Пример #1
 /// Method: IsRegister
 /// Last Modified: 11/29/09
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the XML String is the register object
 ///  in XML form.
 /// </summary>
 /// -----------------------------------------------------
 /// PRECONDITIONS: Review the parameters statement.
 /// -----------------------------------------------------
 /// Parameters:
 /// <param name="sXML">
 /// A string that contains the XML data.
 /// </param>
 /// -----------------------------------------------------
 /// POSTCONDITIONS: Refer to the return statement.
 /// -----------------------------------------------------
 /// Return Value:
 /// bool -- Returns true if the XML supplied is this
 ///  object in XML form.
 public static bool IsRegister(String sXML)
     Register r = new Register(null, -1, "", "");
     return r.IsXmlObject(sXML);
Пример #2
        /// Last Modified: 10/24/10
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is triggered when the child is requesting
        ///  to unregister with the parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// PRECONDITIONS: Refer to the following arguments.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Parameters:
        /// <param name="p">
        /// A packet that contains information about the event.
        /// </param>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// POSTCONDITIONS: NA -- No postconditions exist.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Return Value:
        protected override void OnRequestToUnregister(Packet p)
            //Obtain the register message.
            Register r = new Register(p.Msg);

            //Unregister the child node and obtain the link.

                //Notify all children of the new node.
                NotifyAllChildrenOfNodeEvent(p.SourceName, false);

                //Update listeners of the node event.
                OnNodeEvent(NodeEvent.UNREGISTERED, p.SourceName, "");
            catch (NodeException ne)
                OnNodeEvent(NodeEvent.NETWORK_ERROR, GetNodeType(), ne.Message);
Пример #3
        /// Last Modified: 10/24/10
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to unregister the child with the parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// PRECONDITIONS: The child must be registered with the parent.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Parameters:
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// POSTCONDITIONS: NA -- No postconditions exist.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Exceptions:
        /// 1) NodeSocketInvalid
        /// 2) NodeUnknownException
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Return Value:
        private void UnregisterWithParent()
            //Only attempt to unregister the child if the parent is valid.
            if (m_iepParentNode != null)
                Register r = new Register(NodeSocket.GetLocalIP(), HostPort, "", GetNodeType());

                //Create a new packet to send to the parent.
                Packet p = new Packet(
                    Packet.EventTag.Unregister, //Protocol
                    NodeName,                   //SrcName -- Unique name to un-register the node with.
                    ParentNode.GetNodeType(),   //DestName -- Not used in registration.
                    r.ToString(),               //Msg
                    LogicalTime);               //Logical Time.

                //Send the packet synchronously.
            }   //END OF if (m_iepParentNode != null)...
Пример #4
        /// Last Modified: 10/24/10
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is triggered when a child is requesting
        ///  to register with the parent node.
        /// </summary>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// PRECONDITIONS: Refer to the following arguments.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Parameters:
        /// <param name="p">
        /// A packet that contains information about the event.
        /// </param>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// POSTCONDITIONS: NA -- No postconditions exist.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Return Value:
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if the child could be registered.
        /// </returns>
        protected override bool OnRequestToRegister(Packet p)
            //Obtain the register message.
            Register r = new Register(p.Msg);

            //Generate message to display.
            string sMsg = r.IPAddress.ToString() + ":" + r.Port.ToString();

                //Update the states based on the link.
                if (RegisterEndPoint(p.SourceName, new IPEndPoint(r.IPAddress, r.Port)))
                    //temporarily package all of the user's into a tilde delimited string and attach
                    // it to the message.
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IPEndPoint> kvp in m_iepRoutingTable)
                        if (kvp.Key != p.SourceName)
                            sb.Append(((sb.Length > 0) ? "~" : "") + kvp.Key);

                    //Notify the child of registration.
                    NotifyChildOfRegistration(r.IPAddress, r.Port, p.SourceName, true, sb.ToString());

                    //Notify all children of the new node.
                    NotifyAllChildrenOfNodeEvent(p.SourceName, true);

                    //Update listeners of the node event.
                    OnNodeEvent(NodeEvent.REGISTERED, p.SourceName, sMsg);
                    return true;
                    //Notify the child of the failure.

                    //Update listeners of the node event.
                    OnNodeEvent(NodeEvent.ALREADY_REGISTERED, p.SourceName, sMsg);
                //END OF if (RegisterEndPoint(p.SourceName, new IPEndPoint(r.IPAddress, r.Port)))...
            catch (NodeException ne)
                OnNodeEvent(NodeEvent.NETWORK_ERROR, GetNodeType(), ne.Message);

            //All other conditions are a failure.
            return false;
Пример #5
        /// Last Modified: 10/24/10
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to register the child node with the parent.
        /// </summary>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// PRECONDITIONS: Refer to the following arguments.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Parameters:
        /// <param name="ipAddr">
        /// Contains the IPAddress of the parent.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="nPort">
        /// Contains the port of the parent.
        /// </param>
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// POSTCONDITIONS: NA -- No postconditions exist.
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Exceptions:
        /// 1) NodeSocketInvalid
        /// 2) NodeUnknownException
        /// -----------------------------------------------------
        /// Return Value:
        private void RegisterWithParent(IPAddress ipAddr, int nPort)
            //Create the parent endpoint.
            m_iepParentNode = new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, nPort);

            Register r = new Register(NodeSocket.GetLocalIP(), HostPort, "", GetNodeType());

            //Create a new packet to send to the parent.
            Packet p = new Packet(
                Packet.EventTag.Register,  //Protocol
                NodeName,                  //SrcName -- Unique name to register the node with.
                ParentNode.GetNodeType(),  //DestName -- Not used in registration.
                r.ToString(),              //Msg
                LogicalTime);              //Logical Time.

            //Send the packet synchronously.