public void Execute(int index)
            int i = activeParticles[index];

            // the previous position/orientation is the current position/orientation at the start of the step.
            previousPositions[i]    = positions[i];
            previousOrientations[i] = orientations[i];

            if (inverseMasses[i] > 0)
                float4 effectiveGravity = gravity;

                // Adjust gravity for buoyant fluid particles:
                if ((phases[i] & (int)Oni.ParticleFlags.Fluid) != 0)
                    effectiveGravity *= -buoyancies[i];

                // apply external forces and gravity:
                float4 vel = velocities[i] + (inverseMasses[i] * externalForces[i] + effectiveGravity) * deltaTime;

                // project velocity to 2D plane if needed:
                if (is2D)
                    vel[3] = 0;

                velocities[i] = vel;

            if (inverseRotationalMasses[i] > 0)
                // apply external torques (simplification: we don't use full inertia tensor here)
                float4 angularVel = angularVelocities[i] + inverseRotationalMasses[i] * externalTorques[i] * deltaTime;

                // project angular velocity to 2D plane normal if needed:
                if (is2D)
                    angularVel = angularVel.project(new float4(0, 0, 1, 0));

                angularVelocities[i] = angularVel;

            // integrate velocities:
            positions[i]    = BurstIntegration.IntegrateLinear(positions[i], velocities[i], deltaTime);
            orientations[i] = BurstIntegration.IntegrateAngular(orientations[i], angularVelocities[i], deltaTime);
Пример #2
            public void Execute()
                for (int i = 0; i < activeConstraintCount; ++i)
                    int particleIndex = particleIndices[i];
                    int colliderIndex = colliderIndices[i];

                    // no collider to pin to, so ignore the constraint.
                    if (colliderIndex < 0)

                    int rigidbodyIndex = shapes[colliderIndex].rigidbodyIndex;

                    // calculate time adjusted compliances
                    float2 compliances = stiffnesses[i].xy / (deltaTime * deltaTime);

                    float4 particlePosition = positions[particleIndex];

                    // express pin offset in world space:
                    float4     worldPinOffset     = transforms[colliderIndex].TransformPoint(offsets[i]);
                    float4     predictedPinOffset = worldPinOffset;
                    quaternion predictedRotation  = transforms[colliderIndex].rotation;

                    float rigidbodyLinearW  = 0;
                    float rigidbodyAngularW = 0;

                    float4 linearRbDelta  =;
                    float4 angularRbDelta =;

                    if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
                        var rigidbody = rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex];
                        linearRbDelta  = rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex];
                        angularRbDelta = rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex];

                        // predict world-space position of offset point:
                        predictedPinOffset = BurstIntegration.IntegrateLinear(predictedPinOffset, rigidbody.GetVelocityAtPoint(worldPinOffset, linearRbDelta, angularRbDelta), deltaTime);

                        // predict rotation at the end of the step:
                        predictedRotation = BurstIntegration.IntegrateAngular(predictedRotation, rigidbody.angularVelocity + angularRbDelta, deltaTime);

                        // calculate linear and angular rigidbody weights:
                        rigidbodyLinearW  = rigidbody.inverseMass;
                        rigidbodyAngularW = BurstMath.RotationalInvMass(rigidbody.inverseInertiaTensor,
                                                                        worldPinOffset -,
                                                                        math.normalizesafe(inertialFrame.frame.TransformPoint(particlePosition) - predictedPinOffset));

                    // Transform pin position to solver space for constraint solving:
                    predictedPinOffset = inertialFrame.frame.InverseTransformPoint(predictedPinOffset);

                    float4 gradient    = particlePosition - predictedPinOffset;
                    float  constraint  = math.length(gradient);
                    float4 gradientDir = gradient / (constraint + BurstMath.epsilon);

                    float4 lambda        = lambdas[i];
                    float  linearDLambda = (-constraint - compliances.x * lambda.w) / (invMasses[particleIndex] + rigidbodyLinearW + rigidbodyAngularW + compliances.x + BurstMath.epsilon);
                    lambda.w += linearDLambda;
                    float4 correction = linearDLambda * gradientDir;

                    deltas[particleIndex] += correction * invMasses[particleIndex];

                    if (rigidbodyAngularW > 0 || invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] > 0)
                        // bend/twist constraint:
                        quaternion omega = math.mul(math.conjugate(orientations[particleIndex]), predictedRotation);   //darboux vector

                        quaternion omega_plus;
                        omega_plus.value = omega.value + restDarboux[i].value;  //delta Omega with - omega_0
                        omega.value     -= restDarboux[i].value;                //delta Omega with + omega_0
                        if (math.lengthsq(omega.value) > math.lengthsq(omega_plus.value))
                            omega = omega_plus;

                        float3 dlambda = ( - compliances.y * / new float3(compliances.y + invRotationalMasses[particleIndex] + rigidbodyAngularW + BurstMath.epsilon);
               += dlambda;

                        //discrete Darboux vector does not have vanishing scalar part
                        quaternion dlambdaQ = new quaternion(dlambda[0], dlambda[1], dlambda[2], 0);

                        quaternion orientDelta = orientationDeltas[particleIndex];
                        orientDelta.value += math.mul(predictedRotation, dlambdaQ).value *invRotationalMasses[particleIndex];
                        orientationDeltas[particleIndex] = orientDelta;

                        if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
                            rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].ApplyDeltaQuaternion(predictedRotation, math.mul(orientations[particleIndex], dlambdaQ).value * -rigidbodyAngularW, ref angularRbDelta, deltaTime);

                    if (rigidbodyIndex >= 0)
                        float4 impulse = correction / deltaTime;

                        rigidbodies[rigidbodyIndex].ApplyImpulse(-inertialFrame.frame.TransformVector(impulse) * 1, worldPinOffset, ref linearRbDelta, ref angularRbDelta);
                        rigidbodyLinearDeltas[rigidbodyIndex]  = linearRbDelta;
                        rigidbodyAngularDeltas[rigidbodyIndex] = angularRbDelta;

                    lambdas[i] = lambda;