public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; // update contact basis: contact.CalculateBasis(velocities[contact.entityA] - velocities[contact.entityB]); // update contact masses: int aMaterialIndex = particleMaterialIndices[contact.entityA]; int bMaterialIndex = particleMaterialIndices[contact.entityB]; bool rollingContacts = (aMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[aMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false) | (bMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[bMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false); contact.CalculateContactMassesA(ref invMasses, ref prevPositions, ref prevOrientations, ref invInertiaTensors, rollingContacts); contact.CalculateContactMassesB(ref invMasses, ref prevPositions, ref prevOrientations, ref invInertiaTensors, rollingContacts); // update contact distance: float dAB =[contact.entityA] - prevPositions[contact.entityB], contact.normal); float dA = BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[contact.entityA], radii[contact.entityA].xyz); float dB = BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[contact.entityB], radii[contact.entityB].xyz); contact.distance = dAB - (dA + dB); contacts[i] = contact; } }
public void Execute(int p) { int i = fluidParticles[p]; if (smoothPositions[i].w > 0) { float3 singularValues; float3x3 u; BurstMath.EigenSolve(anisotropies[i] / smoothPositions[i].w, out singularValues, out u); //TODO: smoothPositions.w is always 1? we divided it all by w in AverageSmoothPositionsJob... float max = singularValues[0]; float3 s = math.max(singularValues, new float3(max / maxAnisotropy)) / max * principalRadii[i].x; principalAxes[i * 3] = new float4(u.c0, s.x); principalAxes[i * 3 + 1] = new float4(u.c1, s.y); principalAxes[i * 3 + 2] = new float4(u.c2, s.z); } else { float radius = principalRadii[i].x / maxAnisotropy; principalAxes[i * 3] = new float4(1, 0, 0, radius); principalAxes[i * 3 + 1] = new float4(0, 1, 0, radius); principalAxes[i * 3 + 2] = new float4(0, 0, 1, radius); } renderablePositions[i] = smoothPositions[i]; }
public void Evaluate(float4 point, ref BurstLocalOptimization.SurfacePoint projectedPoint) { float4 center = * transform.scale; point = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(point) - center; if (shape.is2D != 0) { point[2] = 0; } int direction = (int)shape.size.z; float radius = shape.size.x * math.max(transform.scale[(direction + 1) % 3], transform.scale[(direction + 2) % 3]); float height = math.max(radius, shape.size.y * 0.5f * transform.scale[direction]); float4 halfVector =; halfVector[direction] = height - radius; float4 centerLine = BurstMath.NearestPointOnEdge(-halfVector, halfVector, point, out float mu); float4 centerToPoint = point - centerLine; float distanceToCenter = math.length(centerToPoint); float4 normal = centerToPoint / (distanceToCenter + BurstMath.epsilon); projectedPoint.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(center + centerLine + normal * (radius + shape.contactOffset)); projectedPoint.normal = transform.TransformDirection(normal); }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, int colliderIndex, BurstAffineTransform transform, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { float4 center = * transform.scale; position = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(position) - center; float radius = shape.size.x * math.cmax(; float distanceToCenter = math.length(position); float4 normal = position / distanceToCenter; BurstContact c = new BurstContact { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, point = center + normal * radius, normal = normal, }; c.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(c.point); c.normal = transform.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.distance = distanceToCenter - radius - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); }
public void Execute(int i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int simplexStart = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSize); // get the material from the first particle in the simplex: int aMaterialIndex = particleMaterialIndices[simplices[simplexStart]]; bool rollingContacts = aMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[aMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false; float4 relativeVelocity =; float4 simplexPrevPosition =; quaternion simplexPrevOrientation = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexInvMass = 0; float4 simplexInvInertia =; float simplexRadius = 0; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSize; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStart + j]; relativeVelocity += velocities[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexPrevPosition += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexPrevOrientation.value += prevOrientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointA[j]; simplexInvMass += invMasses[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexInvInertia += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexRadius += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } // if there's a rigidbody present, subtract its velocity from the relative velocity: int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[contact.bodyB].rigidbodyIndex; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodyIndex, contact.pointB, rigidbodies, rigidbodyLinearDeltas, rigidbodyAngularDeltas, inertialFrame.frame); int bMaterialIndex = shapes[contact.bodyB].materialIndex; rollingContacts |= bMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[bMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false; } // update contact distance contact.distance = - contact.pointB, contact.normal) - simplexRadius; // calculate contact point in A's surface: float4 contactPoint = contact.pointB + contact.normal * contact.distance; // update contact orthonormal basis: contact.CalculateBasis(relativeVelocity); // calculate A's contact mass. contact.CalculateContactMassesA(simplexInvMass, simplexInvInertia, simplexPrevPosition, simplexPrevOrientation, contactPoint, rollingContacts); // calculate B's contact mass. if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { contact.CalculateContactMassesB(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); } contacts[i] = contact; }
public void Evaluate(float4 point, ref BurstLocalOptimization.SurfacePoint projectedPoint) { point = transform.InverseTransformPoint(point); float4 nearestPoint = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(tri, point, out float4 bary); float4 normal = math.normalizesafe(point - nearestPoint); // flip the contact normal if it points below ground: BurstMath.OneSidedNormal(triNormal, ref normal); projectedPoint.point = transform.TransformPoint(nearestPoint + normal * shape.contactOffset); projectedPoint.normal = transform.TransformDirection(normal); }
public void CalculateContactMassesB(BurstRigidbody rigidbody, bool rollingContacts) { // initialize inverse linear masses: normalInvMassB = tangentInvMassB = bitangentInvMassB = rigidbody.inverseMass; if (rollingContacts) { float4 rB = ContactPointB -; normalInvMassB += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(rigidbody.inverseInertiaTensor, rB, normal); tangentInvMassB += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(rigidbody.inverseInertiaTensor, rB, tangent); bitangentInvMassB += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(rigidbody.inverseInertiaTensor, rB, bitangent); } }
