protected void txtFriendSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fid = HiddenField1.Value; if (fid.Length > 20) { UserBO objFriend = new UserBO(); objFriend = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(fid); UserBO objUser = new UserBO(); objUser = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(Userid); //Response.Write(fid); TagsBO objTags = new TagsBO(); objTags.AtId = Photoid; objTags.Type = Global.VIDEO; objTags.UserId = Userid; objTags.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objTags.LastName = objUser.LastName; objTags.FriendId = fid; objTags.FriendFName = objFriend.FirstName; objTags.FriendLName = objFriend.LastName; TagsBLL.insertTags(objTags); LoadDataListTags(); List<string> lst = new List<string>(); lst = TagsBLL.getTagsFriendId(Global.VIDEO, Photoid); LoadDataListComments(); foreach (string item in lst) { UserBO objUserNotify = new UserBO(); objUserNotify = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(item); NotificationBO objNotify = new NotificationBO(); objNotify.MyNotification = "<a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Userid + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a> tags on <a href=\"ViewVideo.aspx?VideoId=" + Photoid + "\">video</a>"; objNotify.AtId = Photoid; objNotify.Type = Global.VIDEO; objNotify.UserId = item; objNotify.FirstName = objUserNotify.FirstName; objNotify.LastName = objUserNotify.LastName; objNotify.FriendId = Userid; objNotify.FriendFName = objUser.FirstName; objNotify.FriendLName = objUser.LastName; msgtext = "Dear Pyramid Plus user," + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + " tags you photo "; // ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(sendEmail), (object)objUserNotify.Email); //sendEmail(objUserNotify.Email); NotificationBLL.insertNotification(objNotify); } } }
protected void UpdateStatus() { string status = txtUpdatePost.Text; bool isVideoLink = false; UserBLL userbll = new UserBLL(); if(lblFriendsWith.Text!="") status += " <font color='#838181'> -- with <font/>" + lblFriendsWith.Text.Remove(lblFriendsWith.Text.LastIndexOf(",")); if (lblLocation.Text != "") status += lblLocation.Text; UserBO objUser = new UserBO(); objUser = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(Session["UserId"].ToString()); WallBO objWall = new WallBO(); objWall.PostedByUserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); objWall.WallOwnerUserId = userid; objWall.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objWall.LastName = objUser.LastName; objWall.Post = ConvertUrlsToLinks(status); objWall.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; objWall.Type = Global.TEXT_POST; if (ConvertUrlsToLinks(status).IndexOf("http") > 0) { objWall.Type = Global.LINK; status = "post a link"; } string imagesrc=""; if (!GetYouTubeURL(txtUpdatePost.Text).Equals("")) { string url = GetYouTubeURL(txtUpdatePost.Text); objWall.Post = "<br/><br/><a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a><br/><br/>"; } if (pnlVideoLink.Visible == true) { string url = GetYouTubeURL(txtUpdatePost.Text); string id = GetYouTubeID(txtUpdatePost.Text); string embedsrc = "" + id + "?rel=0"; objWall.Type = Global.POST_VIDEOLINK; objWall.Post = "<br/><br/><a href='" + url + "'>" + url + "</a><br/><br/>"; if (!chkThumbnail.Checked) { imagesrc = getCurrentSelectedVideoThumbnail(id); vidthumbdisp = true; objWall.EmbedPost = imagesrc; } objWall.Type = Global.POST_VIDEOLINK; txtUpdatePost.Text = ""; isVideoLink = true; status = " added a new video"; } if (videofileuploaded) { objWall.Type = Global.VIDEO; string wallpost = objWall.Post; objWall.EmbedPost = Global.PATH_COMPRESSED_USER_VIDEO + "Thumb/" + uploadedvideothumbname; uploadedvideoembedliteral = Video.getUploadedVideoEmbedLiteral(wallpost, uploadedvideoname); LiteralUploadVideo.Text = ""; status = " added a new video"; } if (photofileuploaded) { objWall.Type = Global.PHOTO; LiteralUploadPhoto .Text= ""; uploadedPhotoliteral = ""; objWall.EmbedPost = photoid; status = " added a new photo"; } if (Session["WebCamPhotoId"] != null) { objWall.Type = Global.PHOTO; objWall.EmbedPost = Session["WebCamPhotoId"].ToString(); status = " added a new photo"; } if (isphotoalbum) { MediaAlbumBO objAClass = new MediaAlbumBO(); objAClass.UserId = userid; objAClass.Name = txtName.Text; objAClass.Description = txtDescription.Text; objAClass.CoverPictureId = "0000000000000b0000000900"; objAClass.Type = Global.PHOTO; objAClass.isFollow = true; string aid=MediaAlbumBLL.insertMediaAlbum(objAClass); objWall.Post = objWall.Post + " add new <a href=\"ViewPhotoAlbum.aspx?AlbumId=" + aid + "\">photo album</a>."; objWall.Type = Global.PHOTO_ALBUM; status = " added a new photo album"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// foreach (string item in lstTag) { string tagstatus; if (photofileuploaded || videofileuploaded || Session["WebCamPhotoId"] != null || isVideoLink || isphotoalbum) { WallBO objWall2 = new WallBO(); string tagpost = objWall.Post + "<br/> <font color='#838181'> was tagged by <font/><a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Session["UserId"].ToString() + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a>."; UserBO objUser2 = new UserBO(); objUser2 = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(item); objWall2.PostedByUserId = item; objWall2.WallOwnerUserId = item; objWall2.FirstName = objUser2.FirstName; objWall2.LastName = objUser2.LastName; objWall2.Post = tagpost; tagstatus = "tagged a post"; objWall2.