Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// ChangeRule: typeof(ORMSolutions.ORMArchitect.Core.ObjectModel.Role)
 /// </summary>
 private static void RoleNameChangedRule(ElementPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
     if (e.DomainProperty.Id == ORMCore.Role.NameDomainPropertyId)
         ORMCore.FactType factType = ((ORMCore.Role)e.ModelElement).FactType;
         if (null != factType)
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a FactTypeMapsTowardsRole link in the same Partition as the given FactType
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">FactType to use as the source of the relationship.</param>
		/// <param name="target">RoleBase to use as the target of the relationship.</param>
		/// <param name="depth">Initial value for the <see cref="Depth"/> property.</param>
		public static FactTypeMapsTowardsRole Create(FactType source, RoleBase target, MappingDepth depth)
			if (source == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
			if (target == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("target");
			MappingMandatoryPattern mandatoryPattern;
			MappingUniquenessPattern uniquenessPattern;
			GetMappingPatterns(target, out uniquenessPattern, out mandatoryPattern);
			return new FactTypeMapsTowardsRole(
				new RoleAssignment[] { new RoleAssignment(FactTypeMapsTowardsRole.FactTypeDomainRoleId, source), new RoleAssignment(FactTypeMapsTowardsRole.TowardsRoleDomainRoleId, target) },
				new PropertyAssignment[] { new PropertyAssignment(DepthDomainPropertyId, depth), new PropertyAssignment(UniquenessPatternDomainPropertyId, uniquenessPattern), new PropertyAssignment(MandatoryPatternDomainPropertyId, mandatoryPattern)});
Пример #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Internal constraints are not fully connected at this point (FactSetConstraint instances
            /// are not implicitly constructed until a later phase), so we need to work a little harder
            /// to remove them.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="factType">The fact to clear of external constraints</param>
            private static void RemoveFactType(FactType factType)
                LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> factRoles = factType.RoleCollection;
                int roleCount = factRoles.Count;

                for (int i = 0; i < roleCount; ++i)
                    Role role = factRoles[i].Role;
                    LinkedElementCollection <ConstraintRoleSequence> sequences = role.ConstraintRoleSequenceCollection;
                    int sequenceCount = sequences.Count;
                    for (int j = sequenceCount - 1; j >= 0; --j)
                        SetConstraint ic = sequences[j] as SetConstraint;
                        if (ic != null && ic.Constraint.ConstraintIsInternal)
Пример #4
            /// <summary>
            /// DeletingRule: typeof(FactTypeHasRole)
            /// </summary>
            private static void FactTypeHasRoleDeletingRule(ElementDeletingEventArgs e)
                FactType factType = (e.ModelElement as FactTypeHasRole).FactType;

                if (!factType.IsDeleting &&
                    !(factType is QueryBase || factType is SubtypeFact))
                    LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> factRoles = factType.RoleCollection;
                    int?       unaryIndex = GetUnaryRoleIndex(factRoles);
                    Role       implicitRole;
                    ObjectType implicitRolePlayer;
                    if (unaryIndex.HasValue &&
                        null != (implicitRole = factRoles[(unaryIndex.Value == 0) ? 1 : 0].Role) &&
                        null != (implicitRolePlayer = implicitRole.RolePlayer))
                        // Delete the Implicit Boolean ValueType
                        // Delete the Unary FactType
Пример #5
            /// <summary>
            /// RolePlayerChangeRule: typeof(ObjectTypePlaysRole)
            /// </summary>
            private static void ObjectTypePlaysRoleRolePlayerChangedRule(RolePlayerChangedEventArgs e)
                bool       rolePlayerRoleChanged = e.DomainRole.Id == ObjectTypePlaysRole.RolePlayerDomainRoleId;
                ObjectType rolePlayer            = rolePlayerRoleChanged ? (ObjectType)e.OldRolePlayer : ((ObjectTypePlaysRole)e.ElementLink).RolePlayer;

                if (rolePlayer.IsImplicitBooleanValue)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ResourceStrings.ModelExceptionFactTypeEnforceNoImplicitBooleanValueTypeRolePlayerChange);
                if (!rolePlayerRoleChanged)
                    FactType factType = ((Role)e.OldRolePlayer).FactType;
                    if (factType != null)
                        FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(factType, DelayValidateUnaryBinarization);
                    factType = ((Role)e.NewRolePlayer).FactType;
                    if (factType != null)
                        FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(factType, DelayValidateUnaryBinarization);
Пример #6
            private static void FactTypeNamePartChanged(ORMCore.FactType factType)
                bool checkPrimaryFactType = true;

                ORMCore.Objectification objectification = factType.Objectification;
                if (null != objectification)
                    foreach (ORMCore.FactType impliedFactType in objectification.ImpliedFactTypeCollection)
                        foreach (ConceptTypeChild child in ConceptTypeChildHasPathFactType.GetConceptTypeChild(impliedFactType))
                    checkPrimaryFactType = factType.UnaryRole != null;
                if (checkPrimaryFactType)
                    foreach (ConceptTypeChild child in ConceptTypeChildHasPathFactType.GetConceptTypeChild(factType))
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that all <see cref="ReadingOrder"/>s have unique <see cref="ReadingOrder.RoleCollection">role collections</see>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">A <see cref="FactType"/></param>
        private static void DelayValidateReadingOrderCollation(ModelElement element)
            if (element.IsDeleted)
            FactType factType = (FactType)element;
            LinkedElementCollection <ReadingOrder> ordersCollection = factType.ReadingOrderCollection;
            int orderCount = ordersCollection.Count;

            if (orderCount > 1)
                // Get all orders in a collatable form, starting by caching information locally
                // so it is easily accessed. Note that this will also change the collection we're
                // iterating so we need to be careful about changes.
                ReadingOrder[] orders = new ReadingOrder[orderCount];
                ordersCollection.CopyTo(orders, 0);
                LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase>[] roleCollections = new LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> [orderCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < orderCount; ++i)
                    roleCollections[i] = orders[i].RoleCollection;