public void Evaluate(float4 point, ref BurstLocalOptimization.SurfacePoint projectedPoint) { switch (simplexSize) { case 1: { float4 p1 = positions[simplices[simplexStart]]; projectedPoint.bary = new float4(1, 0, 0, 0); projectedPoint.point = p1; } break; case 2: { float4 p1 = positions[simplices[simplexStart]]; float4 p2 = positions[simplices[simplexStart + 1]]; BurstMath.NearestPointOnEdge(p1, p2, point, out float mu); projectedPoint.bary = new float4(1 - mu, mu, 0, 0); projectedPoint.point = p1 * projectedPoint.bary[0] + p2 * projectedPoint.bary[1]; } break; case 3: projectedPoint.point = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(tri, point, out projectedPoint.bary); break; } projectedPoint.normal = math.normalizesafe(point - projectedPoint.point); /*float radius1 = radii[simplices[simplexStart]].x; * float radius2 = radii[simplices[simplexStart+1]].x; * * float invLen2 = 1.0f / math.lengthsq(p1 - p2); * float dl = (radius1 - radius2) * invLen2; * float sl = math.sqrt(1.0f / invLen2 - math.pow(radius1 - radius2, 2)) * math.sqrt(invLen2); * float adj_radii1 = radius1 * sl; * float adj_radii2 = radius2 * sl; * * float trange1 = radius1 * dl; * float trange2 = 1 + radius2 * dl; * * float adj_t = (mu - trange1) / (trange2 - trange1); * float radius = adj_radii1 + adj_t * (adj_radii2 - adj_radii1); * * float4 centerToPoint = point - centerLine; * float4 normal = centerToPoint / (math.length(centerToPoint) + BurstMath.epsilon); * * projectedPoint.point = centerLine + normal * radius; * projectedPoint.normal = normal;*/ }
public void Evaluate(float4 point, ref BurstLocalOptimization.SurfacePoint projectedPoint) { point = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(point); if (shape.is2D != 0) { point[2] = 0; } float4 nearestPoint = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(tri, point, out float4 bary); float4 normal = math.normalizesafe(point - nearestPoint); projectedPoint.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(nearestPoint + normal * shape.contactOffset); projectedPoint.normal = transform.TransformDirection(normal); }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndex, int rigidbodyIndex, ref BurstContact contact) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = (positions[particleIndex] - prevPositions[particleIndex]) / dt; // As we do not consider true ellipses for collision detection, particle contact points are never off-axis. // So particle angular velocity does not contribute to normal impulses, and we can skip it. // Subtract rigidbody velocity: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], contact.ContactPointB, rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); } return(relativeVelocity); }
public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var pair = pairs[i]; float4 distanceA = renderablePositions[pair.particleB] - smoothPositions[pair.particleA]; float4 distanceB = renderablePositions[pair.particleA] - smoothPositions[pair.particleB]; anisotropies[pair.particleA] += BurstMath.multrnsp(distanceA, distanceA) * pair.avgKernel; anisotropies[pair.particleB] += BurstMath.multrnsp(distanceB, distanceB) * pair.avgKernel; } }
public void CalculateContactMassesA(ref NativeArray <float> invMasses, ref NativeArray <float4> prevPositions, ref NativeArray <quaternion> orientations, ref NativeArray <float4> inverseInertiaTensors, bool rollingContacts) { // initialize inverse linear masses: normalInvMassA = tangentInvMassA = bitangentInvMassA = invMasses[entityA]; if (rollingContacts) { float4 rA = ContactPointA - prevPositions[entityA]; float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(inverseInertiaTensors[entityA], orientations[entityA]); normalInvMassA += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, normal); tangentInvMassA += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, tangent); bitangentInvMassA += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, bitangent); } }
public void Evaluate(float4 point, ref BurstLocalOptimization.SurfacePoint projectedPoint) { point = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(point); if (shape.is2D != 0) { point[2] = 0; } Edge t = edges[header.firstEdge + dataOffset]; float4 v1 = (new float4(vertices[header.firstVertex + t.i1], 0) + * transform.scale; float4 v2 = (new float4(vertices[header.firstVertex + t.i2], 0) + * transform.scale; float4 nearestPoint = BurstMath.NearestPointOnEdge(v1, v2, point, out float mu); float4 normal = math.normalizesafe(point - nearestPoint); projectedPoint.normal = transform.TransformDirection(normal); projectedPoint.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(nearestPoint + normal * shape.contactOffset); }
public void CalculateContactMassesA(float invMass, float4 inverseInertiaTensor, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 contactPoint, bool rollingContacts) { // initialize inverse linear masses: normalInvMassA = tangentInvMassA = bitangentInvMassA = invMass; if (rollingContacts) { float4 rA = contactPoint - position; float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(inverseInertiaTensor, orientation); normalInvMassA += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, normal); tangentInvMassA += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, tangent); bitangentInvMassA += BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(solverInertiaA, rA, bitangent); } }
public void Execute(int i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int aMaterialIndex = particleMaterialIndices[contact.entityA]; bool rollingContacts = aMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[aMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false; int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[contact.entityB].rigidbodyIndex; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { // update contact basis: float4 relativeVelocity = velocities[contact.entityA] - BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], contact.ContactPointB, rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); contact.CalculateBasis(relativeVelocity); int bMaterialIndex = shapes[contact.entityB].materialIndex; rollingContacts |= bMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[bMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false; // update contact masses: contact.CalculateContactMassesA(ref invMasses, ref prevPositions, ref prevOrientations, ref invInertiaTensors, rollingContacts); contact.CalculateContactMassesB(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], false); } else { // update contact basis: contact.CalculateBasis(velocities[contact.entityA]); // update contact masses: contact.CalculateContactMassesA(ref invMasses, ref prevPositions, ref prevOrientations, ref invInertiaTensors, rollingContacts); } // update contact distance float dAB =[contact.entityA] - contact.point, contact.normal); float dA = BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[contact.entityA], radii[contact.entityA].xyz); float dB = shapes[contact.entityB].contactOffset; contact.distance = dAB - (dA + dB); contacts[i] = contact; }
private float4 GetRelativeVelocity(int particleIndex, int rigidbodyIndex, ref BurstContact contact, ref float4 angularVelocityA, ref float4 rA, ref float4 rB, bool rollingContacts) { // Initialize with particle linear velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = (positions[particleIndex] - prevPositions[particleIndex]) / dt; // Add particle angular velocity if rolling contacts are enabled: if (rollingContacts) { angularVelocityA = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], dt); rA = contact.ContactPointA - prevPositions[particleIndex]; relativeVelocity += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } // Subtract rigidbody velocity: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { // Note: unlike rA, that is expressed in solver space, rB is expressed in world space. rB = inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(contact.ContactPointB) - rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].com; relativeVelocity -= BurstMath.GetRigidbodyVelocityAtPoint(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex], contact.ContactPointB, rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex], inertialFrame.frame); } return(relativeVelocity); }
