public static OAuthCredentials PerformOAuth(string consumerKey, string consumerSecret) { OAuthConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthConfig("console"); oauthConfig.OauthVersion = "1.0"; oauthConfig.OauthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"; oauthConfig.ConsumerKey = consumerKey; oauthConfig.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret; oauthConfig.RequestTokenUrl = ""; oauthConfig.AccessTokenUrl = ""; oauthConfig.UserAuthorizationUrl = ""; OAuthConsumer oauthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer(oauthConfig, "console"); oauthConsumer.getRequestToken(); VerificationInput input = new VerificationInput(); input.ShowDialog(); string code = input.GetCode(); oauthConsumer.getAccessToken(code); OAuthCredentials rv = new OAuthCredentials(); rv.Token = oauthConfig.OauthToken; rv.Secret = oauthConfig.OauthTokenSecret; return rv; }
public static void Tweet(OAuthConsumer consumer, string text) { List<QueryParameter> post = new List<QueryParameter>(); post.Add(new QueryParameter("status", text)); consumer.request("", "POST", post, "PLAIN"); }
static void Main( string[] args ) { try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; // リクエストトークンを取得 OAuthProvider provider = new OAuthProvider( APIKey.AccessToken, APIKey.Authorize, APIKey.ReqestToken ); OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer( OAuth.APIKey.ConsumerKey, OAuth.APIKey.ConsumerSecret ); string authorizeURL = provider.RetrieveRequestToken( ref consumer ); //ブラウザからPIN確認 System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( authorizeURL ); Console.Write( "PIN:" ); string pin = Console.ReadLine(); // アクセストークンを取得 provider.RetrieveAccessToken( ref consumer, pin ); Console.WriteLine( "public const string Token = \"" + consumer.Token + "\";" ); Console.WriteLine( "public const string TokenSecret = \"" + consumer.TokenSecret + "\";" ); //デスクトップ\oauth_token.txtに保存 File.WriteAllText( Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop ) + @"\cacoo_oauth_token.txt", consumer.Token + ", " + consumer.TokenSecret ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { Console.WriteLine( ex.Message ); } finally { Console.Write( "Press enter : " ); Console.ReadLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// With this test, the application will request an oauth_access token for the current user. The user will have to authorize the app (this code sample) to access his twitter account. /// A combination of keys will be generated for him : an oauth access token. /// </summary> public void test_twitterOauthClient() { // Create an OAuth config OAuthConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthConfig("console"); oauthConfig.SiteUrl = ""; oauthConfig.OauthVersion = "1.0"; oauthConfig.OauthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"; oauthConfig.ConsumerKey = TwitterOAuthTest._consumerKey; oauthConfig.ConsumerSecret = TwitterOAuthTest._consumerSecret; oauthConfig.RequestTokenUrl = ""; oauthConfig.AccessTokenUrl = ""; oauthConfig.UserAuthorizationUrl = ""; // Create an OAuth consumer OAuthConsumer oauthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer(oauthConfig, "console"); // Request Token oauthConsumer.getRequestToken(); // Enter the Pin Code Console.WriteLine("Enter the pin code:"); string pincode = Console.ReadLine(); // Request Access Token oauthConsumer.getAccessToken(pincode); // Make an API Call (call the home_timeline status) and debug the response string response = (string)oauthConsumer.request("", "GET", null, "PLAIN"); Console.WriteLine(response); }