                // Priority is top down, so we move later readings into a higher reading order
                for (int i = 0; i < orderCount; ++i)
                    ReadingOrder currentOrder = orders[i];
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < orderCount; ++j)
                        ReadingOrder compareToOrder = orders[j];
                        if (compareToOrder != null)                         // Will be null if it has already been recognized as a duplicate
                            // These should all have the same count, but it doesn't hurt to be defensive
                            LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> currentRoles   = roleCollections[i];
                            LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> compareToRoles = roleCollections[j];
                            int roleCount = currentRoles.Count;
                            if (roleCount == compareToRoles.Count)
                                int k = 0;
                                for (; k < roleCount; ++k)
                                    if (currentRoles[k] != compareToRoles[k])
                                if (k == roleCount)
                                    // Order is the same, collate the later readings up to the current order
                                    ReadOnlyCollection <ReadingOrderHasReading> readingLinks = ReadingOrderHasReading.GetLinksToReadingCollection(compareToOrder);
                                    int readingCount = readingLinks.Count;
                                    for (int l = 0; l < readingCount; ++l)
                                        readingLinks[l].ReadingOrder = currentOrder;
                                    orders[j] = null;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Common place for code to deal with roles that exist in a fact
        /// but do not exist in the ReadingOrder objects that it contains.
        /// This allows it to be used by both the rule and to be called
        /// during post load model fixup.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ValidateReadingOrdersRoleCollection(FactType factType, RoleBase addedRole)
            LinkedElementCollection <ReadingOrder> readingOrders;
            int orderCount;

            if (null == factType.UnaryRole &&
                0 != (orderCount = (readingOrders = factType.ReadingOrderCollection).Count))
                bool            checkedContext = false;
                bool            insertAfter    = false;
                RoleBase        insertBeside   = null;
                IFormatProvider formatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
                for (int i = 0; i < orderCount; ++i)
                    ReadingOrder ord = readingOrders[i];
                    LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> roles = ord.RoleCollection;
                    if (!roles.Contains(addedRole))
                        if (!checkedContext)
                            checkedContext = true;
                            Dictionary <object, object> contextInfo = factType.Store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
                            object contextRole;
                            if (contextInfo.TryGetValue(FactType.InsertAfterRoleKey, out contextRole))
                                insertBeside = contextRole as RoleBase;
                                insertAfter  = true;
                            else if (contextInfo.TryGetValue(FactType.InsertBeforeRoleKey, out contextRole))
                                insertBeside = contextRole as RoleBase;
                        int insertIndex = -1;
                        if (insertBeside != null)
                            insertIndex = roles.IndexOf(insertBeside);

                        if (insertIndex != -1)
                            roles.Insert(insertIndex + (insertAfter ? 1 : 0), addedRole);
                        LinkedElementCollection <Reading> readings = ord.ReadingCollection;
                        int readingCount = readings.Count;
                        if (readingCount != 0)
                            if (insertIndex == -1)
                                string appendText = string.Concat("  {", (roles.Count - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "}");
                                for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
                                    Reading reading = readings[j];
                                    reading.SetAutoText(reading.Text + appendText);
                                for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
                                    Reading reading = readings[j];
                                                            delegate(int replaceIndex)
                                        // UNDONE: Respect leading/trailing hyphen binding and keep them associated
                                        // with the corresponding role. Will require work well beyond the scope of this
                                        // routine.
                                        if (replaceIndex == insertIndex)
                                            return(string.Concat("{", insertIndex.ToString(formatProvider), "} {", (insertIndex + 1).ToString(formatProvider), "}"));
                                        else if (replaceIndex > insertIndex)
                                            return(string.Concat("{", (replaceIndex + 1).ToString(formatProvider), "}"));
                                        return(null);                                                // Leave as is
Пример #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Processes the specified FactType and adds the appropriate constraints based on the specified filter
		/// </summary>
		private static void ProcessFactTypeConstraints(FactType factType, VerbalizationReportContent reportContent, IDictionary<ConstraintType, IList<IConstraint>> typedConstraintLists)
			foreach (IFactConstraint factConstraint in factType.FactConstraintCollection)
				IConstraint constraint = factConstraint.Constraint;
				ConstraintType constraintType = constraint.ConstraintType;
				VerbalizationReportContent allowedContent;
				switch (constraintType)
					case ConstraintType.DisjunctiveMandatory:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.DisjunctiveMandatoryConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.Equality:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.EqualityConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.Exclusion:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.ExclusionConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.ExternalUniqueness:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.ExternalUniquenessConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.Frequency:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.FrequencyConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.InternalUniqueness:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.InternalUniquenessConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.Ring:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.RingConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.SimpleMandatory:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.SimpleMandatoryConstraints;
					case ConstraintType.Subset:
						allowedContent = VerbalizationReportContent.SubsetConstraints;
				if (0 != (reportContent & allowedContent))
					IList<IConstraint> typedList = typedConstraintLists[constraintType];
					if (!typedList.Contains(constraint))
Пример #10
			/// <summary>
			/// Select the primary reading of the order matching
			/// the display order of the fact, if one doesn't
			/// exist select the new entry.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="fact">Fact</param>
			public void ActivateReading(FactType fact)
Пример #11
			private static void ExcludeFactType(FactType factType)
				AbstractionModel model = AbstractionModelIsForORMModel.GetAbstractionModel(factType.Model);
				if (model != null)
					ExcludeFactType(factType, model, false, null);
Пример #12
			/// <summary>
			/// Consider a new <see cref="FactType"/> for absorption. Any FactType
			/// that is no longer excluded is also consider to be new to the absorption algorithm.
			/// </summary>
			private static void AddFactType(FactType factType)
				if (!factType.IsDeleted)
					FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(factType, AddFactTypeDelayed);
Пример #13
            public static void ProcessFactType(FactType factType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> roleCollection = factType.RoleCollection;
                int roleCollectionCount = roleCollection.Count;

