Пример #1
        private static void SetupPg()
            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(String.Format("Server={0};Port={1};User Id={2};Password={3};Database={4};", "localhost", "5432", "postgres", "postgrespass", "postgres")))
                // drop  database 
                connection.Execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS  testdb;");
                connection.Execute("CREATE DATABASE testdb  WITH OWNER = postgres ENCODING = 'UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;");

            using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(String.Format("Server={0};Port={1};User Id={2};Password={3};Database={4};", "localhost", "5432", "postgres", "postgrespass", "testdb")))
                connection.Execute(@" create table Users (Id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar not null, Age int not null, ScheduledDayOff int null, CreatedDate date not null default CURRENT_DATE) ");
                connection.Execute(@" create table Car (CarId SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Id int null, Make varchar not null, Model varchar not null, Color varchar not null, AgeInYears int not null) ");
                connection.Execute(@" create table BigCar (CarId BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, Make varchar not null, Model varchar not null) ");
                connection.Execute(@" alter sequence bigcar_carid_seq RESTART WITH 2147483650");
                connection.Execute(@" create table City (Name varchar not null, Population int not null) ");
                connection.Execute(@" CREATE SCHEMA Log; ");
                connection.Execute(@" create table Log.CarLog (Id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, LogNotes varchar NOT NULL) ");
                connection.Execute(@" CREATE TABLE GUIDTest(Id uuid PRIMARY KEY,name varchar NOT NULL)");
                connection.Execute(@" create table StrangeColumnNames (ItemId Serial PRIMARY KEY, word varchar not null, colstringstrangeword varchar) ");
                connection.Execute(@" create table UserWithoutAutoIdentity (Id int PRIMARY KEY, Name varchar not null, Age int not null) ");


      private static void CreateDatabase()
         var cxBuilder = new NpgsqlConnectionStringBuilder(ConnectionString);
         var database = cxBuilder.Database;
         cxBuilder.Database = null;

         var db = new NpgsqlConnection(cxBuilder.ToString());
         db.Execute($"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS \"{database}\"");
         db.Execute($"CREATE DATABASE \"{database}\"");
		private void Cleanup()
			using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(ConnectionString))

				foreach (var stream in _streams)
					Catch(() => connection.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableBuilder.EventsName(stream)};"));
					Catch(() => connection.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableBuilder.SnapshotsName(stream)};"));
Пример #4
		public void Dispose()
			using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(PostgresFixture.ConnectionString))

				connection.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableBuilder.EventsName(DefaultStream.StreamName)};");
				connection.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableBuilder.SnapshotsName(DefaultStream.StreamName)};");

				connection.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableBuilder.EventsName(SnapshotStream.StreamName)};");
				connection.Execute($"drop table if exists {TableBuilder.SnapshotsName(SnapshotStream.StreamName)};");
Пример #5
 public static int Delete(IEnumerable<int> malAnimeIds, NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTransaction transaction)
     string idList = string.Join(", ", malAnimeIds.Select(id => id.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
     string deleteSql = string.Format("DELETE FROM mal_anime_synonym WHERE mal_anime_id IN ({0})", idList);
     int numRowsDeleted = conn.Execute(deleteSql, transaction: transaction);
     return numRowsDeleted;
		private static void RecreateSchemaAndInstallObjects()
			using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(
				bool databaseExists = connection.Query<bool?>(
					@"select true :: boolean from pg_database where datname = @databaseName;",
						databaseName = ConnectionUtils.GetDatabaseName()
					).SingleOrDefault() ?? false;

				if (!databaseExists)
					connection.Execute($@"CREATE DATABASE ""{ConnectionUtils.GetDatabaseName()}""");

			using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(ConnectionUtils.GetConnectionString()))
				if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

Пример #7
        public static void Init()
            StoreEvents = Wireup.Init()
                .UsingSqlPersistence("EventStore") // Connection string is in app.config
                .WithDialect(new PostgreSqlDialect())
                .EnlistInAmbientTransaction() // two-phase commit
                //.HookIntoPipelineUsing(new[] { new AuthorizationPipelineHook() })
                //.DispatchTo(new DelegateMessageDispatcher(DispatchCommit))

            var connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["EventStore"].ConnectionString;
            var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

