private void Form1_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { NoxicoGame.KeyMap[e.KeyCode] = false; NoxicoGame.KeyTrg[e.KeyCode] = true; if (numpad.ContainsKey(e.KeyCode)) { NoxicoGame.KeyMap[numpad[e.KeyCode]] = false; NoxicoGame.KeyTrg[numpad[e.KeyCode]] = true; } if (e.Modifiers == Keys.Shift) { NoxicoGame.Modifiers[0] = false; } if (e.KeyCode == (Keys)NoxicoGame.KeyBindings[KeyBinding.Screenshot]) { if (e.Modifiers == Keys.Shift) { using (var dumpFile = new StreamWriter("lol.txt", false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(437))) { for (int row = 0; row < Program.Rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Program.Cols; col++) { dumpFile.Write(NoxicoGame.IngameTo437[image[col, row].Character]); } dumpFile.WriteLine(); } } using (var dumpFile = new StreamWriter("lol.html")) { dumpFile.WriteLine("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"); dumpFile.WriteLine("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; CHARSET=utf-8\" />"); dumpFile.WriteLine("</head><body>"); dumpFile.WriteLine("<table style=\"font-family: Unifont, monospace\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>"); for (int row = 0; row < Program.Rows; row++) { dumpFile.Write("<tr>"); for (int col = 0; col < Program.Cols; col++) { var ch = string.Format("&#x{0:X};", (int)NoxicoGame.IngameToUnicode[image[col, row].Character]); if (ch == " ") { ch = " "; } dumpFile.Write("<td style=\"background:{1};color:{2}\">{0}</td>", ch, image[col, row].Background.ToHex(), image[col, row].Foreground.ToHex()); } dumpFile.WriteLine("</tr>"); } dumpFile.WriteLine("</table>"); dumpFile.WriteLine("</body></html>"); } return; } var shotDir = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "shotpath", "screenshots"); if (shotDir.StartsWith('$')) { shotDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + shotDir.Substring(1); } if (!Directory.Exists(shotDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(shotDir); } int i = 1; while (File.Exists(Path.Combine(shotDir, "screenshot" + i.ToString("000") + ".png"))) { i++; } backBuffer.Save(Path.Combine(shotDir, "screenshot" + i.ToString("000") + ".png"), ImageFormat.Png); Program.WriteLine("Screenshot saved."); } if (e.KeyValue == 191) { NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.L] = false; } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.R && e.Control) { NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.R] = false; for (int row = 0; row < Program.Rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Program.Cols; col++) { previousImage[col, row].Character = '\uFFFE'; } } } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A && e.Control && NoxicoGame.Mode == UserMode.Walkabout) { NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.A] = false; NoxicoGame.ShowMessageLog(); } #if DEBUG if (e.KeyCode == Keys.E && e.Control && NoxicoGame.Mode == UserMode.Walkabout) { (new Editor()).LoadBoard(Noxico.CurrentBoard); } #endif }
public static void Handler() { if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; if (!Options.FromTitle) { UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Clear(); } else { UIManager.Highlight = UIManager.Elements[0]; UIManager.Elements.RemoveRange(3, UIManager.Elements.Count - 3); } NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); var items = Enum.GetNames(typeof(KeyBinding)); numControls = items.Length; var numShown = numControls > 17 ? 17 : numControls; var window = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("key_Title")) { Width = 44, Height = numShown + 6 }; window.Center(); controlList = new UIList(string.Empty, null, items) { Width = 40, Height = numShown }; controlList.Move(2, 2, window); controlList.Enter = (s, e) => { waitingForKey = true; controlList.Items[controlList.Index] = i18n.GetString("key_" + Enum.GetName(typeof(KeyBinding), controlList.Index)).PadEffective(16) + "........"; controlList.DrawQuick(); }; saveButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("key_Save"), (s, e) => { //TODO: set values IniFile.Save("noxico.ini"); Options.Open(); }) { Width = 12 }; saveButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, controlList); resetButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("key_Reset"), (s, e) => { NoxicoGame.ResetKeymap(); UpdateItems(); UIManager.Highlight = controlList; UIManager.Draw(); }) { Width = 12 }; resetButton.MoveBeside(2, 0, saveButton); UpdateItems(); UIManager.Elements.Add(window); UIManager.Elements.Add(controlList); UIManager.Elements.Add(saveButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(resetButton); Subscreens.Redraw = true; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (!waitingForKey) { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } else { var binding = (KeyBinding)controlList.Index; for (var i = 0; i < 255; i++) { if ((i >= 16 && i <= 18) || i == 91) { continue; //skip modifiers } if (NoxicoGame.KeyMap[(Keys)i]) { var theKey = (Keys)i; NoxicoGame.KeyBindings[binding] = theKey; NoxicoGame.RawBindings[binding] = theKey.ToString().ToUpperInvariant(); NoxicoGame.KeyBindingMods[binding] = NoxicoGame.Modifiers[0]; UpdateItems(); controlList.DrawQuick(); waitingForKey = false; NoxicoGame.KeyMap[(Keys)i] = false; break; } } } }