                if (roleCollectionCount == 1)
                    // If we have a unary, binarize it
                    BinarizeUnary(factType, notifyAdded);
                else if (roleCollectionCount == 2)
                    // If we have a binary that has an implicit boolean role in it, make sure it matches the pattern
                    Role implicitBooleanRole = GetImplicitBooleanRole(roleCollection);
                    if (implicitBooleanRole != null)
                        Role unaryRole = implicitBooleanRole.OppositeRole.Role;
                        Debug.Assert(unaryRole != null);
                        // Make sure the implicit boolean role has the same name as the unary role
                        implicitBooleanRole.Name = unaryRole.Name;
                        string implicitBooleanValueTypeName = GetImplicitBooleanValueTypeName(unaryRole);
                        if (implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.Name != implicitBooleanValueTypeName)
                            Dictionary <object, object> contextInfo = factType.Store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
                            object duplicateNamesKey         = ORMModel.AllowDuplicateNamesKey;
                            bool   removeDuplicateNamesKey   = false;
                            object duplicateSignaturesKey    = ORMModel.BlockDuplicateReadingSignaturesKey;
                            bool   addDuplicateSignaturesKey = false;
                                if (!contextInfo.ContainsKey(duplicateNamesKey))
                                    contextInfo[duplicateNamesKey] = null;
                                    removeDuplicateNamesKey        = true;
                                if (contextInfo.ContainsKey(duplicateSignaturesKey))
                                    addDuplicateSignaturesKey = true;
                                implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.Name = implicitBooleanValueTypeName;
                                if (removeDuplicateNamesKey)
                                if (addDuplicateSignaturesKey)
                                    contextInfo[duplicateSignaturesKey] = null;
                        if (!ValidateConstraints(unaryRole, implicitBooleanRole) || !ValidateImplicitBooleanValueType(implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer))
                            LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> roles = factType.RoleCollection;
                            DebinarizeUnary(roles, false, notifyAdded);
                            // Append to the reading orders
                            LinkedElementCollection <ReadingOrder> readingOrders = factType.ReadingOrderCollection;
                            int readingOrderCount = readingOrders.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < readingOrderCount; ++i)
                                ReadingOrder order = readingOrders[i];
                                LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> readingRoles = order.RoleCollection;
                                if (!readingRoles.Contains(implicitBooleanRole))
                                    LinkedElementCollection <Reading> readings = order.ReadingCollection;
                                    int readingCount = readings.Count;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
                                        readings[j].SetAutoText(readings[j].Text + " {1}");
                    // If we have an n-ary, remove any implicit boolean roles in it
                    for (int i = roleCollectionCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        Role implicitBooleanRole = roleCollection[i].Role;
                        if (implicitBooleanRole != null && implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer != null && implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.IsImplicitBooleanValue)
                            DebinarizeUnary(factType.RoleCollection, true, notifyAdded);
Пример #14
			/// <summary>
			/// A <see cref="FactType"/> has been directly or indirectly modified in
			/// such a way that its exclusion status in the absorption process may change.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="factType">The modified <see cref="FactType"/></param>
			/// <param name="filterImpliedFactTypes">Set to <see langword="true"/> to check for and filter implied fact types</param>
			private static void FilterModifiedFactType(FactType factType, bool filterImpliedFactTypes)
				if (factType != null && !factType.IsDeleted)
					FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(factType, FilterModifiedFactTypeDelayed);
					Objectification objectification;
					if (filterImpliedFactTypes && null != (objectification = factType.Objectification))
						foreach (FactType impliedFactType in objectification.ImpliedFactTypeCollection)
							FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(impliedFactType, FilterModifiedFactTypeDelayed);
						FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(objectification.NestingType, FilterModifiedObjectTypeDelayed);
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="ObjectifyingEntityTypePropertyDescriptor"/>.
		/// </summary>
		public ObjectifyingEntityTypePropertyDescriptor(FactType sourcePlayer, DomainRoleInfo domainRole, Attribute[] sourceDomainRoleInfoAttributes)
			: base(sourcePlayer, domainRole, sourceDomainRoleInfoAttributes)
			// The base class constructor has already checked domainRole for null.
			if (domainRole.Id != Objectification.NestingTypeDomainRoleId)
				throw new ArgumentException();
Пример #16
            /// <summary>
            /// Binarizes the unary <see cref="FactType"/> specified by <paramref name="unaryFactType"/>, defaulting
            /// to using open-world assumption. The caller is responsible for making sure <paramref name="unaryFactType"/>
            /// is in fact a unary fact type.
            /// </summary>
            public static void BinarizeUnary(FactType unaryFactType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
                Partition partition = unaryFactType.Partition;
                Store     store     = partition.Store;
                IHasAlternateOwner <FactType>      toAlternateOwner;
                IAlternateElementOwner <FactType>  alternateFactTypeOwner = (null == (toAlternateOwner = unaryFactType as IHasAlternateOwner <FactType>)) ? null : toAlternateOwner.AlternateOwner;
                LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> roleCollection         = unaryFactType.RoleCollection;

                Debug.Assert(roleCollection.Count == 1, "Unaries should only have one role.");

                Role   unaryRole = (Role)roleCollection[0];
                string implicitBooleanValueTypeName = GetImplicitBooleanValueTypeName(unaryRole);

                // UNDONE: We are using open-world assumption now
                // Setup the mandatory constraint (for closed-world assumption)
                //MandatoryConstraint mandatoryConstraint = MandatoryConstraint.CreateSimpleMandatoryConstraint(unaryRole);
                //mandatoryConstraint.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
                //if (notifyAdded != null)
                //    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(mandatoryConstraint, true);

                // Setup the uniqueness constraint (to make the newly binarized FactType valid)
                if (unaryRole.SingleRoleAlethicUniquenessConstraint == null)
                    UniquenessConstraint uniquenessConstraint = UniquenessConstraint.CreateInternalUniquenessConstraint(unaryFactType);
                    if (notifyAdded != null)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(uniquenessConstraint, true);