public virtual void loginTwitter(object sender, EventArgs args) { // Change the button text buttonLogin.Text = "Complete authorization with Twitter"; // Create an OAuth config OAuthConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthConfig("console"); oauthConfig.SiteUrl = ""; oauthConfig.OauthVersion = "1.0"; oauthConfig.OauthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"; oauthConfig.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("consumerKey"); oauthConfig.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("consumerSecret"); oauthConfig.RequestTokenUrl = ""; oauthConfig.AccessTokenUrl = ""; oauthConfig.UserAuthorizationUrl = ""; // Create an OAuth consumer OAuthConsumer oauthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer(oauthConfig, "console"); // Request Token oauthConsumer.getRequestToken(); // After the authorization is completed with Twitter, OAuth will redirect you to the callbackURL declared in your application settings at // Information about the authenticated user is provided to that page in addition to the access token needed to execute further api calls }
/// <summary> /// アクセストークンの取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="consumer"></param> /// <param name="pin"></param> public void RetrieveAccessToken( ref OAuthConsumer consumer, string pin ) { // リクエストの作成とレスポンスの取得 HttpWebRequest webreq = CreateRequest( AccessToken, consumer, POST, pin, RequestFormatAuth ); string result = GetResponse( webreq ); // oauth_tokenとoauth_token_secretを取得 Match match = Regex.Match( result, @"oauth_token=(.*)&oauth_token_secret=(.*)" ); consumer.SetTokenWithSecret( match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value ); }
public static OAuthConsumer CreateClient(string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, string accessToken, string accessSecret) { OAuthConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthConfig("console"); oauthConfig.OauthVersion = "1.0"; oauthConfig.OauthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"; oauthConfig.ConsumerKey = consumerKey; oauthConfig.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret; oauthConfig.OauthToken = accessToken; oauthConfig.OauthTokenSecret = accessSecret; OAuthConsumer oauthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer(oauthConfig, "console"); return oauthConsumer; }
public void PINを取得するためのトークンを取得するためのシグニチャ() { OAuth.OAuthBase oauth = new TestingOAuth( "1281614602", "8715791" ); OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer( ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret ); Uri uri = new Uri( ReqestToken ); string signature = oauth.GenerateSignature( uri, consumer, "GET", "" ); Assert.AreEqual( "FOBRl2mkgAx9tNdQeNIiIxjwhxo=", signature ); Assert.AreEqual( "oauth_consumer_key=OKWyYVPvnpcBfbdmrJaNWx&oauth_nonce=8715791&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1281614602&oauth_version=1.0", oauth.NormalizedRequestParameters ); }
static void Main( string[] args ) { try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer( APIKey.ConsumerKey, APIKey.ConsumerSecret ); consumer.SetTokenWithSecret( APIKey.Token, APIKey.TokenSecret ); OAuthProvider provider = new OAuthProvider(); string result = ""; result = provider.RetrieveRequest( "", consumer ); Console.WriteLine( "--- アカウント情報取得 ---" ); Console.WriteLine( result ); Console.WriteLine( "" ); result = provider.RetrieveRequest( "", consumer ); Console.WriteLine( "--- ユーザー情報取得 ---" ); Console.WriteLine( result ); Console.WriteLine( "" ); result = provider.RetrieveRequest( "", consumer ); Console.WriteLine( "--- 図の一覧取得 ---" ); Console.WriteLine( result ); Console.WriteLine( "" ); result = provider.RetrieveRequest( "", consumer ); Console.WriteLine( "--- 図の情報取得 ---" ); Console.WriteLine( result ); Console.WriteLine( "" ); // バイナリの返し方を考える //result = provider.RetrieveRequest( "", consumer ); //Console.WriteLine( "--- 画像取得 ---" ); //Console.WriteLine( result ); //Console.WriteLine( "" ); } catch ( Exception ex ) { Console.WriteLine( ex.Message ); } finally { Console.Write( "Press enter : " ); Console.ReadLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// With this test, the oauth access token created for the requester of the API key will be used and no authorization process will take place /// </summary> public void test_twitterOauthSuperClient() { // Create an OAuth config OAuthConfig oauthConfig = new OAuthConfig("console"); oauthConfig.SiteUrl = ""; oauthConfig.OauthVersion = "1.0"; oauthConfig.OauthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"; oauthConfig.ConsumerKey = TwitterOAuthTest._consumerKey; oauthConfig.ConsumerSecret = TwitterOAuthTest._consumerSecret; oauthConfig.OauthToken = TwitterOAuthTest._accessToken; oauthConfig.OauthTokenSecret = TwitterOAuthTest._accessTokenSecret; // Create an OAuth consumer OAuthConsumer oauthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer(oauthConfig, "console"); // Make an API Call (call the home_timeline status) and debug the response string response = (string)oauthConsumer.request("", "GET", null, "PLAIN"); Console.WriteLine(response); }