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; if (isphotoalbum) { objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_PHOTO_ALBUM; objWall2.Post = objWall.Post + " <font color='#838181'> was tagged by <font/><a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Session["UserId"].ToString() + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a>."; notify_Tag(item, userid); tagstatus = "tagged a photo album"; } if (videofileuploaded) { objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_VIDEO; objWall2.EmbedPost = Global.PATH_COMPRESSED_USER_VIDEO + "Thumb/" + uploadedvideothumbname; objWall2.Post = objWall.Post + "<font color='#838181'> was tagged by <font/><a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Session["UserId"].ToString() + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a>."; notify_Tag(item, userid); tagstatus = "tagged a video"; } if (isVideoLink) { objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_VIDEOLINK; objWall2.EmbedPost = imagesrc; objWall2.Post = objWall.Post + "<font color='#838181'> was tagged by <font/> <a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Session["UserId"].ToString() + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a>."; notify_Tag(item, userid); tagstatus = "tagged a video"; } if (photofileuploaded) { TagsBO objTags = new TagsBO(); objTags.AtId = photoid; objTags.Type = Global.PHOTO; objTags.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); objTags.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objTags.LastName = objUser.LastName; objTags.FriendId = item; objTags.FriendFName = objUser2.FirstName; objTags.FriendLName = objUser2.LastName; notify_Tag(item, photoid); TagsBLL.insertTags(objTags); objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_PHOTO; objWall2.EmbedPost = photoid; tagstatus = "tagged a photo"; } if (Session["WebCamPhotoId"] != null) { TagsBO objTags = new TagsBO(); objTags.AtId = Session["WebCamPhotoId"].ToString(); objTags.Type = Global.PHOTO; objTags.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); objTags.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objTags.LastName = objUser.LastName; objTags.FriendId = item; objTags.FriendFName = objUser2.FirstName; objTags.FriendLName = objUser2.LastName; TagsBLL.insertTags(objTags); objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_PHOTO; objWall2.EmbedPost = Session["WebCamPhotoId"].ToString(); notify_Tag(item, Session["WebCamPhotoId"].ToString()); tagstatus = "tagged a photo"; } RWallPost(" tag post to <a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + item + "\">" + objUser2.FirstName + " " + objUser2.LastName + "</a>"); string twid= WallBLL.insertWall(objWall2); userbll.notify_subscribers(Session["UserId"].ToString(), objWall2, ConvertUrlsToLinks(tagstatus), twid); } } string wid= WallBLL.insertWall(objWall); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "myScript", "document.getElementById('" + txtUpdatePost.ClientID + "').value = '';", true); lblLocation.Text = ""; lblFriendsWith.Text = ""; lblFriendsTag.Text = ""; LiteralUploadPhoto.Text = ""; LiteralUploadVideo.Text = ""; uploadedPhotoliteral = ""; Session["WebCamPhotoId"] = null; videofileuploaded = false; photofileuploaded = false; isVideoLink = false; isphotoalbum = false; lstTag.Clear(); userbll.notify_subscribers(Session["UserId"].ToString(), objWall, ConvertUrlsToLinks(ConvertUrlsToLinks(status)), wid); LoadWall(100); }
// @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ by Nabeel protected void txtFriendWallTag_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string tagstatus="tagged a post"; GridViewRow row = ((GridViewRow)((TextBox)sender).NamingContainer); HiddenField hfId = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldId"); HiddenField hfType = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldType"); HiddenField hfEmbedPost = (HiddenField)row.FindControl("HiddenFieldEmbedPost"); Literal post = (Literal)row.FindControl("LiteralPost"); TextBox TagExsitingFreindsPost = (TextBox)row.FindControl("txtFriendWallTag"); WallBO objWall2 = new WallBO(); UserBO objUser = new UserBO(); objUser = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(Session["UserId"].ToString()); string tagpost = post.Text + "<br/><font color='#838181'> was Tagged by <font/> <a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Session["UserId"].ToString() + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a>."; UserBO objUser2 = new UserBO(); objUser2 = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value); objWall2.PostedByUserId = HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value; objWall2.WallOwnerUserId = HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value; objWall2.FirstName = objUser2.FirstName; objWall2.LastName = objUser2.LastName; objWall2.Post = tagpost; objWall2.