                // Setup the boolean role (to make the FactType a binary)
                Role implicitBooleanRole = new Role(partition, null);

                implicitBooleanRole.Name = unaryRole.Name;

                // Setup the boolean value type (because the boolean role needs a role player)

                IAlternateElementOwner <ObjectType> alternateObjectTypeOwner = null;
                DomainClassInfo alternateCtor =
                    (null != alternateFactTypeOwner &&
                     null != (alternateObjectTypeOwner = alternateFactTypeOwner as IAlternateElementOwner <ObjectType>)) ?
                    alternateObjectTypeOwner.GetOwnedElementClassInfo(typeof(ObjectType)) :
                PropertyAssignment implicitBooleanProperty  = new PropertyAssignment(ObjectType.IsImplicitBooleanValueDomainPropertyId, true);
                ObjectType         implicitBooleanValueType = (alternateCtor != null) ?
                                                              (ObjectType)partition.ElementFactory.CreateElement(alternateCtor, implicitBooleanProperty) :
                                                              new ObjectType(partition, implicitBooleanProperty);
                Dictionary <object, object> contextInfo = store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
                object duplicateNamesKey         = ORMModel.AllowDuplicateNamesKey;
                bool   removeDuplicateNamesKey   = false;
                object duplicateSignaturesKey    = ORMModel.BlockDuplicateReadingSignaturesKey;
                bool   addDuplicateSignaturesKey = false;

                    if (!contextInfo.ContainsKey(duplicateNamesKey))
                        contextInfo[duplicateNamesKey] = null;
                        removeDuplicateNamesKey        = true;
                    if (contextInfo.ContainsKey(duplicateSignaturesKey))
                        contextInfo[duplicateSignaturesKey] = null;
                        addDuplicateSignaturesKey           = true;
                    implicitBooleanValueType.Name = implicitBooleanValueTypeName;
                    if (alternateCtor != null)
                        ((IHasAlternateOwner <ObjectType>)implicitBooleanValueType).AlternateOwner = alternateObjectTypeOwner;
                        implicitBooleanValueType.Model = unaryFactType.ResolvedModel;
                    if (notifyAdded != null)
                        notifyAdded.ElementAdded(implicitBooleanValueType, true);
                    if (removeDuplicateNamesKey)
                    if (addDuplicateSignaturesKey)
                        contextInfo[duplicateSignaturesKey] = null;
                implicitBooleanValueType.DataType = store.ElementDirectory.FindElements <TrueOrFalseLogicalDataType>(false)[0];

                // Set value constraint on implicit boolean ValueType for open-world assumption
                ValueTypeValueConstraint implicitBooleanValueConstraint = implicitBooleanValueType.ValueConstraint
                                                                              = new ValueTypeValueConstraint(partition, null);

                // Add the true-only ValueRange to the value constraint for open-world assumption
                implicitBooleanValueConstraint.ValueRangeCollection.Add(new ValueRange(partition,
                                                                                       new PropertyAssignment(ValueRange.MinValueDomainPropertyId, bool.TrueString),
                                                                                       new PropertyAssignment(ValueRange.MaxValueDomainPropertyId, bool.TrueString)));

                // Make the boolean value type the role player for the implicit boolean role
                implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer = implicitBooleanValueType;

