public EmguImage GetBackgroundImage() { if (this.NumSubfiles != 9 || this[0] == null || this[1] == null || this[6] == null) { throw new FormatException("The pack does not contain a background image."); } this[0].Position = this[1].Position = this[6].Position = 0; Nclr nclr = new Nclr(this[0]); Ncgr ncgr = new Ncgr(this[1]); Nscr nscr = new Nscr(this[6]); this[0].Position = this[1].Position = this[6].Position = 0; return(nscr.CreateBitmap(ncgr, nclr)); }
private static void MapInfo(string mapFile, string imgFile, string palFile, string outputFile) { Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} as NCLR palette...", palFile); Nclr palette = new Nclr(palFile); Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} as NCGR image...", imgFile); Ncgr image = new Ncgr(imgFile); Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} as NSCR map...", mapFile); Nscr map = new Nscr(mapFile); Console.WriteLine("\t* Version: {0}", map.NitroData.VersionS); Console.WriteLine("\t* Height: {0}", map.Height); Console.WriteLine("\t* Width: {0}", map.Width); Console.WriteLine("\t* BG Mode: {0}", map.BgMode); Console.WriteLine("\t* Palette Mode: {0}", map.PaletteMode); map.CreateBitmap(image, palette).Save(outputFile); }
private static void ImportTestBackground(string mapFile, string imgFile, string palFile) { FileStream oldPalStr = new FileStream(palFile, FileMode.Open); FileStream oldImgStr = new FileStream(imgFile, FileMode.Open); FileStream oldMapStr = new FileStream(mapFile, FileMode.Open); MemoryStream newPalStr = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream newImgStr = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream newMapStr = new MemoryStream(); Nclr nclr = new Nclr(oldPalStr); Ncgr ncgr = new Ncgr(oldImgStr); Nscr nscr = new Nscr(oldMapStr); EmguImage bmp = nscr.CreateBitmap(ncgr, nclr); bmp.Save(mapFile + ".png"); BackgroundImporter importer = new BackgroundImporter(); importer.ImportBackground(bmp, newMapStr, newImgStr, newPalStr); if (!Compare(oldPalStr, newPalStr)) { string newPalFile = palFile + ".new"; WriteStream(newPalFile, newPalStr); Console.WriteLine("Palette different... Written to {0}", newPalFile); } if (!Compare(oldImgStr, newImgStr)) { string newImgFile = imgFile + ".new"; WriteStream(newImgFile, newImgStr); Console.WriteLine("Image different... Written to {0}", newImgFile); } if (!Compare(oldMapStr, newMapStr)) { string newMapFile = mapFile + ".new"; WriteStream(newMapFile, newMapStr); Console.WriteLine("Map different... Written to {0}", newMapFile); } newPalStr.Position = newImgStr.Position = newMapStr.Position = 0; nclr = new Nclr(newPalStr); ncgr = new Ncgr(newImgStr); nscr = new Nscr(newMapStr); nscr.CreateBitmap(ncgr, nclr).Save(mapFile + "m.png"); oldPalStr.Close(); oldImgStr.Close(); oldMapStr.Close(); newPalStr.Close(); newImgStr.Close(); newMapStr.Close(); }
public EmguImage GetBackgroundImage() { if (this.NumSubfiles != 9 || this[0] == null || this[1] == null || this[6] == null) throw new FormatException("The pack does not contain a background image."); this[0].Position = this[1].Position = this[6].Position = 0; Nclr nclr = new Nclr(this[0]); Ncgr ncgr = new Ncgr(this[1]); Nscr nscr = new Nscr(this[6]); this[0].Position = this[1].Position = this[6].Position = 0; return nscr.CreateBitmap(ncgr, nclr); }
public void SetOriginalSettings(Stream mapStr, Stream imgStr, Stream palStr, bool changePalette = false) { // Set original palette settings if (palStr != null) { Nclr nclr = new Nclr(palStr); this.ExtendedPalette = nclr.Extended; if (!changePalette) this.Quantization = new FixedPaletteQuantization(nclr.GetPalette(0)); } // Set original image settings if the file is not compressed if (imgStr != null && imgStr.ReadByte() == 0x52) { imgStr.Position -= 1; Ncgr ncgr = new Ncgr(imgStr); this.DispCnt = ncgr.RegDispcnt; this.UnknownChar = ncgr.Unknown; this.Format = ncgr.Format; this.IncludeCpos = ncgr.HasCpos; this.PixelEncoding = ncgr.PixelEncoding; } // Set original map settings if (mapStr != null && mapStr.ReadByte() == 0x52) { mapStr.Position -= 1; Nscr nscr = new Nscr(mapStr); this.BgMode = nscr.BgMode; this.PaletteMode = nscr.PaletteMode; this.TileSize = nscr.TileSize; } }
