Пример #1
        private BChunk BuildIndexChunk()
            backup.AddHubNotificationEvent(704, "", "");
            BChunk iChunk = new BChunk(/*backup.TaskId, */ backup.Index.FullName, backup.Index.FullName, backup.TaskId);            //string name, int bsid, string bPath, string snapPath)


                iChunk.Add(new MinimalFsItem(backup.Index.FullName));
                if (backup.DataFlags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CDedup))                // backup the deduplication database

                /*string sumHash;
                 * using(FileStream cksumFS = new FileStream(backup.Index.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)){
                 *      sumHash = BitConverter.ToString(SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(cksumFS));
                 *      iChunk.Sum = sumHash;
                 * }*/
                iChunk.Sum = IndexManager.CheckSumIndex(backup.TaskId, (backup.Level != BackupLevel.Full));

                // register for session received, to process index transfer
                User.StorageSessionReceivedEvent += new User.StorageSessionReceivedHandler(this.SendIndex);
                User.AskIndexDest(backup.TaskId, backup.Index.Name, iChunk.Sum);
                Logger.Append(Severity.DEBUG, "Asked index destination to hub");
            catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.Append(Severity.ERROR, "Couldn't checksum index and/or ask destination to hub: " + e.Message + "---" + e.StackTrace);
                backup.AddHubNotificationEvent(808, e.Message, "");
Пример #2
        // splits a big file ( size > maxchunkfile) into multiple chunks
        private List <BChunk> GetBigFileChunks(IFSEntry bigFile, long filePosInChunk)
            long          pos       = 0;
            long          remaining = bigFile.FileSize;
            List <BChunk> chunks    = new List <BChunk>();

            while (remaining > 0)
                IFSEntry f     = bigFile.Clone();
                BChunk   chunk = new BChunk(this.TaskId);
                chunk.Order       = chunkOrder;
                chunk.RootDriveId = this.backupRootDrive.ID;
                f.ChunkStartPos   = 0;
                f.FileStartPos = pos;
                if (remaining > maxChunkSize)
                    pos += maxChunkSize;
                    pos += remaining;
                remaining = bigFile.FileSize - pos;

                //if(remaining <0)
                Logger.Append(Severity.TRIVIA, "GetNextChunk() : splitted file " + f.SnapFullPath + " (size " + f.FileSize + ") , remaining=" + remaining + " to chunk - " + chunk.Name + " starting @ offset " + f.FileStartPos);
Пример #3
        private BChunk BuildIndexChunk()
            backup.AddHubNotificationEvent(704, "", "");
            BChunk iChunk = null;

            string synthIndexFullPath = null;

            if (backup.Level != P2PBackup.Common.BackupLevel.Full && backup.Level != P2PBackup.Common.BackupLevel.SnapshotOnly)
                IndexManager idxManager = new IndexManager();
                Logger.Append(Severity.INFO, "Building synthetic full index...");
                synthIndexFullPath = idxManager.CreateSyntheticFullIndex(backup.ParentTrackingId, backup.Id, backup.RootDrives);
                backup.AddHubNotificationEvent(707, "", "");
                backup.SyntheticIndexSum = IndexManager.CheckSumIndex(backup.Id, false); // for synthetic backups
            if (backup.Level == BackupLevel.Refresh)                                     // backup the synth index
                iChunk = new BChunk(backup.Id);
                iChunk.Add(new MinimalFsItem(synthIndexFullPath));    // minimalitem because we only care the data, not the rest
            else                                                      // only backup the partial index
                iChunk = new BChunk(backup.Id);                       //string name, int bsid, string bPath, string snapPath)
                iChunk.Add(new MinimalFsItem(backup.Index.FullName)); // minimalitem because we only care the data, not the rest

                if (backup.Level != BackupLevel.SnapshotOnly && backup.BackupSet.DataFlags.HasFlag(DataProcessingFlags.CDedup))                 // backup the deduplication database
                    backup.DdbSum = dedupIndex.ChecksumDdb();