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_POST; if (hfType.Value.Equals(Global.VIDEO.ToString())) { objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_VIDEO; objWall2.EmbedPost = Global.PATH_COMPRESSED_USER_VIDEO + "Thumb/" + uploadedvideothumbname; notify_Tag(HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value, userid); tagstatus = "tagged a video"; } if (hfType.Value.Equals(Global.POST_VIDEOLINK.ToString())) { objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_VIDEOLINK; objWall2.EmbedPost = hfEmbedPost.Value; notify_Tag(HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value, userid); tagstatus = "tagged a video"; } if (hfType.Value.Equals(Global.PHOTO.ToString())) { TagsBO objTags = new TagsBO(); objTags.AtId = hfEmbedPost.Value; objTags.Type = Global.PHOTO; objTags.UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); objTags.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objTags.LastName = objUser.LastName; objTags.FriendId = HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value; objTags.FriendFName = objUser2.FirstName; objTags.FriendLName = objUser2.LastName; notify_Tag(HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value, hfEmbedPost.Value); TagsBLL.insertTags(objTags); objWall2.Type = Global.TAG_PHOTO; objWall2.EmbedPost = hfEmbedPost.Value; tagstatus = "tagged a photo"; } RWallPost(" Tag post to <a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value + "\">" + objUser2.FirstName + " " + objUser2.LastName + "</a>"); string twid=WallBLL.insertWall(objWall2); TagExsitingFreindsPost.Visible = false; //Response.Redirect("~main.aspx?a=" + HiddenFieldWallTagId.Value + "b=" + aa); //if (txtFriendTag.Text != "" && HiddenFieldTagId.Value.Length > 20) //{ // lblFriendsTag.Text += "<a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + HiddenFieldTagId.Value + "\">" + txtFriendTag.Text + "</a>,"; // lstTag.Add(HiddenFieldTagId.Value); // txtFriendTag.Text = ""; // HiddenFieldTagId.Value = ""; //} ////////////////////////////////////TICKER CODE ////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// List<UserFriendsBO> listtag = FriendsBLL.getAllFriendsListName(Session["UserId"].ToString(), Global.CONFIRMED); //get the education,hometown and employer of people in list foreach (UserFriendsBO Useritem in listtag) { TickerBO objTicker = new TickerBO(); objTicker.PostedByUserId = objWall2.PostedByUserId; objTicker.TickerOwnerUserId = Useritem.FriendUserId; objTicker.FirstName = objWall2.FirstName; objTicker.LastName = objWall2.LastName; objTicker.Post = objWall2.Post; objTicker.Title = ConvertUrlsToLinks(tagstatus); objTicker.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; objTicker.Type = objWall2.Type; objTicker.EmbedPost = objWall2.EmbedPost; objTicker.WallId = twid; TickerBLL.insertTicker(objTicker); } TickerBO objTickerUserTag = new TickerBO(); objTickerUserTag.PostedByUserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); objTickerUserTag.TickerOwnerUserId = Session["UserId"].ToString(); objTickerUserTag.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objTickerUserTag.LastName = objUser.LastName; objTickerUserTag.Post = objWall2.Post; objTickerUserTag.Title = "you tag a post"; objTickerUserTag.AddedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; objTickerUserTag.Type = objWall2.Type; objTickerUserTag.EmbedPost = objWall2.EmbedPost; objTickerUserTag.WallId = twid; TickerBLL.insertTicker(objTickerUserTag); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }
public static void updateTags(TagsBO objTags) { TagsDAL.updateTags(objTags); }
public static string insertTags(TagsBO objTags) { return TagsDAL.insertTags(objTags); }
protected void txtFriendSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fid = HiddenField1.Value; if (fid.Length > 20) { UserBO objFriend = new UserBO(); objFriend = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(fid); UserBO objUser = new UserBO(); objUser = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(Userid); //Response.Write(fid); TagsBO objTags = new TagsBO(); objTags.AtId = Albumid; objTags.Type = Global.PHOTO_ALBUM; objTags.UserId = Userid; objTags.FirstName = objUser.FirstName; objTags.LastName = objUser.LastName; objTags.FriendId = fid; objTags.FriendFName = objFriend.FirstName; objTags.FriendLName = objFriend.LastName; TagsBLL.insertTags(objTags); LoadDataListTags(); List<string> lst = new List<string>(); lst = TagsBLL.getTagsFriendId(Global.PHOTO_ALBUM, Albumid); LoadDataListComments(); foreach (string item in lst) { UserBO objUserNotify = new UserBO(); objUserNotify = UserBLL.getUserByUserId(item); NotificationBO objNotify = new NotificationBO(); objNotify.MyNotification = "<a href=\"ViewProfile.aspx?UserId=" + Userid + "\">" + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + "</a> tags on <a href=\"ViewPhotoAlbum.aspx?AlbumId=" + Albumid + "\">photo album</a>"; objNotify.AtId = Albumid; objNotify.Type = Global.VIDEO; objNotify.UserId = item; objNotify.FirstName = objUserNotify.FirstName; objNotify.LastName = objUserNotify.LastName; objNotify.FriendId = Userid; objNotify.FriendFName = objUser.FirstName; objNotify.FriendLName = objUser.LastName; msgtext = "Dear Pyramid Plus user," + objUser.FirstName + " " + objUser.LastName + " tags you video "; NotificationBLL.insertNotification(objNotify); } } }