public ActionResult CreateUpdateAddress(AUCombAddress record)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                AUAddressRecord address = _addressRepo.GetById(record.AUAddressRecord.AUAddressID);

                var CurrentCustomer = _authenticationService.GetAuthenticatedCustomer();
                record.AUAddressRecord.CreatedBy = CurrentCustomer.Username;
                record.AUAddressRecord.UpdatedBy = CurrentCustomer.Username;

                record.AUAddressRecord.CreatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                record.AUAddressRecord.UpdatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (address == null)
                    SuccessNotification("Address Created Successfully!");
                    return RedirectToRoute(new
                        Action = "CreateUpdateAddress",
                        Controller = "AUConsignor",
                        addressId = record.AUAddressRecord.AUAddressID,
                        saleId = record.saleId
                    //use latest consignor record to update with most up-do-date data rather than stale record
                    address.Address1 = record.AUAddressRecord.Address1;
                    address.Address2 = record.AUAddressRecord.Address2;
                    address.AddressHtml = record.AUAddressRecord.AddressHtml;
                    address.City = record.AUAddressRecord.City;
                    address.CountryId = record.AUAddressRecord.CountryId;
                    address.StateProvinceId = record.AUAddressRecord.StateProvinceId;
                    address.ZipPostalCode = record.AUAddressRecord.ZipPostalCode;
                    //address.StateProvinceName = record.StateProvinceName;
                    //address.CountryName = record.CountryName;

                    //try this
                    //.ForMember(dest => dest.CountryName, mo => mo.MapFrom(src => src.Country != null ? src.Country.Name : null))

                    address.UpdatedOnDT = record.AUAddressRecord.UpdatedOnDT;
                    address.UpdatedBy = record.AUAddressRecord.UpdatedBy;

                    //int id = NopContext.Current.User != null ? NopContext.Current.User.CustomerId : 0
                    //NopContext.Current.User.CustomerId  is no more present in version 3.0

                    //this is how nop converts it back out
                    //consignor.CreatedOnDT = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(customer.CreatedOnUtc, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                    //public virtual DateTime CreatedOnDT { get; set; }
                    //public virtual string CreatedBy { get; set; }
                    //public virtual DateTime UpdatedOnDT { get; set; }
                    //public virtual string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

                  //  _cacheManager.Clear(); //took this out because it was killing the session
                    SuccessNotification("Changed Saved!");

                    //return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateAddress.cshtml", address); //not hit first time??
                    //need redirect so can pick up country/state lists again

                    //if (record.saleId == 0) 
                        return RedirectToRoute(new
                            Action = "CreateUpdateAddress",
                            Controller = "AUConsignor",
                            addressId = record.AUAddressRecord.AUAddressID,
                            saleId = record.saleId
                    //    return RedirectToRoute(new
                    //    {
                    //        Action = "CreateUpdateSale",
                    //        Controller = "AUConsignor",
                    //        saleId = record.saleId
                    //    });

                return View();
                //return View("~/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml"); //not hit first time?
                //return View("~/Plugins/Widgets.PromoSlider/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml");
        public ActionResult CreateUpdateAddress(int addressId = 0, int saleId = 0)

            AUCombAddress address = new AUCombAddress();
            address.AUAddressRecord = new AUAddressRecord();   //must instantiate the record within the record

            if (addressId > 0)
                address.AUAddressRecord = _addressRepo.GetById(addressId);
                //need to do this to make sure model is valid for ADD
                address.AUAddressRecord.AUAddressID = 0;

            if (saleId > 0)
                address.saleId = saleId;
                //need to do this to make sure model is valid for ADD
                address.saleId = saleId = 0;

            //Populate Countries (see CustomerController)
            address.AUAddressRecord.AvailableCountries.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Address.SelectCountry"), Value = "0" });
            foreach (var c in _countryService.GetAllCountries(true))
                address.AUAddressRecord.AvailableCountries.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Text = c.Name,
                    Value = c.Id.ToString(),
                    Selected = c.Id == address.AUAddressRecord.CountryId


            //Populate State/Province (see CustomerController). Had to take the ? away from Country ID as this statement complained
            //that the parameter was invalid
            var states = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvincesByCountryId(address.AUAddressRecord.CountryId, false).ToList();
            if (states.Count > 0)
                address.AUAddressRecord.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Address.SelectState"), Value = "0" });

                foreach (var s in states)
                    address.AUAddressRecord.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = s.Name, Value = s.Id.ToString(), Selected = (s.Id == address.AUAddressRecord.StateProvinceId) });
                bool anyCountrySelected = address.AUAddressRecord.AvailableCountries.Any(x => x.Selected);

                address.AUAddressRecord.AvailableStates.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Text = _localizationService.GetResource(anyCountrySelected ? "Admin.Address.OtherNonUS" : "Admin.Address.SelectState"),
                    Value = "0"

            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateAddress.cshtml", address); //worked first time null
