public void ddActionStartExecution(Dnd.DnDAction ddActionObject)
     /*if (ddActionObject.aAction == Dnd.Action.ObjectData)
         var ddaObjectData = (Dnd.DnDActionObjectData) ddActionObject;
     DI.log.error("DnDAction Not Suported by this host: {0}", ddActionObject.aAction.ToString());
        public void processReceivedDnDActionObject(Dnd.DnDAction ddActionObject)
            if (cHostForm == null)
                ddActionObject.oReceiver = this;
                ddActionObject.oReceiver = cHostForm;
            ddActionObject.dtReceived = DateTime.Now;
            ddActionObject.dCallback = ddActionStartExecution;

            // if the ddAction is also fire this event (since this will be what is needed for most cases            
            if (ddActionObject.GetType().Name == "DnDActionObjectData")
                var fdndAction_ObjectData = (Dnd.DnDActionObjectData) ddActionObject;
                if (eDnDAction_ObjectDataReceived_Event != null)
                    eDnDAction_ObjectDataReceived_Event(fdndAction_ObjectData.oPayload); // just send the payload
                //  NEED TO DOUBLE CHECK IMPACT OF THIS (before this would always fire and was before the o2DnDAction_ObjectData above
                if (eStartExecution_Event != null)

            //o2Messages.sendMessage_DnDQueue_AddAction(ddActionObject);            // for now just invoke the event callback