                // Add the boolean role to the FactType
                if (notifyAdded != null)
                    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(implicitBooleanRole, true);
Пример #17
		/// <summary>
		/// The error message for role player required events includes the role number.
		/// If a role is added or deleted, then this numbering can change, so we need to
		/// regenerated the text.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="factType">The owning factType</param>
		/// <param name="roleAdded">The added role, or null if a role was removed.</param>
		private static void RenumberErrorsWithRoleNumbers(FactType factType, RoleBase roleAdded)
			if (!factType.IsDeleted)
				LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roles = factType.RoleCollection;
				bool regenerate = roleAdded == null;
				int roleCount = roles.Count;
				for (int i = 0; i < roleCount; ++i)
					Role currentRole = roles[i] as Role;
					if (regenerate && currentRole != null)
						RolePlayerRequiredError error = currentRole.RolePlayerRequiredError;
						if (error != null)
						RoleValueConstraint valueConstraint = currentRole.ValueConstraint;
						if (valueConstraint != null)
							foreach (ValueRange range in valueConstraint.ValueRangeCollection)
								MinValueMismatchError minError = range.MinValueMismatchError;
								if (minError != null)
								MaxValueMismatchError maxError = range.MaxValueMismatchError;
								if (maxError != null)
							ValueRangeOverlapError rangeOverlap = valueConstraint.ValueRangeOverlapError;
							if (rangeOverlap != null)
					else if (roleAdded == currentRole)
						// Regenerate on the next pass
						regenerate = true;
Пример #18
			private static void SignificantFactTypeChange(FactType factType)
				if (factType != null &&
					!factType.IsDeleted &&
					FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(factType, SignificantFactTypeChangeDelayed);
Пример #19
			/// <summary>
			/// The constraint pattern for a <see cref="FactType"/> may have changed
			/// </summary>
			private static void FactTypeConstraintPatternChanged(FactType factType)
				if (factType != null &&
					!factType.IsDeleted &&
					FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement(factType, FactTypeConstraintPatternChangedDelayed);
Пример #20
		/// <summary>
		/// Creates a new <see cref="FactType"/> with the specified <paramref name="arity"/>.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="store">
		/// The <see cref="Store"/> in which the new <see cref="FactType"/> should be created.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="group">
		/// The <see cref="ElementGroup"/> to which the new <see cref="FactType"/> and its <see cref="Role"/>s should
		/// be added.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="arity">
		/// The number of <see cref="Role"/>s that the new <see cref="FactType"/> should contain.
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The newly created <see cref="FactType"/>.
		/// </returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The new <see cref="FactType"/> is added to <paramref name="group"/> as a root element.
		/// </remarks>
		private static FactType AddFactType(Store store, ElementGroup group, int arity)
			FactType factType = new FactType(store, null);
			group.AddGraph(factType, true);
			LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roles = factType.RoleCollection;
			for (int i = 0; i < arity; i++)
				Role role = new Role(store);
			return factType;
Пример #21
			/// <summary>
			/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FactTypeVerbalizationWrapper"/> class.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="verbalizationObject">The verbalization object.</param>
			public FactTypeVerbalizationWrapper(FactType verbalizationObject)
				myVerbalizationObject = verbalizationObject;
Пример #22
			/// <summary>
			/// Determine if an <see cref="FactType"/> should be considered during
			/// absorption. Considers the state of the FactType, and the current exclusion
			/// markings on its role players.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="factType">The <see cref="FactType"/> to test</param>
			/// <param name="ignoreRolePlayer">No not excluded the <paramref name="factType"/> because this <see cref="ObjectType"/> is currently excluded.</param>
			/// <param name="ignoreRolePlayersFilteredForThisFactType">Do block consideration because a role player is filtered for this <paramref name="factType"/>.</param>
			/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the <paramref name="factType"/> passes all necessary conditions for consideration.</returns>
			private static bool ShouldConsiderFactType(FactType factType, ObjectType ignoreRolePlayer, bool ignoreRolePlayersFilteredForThisFactType)
				// Note that any changes to the list of errors must correspond to changes in
				// FactTypeErrorAddedRule and FactTypeErrorDeletedRule
				if (null == factType.InternalUniquenessConstraintRequiredError &&
					null == factType.ImpliedInternalUniquenessConstraintError)
					if (!(factType is SubtypeFact))
						// Ignore non-stored derived fact types
						FactTypeDerivationRule rule;
						FactTypeDerivationExpression expression;
						if (null != (rule = factType.DerivationRule))
							if (rule.DerivationCompleteness == DerivationCompleteness.FullyDerived &&
								(!rule.ExternalDerivation || rule.DerivationStorage == DerivationStorage.NotStored))
								return false;
						else if (null != (expression = factType.DerivationExpression))
							if (expression.DerivationStorage == DerivationExpressionStorageType.Derived)
								return false;
					foreach (RoleBase role in factType.RoleCollection)
						ObjectType rolePlayer = role.Role.RolePlayer;
						if (rolePlayer == null ||
							(ignoreRolePlayer != rolePlayer &&
							IsElementExcluded(rolePlayer) &&
							!(!ignoreRolePlayersFilteredForThisFactType || ShouldConsiderObjectType(rolePlayer, factType, true))))
							return false;
					return true;
				return false;
Пример #23
			private static void ProcessFactTypeForObjectificationDeleted(FactType factType)
				if (!factType.IsDeleted && factType.UnaryRole == null)
					FilterModifiedFactType(factType, false); // false because there are no implied facttypes without an objectification
Пример #24
		private bool ShouldIgnoreFactType(FactType factType)
			return ORMElementGateway.IsElementExcluded(factType) || (null != factType.Objectification && factType.UnaryRole == null);
Пример #25
			/// <summary>
			/// Initializes a new instance of ObjectTypePageFactTypeSection
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="objectTypeSnippet">The object type snippet.</param>
			/// <param name="factType">The FactType.</param>
			public FactTypePageObjectTypeSection(ReportVerbalizationSnippetType objectTypeSnippet, FactType factType)
				myObjectTypeSnippet = objectTypeSnippet;
				myFactType = factType;
Пример #26
			private static void ExcludeFactType(FactType factType, AbstractionModel model, bool forceCreate, NotifyORMElementExcluded notifyExcluded)
				if (forceCreate ||
					null == ExcludedORMModelElement.GetAbstractionModel(factType))
					if (null == factType.Objectification || factType.UnaryRole != null)
						new ExcludedORMModelElement(factType, model);
					if (notifyExcluded != null)
					foreach (IFactConstraint constraint in factType.FactConstraintCollection)
						ObjectType preferredFor = constraint.Constraint.PreferredIdentifierFor;
						if (preferredFor != null)
							ExcludeObjectType(preferredFor, model, false, notifyExcluded);
					Objectification objectification;
					if (null != (objectification = factType.ImpliedByObjectification))
						ExcludeObjectType(objectification.NestingType, model, false, notifyExcluded);
Пример #27
			/// <summary>
			/// Initializes a new instance of FactTypePageReport
			/// </summary>
			public FactTypePageReport(FactType factType, VerbalizationReportContent reportContent, IVerbalizationSets<ReportVerbalizationSnippetType> snippets)
				myFactType = factType;
				myReportContent = reportContent;
				mySnippets = snippets;
Пример #28
			private static void ProcessFactTypeForObjectificationAdded(FactType factType)
				if (factType.UnaryRole == null)
					ExcludedORMModelElement excludedLink = ExcludedORMModelElement.GetLinkToAbstractionModel(factType);
					if (excludedLink != null)
						// We don't keep the exclusion link on objectified FactTypes, but deleting
						// it does not imply any additional processing because we were already not
						// considering this FactType
						FilterModifiedFactType(factType, false); // false because new implied FactTypes will get notifications on their own
Пример #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Retrieves a dictionary of all Constraints for the given Fact Type, filtered by the specified VerbalizationReportContent, indexed by ConstraintType
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="factType">The Fact Type to retrieve constraints for</param>
		/// <param name="reportContent">The VerbalizationReportContent to filter constraints</param>
		/// <returns>dictionary of all Constraints for the given Fact Type, filtered by the specified VerbalizationReportContent, indexed by ConstraintType</returns>
		protected static IDictionary<ConstraintType, IList<IConstraint>> GetConstraintsFromFactType(FactType factType, VerbalizationReportContent reportContent)
			IDictionary<ConstraintType, IList<IConstraint>> constraintList = GetConstraintDictionary(reportContent);
			ProcessFactTypeConstraints(factType, reportContent, constraintList);
			return constraintList;
Пример #30
			/// <summary>
			/// Determine if an <see cref="ObjectType"/> should be considered during
			/// absorption. Considers the object state, and the current exclusion
			/// markings on its preferred identifier.
			/// </summary>
			/// <param name="objectType">The <see cref="ObjectType"/> to test</param>
			/// <param name="ignoreFactTypesFilteredForThisObjectType">Don't block consideration of this <paramref name="objectType"/> if a <see cref="FactType"/> is excluded because this <see cref="ObjectType"/> is currently excluded.</param>
			/// <param name="ignoreFactType">Succeed even if this <see cref="FactType"/> is excluded. Can be <see langword="null"/>.</param>
			/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the <paramref name="objectType"/> passes all necessary conditions for consideration.</returns>
			private static bool ShouldConsiderObjectType(ObjectType objectType, FactType ignoreFactType, bool ignoreFactTypesFilteredForThisObjectType)
				// Look at the error states we care about. If any of these error
				// states are present then we do not consider.
				// Note that any changes to the list of errors must correspond to changes in
				// ObjectTypeErrorAddedRule and ObjectTypeErrorDeletedRule
				if (null == objectType.ReferenceSchemeError &&
					null == objectType.PreferredIdentifierRequiresMandatoryError &&
					null == objectType.CompatibleSupertypesError &&
					null == objectType.DataTypeNotSpecifiedError)
					UniquenessConstraint pid = objectType.PreferredIdentifier;
					if (pid != null)
						// Make sure none of the associated FactTypes are not excluded.
						// Not that this causes a recursive situation, so the answers here
						// can change over time and an ObjectType that can be considered now
						// may not be valid for consideration by the time the model is processed.
						foreach (FactType factType in pid.FactTypeCollection)
							if (factType != ignoreFactType &&
								if (ignoreFactTypesFilteredForThisObjectType && ShouldConsiderFactType(factType, objectType, true))
									// This pattern is used only during delay validation. A cleaner model would
									// be a delegate callback, but it isn't worth the additional overhead given
									// that this would be the only code that would ever run there.
									FilterModifiedFactType(factType, true);
									return false;
					else if (!objectType.IsValueType)
						// If this is a subtype, then we need to resolve
						// the preferred identifier back to a non-excluded super type
						ObjectType preferridentifierFrom = null;
							delegate(ObjectType type, int depth, bool isPrimary)
								ObjectTypeVisitorResult result = ObjectTypeVisitorResult.Continue;
								if (isPrimary)
									if (IsElementExcluded(type))
										result = ObjectTypeVisitorResult.Stop;
									else if (type.PreferredIdentifier != null)
										preferridentifierFrom = type;
										result = ObjectTypeVisitorResult.Stop;
										result = ObjectTypeVisitorResult.SkipFollowingSiblings; // We already have the primary, no need to look further at this level
								else if (depth != 0)
									result = ObjectTypeVisitorResult.SkipChildren;
								return result;
						return preferridentifierFrom != null;
					return true;
				return false;
Пример #31
			/// <summary>
			/// Binarizes the unary <see cref="FactType"/> specified by <paramref name="unaryFactType"/>, defaulting
			/// to using open-world assumption. The caller is responsible for making sure <paramref name="unaryFactType"/>
			/// is in fact a unary fact type.
			/// </summary>
			public static void BinarizeUnary(FactType unaryFactType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
				Store store = unaryFactType.Store;
				LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roleCollection = unaryFactType.RoleCollection;
				Debug.Assert(roleCollection.Count == 1, "Unaries should only have one role.");

