Create() публичный Метод

Creates a new Issue Comment for a specified Issue.
public Create ( long repositoryId, int number, string newComment ) : Task
repositoryId long The Id of the repository
number int The number of the issue
newComment string The new comment to add to the issue
Результат Task
        public void PostsToCorrectUrl()
            const string newComment = "some title";
            var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>();
            var client = new IssueCommentsClient(connection);

            client.Create("fake", "repo", 1, newComment);

            connection.Received().Post<IssueComment>(Arg.Is<Uri>(u => u.ToString() == "repos/fake/repo/issues/1/comments"), Arg.Any<object>());
        public async Task EnsuresArgumentsNotNull()
            var connection = Substitute.For<IApiConnection>();
            var client = new IssueCommentsClient(connection);

            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await client.Create(null, "name", 1, "title"));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentException>(async () => await client.Create("", "name", 1, "x"));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await client.Create("owner", null, 1, "x"));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentException>(async () => await client.Create("owner", "", 1, "x"));
            await AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(async () => await client.Create("owner", "name", 1, null));