            var sql = @"
   ""Id"" uuid NOT NULL,
   ""Name"" varchar NOT NULL

Пример #8
        private void Run()
            using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                var orders = conn.Query<Order>("select * from Orders where IsMatchSearched <> true or IsMatchSearched is null").ToList();
                Console.WriteLine("finding matches for " + orders.Count + " orders");
                foreach(var order in orders)
                    var minAmount = 0.9 * order.Amount;
                    var maxAmount = 1.1 * order.Amount;
                    var minPrice = 0.9 * order.Price;
                    var maxPrice = 1.1 * order.Price;
                    var type = order.OrderType == "Purchase" ? "Sell" : "Purchase";
                    var matchedOrders = conn.Query<Order>("select * from Orders where IsMatchSearched = true and Price < @MaxPrice and Price > @MinPrice and Amount < @MaxAmount and Amount > @MinAmount and OrderType = @Type and CommodityType = @CommodityType and fkUserId <> @UserId",
                        new {
                            MinAmount = minAmount,
                            MaxAmount = maxAmount,
                            MinPrice = minPrice,
                            MaxPrice = maxPrice,
                            CommodityType = order.CommodityType,
                            Type = type,
                            UserId = order.fkUserId
                    Console.WriteLine("order " + order.Id + " has "+matchedOrders.Count+" matches");

                    foreach(var matchedOrder in matchedOrders)
                        String message = "Kami menemukan order yang cocok. {0} {1} {2} sebesar {3} kg dengan harga Rp. {4}";
                        conn.Execute("insert into orders_matches(first_id, second_id) values (@FirstId, @SecondId)", new { FirstId = order.Id, SecondId = matchedOrder.Id });
                        conn.Execute("insert into orders_matches(first_id, second_id) values (@FirstId, @SecondId)", new { FirstId = matchedOrder.Id, SecondId = order.Id });
                        var verb = order.OrderType == "Purchase" ? "menjual" : "membeli";
                        var commodity = conn.Query<String>("select Name from CommodityType where Id = @Id", new { Id = order.CommodityType }).FirstOrDefault();
                        var user = conn.Query<User>("select Name, PhoneNumber from Users where Id = @Id", new { Id = matchedOrder.fkUserId }).FirstOrDefault();
                        message = String.Format(message, user.Name, verb, commodity, matchedOrder.Amount, matchedOrder.Price);
                        conn.Execute("insert into Outboxes(PhoneNumber, Message) values (@PhoneNumber, @Message)",
                                PhoneNumber = user.PhoneNumber,
                                Message = message
                    conn.Execute("update Orders set IsMatchSearched = true where Id = @Id", new { Id = order.Id });
        public void PostGresInsertModelFillingId()
            var conn          = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["postgres"].ConnectionString);
            var scriptBuilder = conn.GetScriptBuild();

            var cliente = new Cliente()
                Nome = "Miranda"

            var createTableScript = scriptBuilder.GetCreateTableCommand <Cliente>();

            conn.Insert <Cliente>(cliente);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, cliente.Id);
            conn.Execute("drop table \"Cliente\"");
        public static void CleanTables(NpgsqlConnection connection)
            if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");

            var script = GetStringResource(
                typeof (PostgreSqlTestObjectsInitializer).Assembly,
                "Hangfire.PostgreSql.Tests.Clean.sql").Replace("'hangfire'", ConnectionUtils.GetSchemaName());
        public void PostGresDeleteModel()
            var conn          = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["postgres"].ConnectionString);
            var scriptBuilder = conn.GetScriptBuild();

            var cliente = new Cliente()
                Nome = "Miranda"

            var createTableScript = scriptBuilder.GetCreateTableCommand <Cliente>();

            var id = conn.InsertReturningId <Cliente>(cliente);

            cliente.Id = id;

            conn.Execute("drop table \"Cliente\"");
		public void Execute(string stream)
			var sql = Sql
				.Replace("{events-table}", stream + "_events")
				.Replace("{snapshots-table}", stream + "_snapshots");

			using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString))
        public void PostGresSelectModel()
            var conn          = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["postgres"].ConnectionString);
            var scriptBuilder = conn.GetScriptBuild();

            var cliente = new Cliente()
                Nome = "Miranda"

            var createTableScript = scriptBuilder.GetCreateTableCommand <Cliente>();

            var id = conn.InsertReturningId <Cliente>(cliente);

            var clientes = conn.GetAll <Cliente>();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, clientes.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Miranda", clientes.ToList()[0].Nome);
            conn.Execute("drop table \"Cliente\"");
		public void Execute(string stream)
			var sql = Sql
				.Replace("{events-table}", TableBuilder.EventsName(stream))
				.Replace("{snapshots-table}", TableBuilder.SnapshotsName(stream));

			using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(_connectionString))
Пример #15
        public void OnPost()

