, int number, IssueUpdate issueUpdate) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(owner, "owner"); Ensure.ArgumentNotNullOrEmptyString(name, "name"); Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(issueUpdate, "issueUpdate"); return ApiConnection.Patch<Issue>(ApiUrls.Issue(owner, name, number), issueUpdate); }
public void UpdatesClientIssueIssue() { var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); var gitHubClient = Substitute.For<IGitHubClient>(); var client = new ObservableIssuesClient(gitHubClient); client.Update("fake", "repo", 42, issueUpdate); gitHubClient.Issue.Received().Update("fake", "repo", 42, issueUpdate); }
public override async void CloseIssue(Issue issue, string comment) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(comment)) AddComment(issue, comment); if (Repository == null) return; var update = new IssueUpdate(); update.State = ItemState.Closed; try { var updatedIssue = await _github.Issue.Update(Repository.Repository.Owner.Login, Repository.Repository.Name, issue.Number, update); if (updatedIssue.State == ItemState.Closed) { AllIssues.Remove(issue); Issue = null; IssueMarkdown = string.Empty; } } catch ( Exception exception ) { _log.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to update issue.", exception ); } }
public async Task when_link_comes_from_task_list_then_does_not_process_it() { var github = new Mock<IGitHubClient>(MockBehavior.Strict); var task = new Issue { Number = 1, Title = "Issue with story link", Body = "- [ ] #2 A Story", }; github.SetupGet(repository, task); var linker = new AutoTask(github.Object); var update = new IssueUpdate(); await linker.ProcessAsync(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = repository, Sender = repository.Owner }); }
public async Task when_task_list_link_doesnt_exists_then_adds_it_automatically_integration() { var github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("octohook"), new InMemoryCredentialStore(credentials)); var story = await github.Issue.Create("kzu", "sandbox", new NewIssue("Story")); var task = await github.Issue.Create("kzu", "sandbox", new NewIssue("Issue with story link") { Body = "Story #" + story.Number, }); var expectedLink = OctoHook.Properties.Strings.FormatTask(" ", "#" + task.Number, task.Title); var linker = new AutoTask(github); var update = new IssueUpdate(); await linker.ProcessAsync(new Octokit.Events.IssuesEvent { Action = IssuesEvent.IssueAction.Opened, Issue = task, Repository = new Repository { Name = "sandbox", Owner = new User { Login = "******" }, }, Sender = new User { Login = "******" } }); var updated = await github.Issue.Get("kzu", "sandbox", story.Number); Assert.True(updated.Body.Contains(expectedLink)); await github.Issue.Update("kzu", "sandbox", task.Number, new IssueUpdate { State = ItemState.Closed }); await github.Issue.Update("kzu", "sandbox", story.Number, new IssueUpdate { State = ItemState.Closed }); }
public void MigrateToIssue(MigrateJiraIssuesToGithub.Models.Issue jiraIssue, List<MilestoneGitHub> milestones, List<LabelGitHub> labels, ref Issue githubIssue) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(jiraIssue.SprintName)) { jiraIssue.SprintName = "1.0 Inicial"; } if (githubIssue == null) { var newIssue = new NewIssue(jiraIssue.Title) { Body = jiraIssue.Content, Milestone = milestones.First(m => m.Title == jiraIssue.SprintName).Number }; foreach (var label in jiraIssue.Labels) { newIssue.Labels.Add(label); } var nIssue = newIssue; var taskResult = Task.Run<Octokit.Issue>(async () => await client.Issue.Create(githubOrganizationName, githubRepositoryName, nIssue)); githubIssue = taskResult.Result; } //todo: archive... // obs.: atribuir usuário à tarefa /*if (issueYAA923.Assigned != null) { try { client.Issue.Assignee.CheckAssignee(githubOrganizationName, githubRepositoryName, issueYAA923.Assigned.Name); //"gBritz" } catch (Exception ex) { Log("ERROR: Não conseguiu atribuir ao usuário " + issueYAA923.Assigned.Name); //obs.: caso não exista no projeto, irá gerar erro ao cadastrar issue var msg = String.Format("Originalmente atribuído para o {0} ({1}) no jira.", issueYAA923.Assigned.Name, issueYAA923.Assigned.Email); client.Issue.Comment.Create(githubOrganizationName, githubRepositoryName, issueResult.Number, msg); } }*/ var sbStatusComment = new StringBuilder(); sbStatusComment.AppendFormat(@" **Status in Jira** {0} ({1}) `Created` at {1:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss} ", jiraIssue.Creator.Name, jiraIssue.Creator.Email, jiraIssue.CreateAt); if (jiraIssue.InProgress != null && jiraIssue.InProgressAt.HasValue) { sbStatusComment.AppendFormat(@" {0} ({1}) set `In Progress` at {2:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss}", jiraIssue.InProgress.Name, jiraIssue.InProgress.Email, jiraIssue.InProgressAt); } if (jiraIssue.Resolved != null && jiraIssue.ResolvedAt.HasValue) { sbStatusComment.AppendFormat(@" {0} ({1}) set `Resolved` at {2:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss}", jiraIssue.Resolved.Name, jiraIssue.Resolved.Email, jiraIssue.ResolvedAt); } if (jiraIssue.Closer != null && jiraIssue.ClosedAt.HasValue) { sbStatusComment.AppendFormat(@" {0} ({1}) set `Closed` at {2:dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss}", jiraIssue.Closer.Name, jiraIssue.Closer.Email, jiraIssue.ClosedAt); } client.Issue.Comment.Create(githubOrganizationName, githubRepositoryName, githubIssue.Number, sbStatusComment.ToString()); // obs.: adicionar comentários foreach (var comment in jiraIssue.Comments) { var commentAuthor = String.Format(@" **Commentary** by {0} ({1}) ", comment.Creator.Name, comment.Creator.Email); client.Issue.Comment.Create(githubOrganizationName, githubRepositoryName, githubIssue.Number, commentAuthor + comment.Body); } // obs.: fechar issue if (jiraIssue.ClosedAt.HasValue) { var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { State = ItemState.Closed }; client.Issue.Update(githubOrganizationName, githubRepositoryName, githubIssue.Number, issueUpdate); } Log(String.Format("Info: Issue {0} created", jiraIssue.JiraKey)); }
public override async void UpdateIssue(Repository repository, int id, IssueUpdate update) { try { Issue issueUpdate = await _github.Issue.Update(repository.Owner.Login, repository.Name, id, update); if (Repository != null && repository.Id == Repository.Repository.Id) { foreach (var issue in AllIssues) { if (issue.Number == issueUpdate.Number) { AllIssues.Remove(issue); AllIssues.Insert(0, issueUpdate); Issue = issueUpdate; break; } } } } catch ( Exception exception ) { _log.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Failed to save issue.", exception); } }
public void PostsToCorrectUrl() { var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>(); var client = new IssuesClient(connection); client.Update("fake", "repo", 42, issueUpdate); connection.Received().Patch<Issue>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "repos/fake/repo/issues/42"), issueUpdate); }
public void UpdatesClientIssueIssueWithRepositoryId() { var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate(); var gitHubClient = Substitute.For<IGitHubClient>(); var client = new ObservableIssuesClient(gitHubClient); client.Update(1, 42, issueUpdate); gitHubClient.Issue.Received().Update(1, 42, issueUpdate); }
/// <summary> /// Updates an issue for the specified repository. Any user with pull access to a repository can update an /// issue. /// </summary> /// <remarks></remarks> /// <param name="repositoryId">The Id of the repository</param> /// <param name="number">The issue number</param> /// <param name="issueUpdate">An <see cref="IssueUpdate"/> instance describing the changes to make to the issue /// </param> public Task<Issue> Update(long repositoryId, int number, IssueUpdate issueUpdate) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(issueUpdate, "issueUpdate"); return ApiConnection.Patch<Issue>(ApiUrls.Issue(repositoryId, number), issueUpdate); }
/// <summary> /// Updates an issue for the specified repository. Any user with pull access to a repository can update an /// issue. /// </summary> /// <remarks></remarks> /// <param name="repositoryId">The Id of the repository</param> /// <param name="number">The issue number</param> /// <param name="issueUpdate">An <see cref="IssueUpdate"/> instance describing the changes to make to the issue /// </param> public Task <Issue> Update(int repositoryId, int number, IssueUpdate issueUpdate) { Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(issueUpdate, "issueUpdate"); return(ApiConnection.Patch <Issue>(ApiUrls.Issue(repositoryId, number), issueUpdate)); }
public IssueUpdate ToUpdate() { var milestoneId = Milestone == null ? new int?() : Milestone.Number; var assignee = Assignee == null ? null : Assignee.Name; var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { Assignee = assignee, Body = Body, Milestone = milestoneId, State = State, Title = Title }; foreach (var label in Labels) { issueUpdate.Labels.Add(label.Name); } return issueUpdate; }
public IssueUpdate ToUpdate() { var milestoneId = Milestone == null ? new int?() : Milestone.Number; var assignee = Assignee == null ? null : Assignee.Login; var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate { Assignee = assignee, Body = Body, Milestone = milestoneId, State = State, Title = Title }; return issueUpdate; }
public abstract void UpdateIssue(Repository repository, int id, IssueUpdate update);