public void RestartGraphics(bool full) { pngFont = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "font", "8x16-bold"); if (!Mix.FileExists("fonts\\" + pngFont + ".png")) { pngFont = "8x16-bold"; if (!Mix.FileExists("fonts\\" + pngFont + ".png")) { SystemMessageBox.Show(this, "Could not find font bitmaps. Please redownload the game.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); return; } } var fontBitmap = Mix.GetBitmap("fonts\\" + pngFont + ".png"); cellWidth = fontBitmap.Width / 32; cellHeight = fontBitmap.Height / 32; IsSquare = cellWidth == cellHeight; Program.Cols = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screencols", Program.Cols); Program.Rows = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screenrows", Program.Rows); if (full) { image = new Cell[Program.Cols, Program.Rows]; previousImage = new Cell[Program.Cols, Program.Rows]; } CachePNGFont(fontBitmap); fourThirtySeven = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "437", false); youtube = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "youtube", false); ClientSize = new Size(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight); if (youtube) { //Find nearest YT size var eW = Program.Cols * cellWidth; var eH = Program.Rows * cellHeight; if (eW <= 854 || eH <= 480) { ClientSize = new Size(854, 480); } else if (eW <= 1280 || eH <= 720) { ClientSize = new Size(1280, 720); } else { ClientSize = new Size(1920, 1080); } var prime = Screen.FromRectangle(ClientRectangle).Bounds; if (ClientSize.Width == prime.Width && ClientSize.Height == prime.Height) { FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; Left = Top = 0; } else { FormBorderStyle = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "border", true) ? System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle : System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; } youtubeRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((ClientSize.Width / 2) - (eW / 2), (ClientSize.Height / 2) - (eH / 2), eW, eH); } else { FormBorderStyle = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "border", true) ? System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle : System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; } Show(); Refresh(); backBuffer = new Bitmap(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); scrollBuffer = new Bitmap(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); for (int row = 0; row < Program.Rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Program.Cols; col++) { previousImage[col, row].Character = '\uFFFE'; } } }
public MainForm() { #if !DEBUG try #endif { this.Text = "Noxico"; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.MaximizeBox = false; //it's about time, too! this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(this.Form1_FormClosing); this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyDown); this.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyPress); this.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyUp); this.Icon =; this.ClientSize = new Size(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight); this.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Loading...", AutoSize = true, Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic), ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White, Visible = true, Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 16) }); foreach (var reqDll in new[] { "Neo.Lua.dll" }) { if (!File.Exists(reqDll)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Required DLL " + reqDll + " is missing."); } } try { Mix.Initialize("Noxico"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { if (!UacHelper.IsProcessElevated) { var proc = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); proc.UseShellExecute = true; proc.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; proc.FileName = Application.ExecutablePath; proc.Verb = "runas"; try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(proc); } catch { } } Close(); return; } if (!Mix.FileExists("credits.txt")) { SystemMessageBox.Show(this, "Could not find game data. Please redownload the game.