// The code actually running on the job public void Execute(int index) { int i = activeParticles[index]; // Project particles on the XY plane if we are in 2D mode: if (is2D) { // restrict position to the 2D plane float4 pos = positions[i]; pos[2] = previousPositions[i][2]; positions[i] = pos; // restrict rotation to the axis perpendicular to the 2D plane. quaternion swing, twist; BurstMath.SwingTwist(orientations[i], new float3(0, 0, 1), out swing, out twist); orientations[i] = twist; } if (inverseMasses[i] > 0) { velocities[i] = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[i], previousPositions[i], deltaTime); } else { velocities[i] =; } if (inverseRotationalMasses[i] > 0) { angularVelocities[i] = BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[i], previousOrientations[i], deltaTime); } else { angularVelocities[i] =; } }
public void Execute(int i) { int k = 0; float maximumMass = 10000; coms[i] =; float4x4 Apq =, Rpq =; // calculate shape mass, center of mass, and moment matrix: for (int j = 0; j < numIndices[i]; ++j) { k = particleIndices[firstIndex[i] + j]; float mass = maximumMass; if (invMasses[k] > 1.0f / maximumMass) { mass = 1.0f / invMasses[k]; } coms[i] += positions[k] * mass; float4x4 particleR = orientations[k].toMatrix(); float4x4 particleRT = restOrientations[k].toMatrix(); particleR[3][3] = 0; particleRT[3][3] = 0; Rpq += math.mul(particleR, math.mul(math.rcp(invInertiaTensors[k] + new float4(BurstMath.epsilon)).asDiagonal(), math.transpose(particleRT)) ); float4 restPosition = restPositions[k]; restPosition[3] = 0; Apq += mass * BurstMath.multrnsp4(positions[k], restPosition); } if (restComs[i][3] < BurstMath.epsilon) { return; } coms[i] /= restComs[i][3]; // subtract global shape moment: float4 restCom = restComs[i]; restCom[3] = 0; Apq -= restComs[i][3] * BurstMath.multrnsp4(coms[i], restCom); // calculate optimal transform including plastic deformation: float4x4 Apq_def = Rpq + math.mul(Apq, math.transpose(deformation[i])); // extract rotation from transform matrix, using warmstarting and few iterations: constraintOrientations[i] = BurstMath.ExtractRotation(Apq_def, constraintOrientations[i], 2); // finally, obtain rotation matrix: float4x4 R = constraintOrientations[i].toMatrix(); R[3][3] = 0; // calculate particle orientations: if (explicitGroup[i] > 0) { // if the group is explicit, set the orientation for all particles: for (int j = 0; j < numIndices[i]; ++j) { k = particleIndices[firstIndex[i] + j]; orientations[k] = math.mul(constraintOrientations[i], restOrientations[k]); } } else { // set orientation of center particle only: int centerIndex = particleIndices[firstIndex[i]]; orientations[centerIndex] = math.mul(constraintOrientations[i], restOrientations[centerIndex]); } // calculate and accumulate particle goal positions: float4 goal; float4x4 transform = math.mul(R, deformation[i]); for (int j = 0; j < numIndices[i]; ++j) { k = particleIndices[firstIndex[i] + j]; goal = coms[i] + math.mul(transform, restPositions[k] - restComs[i]); deltas[k] += (goal - positions[k]) * shapeMaterialParameters[i * 5]; counts[k]++; } // update plastic deformation: float plastic_yield = shapeMaterialParameters[i * 5 + 1]; float plastic_creep = shapeMaterialParameters[i * 5 + 2]; float plastic_recovery = shapeMaterialParameters[i * 5 + 3]; float max_deform = shapeMaterialParameters[i * 5 + 4]; // if we are allowed to absorb deformation: if (plastic_creep > 0) { R[3][3] = 1; Apq_def[3][3] = 1; // get scale matrix (A = RS so S = Rt * A) and its deviation from the identity matrix: float4x4 deform_matrix = math.mul(math.transpose(R), math.mul(Apq_def, Aqq[i])) - float4x4.identity; // if the amount of deformation exceeds the yield threshold: float norm = deform_matrix.frobeniusNorm(); if (norm > plastic_yield) { // deform the shape permanently: deformation[i] = math.mul(float4x4.identity + plastic_creep * deform_matrix, deformation[i]); // clamp deformation so that it does not exceed a percentage; deform_matrix = deformation[i] - float4x4.identity; norm = deform_matrix.frobeniusNorm(); if (norm > max_deform) { deformation[i] = float4x4.identity + max_deform * deform_matrix / norm; } // if we cannot recover from plastic deformation, recalculate rest shape now: if (plastic_recovery == 0) { RecalculateRestData(i, ref particleIndices, ref firstIndex, ref restComs, ref Aqq, ref deformation, ref numIndices, ref invMasses, ref restPositions, ref restOrientations, ref invInertiaTensors); } } } // if we can recover from plastic deformation, lerp towards non-deformed shape and recalculate rest shape: if (plastic_recovery > 0) { deformation[i] += (float4x4.identity - deformation[i]) * math.min(plastic_recovery * deltaTime, 1.0f); RecalculateRestData(i, ref particleIndices, ref firstIndex, ref restComs, ref Aqq, ref deformation, ref numIndices, ref invMasses, ref restPositions, ref restOrientations, ref invInertiaTensors); } }
protected static void RecalculateRestData(int i, ref NativeArray <int> particleIndices, ref NativeArray <int> firstIndex, ref NativeArray <float4> restComs, ref NativeArray <float4x4> Aqq, ref NativeArray <float4x4> deformation, ref NativeArray <int> numIndices, ref NativeArray <float> invMasses, ref NativeArray <float4> restPositions, ref NativeArray <quaternion> restOrientations, ref NativeArray <float4> invInertiaTensors) { int k = 0; float maximumMass = 10000; // initialize rest center of mass and shape matrix: restComs[i] =; Aqq[i] =; float4 restCom =; float4x4 _Aqq =, _Rqq =; // calculate rest center of mass, shape mass and Aqq matrix. for (int j = 0; j < numIndices[i]; ++j) { k = particleIndices[firstIndex[i] + j]; float mass = maximumMass; if (invMasses[k] > 1.0f / maximumMass) { mass = 1.0f / invMasses[k]; } restCom += restPositions[k] * mass; float4x4 particleR = restOrientations[k].toMatrix(); particleR[3][3] = 0; _Rqq += math.mul(particleR, math.mul(math.rcp(invInertiaTensors[k] + new float4(BurstMath.epsilon)).asDiagonal(), math.transpose(particleR)) ); float4 restPosition = restPositions[k]; restPosition[3] = 0; _Aqq += mass * BurstMath.multrnsp4(restPosition, restPosition); } if (restCom[3] < BurstMath.epsilon) { return; } /= restCom[3]; restComs[i] = restCom; restCom[3] = 0; _Aqq -= restComs[i][3] * BurstMath.multrnsp4(restCom, restCom); _Aqq[3][3] = 1; // so that the determinant is never 0 due to all-zeros row/column. Aqq[i] = math.inverse(_Rqq + math.mul(deformation[i], math.mul(_Aqq, math.transpose(deformation[i])))); }