            // send information to the database
            var connectionString = "Server =; Port = 5432; Database = bookish; User Id = Bookish; Password = password; ";;

            NpgsqlConnection connection = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);


            connection.Execute("INSERT INTO \"Books\" (\"Title\", \"Author\", \"ISBN\",\"AvailableCopies\", \"TotalCopies\") VALUES(@Title, @Author, @ISBN, @TotalCopies, @TotalCopies)", this);
Пример #16
        public void CheckoutBook(int BookID, string DueDate)
            var connectionString = "Server =; Port = 5432; Database = bookish; User Id = Bookish; Password = password; ";

            var UserID      = AccessDB.FindUserIDByEmail(Email, connectionString);
            var anyCopies   = AccessDB.AreThereAvailableCopies(BookID, connectionString);
            var DateTimeDue = DateTime.Parse(DueDate);

            if (anyCopies == true)
                NpgsqlConnection connection = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(connectionString);

                using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction())
                    connection.Execute("INSERT INTO \"Books Taken Out\" (\"UserID\",\"BookID\", \"DueDate\") VALUES (@UserID, @BookID, @DateTimeDue)", new { UserID, BookID, DateTimeDue });
                    connection.Execute("UPDATE \"Books\" SET \"AvailableCopies\" = \"AvailableCopies\" - 1 WHERE \"BookID\" = @BookID", new { BookID });

        public void PostGresTestOperators()
            var conn          = new Npgsql.NpgsqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["postgres"].ConnectionString);
            var scriptBuilder = conn.GetScriptBuild();

            var cliente1 = new Cliente()
                Nome = "Miranda"
            var cliente2 = new Cliente()
                Nome = "Moshe"
            var cliente3 = new Cliente()
                Nome = "Moshe"

            var createTableScript = scriptBuilder.GetCreateTableCommand <Cliente>();

            var id = conn.InsertReturningId <Cliente>(cliente1);


            var clientesWithIdGreaterThan1 = conn.Select <Cliente>(c => c.Id > 1);
            var clientesIdOtherThan3       = conn.Select <Cliente>(c => c.Id != 3);
            var clientesWithIdLessThan2    = conn.Select <Cliente>(c => c.Id < 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, clientesWithIdGreaterThan1.Count());
            Assert.AreEqual("Miranda", clientesIdOtherThan3.ToList()[0].Nome);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, clientesIdOtherThan3.ToList()[1].Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, clientesWithIdLessThan2.Count());

            conn.Execute("drop table \"Cliente\"");
        public static void Install(NpgsqlConnection connection, string schemaName = "hangfire")
            if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection");

            Log.Info("Start installing Hangfire SQL objects...");

            int version = 3; //We started at version 3
            bool scriptFound = true;


                    var script = GetStringResource(
                        typeof (PostgreSqlObjectsInstaller).Assembly,
                    if (schemaName != "hangfire")
                        script = script.Replace("'hangfire'", string.Format("'{0}'", schemaName))
                            .Replace(@"""hangfire""", string.Format(@"""{0}""", schemaName));

                        connection.Execute(script, commandTimeout: 120);
                    catch (NpgsqlException ex)
                        if((ex.BaseMessage ?? "") != "version-already-applied")
                    scriptFound = false;

            } while (scriptFound);

            Log.Info("Hangfire SQL objects installed.");
Пример #19
        public static void DeleteOldestUsers(long numUsers, NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTransaction transaction)
            if (numUsers == 0)
            if (numUsers < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("numUsers", numUsers, string.Format("Cannot delete {0} oldest users", numUsers));

            string deleteSql = @"DELETE FROM mal_user WHERE mal_user_id IN
            (SELECT mal_user_id FROM mal_user
            ORDER BY time_added
            LIMIT :NumToDelete)";

            conn.Execute(deleteSql, new { NumToDelete = numUsers }, transaction);
Пример #20
 public void Insert(NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTransaction transaction)
     string sql = "INSERT INTO mal_user (mal_user_id, mal_name, time_added) VALUES (:MalUserId, :MalName, :TimeAdded)";
     conn.Execute(sql, new { MalUserId = mal_user_id, MalName = mal_name, TimeAdded = time_added }, transaction);
Пример #21
        public void CopyToRedshift(string dataPrefix, string dataFileExtension, 
            string processingPrefix, string completedPrefix, string errorPrefix,string delimiter, string tableName, string[] columnList, string connectionStringName,
            int headerRowCount,Action<Exception,string> errorLog, Action<string> debugLog)
            debugLog(string.Format("Getting files with extension {0} from {1}", dataFileExtension, dataPrefix));
            var files = ListFiles(dataPrefix)
                    .Where(x => x.EndsWith(dataFileExtension))

            if (files.Count == 0)
                debugLog("No Files to copy");
            var batchId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            var batchProcessDir = S3.Combine(processingPrefix, batchId + "/");
                debugLog(string.Format("Moving {0} files to {1}", files.Count, batchProcessDir));