				Role unaryRole = (Role)roleCollection[0];
				string implicitBooleanValueTypeName = GetImplicitBooleanValueTypeName(unaryRole);

				// UNDONE: We are using open-world assumption now
				// Setup the mandatory constraint (for closed-world assumption)
				//MandatoryConstraint mandatoryConstraint = MandatoryConstraint.CreateSimpleMandatoryConstraint(unaryRole);
				//mandatoryConstraint.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
				//if (notifyAdded != null)
				//    notifyAdded.ElementAdded(mandatoryConstraint, true);

				// Setup the uniqueness constraint (to make the newly binarized FactType valid)
				if (unaryRole.SingleRoleAlethicUniquenessConstraint == null)
					UniquenessConstraint uniquenessConstraint = UniquenessConstraint.CreateInternalUniquenessConstraint(unaryFactType);
					uniquenessConstraint.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
					if (notifyAdded != null)
						notifyAdded.ElementAdded(uniquenessConstraint, true);

				// Setup the boolean role (to make the FactType a binary)
				Role implicitBooleanRole = new Role(store, null);
				implicitBooleanRole.Name = unaryRole.Name;

				// Setup the boolean value type (because the boolean role needs a role player)
				ObjectType implicitBooleanValueType = new ObjectType(store, new PropertyAssignment(ObjectType.IsImplicitBooleanValueDomainPropertyId, true));
				Dictionary<object, object> contextInfo = store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
					contextInfo[ORMModel.AllowDuplicateNamesKey] = null;
					implicitBooleanValueType.Name = implicitBooleanValueTypeName;
					implicitBooleanValueType.Model = unaryFactType.Model;
					if (notifyAdded != null)
						notifyAdded.ElementAdded(implicitBooleanValueType, true);
				implicitBooleanValueType.DataType = store.ElementDirectory.FindElements<TrueOrFalseLogicalDataType>(false)[0];

				// Set value constraint on implicit boolean ValueType for open-world assumption
				ValueTypeValueConstraint implicitBooleanValueConstraint = implicitBooleanValueType.ValueConstraint
					= new ValueTypeValueConstraint(implicitBooleanValueType.Store, null);

