Create() публичный статический Метод

public static Create ( IPackageMetadata metadata ) : Manifest
metadata IPackageMetadata
Результат Manifest
Пример #1
        public override void AddPackage(IPackage package)
            // Starting from 2.1, we save the nuspec file into the subdirectory with the name as <packageId>.<version>
            // for example, for jQuery version 1.0, it will be "jQuery.1.0\\jQuery.1.0.nuspec"
            string   packageFilePath = GetManifestFilePath(package);
            Manifest manifest        = Manifest.Create(package);

            // The IPackage object doesn't carry the References information.
            // Thus we set the References for the manifest to the set of all valid assembly references

            manifest.Metadata.References = package.AssemblyReferences
                                           .Select(p => new ManifestReference()
                File = p.Name

            FileSystem.AddFileWithCheck(packageFilePath, stream => manifest.Save(stream));

            // But in order to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of NuGet,
            // we will save the .nupkg file too. This way, 2.1 will read the .nuspec file, and
            // pre 2.1 will read the .nupkg
Пример #2
        public override void AddPackage(IPackage package)
            if (PackageSaveMode.HasFlag(PackageSaveModes.Nuspec))
                // Starting from 2.1, we save the nuspec file into the subdirectory with the name as <packageId>.<version>
                // for example, for jQuery version 1.0, it will be "jQuery.1.0\\jQuery.1.0.nuspec"
                string   packageFilePath = GetManifestFilePath(package.Id, package.Version);
                Manifest manifest        = Manifest.Create(package);

                // The IPackage object doesn't carry the References information.
                // Thus we set the References for the manifest to the set of all valid assembly references
                manifest.Metadata.ReferenceSets = package.AssemblyReferences
                                                  .GroupBy(f => f.TargetFramework)
                    g => new ManifestReferenceSet
                    TargetFramework = g.Key == null ? null : VersionUtility.GetFrameworkString(g.Key),
                    References      = g.Select(p => new ManifestReference {
                        File = p.Name

                FileSystem.AddFileWithCheck(packageFilePath, manifest.Save);

            if (PackageSaveMode.HasFlag(PackageSaveModes.Nupkg))
                string packageFilePath = GetPackageFilePath(package);

                FileSystem.AddFileWithCheck(packageFilePath, package.GetStream);
        public override void AddPackage(IPackage package)
            // Starting from 2.1, we save the nuspec file into the subdirectory with the name as <packageId>.<version>
            // for example, for jQuery version 1.0, it will be "jQuery.1.0\\jQuery.1.0.nuspec"
            string   packageFilePath = GetManifestFilePath(package.Id, package.Version);
            Manifest manifest        = Manifest.Create(package);

            // The IPackage object doesn't carry the References information.
            // Thus we set the References for the manifest to the set of all valid assembly references
            manifest.Metadata.ReferenceSets = package.AssemblyReferences
                                              .GroupBy(f => f.TargetFramework)
                g => new ManifestReferenceSet
                TargetFramework = g.Key == null ? null : VersionUtility.GetFrameworkString(g.Key),
                References      = g.Select(p => new ManifestReference {
                    File = p.Name

            FileSystem.AddFileWithCheck(packageFilePath, manifest.Save);

            // But in order to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of NuGet,
            // we will save the .nupkg file too. This way, 2.1 will read the .nuspec file, and
            // pre 2.1 will read the .nupkg