                // create a batch id and store files in specific folder for processing only this batch's files

                foreach (var file in files)
                    var pFile = file.Replace(dataPrefix, batchProcessDir);
                    MoveFile(file, _connectionInfo.BucketName, pFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName);

                debugLog("Building sql query and primary key check");
                var sql = EmbeddedResource.Get("copyToRedshift.sql")
                    .Replace("$COLUMNLIST$", string.Join(",", columnList))
                    .Replace("$ACCESSKEY$", _connectionInfo.AccessKey)
                    .Replace("$SECRETKEY$", _connectionInfo.SecretKey)
                    .Replace("$BUCKET$", _connectionInfo.BucketName)
                    .Replace("$TABLENAME$", tableName)
                    .Replace("$DELIMETER$", delimiter)
                    .Replace("$HEADERROWS$", headerRowCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    .Replace("$COLUMNLIST$", string.Join(",", columnList))
                    .Replace("$PATH$", batchProcessDir);

                debugLog("Copying files to redshift");
                using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(ConfigUtilities.GetConnectionString(connectionStringName)))
                    debugLog("Running SQL: " + sql);
                    connection.Execute(sql, commandTimeout: 1000*60*15);

                debugLog("Moving files to completed directory");
                foreach (var file in files)
                    var processedFile = file.Replace(dataPrefix, batchProcessDir);
                    var completeFile = file.Replace(dataPrefix, S3.Combine(completedPrefix, batchId + "/"));
                    MoveFile(processedFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName, completeFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName);
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorLog(exception, "Error in copy to redshift");
                debugLog("Moving files to error directory");
                var filesInProcessing = ListFiles(batchProcessDir)
                    .Where(x => x.EndsWith(dataFileExtension))

                foreach (var file in filesInProcessing)
                    var errorFile = file.Replace(batchProcessDir, Combine(errorPrefix,batchId + "/") );
                    //var processedFile = Combine(processingPrefix, file);
                    MoveFile(file, _connectionInfo.BucketName, errorFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy from s3 to redshift
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataPrefix">the s3 location where the data files are located</param>
        /// <param name="dataFileExtension">the extension of the files to insert</param>
        /// <param name="processingPrefix">the s3 location where the data files are moved during processing</param>
        /// <param name="completedPrefix">the s3 location where the data files are moved after copy success</param>
        /// <param name="errorPrefix">the s3 location where the data files are moved if there is an error</param>
        /// <param name="delimeter"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName">the redshift table to copy to</param>
        /// <param name="columnList">the columns of the table to copy into, same order as the data files</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKeyColumns">the columns that are primary keys and should be used to figure out how to merge</param>
        /// <param name="connectionStringName">the connection string or connection string name of the redshift database</param>
        /// <param name="headerRowCount">how many of the rows in the text file are header rows</param>
        /// <param name="errorLog">function to log errors</param>
        /// <param name="debugLog">function for debug logging</param>
        public void MergeToRedshift(string dataPrefix, string dataFileExtension, 
            string processingPrefix, string completedPrefix, string errorPrefix, string delimeter,string tableName, string[] columnList, string[] primaryKeyColumns, string connectionStringName,
            int headerRowCount,Action<Exception,string> errorLog, Action<string> debugLog, bool nullCheckPrimaryKeys)
            debugLog(string.Format("Getting files with extension {0} from {1}", dataFileExtension, dataPrefix));
            var files = ListFiles(dataPrefix)
                    .Where(x => x.EndsWith(dataFileExtension))

            if (files.Count == 0)
                debugLog("No Files to copy");
                debugLog(string.Format("Moving {0} files to {1}", files.Count, processingPrefix));
                foreach (var file in files)
                    var pFile = file.Replace(dataPrefix, processingPrefix);
                    MoveFile(file, _connectionInfo.BucketName, pFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName);