				// Add the true-only ValueRange to the value constraint for open-world assumption
				implicitBooleanValueConstraint.ValueRangeCollection.Add(new ValueRange(store,
					new PropertyAssignment(ValueRange.MinValueDomainPropertyId, bool.TrueString),
					new PropertyAssignment(ValueRange.MaxValueDomainPropertyId, bool.TrueString)));

				// Make the boolean value type the role player for the implicit boolean role
				implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer = implicitBooleanValueType;

				// Add the boolean role to the FactType
				if (notifyAdded != null)
					notifyAdded.ElementAdded(implicitBooleanRole, true);
Пример #32
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to fix a PopulationMandatoryError
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="error">Error to be corrected</param>
		/// <param name="autoCorrectRole">The <see cref="Role"/> to correct the error for.</param>
		/// <param name="autoCorrectFactType">If the <paramref name="autoCorrectRole"/> is not specified, select
		/// a unique constrained role from this <see cref="FactType"/></param>
		/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the error was automatically corrected.</returns>
		public bool AutoCorrectMandatoryError(PopulationMandatoryError error, Role autoCorrectRole, FactType autoCorrectFactType)
			bool retVal = false;
			ObjectTypeInstance objectInstance = error.ObjectTypeInstance;
			LinkedElementCollection<Role> constraintRoles = error.MandatoryConstraint.RoleCollection;

			// If the constraint has multiple roles, then we need to pick
			// a role to activate. This is trivial for a simple mandatory
			// constraint, or if a role in the constraint is selected. However,
			// if we have only a FactType selection, then there may be multiple
			// potential roles in the constraint for ring situations.
			if (constraintRoles.Count == 1)
				autoCorrectRole = constraintRoles[0];
				autoCorrectFactType = autoCorrectRole.FactType;
				// We're only interested in one selected item, this code
				// path should not be running with multiple items selected.
				if (autoCorrectRole == null)
					if (autoCorrectFactType != null)
						foreach (Role testRole in constraintRoles)
							if (testRole.FactType == autoCorrectFactType)
								if (autoCorrectRole == null)
									autoCorrectRole = testRole;
									// Ambiguous selection, there is nothing further we can do
									autoCorrectRole = null;
				else if (autoCorrectFactType == null)
					autoCorrectFactType = autoCorrectRole.FactType;
			if (autoCorrectFactType != null)
				// Verify the selection, which needs to be set before this method is called
				SubtypeFact subtypeFact;
				bool correctSelection;
				if (CurrentFrameVisibility != FrameVisibility.Visible)
					// If the window is not active then it does not have a selection
				if (null != (subtypeFact = autoCorrectFactType as SubtypeFact) &&
					ObjectType subtype = subtypeFact.Subtype;
					ObjectType selectedEntityType;
					FactType objectifiedFactType;
					correctSelection = (null != (selectedEntityType = SelectedEntityType) && selectedEntityType == subtype) ||
						(null != (objectifiedFactType = subtype.NestedFactType) && objectifiedFactType == SelectedFactType);
				else if (!(correctSelection = SelectedFactType == autoCorrectFactType))
					FactTypeInstanceImplication implication = new FactTypeInstanceImplication(autoCorrectFactType);
					correctSelection = implication.IsImplied && implication.ImpliedProxyRole == null && implication.IdentifyingSupertype != null && implication.ImpliedByEntityType == SelectedEntityType;
				if (correctSelection)
					if (autoCorrectRole != null)
						retVal = myEditor.AutoCorrectMandatoryError(error, autoCorrectRole);
			return retVal;
Пример #33
		/// <summary>
		/// Sets the isVisible for each of the Roles in the given FactType
		/// </summary>
		public static void SetRoleNameDisplay(FactType fact)
			foreach (PresentationElement element in PresentationViewsSubject.GetPresentation(fact))
				FactTypeShape fts = element as FactTypeShape;
				if (fts != null)
					bool shouldDisplay = false;
					bool shouldRemove = false;
					if (fts.DisplayRoleNames == DisplayRoleNames.UserDefault
						&& OptionsPage.CurrentRoleNameDisplay == RoleNameDisplay.On)
						shouldDisplay = true;
					else if (fts.DisplayRoleNames == DisplayRoleNames.On)
						shouldDisplay = true;
					else if (fts.DisplayRoleNames == DisplayRoleNames.Off)
						shouldRemove = true;
					foreach (RoleBase roleBase in fact.RoleCollection)
						Role role = roleBase as Role;
						if (role != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(role.Name))
							SetRoleNameDisplay(role, fts, shouldDisplay, shouldRemove);
Пример #34
		/// <summary>
		/// Determins wheather or not an object type has any possible (potential or decided)
		/// deep fact type mappings away from it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="objectType">The object type to consider</param>
		/// <param name="excludedFactType">The fact type to ignore.  This parameter may be null.</param>
		/// <param name="decidedFactTypeMappings">The decided <see cref="FactTypeMapping"/> objects.</param>
		/// <param name="undecidedFactTypeMappings">The undecided <see cref="FactTypeMapping"/> possibilities.</param>
		/// <returns>True if objectType has possible deep mappings away from it, otherwise false.</returns>
		private bool ObjectTypeHasPossibleDeepMappingsAway(ObjectType objectType, FactType excludedFactType, FactTypeMappingDictionary decidedFactTypeMappings, FactTypeMappingListDictionary undecidedFactTypeMappings)
			LinkedElementCollection<Role> rolesPlayed = ObjectTypePlaysRole.GetPlayedRoleCollection(objectType);

			foreach (Role rolePlayed in rolesPlayed)
				// NOTE: We don't need the ShouldIgnoreFactType filter here, because fact types that we want to ignore won't be in the dictionaries in the first place.
				FactType factType = rolePlayed.BinarizedFactType;

				if (factType == excludedFactType)

				FactTypeMapping decidedFactTypeMapping;
				bool decidedFactTypeMappingExists = decidedFactTypeMappings.TryGetValue(factType, out decidedFactTypeMapping);
				FactTypeMappingList potentialFactTypeMappings;
				bool potentialFactTypeMappingsExist = undecidedFactTypeMappings.TryGetValue(factType, out potentialFactTypeMappings);