private static void getAccessToken( string consumer_key, string consumer_secret ) { System.Net.ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false; OAuthBase oAuth = new OAuthBase(); System.Uri uri = new Uri( OAuth.APIKey.ReqestToken ); //OAuthBace.csを用いてsignature生成 OAuth.OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer( consumer_key, consumer_secret ); string signature = oAuth.GenerateSignature( uri, consumer, "GET", "" ); //oauth_token,oauth_token_secret取得 HttpWebRequest webreq = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( OAuth.APIKey.ReqestToken + string.Format( "?{0}&oauth_signature={1}", oAuth.NormalizedRequestParameters, signature ) ); webreq.Method = "GET"; HttpWebResponse webres = (HttpWebResponse)webreq.GetResponse(); string result; using ( System.IO.Stream st = webres.GetResponseStream() ) using ( System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader( st, Encoding.GetEncoding( 932 ) ) ) { result = sr.ReadToEnd(); } Console.WriteLine( result ); //正規表現でoauth_token,oauth_token_secret取得 Match match = Regex.Match( result, @"oauth_token=(.*?)&oauth_token_secret=(.*?)&oauth_callback.*" ); string token = match.Groups[1].Value; string tokenSecret = match.Groups[2].Value; //ブラウザからPIN確認 string AuthorizeURL = OAuth.APIKey.Authorize + "?" + result; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( AuthorizeURL ); Console.Write( "PIN:" ); string PIN = Console.ReadLine(); //oauth_token,oauth_token_secretを用いて再びsignature生成 consumer = new OAuthConsumer( consumer_key, consumer_secret ); consumer.SetTokenWithSecret( token, tokenSecret ); signature = oAuth.GenerateSignature( uri, consumer, "POST", "" ); webreq = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( OAuth.APIKey.AccessToken + string.Format( "?{3}&oauth_signature={0}&oauth_verifier={2}", signature, result, PIN, oAuth.NormalizedRequestParameters ) ); //oauth_token,oauth_token_secretの取得 webreq.Method = "POST"; webres = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)webreq.GetResponse(); using ( System.IO.Stream st = webres.GetResponseStream() ) using ( System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader( st, Encoding.GetEncoding( 932 ) ) ) { result = sr.ReadToEnd(); } Console.WriteLine( result ); //正規表現でoauth_token,oauth_token_secret取得 match = Regex.Match( result, @"oauth_token=(.*?)&oauth_token_secret=(.*?)&.*" ); token = match.Groups[1].Value; tokenSecret = match.Groups[2].Value; Console.WriteLine( "public const string token = \"" + token + "\";" ); Console.WriteLine( "public const string tokenSecret = \"" + tokenSecret + "\";" ); //デスクトップ\oauth_token.txtに保存 File.WriteAllText( Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop ) + @"\oauth_token.txt", result ); }
public void OnPluginEnable() { if (twttrAccessToken == null) { // we need to auth. OAuthCredentials accessToken = TwitterHelper.PerformOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET); consoleWrite("^8OAuth Successful. Please copy and paste the following values into the plugin configuration, and reactivate: "); consoleWrite("Access Token: " + accessToken.Token); consoleWrite("Access Token Secret: " + accessToken.Secret); consoleWrite("Please keep the token secret safe. You can unauthorize this application at any time from your Twitter account settings."); setPluginState(false); return; } twttrService = TwitterHelper.CreateClient(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, twttrAccessToken.Token, twttrAccessToken.Secret); consoleWrite("Twitter client created successfully."); }