                debugLog("Building sql query and primary key check");
                var stagingTableName = GenerateRandom.String(6).ToLower() + "_staging";
                var sql = EmbeddedResource.Get("mergeToRedshift.sql")
                    .Replace("$COLUMNLIST$", string.Join(",", columnList))
                    .Replace("$ACCESSKEY$", _connectionInfo.AccessKey)
                    .Replace("$SECRETKEY$", _connectionInfo.SecretKey)
                    .Replace("$BUCKET$", _connectionInfo.BucketName)
                    .Replace("$TEMPTABLE$", stagingTableName)
                    .Replace("$TABLENAME$", tableName)
                    .Replace("$DELIMETER$", delimeter)
                    .Replace("$HEADERROWS$", headerRowCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                    .Replace("$COLUMNLIST$", string.Join(",", columnList))
                    .Replace("$PATH$", processingPrefix);

                var primaryKeyCheck = new List<string>();
                foreach (var pkey in primaryKeyColumns)
                    var tableKey = tableName + ".[" + pkey + "]";
                    var stageKey = stagingTableName + ".[" + pkey + "]";
                    var input = nullCheckPrimaryKeys ? "{tableKey} = {stageKey} or ({tableKey} is null and {stageKey} is null)" : "{tableKey} = {stageKey}";
                    input = Regex.Replace(input, "{tableKey}", tableKey);
                    input = Regex.Replace(input, "{stageKey}", stageKey);

                var primaryKeySql = string.Join(" and ", primaryKeyCheck);
                sql = sql.Replace("$PRIMARYKEYCHECK$", primaryKeySql);

                debugLog("Copying files to redshift");
                using (var connection = new NpgsqlConnection(ConfigUtilities.GetConnectionString(connectionStringName)))
                    debugLog("Running SQL: " + sql);
                    connection.Execute(sql, commandTimeout: 1000*60*15);

                debugLog("Moving files to completed directory");
                foreach (var file in files)
                    var processedFile = file.Replace(dataPrefix, processingPrefix);
                    var completeFile = file.Replace(dataPrefix, completedPrefix);
                    MoveFile(processedFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName, completeFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName);
            catch (Exception exception)
                errorLog(exception, "Error in copy to redshift");
                debugLog("Moving files to error directory");
                var filesInProcessing = ListFiles(processingPrefix)
                    .Where(x => x.EndsWith(dataFileExtension))

                foreach (var file in filesInProcessing)
                    var errorFile = file.Replace(processingPrefix, errorPrefix);
                    //var processedFile = Combine(processingPrefix, file);
                    MoveFile(file, _connectionInfo.BucketName, errorFile, _connectionInfo.BucketName);
Пример #23
        public void Insert(NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTransaction transaction)
            string sql = @"INSERT INTO mal_anime
            (mal_anime_id, title, mal_anime_type_id, num_episodes, mal_anime_status_id, start_year, start_month, start_day,
            end_year, end_month, end_day, image_url, last_updated)
            (:MalAnimeId, :Title, :MalAnimeTypeId, :NumEpisodes, :MalAnimeStatusId, :StartYear, :StartMonth, :StartDay,
            :EndYear, :EndMonth, :EndDay, :ImageUrl, :LastUpdated)";

                    MalAnimeId = mal_anime_id,
                    Title = title,
                    MalAnimeTypeId = mal_anime_type_id,
                    NumEpisodes = num_episodes,
                    MalAnimeStatusId = mal_anime_status_id,
                    StartYear = start_year,
                    StartMonth = start_month,
                    StartDay = start_day,
                    EndYear = end_year,
                    EndMonth = end_month,
                    EndDay = end_day,
                    ImageUrl = image_url,
                    LastUpdated = last_updated

		public static void Install(NpgsqlConnection connection, string schemaName = "hangfire")
			if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(connection));

			Log.Info("Start installing Hangfire SQL objects...");

			// starts with version 3 to keep in check with Hangfire SqlServer, but I couldn't keep up with that idea after all;
			int version = 3;
			int previousVersion = 1;
				  string script = null;
				    script = GetStringResource(
				      typeof (PostgreSqlObjectsInstaller).Assembly,

          if (schemaName != "hangfire")
						script = script.Replace("'hangfire'", $"'{schemaName}'").Replace(@"""hangfire""", $@"""{schemaName}""");

					using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable))
					using (var command = new NpgsqlCommand(script, connection, transaction))
						command.CommandTimeout = 120;