private void InteractionTest(int A, int B, ref BurstSimplex simplexShape) { // skip the pair if their bounds don't intersect: if (!simplexBounds[A].IntersectsAabb(simplexBounds[B])) { return; } // get the start index and size of each simplex: int simplexStartA = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(A, out int simplexSizeA); int simplexStartB = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(B, out int simplexSizeB); // immediately reject simplex pairs that share particles: for (int a = 0; a < simplexSizeA; ++a) { for (int b = 0; b < simplexSizeB; ++b) { if (simplices[simplexStartA + a] == simplices[simplexStartB + b]) { return; } } } // get phases for each simplex: bool restPositionsEnabled = false; int groupA = GetSimplexPhase(simplexStartA, simplexSizeA, out Oni.ParticleFlags flagsA, ref restPositionsEnabled); int groupB = GetSimplexPhase(simplexStartB, simplexSizeB, out Oni.ParticleFlags flagsB, ref restPositionsEnabled); // if all particles have the same group and none have self-collision, reject the pair. if (groupA == groupB && (flagsA & flagsB & Oni.ParticleFlags.SelfCollide) == 0) { return; } // if all simplices are fluid, check their smoothing radii: if ((flagsA & Oni.ParticleFlags.Fluid) != 0 && (flagsB & Oni.ParticleFlags.Fluid) != 0) { int particleA = simplices[simplexStartA]; int particleB = simplices[simplexStartB]; // for fluid we only consider the first particle in each simplex. float4 predictedPositionA = positions[particleA] + velocities[particleA] * dt; float4 predictedPositionB = positions[particleB] + velocities[particleB] * dt; // Calculate particle center distance: float d2 = math.lengthsq(predictedPositionA - predictedPositionB); float fluidDistance = math.max(fluidRadii[particleA], fluidRadii[particleB]); if (d2 <= fluidDistance * fluidDistance) { fluidInteractionsQueue.Enqueue(new FluidInteraction { particleA = particleA, particleB = particleB }); } } else // at least one solid particle is present: { // swap simplices so that B is always the one-sided one. if ((flagsA & Oni.ParticleFlags.OneSided) != 0 && groupA < groupB) { ObiUtils.Swap(ref A, ref B); ObiUtils.Swap(ref simplexStartA, ref simplexStartB); ObiUtils.Swap(ref simplexSizeA, ref simplexSizeB); ObiUtils.Swap(ref flagsA, ref flagsB); ObiUtils.Swap(ref groupA, ref groupB); } float4 simplexBary = BurstMath.BarycenterForSimplexOfSize(simplexSizeA); float4 simplexPoint; simplexShape.simplexStart = simplexStartB; simplexShape.simplexSize = simplexSizeB; simplexShape.positions = restPositions; simplexShape.CacheData(); float simplexRadiusA = 0, simplexRadiusB = 0; // skip the contact if there's self-intersection at rest: if (groupA == groupB && restPositionsEnabled) { var restPoint = BurstLocalOptimization.Optimize <BurstSimplex>(ref simplexShape, restPositions, radii, simplices, simplexStartA, simplexSizeA, ref simplexBary, out simplexPoint, 4, 0); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { simplexRadiusA += radii[simplices[simplexStartA + j]].x * simplexBary[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { simplexRadiusB += radii[simplices[simplexStartB + j]].x * restPoint.bary[j]; } // compare distance along contact normal with radius. if ( - restPoint.point, restPoint.normal) < simplexRadiusA + simplexRadiusB) { return; } } simplexBary = BurstMath.BarycenterForSimplexOfSize(simplexSizeA); simplexShape.positions = positions; simplexShape.CacheData(); var surfacePoint = BurstLocalOptimization.Optimize <BurstSimplex>(ref simplexShape, positions, radii, simplices, simplexStartA, simplexSizeA, ref simplexBary, out simplexPoint, optimizationIterations, optimizationTolerance); simplexRadiusA = 0; simplexRadiusB = 0; float4 velocityA =, velocityB =, normalB =; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; simplexRadiusA += radii[particleIndex].x * simplexBary[j]; velocityA += velocities[particleIndex] * simplexBary[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; simplexRadiusB += radii[particleIndex].x * surfacePoint.bary[j]; velocityB += velocities[particleIndex] * surfacePoint.bary[j]; normalB += normals[particleIndex] * surfacePoint.bary[j]; } float dAB = - surfacePoint.point, surfacePoint.normal); float vel = - velocityB, surfacePoint.normal); // check if the projected velocity along the contact normal will get us within collision distance. if (vel * dt + dAB <= simplexRadiusA + simplexRadiusB + collisionMargin) { // adapt collision normal for one-sided simplices: if ((flagsB & Oni.ParticleFlags.OneSided) != 0 && groupB < groupA) { BurstMath.OneSidedNormal(normalB, ref surfacePoint.normal); } contactsQueue.Enqueue(new BurstContact() { bodyA = A, bodyB = B, pointA = simplexBary, pointB = surfacePoint.bary, normal = surfacePoint.normal }); } } }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, int colliderIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, ref NativeArray <float> heightMap, HeightFieldHeader header, BurstAffineTransform colliderToSolver, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { float4 pos = colliderToSolver.InverseTransformPoint(position); BurstContact c = new BurstContact { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, }; int resolutionU = (int); int resolutionV = (int); // calculate terrain cell size: float cellWidth = shape.size.x / (resolutionU - 1); float cellHeight = shape.size.z / (resolutionV - 1); // calculate particle bounds min/max cells: int2 min = new int2((int)math.floor((pos[0] - radii[0]) / cellWidth), (int)math.floor((pos[2] - radii[0]) / cellHeight)); int2 max = new int2((int)math.floor((pos[0] + radii[0]) / cellWidth), (int)math.floor((pos[2] + radii[0]) / cellHeight)); for (int su = min[0]; su <= max[0]; ++su) { if (su >= 0 && su < resolutionU - 1) { for (int sv = min[1]; sv <= max[1]; ++sv) { if (sv >= 0 && sv < resolutionV - 1) { // calculate neighbor sample indices: int csu1 = math.clamp(su + 1, 0, resolutionU - 1); int csv1 = math.clamp(sv + 1, 0, resolutionV - 1); // sample heights: float h1 = heightMap[header.firstSample + sv * resolutionU + su] * shape.size.y; float h2 = heightMap[header.firstSample + sv * resolutionU + csu1] * shape.size.y; float h3 = heightMap[header.firstSample + csv1 * resolutionU + su] * shape.size.y; float h4 = heightMap[header.firstSample + csv1 * resolutionU + csu1] * shape.size.y; float min_x = su * shape.size.x / (resolutionU - 1); float max_x = csu1 * shape.size.x / (resolutionU - 1); float min_z = sv * shape.size.z / (resolutionV - 1); float max_z = csv1 * shape.size.z / (resolutionV - 1); // contact with the first triangle: float4 pointOnTri = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(new float4(min_x, h3, max_z, 0), new float4(max_x, h4, max_z, 0), new float4(min_x, h1, min_z, 0), pos); float4 normal = pos - pointOnTri; float distance = math.length(normal); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { c.normal = normal / distance; c.point = pointOnTri; c.normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.point = colliderToSolver.TransformPoint(c.point); c.distance = distance - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); } // contact with the second triangle: pointOnTri = BurstMath.NearestPointOnTri(new float4(min_x, h1, min_z, 0), new float4(max_x, h4, max_z, 0), new float4(max_x, h2, min_z, 0), pos); normal = pos - pointOnTri; distance = math.length(normal); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { c.normal = normal / distance; c.point = pointOnTri; c.normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.point = colliderToSolver.TransformPoint(c.point); c.distance = distance - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); } } } } } }