/// <summary> /// リクエストトークンを取得する /// </summary> /// <param name="consumer"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string RetrieveRequestToken( ref OAuthConsumer consumer ) { // リクエストの作成とレスポンスの取得 HttpWebRequest webreq = CreateRequest( ReqestToken, consumer, GET, "", RequestFormatAuth ); string result = GetResponse( webreq ); // oauth_tokenとoauth_token_secretを取得 Match match = Regex.Match( result, @"oauth_token=(.*?)&oauth_token_secret=(.*?)&oauth_callback.*" ); consumer.SetTokenWithSecret( match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value ); // 認証用URLを返す return Authorize + "?" + result; }
/// <summary> /// リクエストを取得 /// </summary> /// <param name="uri"></param> /// <param name="consumer"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string RetrieveRequest( string uri, OAuthConsumer consumer ) { HttpWebRequest webreq = CreateRequest( uri, consumer, POST, "", RequestFormatRequest ); webreq.Headers.Add( "Authorization", "OAuth " + oauth.AuthorizationRequestParameters ); return GetResponse( webreq ); }
/// <summary> /// リクエストの作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="uri"></param> /// <param name="consumer"></param> /// <param name="method"></param> /// <param name="pin"></param> /// <returns></returns> private HttpWebRequest CreateRequest( string uri, OAuthConsumer consumer, string method, string pin, string format ) { string signature = oauth.GenerateSignature( new Uri( uri ), consumer, method, pin ); string request = string.Format( format, oauth.NormalizedRequestParameters, signature ); string requestURL = uri + request; HttpWebRequest webreq = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create( requestURL ); webreq.Method = method; return webreq; }
public OAuthRequest(OAuthConsumer consumer, string debugType) : base(debugType) { this._consumer = consumer; }
public void PINを取得後の認証のためのシグニチャ() { string pin = "0011696"; OAuth.OAuthBase oauth = new TestingOAuth( "1281614602", "8715791" ); OAuth.OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer( ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret ); consumer.SetTokenWithSecret( "021d4561687d6c5d328ad5b491624f30", "552ae19dc6f2b7736db9678bb4de2f00" ); Uri uri = new Uri( AccessToken ); string signature = oauth.GenerateSignature( uri, consumer, "POST", pin ); Assert.AreEqual( "w9XSZS9loX/pyz6DtO2Q04QmDAw=", signature ); Assert.AreEqual( "oauth_consumer_key=OKWyYVPvnpcBfbdmrJaNWx&oauth_nonce=8715791&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1281614602&oauth_token=021d4561687d6c5d328ad5b491624f30&oauth_verifier=0011696&oauth_version=1.0", oauth.NormalizedRequestParameters ); }
public BTCTLink(string consumerKey, string consumerSecret, bool isBTCT, DebugHandler dh) { OAuthConfig oc; DebugHandler = dh; _consumerKey = consumerKey; _consumerSecret = consumerSecret; oc = new OAuthConfig(""); oc.SiteUrl = ""; oc.OauthVersion = "1.0"; oc.OauthSignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1"; oc.OauthCallback = "oob"; oc.OauthScope = "all"; oc.ConsumerKey = _consumerKey; oc.ConsumerSecret = _consumerSecret; _isBTCT = isBTCT; if (isBTCT) { _baseUrl = ""; _coin = "BTC"; } else { _baseUrl = ""; _coin = "LTC"; } oc.RequestTokenUrl = _baseUrl + "oauth/request_token"; oc.AccessTokenUrl = _baseUrl + "oauth/access_token"; oc.UserAuthorizationUrl = _baseUrl + "authorize"; _oauthConsumer = new OAuthConsumer(oc, ""); _authStatus = AuthStatusType.AS_NONE; }
public void データ取得のためのシグニチャ() { const string Diagrams = ""; OAuth.OAuthBase oauth = new TestingOAuth( "1281615317", "2677625" ); OAuthConsumer consumer = new OAuthConsumer( ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret ); consumer.SetTokenWithSecret( "f1b3a9fdb759dbd0c1818f7cdef307c0", "2e55a9ea2e9c286abfedadffecf15f74" ); Uri uri = new Uri( Diagrams ); string signature = oauth.GenerateSignature( uri, consumer, "POST", "" ); Assert.AreEqual( "YRhAaq8P+fN4DgkFhaF6x+EH1qA=", signature ); Assert.AreEqual( "oauth_consumer_key=\"OKWyYVPvnpcBfbdmrJaNWx\", oauth_nonce=\"2677625\", oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", oauth_timestamp=\"1281615317\", oauth_token=\"f1b3a9fdb759dbd0c1818f7cdef307c0\", oauth_version=\"1.0\", oauth_signature=\"YRhAaq8P%2BfN4DgkFhaF6x%2BEH1qA%3D\"", oauth.AuthorizationRequestParameters ); }