            // if this is a solution-level package, add it to the solution's packages.config file
            if (_packageReferenceFile != null && IsSolutionLevel(package))
                _packageReferenceFile.AddEntry(package.Id, package.Version);
Пример #4
 public override void AddPackage(IPackage package)
     if (base.PackageSaveMode.HasFlag(PackageSaveModes.Nuspec))
         string   manifestFilePath = this.GetManifestFilePath(package.Id, package.Version);
         Manifest manifest         = Manifest.Create(package);
         manifest.Metadata.ReferenceSets = Enumerable.Select <IGrouping <FrameworkName, IPackageAssemblyReference>, ManifestReferenceSet>(from f in package.AssemblyReferences group f by f.TargetFramework, delegate(IGrouping <FrameworkName, IPackageAssemblyReference> g) {
             ManifestReferenceSet set1   = new ManifestReferenceSet();
             ManifestReferenceSet set2   = new ManifestReferenceSet();
             set2.TargetFramework        = (g.Key == null) ? null : VersionUtility.GetFrameworkString(g.Key);
             ManifestReferenceSet local2 = set2;
             ManifestReferenceSet local3 = set2;
             local3.References           = Enumerable.Select <IPackageAssemblyReference, ManifestReference>(g, delegate(IPackageAssemblyReference p) {
                 ManifestReference reference1 = new ManifestReference();
                 reference1.File = p.Name;
             }).ToList <ManifestReference>();
         }).ToList <ManifestReferenceSet>();
         this.FileSystem.AddFileWithCheck(manifestFilePath, new Action <Stream>(manifest.Save));
     if (base.PackageSaveMode.HasFlag(PackageSaveModes.Nupkg))
         string packageFilePath = this.GetPackageFilePath(package);
         this.FileSystem.AddFileWithCheck(packageFilePath, new Func <Stream>(package.GetStream));
Пример #5
        private void WriteManifest(Package package, int minimumManifestVersion)
            Uri targetUri = UriUtility.CreatePartUri(this.Id + Constants.ManifestExtension);

            package.CreateRelationship(targetUri, TargetMode.Internal, "");
            using (Stream stream = package.CreatePart(targetUri, "application/octet", CompressionOption.Maximum).GetStream())
                Manifest.Create(this).Save(stream, minimumManifestVersion);
Пример #6
        private void WriteManifest(ZipArchive package, int minimumManifestVersion)
            string path = Id + Constants.ManifestExtension;

            WriteOpcManifestRelationship(package, path);

            ZipArchiveEntry entry = package.CreateEntry(path, CompressionLevel.Optimal);

            using (Stream stream = entry.Open())
                Manifest manifest = Manifest.Create(this);
                manifest.Save(stream, minimumManifestVersion);
Пример #7
        private void WriteManifest(Package package)
            Uri uri = UriUtility.CreatePartUri(Id + Constants.ManifestExtension);

            // Create the manifest relationship
            package.CreateRelationship(uri, TargetMode.Internal, Constants.SchemaNamespace + ManifestRelationType);

            // Create the part
            PackagePart packagePart = package.CreatePart(uri, DefaultContentType, CompressionOption.Maximum);

            using (Stream stream = packagePart.GetStream()) {
                Manifest manifest = Manifest.Create(this);
Пример #8
        private void WriteManifest(System.IO.Packaging.Package package, int minimumManifestVersion)
            Uri uri = UriUtility.CreatePartUri(Id + Constants.ManifestExtension);

            // Create the manifest relationship
            package.CreateRelationship(uri, System.IO.Packaging.TargetMode.Internal, Constants.PackageRelationshipNamespace + ManifestRelationType);

            // Create the part
            var packagePart = package.CreatePart(uri, DefaultContentType, System.IO.Packaging.CompressionOption.Maximum);

            using (Stream stream = packagePart.GetStream())
                Manifest manifest = Manifest.Create(this);
                manifest.Save(stream, minimumManifestVersion);
        private void WriteManifest(Package package, int minimumManifestVersion)
            Uri uri = UriUtility.CreatePartUri(Id + Constants.ManifestExtension);

            // Create the manifest relationship
            package.CreateRelationship(uri, TargetMode.Internal,
                                       Constants.PackageRelationshipNamespace + ManifestRelationType);

            // Create the part
            PackagePart packagePart = package.CreatePart(uri, DefaultContentType, CompressionOption.Maximum);

            using (Stream stream = packagePart.GetStream())
                Manifest manifest = Manifest.Create(this);
                //if (PackageAssemblyReferences.Any())
                //    manifest.Metadata.References = new List<ManifestReference>(
                //        PackageAssemblyReferences.Select(reference => new ManifestReference {File = reference.File}));
                manifest.Save(stream, minimumManifestVersion);