public void Execute() { for (int i = 0; i < activeConstraintCount; ++i) { int particleIndex = particleIndices[i]; int colliderIndex = colliderIndices[i]; // no collider to pin to, so ignore the constraint. if (colliderIndex < 0) { continue; } int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[colliderIndex].rigidbodyIndex; // calculate time adjusted compliances float2 compliances = stiffnesses[i].xy / (deltaTime * deltaTime); float4 particlePosition = positions[particleIndex]; // express pin offset in world space: float4 worldPinOffset = transforms[colliderIndex].TransformPoint(offsets[i]); float4 predictedPinOffset = worldPinOffset; quaternion predictedRotation = transforms[colliderIndex].rotation; float rigidbodyLinearW = 0; float rigidbodyAngularW = 0; float4 linearRbDelta =; float4 angularRbDelta =; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { var rigidbody = rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex]; linearRbDelta = rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex]; angularRbDelta = rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex]; // predict world-space position of offset point: predictedPinOffset = BurstIntegration.IntegrateLinear(predictedPinOffset, rigidbody.GetVelocityAtPoint(worldPinOffset, linearRbDelta, angularRbDelta), deltaTime); // predict rotation at the end of the step: predictedRotation = BurstIntegration.IntegrateAngular(predictedRotation, rigidbody.angularVelocity + angularRbDelta, deltaTime); // calculate linear and angular rigidbody weights: rigidbodyLinearW = rigidbody.inverseMass; rigidbodyAngularW = BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(rigidbody.inverseInertiaTensor, worldPinOffset -, math.normalizesafe(inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(particlePosition) - predictedPinOffset)); } // Transform pin position to solver space for constraint solving: predictedPinOffset = inertialFrame.frame.InverseTransformPoint(predictedPinOffset); float4 gradient = particlePosition - predictedPinOffset; float constraint = math.length(gradient); float4 gradientDir = gradient / (constraint + BurstMath.epsilon); float4 lambda = lambdas[i]; float linearDLambda = (-constraint - compliances.x * lambda.w) / (invMasses[particleIndex] + rigidbodyLinearW + rigidbodyAngularW + compliances.x + BurstMath.epsilon); lambda.w += linearDLambda; float4 correction = linearDLambda * gradientDir; deltas[particleIndex] += correction * invMasses[particleIndex]; counts[particleIndex]++; if (rigidbodyAngularW > 0 || invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] > 0) { // bend/twist constraint: quaternion omega = math.mul(math.conjugate(orientations[particleIndex]), predictedRotation); //darboux vector quaternion omega_plus; omega_plus.value = omega.value + restDarboux[i].value; //delta Omega with - omega_0 omega.value -= restDarboux[i].value; //delta Omega with + omega_0 if (math.lengthsq(omega.value) > math.lengthsq(omega_plus.value)) { omega = omega_plus; } float3 dlambda = ( - compliances.y * / new float3(compliances.y + invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] + rigidbodyAngularW + BurstMath.epsilon); += dlambda; //discrete Darboux vector does not have vanishing scalar part quaternion dlambdaQ = new quaternion(dlambda[0], dlambda[1], dlambda[2], 0); quaternion orientDelta = orientationDeltas[particleIndex]; orientDelta.value += math.mul(predictedRotation, dlambdaQ).value *invRotationalMasses[particleIndex]; orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = orientDelta; orientationCounts[particleIndex]++; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].ApplyDeltaQuaternion(predictedRotation, math.mul(orientations[particleIndex], dlambdaQ).value * -rigidbodyAngularW, ref angularRbDelta, deltaTime); } } if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { float4 impulse = correction / deltaTime; rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].ApplyImpulse(-inertialFrame.frame.TransformVector(impulse) * 1, worldPinOffset, ref linearRbDelta, ref angularRbDelta); rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] = linearRbDelta; rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] = angularRbDelta; } lambdas[i] = lambda; } }
public static void Contacts(int particleIndex, float4 position, quaternion orientation, float4 radii, int colliderIndex, BurstAffineTransform transform, BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { BurstContact c = new BurstContact() { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, }; float4 center = * transform.scale; position = transform.InverseTransformPointUnscaled(position) - center; int direction = (int)shape.size.z; float radius = shape.size.x * math.max(transform.scale[(direction + 1) % 3], transform.scale[(direction + 2) % 3]); float height = math.max(radius, shape.size.y * 0.5f * transform.scale[direction]); float d = position[direction]; float4 axisProj =; float4 cap =; axisProj[direction] = d; cap[direction] = height - radius; float4 centerToPoint; float centerToPointNorm; if (d > height - radius) { //one cap centerToPoint = position - cap; centerToPointNorm = math.length(centerToPoint); c.distance = centerToPointNorm - radius; c.normal = (centerToPoint / (centerToPointNorm + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)); c.point = cap + c.normal * radius; } else if (d < -height + radius) { // other cap centerToPoint = position + cap; centerToPointNorm = math.length(centerToPoint); c.distance = centerToPointNorm - radius; c.normal = (centerToPoint / (centerToPointNorm + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)); c.point = -cap + c.normal * radius; } else {//cylinder centerToPoint = position - axisProj; centerToPointNorm = math.length(centerToPoint); c.distance = centerToPointNorm - radius; c.normal = (centerToPoint / (centerToPointNorm + math.FLT_MIN_NORMAL)); c.point = axisProj + c.normal * radius; } c.point += center; c.point = transform.TransformPointUnscaled(c.point); c.normal = transform.TransformDirection(c.normal); c.distance -= shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, orientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); }
public void InteractionTest(int A, int B) { bool samePhase = (phases[A] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.GroupMask) == (phases[B] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.GroupMask); bool noSelfCollide = (phases[A] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.SelfCollide) == 0 || (phases[B] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.SelfCollide) == 0; // only particles of a different phase or set to self-collide can interact. if (samePhase && noSelfCollide) { return; } // Predict positions at the end of the whole step: float4 predictedPositionA = positions[A] + velocities[A] * dt; float4 predictedPositionB = positions[B] + velocities[B] * dt; // Calculate particle center distance: float4 dab = predictedPositionA - predictedPositionB; float d2 = math.lengthsq(dab); // if both particles are fluid, check their smoothing radii: if ((phases[A] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.Fluid) != 0 && (phases[B] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.Fluid) != 0) { float fluidDistance = math.max(fluidRadii[A], fluidRadii[B]); if (d2 <= fluidDistance * fluidDistance) { fluidInteractionsQueue.Enqueue(new FluidInteraction { particleA = A, particleB = B }); } } else // at least one solid particle { float solidDistance = radii[A].x + radii[B].x; // if these particles are self-colliding (have same phase), see if they intersect at rest. if (samePhase && restPositions[A].w > 0.5f && restPositions[B].w > 0.5f) { // if rest positions intersect, return too. float sqr_rest_distance = math.lengthsq(restPositions[A] - restPositions[B]); if (sqr_rest_distance < solidDistance * solidDistance) { return; } } // calculate distance at which particles are able to interact: int matIndexA = particleMaterialIndices[A]; int matIndexB = particleMaterialIndices[B]; float interactionDistance = solidDistance * 1.2f + (matIndexA >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[matIndexA].stickDistance : 0) + (matIndexB >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[matIndexB].stickDistance : 0); // if the distance between their predicted positions is smaller than the interaction distance: if (math.lengthsq(dab) <= interactionDistance * interactionDistance) { // calculate contact normal and distance: float4 normal = positions[A] - positions[B]; float distance = math.length(normal); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { normal /= distance; float rA = BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(normal, orientations[A], radii[A].xyz); float rB = BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(normal, orientations[B], radii[B].xyz); // adapt normal for one-sided particles: if ((phases[A] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.OneSided) != 0 && (phases[B] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.OneSided) != 0) { float3 adjustment =; if (rA < rB) { adjustment = math.mul(orientations[A], new float3(0, 0, -1)); } else { adjustment = math.mul(orientations[B], new float3(0, 0, 1)); } float dot =, adjustment); if (dot < 0) { normal -= 2 * dot * new float4(adjustment, 0); } } contactsQueue.Enqueue(new BurstContact { entityA = A, entityB = B, point = positions[B] + normal * rB, normal = normal, distance = distance - (rA + rB) }); } } } }
public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int simplexStartA = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSizeA); int simplexStartB = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyB, out int simplexSizeB); float4 simplexVelocityA =; float4 simplexPrevPositionA =; quaternion simplexPrevOrientationA = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusA = 0; float simplexInvMassA = 0; float4 simplexInvInertiaA =; float4 simplexVelocityB =; float4 simplexPrevPositionB =; quaternion simplexPrevOrientationB = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusB = 0; float simplexInvMassB = 0; float4 simplexInvInertiaB =; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; simplexVelocityA += velocities[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexPrevPositionA += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexPrevOrientationA.value += prevOrientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointA[j]; simplexInvMassA += invMasses[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexInvInertiaA += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexRadiusA += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; simplexVelocityB += velocities[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; simplexPrevPositionB += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; simplexPrevOrientationB.value += prevOrientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointB[j]; simplexInvMassB += invMasses[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; simplexInvInertiaB += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; simplexRadiusB += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointB[j]; } // update contact distance float dAB = - simplexPrevPositionB, contact.normal); contact.distance = dAB - (simplexRadiusA + simplexRadiusB); // calculate contact points: float4 contactPointA = simplexPrevPositionB + contact.normal * (contact.distance + simplexRadiusB); float4 contactPointB = simplexPrevPositionA - contact.normal * (contact.distance + simplexRadiusA); // update contact basis: contact.CalculateBasis(simplexVelocityA - simplexVelocityB); // update contact masses: int aMaterialIndex = particleMaterialIndices[simplices[simplexStartA]]; int bMaterialIndex = particleMaterialIndices[simplices[simplexStartB]]; bool rollingContacts = (aMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[aMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false) | (bMaterialIndex >= 0 ? collisionMaterials[bMaterialIndex].rollingContacts > 0 : false); contact.CalculateContactMassesA(simplexInvMassA, simplexInvInertiaA, simplexPrevPositionA, simplexPrevOrientationA, contactPointA, rollingContacts); contact.CalculateContactMassesB(simplexInvMassB, simplexInvInertiaB, simplexPrevPositionB, simplexPrevOrientationB, contactPointB, rollingContacts); contacts[i] = contact; } }
public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int indexA = contact.entityA; int indexB = contact.entityB; // Combine collision materials: BurstCollisionMaterial material = CombineCollisionMaterials(contact.entityA, contact.entityB); // Calculate relative velocity: float4 angularVelocityA =, angularVelocityB =, rA =, rB =; float4 relativeVelocity = GetRelativeVelocity(indexA, indexB, ref contact, ref angularVelocityA, ref angularVelocityB, ref rA, ref rB, material.rollingContacts > 0); // Calculate friction impulses (in the tangent and bitangent ddirections): float2 impulses = contact.SolveFriction(relativeVelocity, material.staticFriction, material.dynamicFriction, dt); // Apply friction impulses to both particles: if (math.abs(impulses.x) > BurstMath.epsilon || math.abs(impulses.y) > BurstMath.epsilon) { float4 tangentImpulse = impulses.x * contact.tangent; float4 bitangentImpulse = impulses.y * contact.bitangent; float4 totalImpulse = tangentImpulse + bitangentImpulse; deltas[indexA] += (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassA + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassA) * dt; deltas[indexB] -= (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassB + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassB) * dt; counts[indexA]++; counts[indexB]++; // Rolling contacts: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { // Calculate angular velocity deltas due to friction impulse: float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensors[indexA], orientations[indexA]); float4x4 solverInertiaB = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensors[indexB], orientations[indexB]); float4 angVelDeltaA = math.mul(solverInertiaA, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); float4 angVelDeltaB = -math.mul(solverInertiaB, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); // Final angular velocities, after adding the deltas: angularVelocityA += angVelDeltaA; angularVelocityB += angVelDeltaB; // Calculate weights (inverse masses): float invMassA = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaA, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityA))); float invMassB = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaB, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityB))); // Calculate rolling axis and angular velocity deltas: float4 rollAxis =; float rollingImpulse = contact.SolveRollingFriction(angularVelocityA, angularVelocityB, material.rollingFriction, invMassA, invMassB, ref rollAxis); angVelDeltaA += rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassA; angVelDeltaB -= rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassB; // Apply orientation deltas to particles: quaternion orientationDeltaA = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientations[indexA], angVelDeltaA); quaternion orientationDeltaB = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientations[indexB], angVelDeltaB); quaternion qA = orientationDeltas[indexA]; qA.value += orientationDeltaA.value * dt; orientationDeltas[indexA] = qA; orientationCounts[indexA]++; quaternion qB = orientationDeltas[indexB]; qB.value += orientationDeltaB.value * dt; orientationDeltas[indexB] = qB; orientationCounts[indexB]++; } } contacts[i] = contact; } }