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); return; } var portable = false; IniPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "noxico.ini"); if (File.Exists("noxico.ini")) { portable = true; var oldIniPath = IniPath; IniPath = "noxico.ini"; Program.CanWrite(); /* * if (!Program.CanWrite()) * { * var response = SystemMessageBox.Show(this, "Trying to start in portable mode, but from a protected location. Use non-portable mode?" + Environment.NewLine + "Selecting \"no\" may cause errors.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); * if (response == DialogResult.Cancel) * { * Close(); * return; * } * else if (response == DialogResult.Yes) * { * IniPath = oldIniPath; * portable = false; * } * } */ } if (!File.Exists(IniPath) || (new FileInfo(IniPath)).Length < 4) { File.WriteAllText(IniPath, Mix.GetString("noxico.ini")); } IniFile.Load(IniPath); if (portable) { IniFile.SetValue("misc", "vistasaves", false); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "savepath", "./saves"); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "shotpath", "./screenshots"); } RestartGraphics(true); fourThirtySeven = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "437", false); Noxico = new NoxicoGame(); Noxico.Initialize(this); MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseUp); MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseWheel); GotFocus += (s, e) => { Vista.GamepadFocused = true; }; LostFocus += (s, e) => { Vista.GamepadFocused = false; }; Vista.GamepadEnabled = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "xinput", true); Program.WriteLine("Environment: {0} {1}", Environment.OSVersion.Platform, Environment.OSVersion); Program.WriteLine("Application: {0}", Application.ProductVersion); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { Program.WriteLine("*** You are running on a *nix system. ***"); Program.WriteLine("Key repeat delays exaggerated."); NoxicoGame.Mono = true; Vista.GamepadEnabled = false; } this.Controls.Clear(); starting = false; Running = true; Cursor = new Point(-1, -1); cursorPens = new Pen[3, 16]; cursorPens[0, 0] = cursorPens[1, 0] = cursorPens[2, 0] = Pens.Black; for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { cursorPens[0, i] = cursorPens[0, 16 - i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((i * 16) - 1, (i * 16) - 1, 0)); cursorPens[1, i] = cursorPens[1, 16 - i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, (i * 32) - 1, 0)); cursorPens[2, i] = cursorPens[2, 16 - i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((i * 32) - 1, (i * 32) - 1, (i * 32) - 1)); } fpsTimer = new Timer() { Interval = 1000, Enabled = true, }; fpsTimer.Tick += (s, e) => { this.Text = "Noxico - " + NoxicoGame.Updates + " updates, " + Frames + " frames"; NoxicoGame.Updates = 0; Frames = 0; }; #if GAMELOOP while (Running) { Noxico.Update(); Application.DoEvents(); } #else FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(MainForm_FormClosing); var speed = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "speed", 15); if (speed <= 0) { speed = 15; } timer = new Timer() { Interval = speed, Enabled = true, }; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); #endif } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception x) { new ErrorForm(x).ShowDialog(this); SystemMessageBox.Show(this, x.ToString(), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK); Running = false; fatal = true; Application.ExitThread(); } #endif if (!fatal) { Noxico.SaveGame(); } }
public static void Handler() { if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Clear(); window = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("opt_title")) { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = 80, Height = 25, }; window.Center(); var speedLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_speed")); speedLabel.Move(3, 2, window); speed = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("misc", "speed", "15")) { Width = 4, Numeric = true }; speed.Move(1, 1, speedLabel); var fonts = Mix.GetFilesWithPattern("fonts\\*.png").Select(x => System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)).ToArray(); var currentFont = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "font", "8x8-thin"); var currentFontIndex = 0; if (fonts.Contains(currentFont)) { for (currentFontIndex = 0; currentFontIndex < fonts.Length; currentFontIndex++) { if (fonts[currentFontIndex] == currentFont) { break; } } } var fontLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_font")); fontLabel.Move(0, 3, speedLabel); font = new UIList(string.Empty, null, fonts, currentFontIndex) { Width = 20, Height = 8, }; font.Move(1, 1, fontLabel); font.Enter = (s, e) => { var previousFont = font.Text; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "font", font.Text); NoxicoGame.HostForm.RestartGraphics(false); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "font", previousFont); }; font.EnsureVisible(); var screenColsLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_screencols")); screenColsLabel.MoveBelow(-1, 1, font); screenCols = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screencols", "80")) { Width = 4, Numeric = true }; screenCols.Move(1, 1, screenColsLabel); var screenRowsLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_screenrows")); screenRowsLabel.Move(-1, 1, screenCols); screenRows = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screenrows", "25")) { Width = 4, Numeric = true }; screenRows.Move(1, 1, screenRowsLabel); screenCols.Enter = screenRows.Enter = (s, e) => { var resetGraphics = false; var i = int.Parse(screenCols.Text); if (i < 80) { i = 80; } if (i > 300) { i = 300; } if (i != Program.Cols) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Cols = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screencols", i); i = int.Parse(screenRows.Text); if (i < 25) { i = 25; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } if (i != Program.Rows) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Rows = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screenrows", i); if (resetGraphics) { NoxicoGame.HostForm.RestartGraphics(true); window.Center(); UIManager.ReMove(); } Subscreens.Redraw = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.AimCamera(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(); }; var miscWindow = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("opt_misc")) { Width = 50, Height = 11, }; miscWindow.MoveBeside(2, 0, speedLabel); rememberPause = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_rememberpause")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "rememberpause", true), Background = Color.Transparent, }; rememberPause.Move(2, 1, miscWindow); vistaSaves = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_vistasaves")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "vistasaves", true), Enabled = Vista.IsVista, Background = Color.Transparent, }; vistaSaves.MoveBelow(0, 1, rememberPause); xInput = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_xinput")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "xinput", true), Enabled = Vista.IsVista, Background = Color.Transparent, }; xInput.MoveBelow(0, 1, vistaSaves); imperial = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_imperial")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "imperial", false), Background = Color.Transparent, }; imperial.MoveBelow(0, 1, xInput); fourThirtySeven = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_437")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "437", false), Background = Color.Transparent, }; fourThirtySeven.MoveBelow(0, 1, imperial); var audioWindow = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("opt_audio")) { Width = 30, Height = 8, }; audioWindow.MoveBelow(0, 1, miscWindow); enableAudio = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_enableaudio")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("audio", "enabled", true), Background = Color.Transparent, }; enableAudio.Move(2, 1, audioWindow); var musicVolumeLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_musicvolume")); musicVolumeLabel.MoveBelow(0, 1, enableAudio); musicVolume = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("audio", "musicvolume", "100")); musicVolume.Move(1, 1, musicVolumeLabel); var soundVolumeLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_soundvolume")); soundVolumeLabel.Move(-1, 1, musicVolume); soundVolume = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("audio", "soundvolume", "100")); soundVolume.Move(1, 1, soundVolumeLabel); saveButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_save"), (s, e) => { var i = int.Parse(speed.Text); if (i < 1) { i = 1; } if (i > 200) { i = 200; } IniFile.SetValue("misc", "speed", i); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "font", font.Text); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "rememberpause", rememberPause.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "vistasaves", vistaSaves.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "xinput", xInput.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "imperial", imperial.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "437", fourThirtySeven.Checked); Vista.GamepadEnabled = xInput.Checked; var resetGraphics = false; i = int.Parse(screenCols.Text); if (i < 80) { i = 80; } if (i > 300) { i = 300; } if (i != Program.Cols) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Cols = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screencols", i); i = int.Parse(screenRows.Text); if (i < 25) { i = 25; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } if (i != Program.Rows) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Rows = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screenrows", i); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "imperial", imperial.