public bool TryGetValue <T> (StylezStyle style, int propertyNameHashId, out T value) { var property = Search(style, propertyNameHashId) as StylePropertyValue <T>; if (null == property) { value = default(T); return(false); } value = property.value; return(true); }
private StylezPropertyValue Search(StylezStyle style, int propertyId) { if (null == _properties) { BuildPropertyDictionary(); } if (!_properties.TryGetValue(propertyId, out var properties)) { return(null); } var propertyValue = Search(properties, MakeSelector(style.idHash, style.state)); if (propertyValue != null) { return(propertyValue); } var state = style.state; if (state == StylezState.SelectedHover) { propertyValue = Search(properties, MakeSelector(style.idHash, StylezState.Hover)); } if (null == propertyValue && state == StylezState.SelectedPressed) { propertyValue = Search(properties, MakeSelector(style.idHash, StylezState.Pressed)); } if (null == propertyValue && state != StylezState.Normal) { propertyValue = Search(properties, MakeSelector(style.idHash, StylezState.Normal)); } return(propertyValue); }
/// <summary> /// Apply this property to the given component /// </summary> public void Apply(StylezSheet styleSheet, StylezStyle style, Component component) => thunkApply(this, styleSheet, style, component);
private void BuildPropertyDictionary() { // Populate the dictionary from the serialized values _properties = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <ulong, StylezPropertyValue> >(); _selectorBase = new Dictionary <ulong, ulong>(); if (_styles == null) { return; } foreach (var serializedStyle in _styles) { var styleNameHashId = StylezStyle.StringToHash(; var selector = MakeSelector(styleNameHashId, (StylezState)serializedStyle.selector.state); // Inheritence if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { var inheritNameHashId = StylezStyle.StringToHash(; // If both states are "All" then inherit each state individually if (serializedStyle.selector.state == -1 && serializedStyle.inherit.state == -1) { foreach (var state in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StylezState)) as StylezState[]) { SetBaseSelector(MakeSelector(styleNameHashId, state), MakeSelector(inheritNameHashId, state)); } } // If no state was specified for the selector then set all states for this selector to the same base state else if (serializedStyle.selector.state == -1) { var baseSelector = MakeSelector(inheritNameHashId, (StylezState)serializedStyle.inherit.state); foreach (var state in Enum.GetValues(typeof(StylezState)) as StylezState[]) { SetBaseSelector(MakeSelector(styleNameHashId, state), baseSelector); } } // If no state was specified for the base then use the normal state else if (serializedStyle.inherit.state == -1) { SetBaseSelector(selector, MakeSelector(inheritNameHashId, StylezState.Normal)); } // Inerit one state from another.. else { SetBaseSelector(selector, MakeSelector(inheritNameHashId, (StylezState)serializedStyle.inherit.state)); } } foreach (var serializedProperty in { var propertyNameHashId = StylezStyle.StringToHash(; if (!_properties.TryGetValue(propertyNameHashId, out var selectors)) { selectors = new Dictionary <ulong, StylezPropertyValue>(); _properties[propertyNameHashId] = selectors; } if (!StylezStyle._propertyInfos.TryGetValue(propertyNameHashId, out var propertyInfo)) { Debug.LogWarning($"Unknown property \"{name}\" in style sheet"); return; } var property = propertyInfo.Parse(serializedProperty.value); if (null == property) { return; } selectors[selector] = property; } } }
public bool TryGetValue <T> (StylezStyle style, string propertyName, out T value) => TryGetValue <T>(style, StylezStyle.StringToHash(propertyName), out value);