				// If there's a decided deep fact type mapping away from objectType...
				if (decidedFactTypeMappingExists && decidedFactTypeMapping.MappingDepth == MappingDepth.Deep && decidedFactTypeMapping.FromObjectType == objectType)
					return true;
				else if (potentialFactTypeMappingsExist)
					foreach (FactTypeMapping potentialFactTypeMapping in potentialFactTypeMappings)
						// If there's a potential deep fact type mapping away from objectType...
						if (potentialFactTypeMapping.MappingDepth == MappingDepth.Deep && potentialFactTypeMapping.FromObjectType == objectType)
							return true;

			return false;
Пример #35
		/// <summary>
		/// Common place for code to deal with roles that exist in a fact
		/// but do not exist in the ReadingOrder objects that it contains.
		/// This allows it to be used by both the rule and to be called
		/// during post load model fixup.
		/// </summary>
		private static void ValidateReadingOrdersRoleCollection(FactType factType, RoleBase addedRole)

			LinkedElementCollection<ReadingOrder> readingOrders;
			int orderCount;
			if (null == factType.UnaryRole &&
				0 != (orderCount = (readingOrders = factType.ReadingOrderCollection).Count))
				bool checkedContext = false;
				bool insertAfter = false;
				RoleBase insertBeside = null;
				IFormatProvider formatProvider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
				for (int i = 0; i < orderCount; ++i)
					ReadingOrder ord = readingOrders[i];
					LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roles = ord.RoleCollection;
					if (!roles.Contains(addedRole))
						if (!checkedContext)
							checkedContext = true;
							Dictionary<object, object> contextInfo = factType.Store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
							object contextRole;
							if (contextInfo.TryGetValue(FactType.InsertAfterRoleKey, out contextRole))
								insertBeside = contextRole as RoleBase;
								insertAfter = true;
							else if (contextInfo.TryGetValue(FactType.InsertBeforeRoleKey, out contextRole))
								insertBeside = contextRole as RoleBase;
						int insertIndex = -1;
						if (insertBeside != null)
							insertIndex = roles.IndexOf(insertBeside);

						if (insertIndex != -1)
							roles.Insert(insertIndex + (insertAfter ? 1 : 0), addedRole);
						LinkedElementCollection<Reading> readings = ord.ReadingCollection;
						int readingCount = readings.Count;
						if (readingCount != 0)
							if (insertIndex == -1)
								string appendText = string.Concat("  {", (roles.Count - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), "}");
								for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
									Reading reading = readings[j];
									reading.SetAutoText(reading.Text + appendText);
								for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
									Reading reading = readings[j];
										delegate(int replaceIndex)
											// UNDONE: Respect leading/trailing hyphen binding and keep them associated
											// with the corresponding role. Will require work well beyond the scope of this
											// routine.
											if (replaceIndex == insertIndex)
												return string.Concat("{", insertIndex.ToString(formatProvider), "} {", (insertIndex + 1).ToString(formatProvider), "}");
											else if (replaceIndex > insertIndex)
												return string.Concat("{", (replaceIndex + 1).ToString(formatProvider), "}");
											return null; // Leave as is
Пример #36
			public static void ProcessFactType(FactType factType, INotifyElementAdded notifyAdded)
				LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roleCollection = factType.RoleCollection;
				int roleCollectionCount = roleCollection.Count;

				if (roleCollectionCount == 1)
					// If we have a unary, binarize it
					BinarizeUnary(factType, notifyAdded);
				else if (roleCollectionCount == 2)
					// If we have a binary that has an implicit boolean role in it, make sure it matches the pattern
					Role implicitBooleanRole = GetImplicitBooleanRole(roleCollection);
					if (implicitBooleanRole != null)
						Role unaryRole = implicitBooleanRole.OppositeRole.Role;
						Debug.Assert(unaryRole != null);
						// Make sure the implicit boolean role has the same name as the unary role
						implicitBooleanRole.Name = unaryRole.Name;
						string implicitBooleanValueTypeName = GetImplicitBooleanValueTypeName(unaryRole);
						if (implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.Name != implicitBooleanValueTypeName)
							Dictionary<object, object> contextInfo = factType.Store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
								contextInfo[ORMModel.AllowDuplicateNamesKey] = null;
								implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.Name = implicitBooleanValueTypeName;
						if (!ValidateConstraints(unaryRole, implicitBooleanRole) || !ValidateImplicitBooleanValueType(implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer))
							LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> roles = factType.RoleCollection;
							DebinarizeUnary(roles, false, notifyAdded);
							// Append to the reading orders
							LinkedElementCollection<ReadingOrder> readingOrders = factType.ReadingOrderCollection;
							int readingOrderCount = readingOrders.Count;
							for (int i = 0; i < readingOrderCount; ++i)
								ReadingOrder order = readingOrders[i];
								LinkedElementCollection<RoleBase> readingRoles = order.RoleCollection;
								if (!readingRoles.Contains(implicitBooleanRole))
									LinkedElementCollection<Reading> readings = order.ReadingCollection;
									int readingCount = readings.Count;
									for (int j = 0; j < readingCount; ++j)
										readings[j].SetAutoText(readings[j].Text + " {1}");
					// If we have an n-ary, remove any implicit boolean roles in it
					for (int i = roleCollectionCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
						Role implicitBooleanRole = roleCollection[i].Role;
						if (implicitBooleanRole != null && implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer != null && implicitBooleanRole.RolePlayer.IsImplicitBooleanValue)
							DebinarizeUnary(factType.RoleCollection, true, notifyAdded);
Пример #37
		/// <summary>
		/// Select the primary reading for the reading order
		/// matching the role order of the fact, if there
		/// isn't one activate the new entry for that order.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fact">FactType</param>
		public void ActivateReading(FactType fact)
			ReadingsViewForm form = myForm;
			if (form != null)