							// Due to https://github.com/npgsql/npgsql/issues/641 , it's not possible to send
							// CREATE objects and use the same object in the same command
							// So bump the version in another command
						  connection.Execute($@"UPDATE ""{schemaName}"".""schema"" SET ""version"" = @version WHERE ""version"" = @previousVersion", new {version, previousVersion}, transaction);

						catch (PostgresException ex)
							if ((ex.MessageText ?? "") != "version-already-applied")
				catch (Exception ex)
					if (ex.Source.Equals("Npgsql"))
						Log.ErrorException("Error while executing install/upgrade", ex);

				previousVersion = version;
			} while (true);

			Log.Info("Hangfire SQL objects installed.");
Пример #25
        public void Update(NpgsqlConnection conn, NpgsqlTransaction transaction)
            string sql = @"UPDATE mal_anime
            SET title = :Title, mal_anime_type_id = :MalAnimeTypeID, num_episodes = :NumEpisodes,
            mal_anime_status_id = :MalAnimeStatusId, start_year = :StartYear, start_month = :StartMonth, start_day = :StartDay,
            end_year = :EndYear, end_month = :EndMonth, end_day = :EndDay, image_url = :ImageUrl, last_updated = :LastUpdated

            WHERE mal_anime_id = :MalAnimeId";

                    MalAnimeId = mal_anime_id,
                    Title = title,
                    MalAnimeTypeId = mal_anime_type_id,
                    NumEpisodes = num_episodes,
                    MalAnimeStatusId = mal_anime_status_id,
                    StartYear = start_year,
                    StartMonth = start_month,
                    StartDay = start_day,
                    EndYear = end_year,
                    EndMonth = end_month,
                    EndDay = end_day,
                    ImageUrl = image_url,
                    LastUpdated = last_updated

Пример #26
        public void TestPostresqlArrayParameters()
            using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection("Server=localhost;Port=5432;User Id=dappertest;Password=dapperpass;Database=dappertest;Encoding=UNICODE"))
                IDbTransaction transaction = conn.BeginTransaction();
                conn.Execute("create table tcat ( id serial not null, breed character varying(20) not null, name character varying (20) not null);");
                conn.Execute("insert tcat(breed, name) values(:breed, :name) ", Cats);

                var r = conn.Query<Cat>("select * from tcat where id=any(:catids)", new { catids = new[] { 1, 3, 5 } });
                r.Count(c => c.Id == 1).IsEqualTo(1);
                r.Count(c => c.Id == 3).IsEqualTo(1);
                r.Count(c => c.Id == 5).IsEqualTo(1);
Пример #27
        public DashboardModule()
            const string sunburstQuery = "select  string_agg ( commoditytype.name || '-' || ordertype || ',' || amount , '\\n' )  from orders inner join commoditytype on orders.commoditytype = commoditytype.id";
            Get["/dashboard"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    var datas = conn.Query<String>(sunburstQuery).ToList();
                    var data = datas[0];
                    return View["dashboard",data];
            Get["/sunburst"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    var datas = conn.Query<String>(sunburstQuery).ToList();
                    var data = datas[0];
                    return View["sunburst", data];

            Get["/verify"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    var datas = conn.Query<Registration>("select * from Registrations where IsVerified <> true or IsVerified is null").ToList();
                    return View["verifylist", datas];

            Get["/verify/{id}"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    var data = conn.Query<Registration>("select * from Registrations where (IsVerified <> true or IsVerified is null) and Id = @Id", new { Id = parameters.id }).FirstOrDefault();
                    return View["verify", data];

            Post["/verify"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    dynamic form = Request.Form;
                    conn.Execute("insert into Users(Name, KtpNumber, PhoneNumber, Address, Longitude, Latitude) values (@Name, @KtpNumber, @PhoneNumber, @Address, @Longitude, @Latitude)",
                            Name = form.Name,
                            KtpNumber = form.KtpNumber,
                            PhoneNumber = form.PhoneNumber,
                            Address = form.Address,
                            Longitude = form.Longitude,
                            Latitude = form.Latitude,
                    conn.Execute("update Registrations set IsVerified = true where Id = @Id", new { Id = form.id });
                    return Response.AsRedirect("/verify");

            Get["/orders/{start}"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    var data = conn.Query<OrderUser>("select * from Orders_Users where Id > @Start", new { Start = parameters.start }).ToList();
                    return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);

            Get["/sunburstdata"] = parameters =>
                using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(ApplicationConfig.CONNECTION_STRING))
                    var datas = conn.Query<String>(sunburstQuery).ToList();
                    return datas[0];