/// <summary>
 /// Apply standard properties in a property group.
 /// Additionally add a SourceRoot item to point to the package folders.
 /// </summary>
 public static void AddNuGetProperties(
     XDocument doc,
     IEnumerable <string> packageFolders,
     string repositoryRoot,
     ProjectStyle projectStyle,
     string assetsFilePath,
     bool success)
         new XElement(Namespace + "PropertyGroup",
                      new XAttribute("Condition", ExcludeAllCondition),
                      GenerateProperty("RestoreSuccess", success.ToString()),
                      GenerateProperty("RestoreTool", "NuGet"),
                      GenerateProperty("ProjectAssetsFile", assetsFilePath),
                      GenerateProperty("NuGetPackageRoot", ReplacePathsWithMacros(repositoryRoot)),
                      GenerateProperty("NuGetPackageFolders", string.Join(";", packageFolders)),
                      GenerateProperty("NuGetProjectStyle", projectStyle.ToString()),
                      GenerateProperty("NuGetToolVersion", MinClientVersionUtility.GetNuGetClientVersion().ToFullString())),
         new XElement(Namespace + "ItemGroup",
                      new XAttribute("Condition", ExcludeAllCondition),
                      packageFolders.Select(e => GenerateItem("SourceRoot", PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(e)))));
Пример #2
        private static string ResolvePath(IPackageFile packageFile, string basePath)
            var physicalPackageFile = packageFile as PhysicalPackageFile;

            // For PhysicalPackageFiles, we want to filter by SourcePaths, the path on disk. The Path value maps to the TargetPath
            if (physicalPackageFile == null)

            var path = physicalPackageFile.SourcePath;

            // Make sure that the basepath has a directory separator
            int index = path.IndexOf(PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(basePath), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (index != -1)
                // Since wildcards are going to be relative to the base path, remove the BasePath portion of the file's source path.
                // Also remove any leading path separator slashes
                path = path.Substring(index + basePath.Length).TrimStart(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a library for a project.
        /// </summary>
        public static LockFileTargetLibrary CreateLockFileTargetProject(
            GraphItem <RemoteResolveResult> graphItem,
            LibraryIdentity library,
            LibraryIncludeFlags dependencyType,
            RestoreTargetGraph targetGraph,
            ProjectStyle rootProjectStyle)
            var localMatch = (LocalMatch)graphItem.Data.Match;

            // Target framework information is optional and may not exist for csproj projects
            // that do not have a project.json file.
            string projectFramework = null;
            object frameworkInfoObject;

            if (localMatch.LocalLibrary.Items.TryGetValue(
                    out frameworkInfoObject))
                // Retrieve the resolved framework name, if this is null it means that the
                // project is incompatible. This is marked as Unsupported.
                var targetFrameworkInformation = (TargetFrameworkInformation)frameworkInfoObject;
                projectFramework = targetFrameworkInformation.FrameworkName?.DotNetFrameworkName
                                   ?? NuGetFramework.UnsupportedFramework.DotNetFrameworkName;

            // Create the target entry
            var projectLib = new LockFileTargetLibrary()
                Name      = library.Name,
                Version   = library.Version,
                Type      = LibraryType.Project,
                Framework = projectFramework,

                // Find all dependencies which would be in the nuspec
                // Include dependencies with no constraints, or package/project/external
                // Exclude suppressed dependencies, the top level project is not written
                // as a target so the node depth does not matter.
                Dependencies = graphItem.Data.Dependencies
                    d => (d.LibraryRange.TypeConstraintAllowsAnyOf(
                              LibraryDependencyTarget.PackageProjectExternal)) &&
                    d.SuppressParent != LibraryIncludeFlags.All)
                               .Select(d => GetDependencyVersionRange(d))

            if (rootProjectStyle == ProjectStyle.PackageReference)
                // Add files under asset groups
                object filesObject;
                object msbuildPath;
                if (localMatch.LocalLibrary.Items.TryGetValue(KnownLibraryProperties.MSBuildProjectPath, out msbuildPath))
                    var files      = new List <ProjectRestoreMetadataFile>();
                    var fileLookup = new Dictionary <string, ProjectRestoreMetadataFile>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    // Find the project path, this is provided by the resolver
                    var msbuildFilePathInfo = new FileInfo((string)msbuildPath);

                    // Ensure a trailing slash for the relative path helper.
                    var projectDir = PathUtility.EnsureTrailingSlash(msbuildFilePathInfo.Directory.FullName);

                    // Read files from the project if they were provided.
                    if (localMatch.LocalLibrary.Items.TryGetValue(KnownLibraryProperties.ProjectRestoreMetadataFiles, out filesObject))
                        files.AddRange((List <ProjectRestoreMetadataFile>)filesObject);

                    var targetFrameworkShortName = targetGraph.Framework.GetShortFolderName();
                    var libAnyPath = $"lib/{targetFrameworkShortName}/any.dll";

                    if (files.Count == 0)
                        // If the project did not provide a list of assets, add in default ones.
                        // These are used to detect transitive vs non-transitive project references.
                        var absolutePath = Path.Combine(projectDir, "bin", "placeholder", $"{localMatch.Library.Name}.dll");

                        files.Add(new ProjectRestoreMetadataFile(libAnyPath, absolutePath));

                    // Process and de-dupe files
                    for (var i = 0; i < files.Count; i++)
                        var path = files[i].PackagePath;

                        // LIBANY avoid compatibility checks and will always be used.
                        if (LIBANY.Equals(path, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            path = libAnyPath;

                        if (!fileLookup.ContainsKey(path))
                            fileLookup.Add(path, files[i]);

                    var contentItems = new ContentItemCollection();

                    // Create an ordered list of selection criteria. Each will be applied, if the result is empty
                    // fallback frameworks from "imports" will be tried.
                    // These are only used for framework/RID combinations where content model handles everything.
                    var orderedCriteria = CreateCriteria(targetGraph, targetGraph.Framework);

                    // Compile
                    // ref takes precedence over lib
                    var compileGroup = GetLockFileItems(

                        ConvertToProjectPaths(fileLookup, projectDir, compileGroup));

                    // Runtime
                    var runtimeGroup = GetLockFileItems(

                        ConvertToProjectPaths(fileLookup, projectDir, runtimeGroup));

            // Add frameworkAssemblies for projects
            object frameworkAssembliesObject;

            if (localMatch.LocalLibrary.Items.TryGetValue(
                    out frameworkAssembliesObject))
                projectLib.FrameworkAssemblies.AddRange((List <string>)frameworkAssembliesObject);

            // Exclude items
            ExcludeItems(projectLib, dependencyType);