public void ImportBackgroundShareImage(EmguImage newImg, Pixel[] fullImg, Stream mapStr) { if (newImg == null || mapStr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); int width = newImg.Width; int height = newImg.Height; int maxColors = this.Format.MaxColors(); // Quantizate image -> get pixels this.Quantization.Quantizate(newImg); Pixel[] pixels = this.Quantization.GetPixels(this.PixelEncoding); if (this.Quantization.Palette.Length > maxColors) throw new FormatException(string.Format("The image has more than {0} colors", maxColors)); // Create map Nscr nscr = new Nscr() { TileSize = this.TileSize, Width = width, Height = height, BgMode = this.BgMode, PaletteMode = PaletteMode.Palette256_1, Mapping = new MatchMapping(fullImg) }; nscr.CreateMap(pixels); nscr.Write(mapStr); }
/// <summary> /// Import a background image creating and writing a NSCR, NCGR and NCLR files to the streams passed. /// </summary> /// <param name="imgPath">Image path.</param> /// <param name="mapStr">Map stream output.</param> /// <param name="imgStr">Image stream output.</param> /// <param name="palStr">Pal strream output.</param> public void ImportBackground(EmguImage newImg, Stream mapStr, Stream imgStr, Stream palStr) { if (newImg == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(); int width = newImg.Width; int height = newImg.Height; int maxColors = this.Format.MaxColors(); Pixel[] pixels; Color[] palette; List<int> mapPalette = new List<int>(); bool is16ColFixed = (Format == ColorFormat.Indexed_4bpp) && (PaletteMode == PaletteMode.Palette16_16) && (Quantization is FixedPaletteQuantization); if (!is16ColFixed) { // Quantizate image -> get pixels and palette this.Quantization.Quantizate(newImg); pixels = this.Quantization.GetPixels(this.PixelEncoding); palette = this.Quantization.Palette; if (palette.Length > maxColors) throw new FormatException(string.Format("The image has more than {0} colors", maxColors)); } else { Console.Write("(16 Color fixed!) "); palette = this.Quantization.Palette; ManyFixedPaletteQuantization quant = new ManyFixedPaletteQuantization( this.Quantization.Palette.Split(16).ToArray()); List<Pixel> pixelList = new List<Pixel>(); for (int y = 0; y < newImg.Height; y += this.TileSize.Height) { for (int x = 0; x < newImg.Width; x += this.TileSize.Width) { Rectangle subArea = new Rectangle(x, y, this.TileSize.Width, this.TileSize.Height); EmguImage subImage = newImg.Copy(subArea); quant.Quantizate(subImage); mapPalette.Add(quant.SelectedPalette); pixelList.AddRange(quant.GetPixels(PixelEncoding.Lineal)); } } pixels = pixelList.ToArray(); } // Create palette format Nclr nclr = new Nclr() { Extended = this.ExtendedPalette }; nclr.SetData(palette, this.Format); // Create map from pixels Nscr nscr = new Nscr() { TileSize = this.TileSize, Width = width, Height = height, BgMode = this.BgMode, PaletteMode = this.PaletteMode }; if (!is16ColFixed) { nscr.PaletteMode = (this.Format == ColorFormat.Indexed_4bpp) ? PaletteMode.Palette16_16 : PaletteMode.Palette256_1; pixels = nscr.CreateMap(pixels); } else { nscr.PaletteMode = PaletteMode.Palette16_16; pixels = nscr.CreateMap(pixels, mapPalette.ToArray()); } if (this.PartialImage) { // As the image won't expand to all the screen, // The first tile must be transparent int tilesizeLength = this.TileSize.Width * this.TileSize.Height; Pixel[] newPixels = new Pixel[pixels.Length + tilesizeLength]; // New transparent pixels for (int i = 0; i < tilesizeLength; i++) newPixels[i] = new Pixel(0, 255, true); // Image pixels Array.Copy(pixels, 0, newPixels, tilesizeLength, pixels.Length); pixels = newPixels; // Update map info MapInfo[] mapInfo = nscr.GetMapInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < mapInfo.Length; i++) { mapInfo[i] = new MapInfo( mapInfo[i].TileIndex + 1, mapInfo[i].PaletteIndex, mapInfo[i].FlipX, mapInfo[i].FlipY); } nscr.SetMapInfo(mapInfo); } // Create image format Ncgr ncgr = new Ncgr() { RegDispcnt = this.DispCnt, Unknown = this.UnknownChar }; ncgr.Width = (pixels.Length > 256) ? 256 : pixels.Length; ncgr.Height = (int)Math.Ceiling(pixels.Length / (double)ncgr.Width); if (ncgr.Height % this.TileSize.Height != 0) ncgr.Height += this.TileSize.Height - (ncgr.Height % this.TileSize.Height); ncgr.SetData(pixels, this.PixelEncoding, this.Format, this.TileSize); // Write data if (palStr != null) nclr.Write(palStr); if (imgStr != null) ncgr.Write(imgStr); if (mapStr != null) nscr.Write(mapStr); }