public void DefaultBinding_InstanciateMustThrow()
     using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())
         kernel.Invoking(x => x.Get<InterceptedTarget>())
        public void Instanciating_ShouldNotThrow()
            using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())
                kernel.Bind<IProxy>().ToProxy(x => x.By(Mock.Of<IDynamicInterceptor>()));

                kernel.Invoking(x => x.Get<IProxy>()).ShouldNotThrow();
 public void Binding_MustThrow()
     using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())
         kernel.Invoking(x => x.Bind<INoProxy>().ToProxy(p => { }))
             .Where(ex => ex.Message.Contains("[StaticProxy]")); // or maybe we could introduce a custom exception so we don't have to check the message's to make sure it's actually the "right" error case.
        public void Instanciating_MustThrow()
            using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())
                kernel.Bind<IProxy>().ToProxy(x => { });

                kernel.Invoking(x => x.Get<IProxy>())
        public void BoundToSelf_InstanciateMustThrow()
            using (var kernel = new StandardKernel())

                kernel.Invoking(x => x.Get<InterceptedTarget>())