public void SJF() { //Sort readyQueue in priority order int n = LongTermScheduler.readyQueue.Count; bool doMore = true; while (doMore) { n--; doMore = false; for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++) { Job j1 = LongTermScheduler.readyQueue[i]; Job j2 = LongTermScheduler.readyQueue[i + 1]; if (j1.jobPriority < j2.jobPriority) { job = j1; LongTermScheduler.readyQueue[i] = LongTermScheduler.readyQueue[i + 1]; LongTermScheduler.readyQueue[i + 1] = job; doMore = true; } } } }
public void Start() { if (HasLoadedAllJobs()) { textOutPut("ALL JOBS HAVE COMPLETED."); RamPercent(1); OSDriver.DONE = true; return; } else { loc = 0; Memleft = 1024; } if (CURRJOB >= OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount()) { OSDriver.DONE = true; return; } job = OSDriver.PCB.GetJob(CURRJOB); jobStart = job.DiskAddress; jobSize = job.jobSize; jobIBSize = job.InBufferSize; jobOBSize = job.OutBufferSize; jobTBSize = job.TmpBufferSize; dataSize = job.DataSize; textOutPut("Start: " + jobStart); textOutPut("Size: " + jobSize); textOutPut("IP Buffer Size: " + jobIBSize); textOutPut("OP Buffer Size: " + jobOBSize); textOutPut("TMP Buffer Size: " + jobTBSize); textOutPut("\nIs there enough memory left for the next job? " + (Memleft >= ((jobSize * 4) + (jobIBSize * 4)))); textOutPut("Have we reached the end of the job list? " + (CURRJOB < OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount() + 1)); while (Memleft >= (jobSize * 4) && (CURRJOB < OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount())) { job.MemStart = loc; int v = jobStart + jobSize; for (int p = jobStart; p < v; p++) { String binaryBits =; textOutPut("Binary bits: " + binaryBits); string tmps = ""; tmps = binaryBits.Substring(0, 8); int binaryBits1 = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(tmps); textOutPut(binaryBits1); textOutPut(String.Format("Decimal: {0}\t added at location: {1}", binaryBits1, loc)); OSDriver.MemManager.WriteRamData(loc++, binaryBits1); tmps = binaryBits.Substring(8, 8); int binaryBits2 = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(tmps); textOutPut(binaryBits2); textOutPut(String.Format("Decimal: {0}\t added at location: {1}", binaryBits2, loc)); OSDriver.MemManager.WriteRamData(loc++, binaryBits2); tmps = binaryBits.Substring(16, 8); int binaryBits3 = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(tmps); textOutPut(binaryBits3); textOutPut(String.Format("Decimal: {0}\t added at location: {1}", binaryBits3, loc)); OSDriver.MemManager.WriteRamData(loc++, binaryBits3); tmps = binaryBits.Substring(24, 8); int binaryBits4 = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(tmps); textOutPut(binaryBits4); textOutPut(String.Format("Decimal: {0}\t added at location: {1}", binaryBits4, loc)); OSDriver.MemManager.WriteRamData(loc++, binaryBits4); Memleft -= 4; } textOutPut(String.Format("Data Size: {0} and location is {1}", dataSize, loc)); int z = 0; int[] tmp = new int[dataSize * 4]; String binaryDataBits; //Get input buffer from datafile and save it in PCB while (z < job.DataSize * 4) { textOutPut("GETTING JOB DATA..."); binaryDataBits = ToBinaryString(v++); tmp[z++] = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(binaryDataBits.Substring(24, 8)); tmp[z++] = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(binaryDataBits.Substring(16, 8)); tmp[z++] = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(binaryDataBits.Substring(8, 8)); tmp[z++] = NumericConvert.BinaryToInt(binaryDataBits.Substring(0, 8)); } job.IPBuffers = tmp; job.MemEnd = loc; job.SetStatus(ready); //Add the job to the ready queue and record the time. readyQueue.Add(job); job.EnQueueTime = Environment.TickCount; textOutPut(String.Format("Added job: {0} at address: {1}-{2}\n", CURRJOB, job.MemStart, job.MemEnd)); if (CURRJOB >= OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount()) { OSDriver.DONE = true; return; } CURRJOB++; textOutPut("Is the current job < total jobs " + (CURRJOB < OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount())); textOutPut(String.Format("Current job: {0}\tTotal jobs: {1}", CURRJOB, OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount())); if (CURRJOB < OSDriver.PCB.GetJobCount()) { textOutPut("CURRENT JOB: " + CURRJOB); job = OSDriver.PCB.GetJob(CURRJOB); jobStart = job.DiskAddress; jobSize = job.jobSize; dataSize = job.DataSize; jobIBSize = job.InBufferSize; } else { RamPercent(1); OSDriver.DONE = true; } } RamPercent(0); }
public void createJob(int i, int s, int p, int a) { pcb_e = new Job(i, s, p, a); }
internal void Load(Form1 form1, Job jMeta) { this.form = form1; Load(jMeta); }
public void Load(Job job) { j = job; ioCount = 0; output.WriteLine("\n|||||||||||||||||"); output.WriteLine("\nJob #" + j.jobID); textOutPut(String.Format("\nJob #{0} EXECUTING", j.jobID)); //set the pc counter & buffer sizes pc = j.MemStart; oBufferSize = j.OutBufferSize;//size in # of words iBufferSize = j.inputBufferSize; tBufferSize = j.TmpBufferSize; cpu_buffer = j.IPBuffers; jobSize = j.jobSize; textOutPut(String.Format("Program Counter starting at: {0}\n", pc)); //run the duration of the job while (pc < j.MemEnd) { String instr = FetchInstruction(pc); execute(Decode(instr), j.jobID); if (!jumped) pc += 4; else jumped = false; output.WriteLine("\n\nPROGRAM COUNTER=" + pc); textOutPut("PROGRAM COUNTER=" + pc); } }