public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int simplexStartA = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSizeA); int simplexStartB = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyB, out int simplexSizeB); // Combine collision materials: BurstCollisionMaterial material = CombineCollisionMaterials(simplices[simplexStartA], simplices[simplexStartB]); float4 simplexPositionA =, simplexPositionB =; float simplexRadiusA = 0, simplexRadiusB = 0; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; simplexPositionA += positions[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; simplexRadiusA += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, orientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; simplexPositionB += positions[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; simplexRadiusB += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, orientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } float4 posA = simplexPositionA - contact.normal * simplexRadiusA; float4 posB = simplexPositionB + contact.normal * simplexRadiusB; // adhesion: float lambda = contact.SolveAdhesion(posA, posB, material.stickDistance, material.stickiness, substepTime); // depenetration: lambda += contact.SolvePenetration(posA, posB, solverParameters.maxDepenetration * substepTime); // Apply normal impulse to both particles (w/ shock propagation): if (math.abs(lambda) > BurstMath.epsilon) { float shock = solverParameters.shockPropagation *, math.normalizesafe(gravity)); float4 delta = lambda * contact.normal; float baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointA); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; deltas[particleIndex] += delta * invMasses[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j] * baryScale * (1 - shock); counts[particleIndex]++; } baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointB); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; deltas[particleIndex] -= delta * invMasses[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j] * baryScale * (1 + shock); counts[particleIndex]++; } } // Apply position deltas immediately, if using sequential evaluation: if (constraintParameters.evaluationOrder == Oni.ConstraintParameters.EvaluationOrder.Sequential) { for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; BurstConstraintsBatchImpl.ApplyPositionDelta(particleIndex, constraintParameters.SORFactor, ref positions, ref deltas, ref counts); } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; BurstConstraintsBatchImpl.ApplyPositionDelta(particleIndex, constraintParameters.SORFactor, ref positions, ref deltas, ref counts); } } contacts[i] = contact; } }
public void Execute(int workItemIndex) { int start, end; batchData.GetConstraintRange(workItemIndex, out start, out end); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; int simplexStartA = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyA, out int simplexSizeA); int simplexStartB = simplexCounts.GetSimplexStartAndSize(contact.bodyB, out int simplexSizeB); // Combine collision materials: BurstCollisionMaterial material = CombineCollisionMaterials(simplices[simplexStartA], simplices[simplexStartB]); float4 prevPositionA =; float4 linearVelocityA =; float4 angularVelocityA =; float4 invInertiaTensorA =; quaternion orientationA = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusA = 0; float4 prevPositionB =; float4 linearVelocityB =; float4 angularVelocityB =; float4 invInertiaTensorB =; quaternion orientationB = new quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0); float simplexRadiusB = 0; for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; prevPositionA += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; linearVelocityA += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[particleIndex], prevPositions[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointA[j]; angularVelocityA += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointA[j]; invInertiaTensorA += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointA[j]; orientationA.value += orientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointA[j]; simplexRadiusA += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointA[j]; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; prevPositionB += prevPositions[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; linearVelocityB += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateLinear(positions[particleIndex], prevPositions[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointB[j]; angularVelocityB += BurstIntegration.DifferentiateAngular(orientations[particleIndex], prevOrientations[particleIndex], substepTime) * contact.pointB[j]; invInertiaTensorB += invInertiaTensors[particleIndex] * contact.pointB[j]; orientationB.value += orientations[particleIndex].value * contact.pointB[j]; simplexRadiusB += BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(contact.normal, prevOrientations[particleIndex], radii[particleIndex].xyz) * contact.pointB[j]; } float4 rA =, rB =; // Consider angular velocities if rolling contacts are enabled: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { rA = -contact.normal * simplexRadiusA; rB = contact.normal * simplexRadiusB; linearVelocityA += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); linearVelocityB += new float4(math.cross(,, 0); } // Calculate relative velocity: float4 relativeVelocity = linearVelocityA - linearVelocityB; // Calculate friction impulses (in the tangent and bitangent ddirections): float2 impulses = contact.SolveFriction(relativeVelocity, material.staticFriction, material.dynamicFriction, substepTime); // Apply friction impulses to both particles: if (math.abs(impulses.x) > BurstMath.epsilon || math.abs(impulses.y) > BurstMath.epsilon) { float4 tangentImpulse = impulses.x * contact.tangent; float4 bitangentImpulse = impulses.y * contact.bitangent; float4 totalImpulse = tangentImpulse + bitangentImpulse; float baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointA); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; deltas[particleIndex] += (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassA + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassA) * substepTime * contact.pointA[j] * baryScale; counts[particleIndex]++; } baryScale = BurstMath.BaryScale(contact.pointB); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; deltas[particleIndex] -= (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassB + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassB) * substepTime * contact.pointB[j] * baryScale; counts[particleIndex]++; } // Rolling contacts: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { // Calculate angular velocity deltas due to friction impulse: float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensorA, orientationA); float4x4 solverInertiaB = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensorB, orientationB); float4 angVelDeltaA = math.mul(solverInertiaA, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); float4 angVelDeltaB = -math.mul(solverInertiaB, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); // Final angular velocities, after adding the deltas: angularVelocityA += angVelDeltaA; angularVelocityB += angVelDeltaB; // Calculate weights (inverse masses): float invMassA = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaA, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityA))); float invMassB = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaB, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityB))); // Calculate rolling axis and angular velocity deltas: float4 rollAxis =; float rollingImpulse = contact.SolveRollingFriction(angularVelocityA, angularVelocityB, material.rollingFriction, invMassA, invMassB, ref rollAxis); angVelDeltaA += rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassA; angVelDeltaB -= rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassB; // Apply orientation deltas to particles: quaternion orientationDeltaA = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientationA, angVelDeltaA, substepTime); quaternion orientationDeltaB = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientationB, angVelDeltaB, substepTime); for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeA; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartA + j]; quaternion qA = orientationDeltas[particleIndex]; qA.value += orientationDeltaA.value; orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = qA; orientationCounts[particleIndex]++; } for (int j = 0; j < simplexSizeB; ++j) { int particleIndex = simplices[simplexStartB + j]; quaternion qB = orientationDeltas[particleIndex]; qB.value += orientationDeltaB.value; orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = qB; orientationCounts[particleIndex]++; } } } contacts[i] = contact; } }
private static void BIHTraverse(int particleIndex, int colliderIndex, float4 particlePosition, quaternion particleOrientation, float4 particleVelocity, float4 particleRadii, ref BurstAabb particleBounds, int nodeIndex, ref NativeArray <BIHNode> bihNodes, ref NativeArray <Edge> edges, ref NativeArray <float2> vertices, ref EdgeMeshHeader header, ref BurstAffineTransform colliderToSolver, ref BurstColliderShape shape, NativeQueue <BurstContact> .ParallelWriter contacts) { var node = bihNodes[header.firstNode + nodeIndex]; // amount by which we should inflate aabbs: float offset = shape.contactOffset + particleRadii.x; if (node.firstChild >= 0) { // visit min node: if (particleBounds.min[node.axis] - offset <= node.min) { BIHTraverse(particleIndex, colliderIndex, particlePosition, particleOrientation, particleVelocity, particleRadii, ref particleBounds, node.firstChild, ref bihNodes, ref edges, ref vertices, ref header, ref colliderToSolver, ref shape, contacts); } // visit max node: if (particleBounds.max[node.axis] + offset >= node.max) { BIHTraverse(particleIndex, colliderIndex, particlePosition, particleOrientation, particleVelocity, particleRadii, ref particleBounds, node.firstChild + 1, ref bihNodes, ref edges, ref vertices, ref header, ref colliderToSolver, ref shape, contacts); } } else { // precalculate inverse of velocity vector for ray/aabb intersections: float4 invDir = math.rcp(particleVelocity); // contacts against all triangles: for (int i = node.start; i < node.start + node.count; ++i) { Edge t = edges[header.firstEdge + i]; float4 v1 = new float4(vertices[header.firstVertex + t.i1], 0, 0) * colliderToSolver.scale; float4 v2 = new float4(vertices[header.firstVertex + t.i2], 0, 0) * colliderToSolver.scale; BurstAabb aabb = new BurstAabb(v1, v2, 0.01f); aabb.Expand(new float4(offset)); // only generate a contact if the particle trajectory intersects its inflated aabb: if (aabb.IntersectsRay(particlePosition, invDir, true)) { float4 point = BurstMath.NearestPointOnEdge(v1, v2, particlePosition); float4 pointToTri = particlePosition - point; float distance = math.length(pointToTri); if (distance > BurstMath.epsilon) { BurstContact c = new BurstContact() { entityA = particleIndex, entityB = colliderIndex, point = colliderToSolver.TransformPointUnscaled(point), normal = colliderToSolver.TransformDirection(pointToTri / distance), }; c.distance = distance - (shape.contactOffset + BurstMath.EllipsoidRadius(c.normal, particleOrientation,; contacts.Enqueue(c); } } } } }
public void Execute() { for (int i = 0; i < contacts.Length; ++i) { var contact = contacts[i]; // Get the indices of the particle and collider involved in this contact: int indexA = contact.entityA; int indexB = contact.entityB; // Skip contacts involving triggers: if (shapes[indexB].flags > 0) { continue; } // Get the rigidbody index (might be < 0, in that case there's no rigidbody present) int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[indexB].rigidbodyIndex; // Combine collision materials: BurstCollisionMaterial material = CombineCollisionMaterials(indexA, indexB); // Calculate relative velocity: float4 angularVelocityA =, rA =, rB =; float4 relativeVelocity = GetRelativeVelocity(indexA, rigidbodyIndex, ref contact, ref angularVelocityA, ref rA, ref rB, material.rollingContacts > 0); // Determine impulse magnitude: float2 impulses = contact.SolveFriction(relativeVelocity, material.staticFriction, material.dynamicFriction, dt); if (math.abs(impulses.x) > BurstMath.epsilon || math.abs(impulses.y) > BurstMath.epsilon) { float4 tangentImpulse = impulses.x * contact.tangent; float4 bitangentImpulse = impulses.y * contact.bitangent; float4 totalImpulse = tangentImpulse + bitangentImpulse; deltas[indexA] += (tangentImpulse * contact.tangentInvMassA + bitangentImpulse * contact.bitangentInvMassA) * dt; counts[indexA]++; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { var rb = rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex]; float4 worldImpulse = -inertialFrame.frame.TransformVector(totalImpulse); float4 worldPoint = inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(contact.point); rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] += rb.inverseMass * worldImpulse; rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] += math.mul(rb.inverseInertiaTensor, new float4(math.cross((worldPoint -,, 0)); } // Rolling contacts: if (material.rollingContacts > 0) { // Calculate angular velocity deltas due to friction impulse: float4x4 solverInertiaA = BurstMath.TransformInertiaTensor(invInertiaTensors[indexA], orientations[indexA]); float4 angVelDeltaA = math.mul(solverInertiaA, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); float4 angVelDeltaB =; // Final angular velocities, after adding the deltas: angularVelocityA += angVelDeltaA; float4 angularVelocityB =; // Calculate weights (inverse masses): float invMassA = math.length(math.mul(solverInertiaA, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityA))); float invMassB = 0; if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { angVelDeltaB = math.mul(-rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].inverseInertiaTensor, new float4(math.cross(,, 0)); angularVelocityB = rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].angularVelocity + angVelDeltaB; invMassB = math.length(math.mul(rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].inverseInertiaTensor, math.normalizesafe(angularVelocityB))); } // Calculate rolling axis and angular velocity deltas: float4 rollAxis =; float rollingImpulse = contact.SolveRollingFriction(angularVelocityA, angularVelocityB, material.rollingFriction, invMassA, invMassB, ref rollAxis); angVelDeltaA += rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassA; angVelDeltaB -= rollAxis * rollingImpulse * invMassB; // Apply orientation delta to particle: quaternion orientationDelta = BurstIntegration.AngularVelocityToSpinQuaternion(orientations[indexA], angVelDeltaA); quaternion qA = orientationDeltas[indexA]; qA.value += orientationDelta.value * dt; orientationDeltas[indexA] = qA; orientationCounts[indexA]++; // Apply angular velocity delta to rigidbody: if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0) { float4 angularDelta = rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex]; angularDelta += angVelDeltaB; rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] = angularDelta; } } } contacts[i] = contact; } }