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("audio", "enabled", enableAudio.Checked); i = int.Parse(musicVolume.Text); if (i < 0) { i = 0; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } NoxicoGame.Sound.MusicVolume = i / 100f; IniFile.SetValue("audio", "musicvolume", i); i = int.Parse(soundVolume.Text); if (i < 0) { i = 0; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } NoxicoGame.Sound.SoundVolume = i / 100f; IniFile.SetValue("audio", "soundvolume", i); if (!enableAudio.Checked && NoxicoGame.Sound != null) { NoxicoGame.Sound.ShutDown(); } else if (enableAudio.Checked && !NoxicoGame.Sound.Enabled) { NoxicoGame.Sound = new SoundSystem(); if (NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard != null) { NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.PlayMusic(); } } if (resetGraphics) { NoxicoGame.HostForm.RestartGraphics(true); } IniFile.Save(string.Empty); cancelButton.DoEnter(); }) { Width = 16 }; saveButton.MoveBeside(2, 0, audioWindow); keysButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_keys"), (s, e) => { Controls.Open(); }) { Width = 16 }; keysButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, saveButton); openButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_open"), (s, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(NoxicoGame.HostForm.IniPath); }) { Width = 16 }; openButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, keysButton); cancelButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_cancel"), (s, e) => { UIManager.Elements.Clear(); NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; }) { Width = 16 }; cancelButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, openButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(window); UIManager.Elements.Add(speedLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(speed); UIManager.Elements.Add(fontLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(font); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenColsLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenCols); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenRowsLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenRows); UIManager.Elements.Add(miscWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(rememberPause); UIManager.Elements.Add(vistaSaves); UIManager.Elements.Add(xInput); UIManager.Elements.Add(imperial); UIManager.Elements.Add(fourThirtySeven); UIManager.Elements.Add(audioWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(enableAudio); UIManager.Elements.Add(musicVolumeLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(musicVolume); UIManager.Elements.Add(soundVolumeLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(soundVolume); UIManager.Elements.Add(saveButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(keysButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(openButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(cancelButton); Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; Subscreens.Redraw = true; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { cancelButton.DoEnter(); } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }
public static void Handler() { var host = NoxicoGame.HostForm; if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("pause_title")) { Left = 3, Top = 1, Width = 22, Height = pages.Count + 2 }); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UIWindow(string.Empty) { Left = 28, Top = 1, Width = 49, Height = 23 }); list = new UIList() { Width = 20, Height = pages.Count, Left = 4, Top = 2, Background = UIColors.WindowBackground }; list.Items.AddRange(pages.Keys); list.Change += (s, e) => { page = list.Index; text.Text = pages.Values.ElementAt(page); UIManager.Draw(); }; list.Enter += (s, e) => { if (list.Index == list.Items.Count - 1) //can't use absolute index because Debug might be missing. { host.Close(); } else if (list.Index == list.Items.Count - 2) //same { //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(host.IniPath); Options.Open(); } else if (list.Index == 4) { TextScroller.Plain(Mix.GetString("credits.txt"), i18n.GetString("pause_credits"), false); } }; text = new UILabel("...") { Left = 30, Top = 2 }; UIManager.Elements.Add(list); UIManager.Elements.Add(text); list.Index = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "rememberpause", true) ? page : 0; UIManager.Highlight = list; Subscreens.Redraw = true; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }
public static void Open() { var host = NoxicoGame.HostForm; var nox = host.Noxico; var player = nox.Player.Character; var hpNow = player.Health; var hpMax = player.MaximumHealth; var health = hpNow + " / " + hpMax; if (hpNow <= hpMax / 4) { health = "<cRed>" + health + "<cSilver>"; } else if (hpNow <= hpMax / 2) { health = "<cYellow>" + health + "<cSilver>"; } var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(i18n.GetString("pause_name").PadEffective(20) + player.Name); sb.AppendLine(i18n.GetString("pause_gender").PadEffective(20) + player.Gender); sb.AppendLine(i18n.GetString("pause_health").PadEffective(20) + health); sb.AppendLine(i18n.GetString("pause_money").PadEffective(20) + player.GetToken("money").Value.ToString("C")); sb.AppendLine(i18n.GetString("pause_playtime").PadEffective(20) + nox.Player.PlayingTime.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(i18n.GetString("pause_worldtime").PadEffective(20) + NoxicoGame.InGameTime.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); player.RecalculateStatBonuses(); player.CheckHasteSlow(); foreach (var stat in Lua.Environment.stats) { if (stat.Value.panel == null) { continue; } string properName =; string statName = properName.ToLowerInvariant(); if (!player.HasToken(statName)) { sb.AppendLine(properName.PadEffective(20) + "<cGray>-?-"); } else { var bonus = string.Empty; var statBonus = player.GetToken(statName + "bonus").Value; var statBase = player.GetToken(statName).Value; var total = statBase + statBonus; if (statBonus > 0) { bonus = "<cGray> (" + statBase + "+" + statBonus + ")<cSilver>"; } else if (statBonus < 0) { bonus = "<cFirebrick> (" + statBase + "-" + (-statBonus) + ")<cSilver>"; } sb.AppendLine(properName.PadEffective(20) + total + bonus); } } pages[i18n.GetString("pause_charstats")] = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); foreach (var skill in player.GetToken("skills").Tokens) { if ((int)skill.Value > 0) { var skillName = i18n.GetString("skill_" + skill.Name); if (skillName[0] == '[') //Ignore missing skill translations for now. { skillName = skillName.Substring(7, skillName.Length - 8); } sb.AppendLine(skillName.Replace('_', ' ').Titlecase().PadEffective(30) + ((int)skill.Value).ToString()); } } pages[i18n.GetString("pause_skills")] = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sb.Append(Toolkit.TranslateKey((KeyBinding)i)); } sb.AppendLine(" - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keymove")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Interact, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyinteract")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Activate, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyactivate")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Rest, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyrest")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Fly, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyfly")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Items, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyitems")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Travel, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keytravel")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Accept, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyaccept")); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Back, true).PadEffective(12) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyback")); pages[i18n.GetString("pause_keys1")] = sb.ToString(); sb.Clear(); sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Pause, true).PadEffective(8) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keypause")); #if DEBUG sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(System.Windows.Forms.Keys.F3, true).PadEffective(8) + " - Dump board to HTML (debug only)"); #endif sb.AppendLine(Toolkit.TranslateKey(KeyBinding.Screenshot, true).PadEffective(8) + " - " + i18n.GetString("pause_keyscreenshot")); pages[i18n.GetString("pause_keys2")] = sb.ToString(); #if DEBUG var entities = 0; var tokens = 0; foreach (var x in nox.Boards.Where(x => x != null)) { if (x == null) { continue; } entities += x.Entities.Count; foreach (var c in x.Entities.OfType <BoardChar>()) { tokens += c.Character.Tokens.Count; foreach (var t in c.Character.Tokens) { tokens += CountTokens(t); } } } ; NoxicoGame.KnownItems.ForEach(x => { tokens += x.Tokens.Count; foreach (var t in x.Tokens) { tokens += CountTokens(t); } }); pages[i18n.GetString("pause_memstats")] = i18n.Format("pause_memstatscontent", nox.Boards.Count.ToString("G"), nox.Boards.Where(b => b != null).Count().ToString("G"), NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Count.ToString("G"), entities.ToString("G"), tokens.ToString("G")); #endif if (!IniFile.GetValue("misc", "rememberpause", true)) { page = 0; } NoxicoGame.Subscreen = Handler; NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Subscreen; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); }