                iChunk.Sum = IndexManager.CheckSumIndex(backup.Id, (backup.Level == BackupLevel.Refresh));
                if (backup.Level == BackupLevel.Full)
                    backup.SyntheticIndexSum = iChunk.Sum;                     // for Fulls
                // stop waiting for sessions used for regular data transfer...
                //User.SessionReady -= this.SessionReceived;
                // ...but re-register for session that will transfer the index
                //User.SessionReady += this.SendIndex;
                StorageNeeded(new PeerSession {
                    TaskId = backup.Id
                }, 1, true, false);
                Logger.Append(Severity.DEBUG, "Asked index destination to hub");
            catch (Exception e) {
                Logger.Append(Severity.ERROR, "Couldn't checksum index and/or ask destination to hub: " + e.Message + "---" + e.StackTrace);
                backup.AddHubNotificationEvent(808, e.Message, "");
Пример #4
        internal IEnumerable <BChunk> GetNextChunk()
            BChunk chunk = new BChunk(this.TaskId);

            chunk.Order       = chunkOrder;
            chunk.RootDriveId = this.backupRootDrive.ID;
            uint filePosInChunk = 0;
            long currentSize    = 0;

            while (itemIterator.MoveNext())
                //foreach(IFSEntry ent in GetFilesToBackup()){

                IFSEntry ent = itemIterator.Current;
                if (ent == null)

                // 1st case : we can add more files to the chunk
                if (ent.FileSize < maxChunkSize)
                    filePosInChunk += (uint)ent.FileSize;
                    //IFSEntry f = ent;
                    ent.ChunkStartPos = filePosInChunk;
                    ent.FileStartPos  = 0;
                    currentSize += ent.FileSize;
                    //Console.WriteLine("GetNextChunk() : added new file to chunk - "+itemIterator.Current.FileName);
                    //catch(Exception e){
                    //	Logger.Append(Severity.ERROR, "Could not add file "+itemIterator.Current.SnapFullPath+" : "+e.Message);
                //2nd case : a file is too big to fit into one chunk, split it
                    if (chunk.Items.Count > 0)
                        yield return(chunk);

                    /*chunk = new BChunk(currentPath.Path, snapshottedPath, this.TaskId);
                     * chunk.Order = chunkOrder;
                     * chunk.RootDriveId = this.backupRootDrive.ID;
                     * filePosInChunk = 0;
                     * currentSize = 0;*/
                    foreach (BChunk bigFileChunk in GetBigFileChunks(itemIterator.Current, filePosInChunk))
                        yield return(bigFileChunk);
                    chunk             = new BChunk(this.TaskId);
                    chunk.Order       = chunkOrder;
                    chunk.RootDriveId = this.backupRootDrive.ID;
                    filePosInChunk    = 0;
                    currentSize       = 0;
                // 3rd case : if a chunk reaches its max packSize, we create another one
                if (currentSize > maxChunkSize || chunk.Items.Count > 0 && currentSize > maxPackSize
                    /*|| currentSize == 0 && chunk.Files.Count ==0 */
                    || chunk.Items.Count > maxChunkFiles)
                    //Console.WriteLine("GetNextChunk() : chunk reached max files or max size:currentsize="+currentSize+"/"+maxChunkSize
                    //          +",chunkfilescount="+chunk.Files.Count+"/"+maxChunkFiles);
                    yield return(chunk);

                    chunk             = new BChunk(this.TaskId);
                    chunk.Order       = chunkOrder;
                    chunk.RootDriveId = this.backupRootDrive.ID;
                    filePosInChunk    = 0;
                    currentSize       = 0;
            //4th case : // done processing file list but chunk not complete
            Logger.Append(Severity.TRIVIA, "GetNextChunk() : Done gathering files inside '" + snapshottedPath + "' without reaching chunk max size. " + chunk.Items.Count + " files, " + currentSize / 1024 + "k");
            //if(currentSize > 0){
            yield return(chunk);
            //itemIterator = GetFilesToBackup().GetEnumerator();
            //yield break;