internal void Initialize(Bitmap vobSubImage, ImageSplitterItem character, Point position, bool italicChecked, bool showShrink)
            NikseBitmap nbmp = new NikseBitmap(vobSubImage);
            vobSubImage = nbmp.GetBitmap();

            radioButtonHot.Checked = true;
            ShrinkSelection = false;
            ExpandSelection = false;

            textBoxCharacters.Text = string.Empty;
            _nocrChar = new NOcrChar();
            _nocrChar.MarginTop = character.Y - character.ParentY;
            _imageWidth = character.NikseBitmap.Width;
            _imageHeight = character.NikseBitmap.Height;
            _drawLineOn = false;
            _warningNoNotForegroundLinesShown = false;

            buttonShrinkSelection.Visible = showShrink;

            if (position.X != -1 && position.Y != -1)
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
                Left = position.X;
                Top = position.Y;

            pictureBoxSubtitleImage.Image = vobSubImage;
            pictureBoxCharacter.Image = character.NikseBitmap.GetBitmap();

            Bitmap org = (Bitmap)vobSubImage.Clone();
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(org.Width, org.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
            g.DrawImage(org, 0, 0, org.Width, org.Height);
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, character.X, character.Y, character.NikseBitmap.Width, character.NikseBitmap.Height - 1);
            pictureBoxSubtitleImage.Image = bm;

            pictureBoxCharacter.Top = labelCharacters.Top + 16;
            checkBoxItalic.Checked = italicChecked;

            _history = new List<NOcrChar>();
            _historyIndex = -1;

            _nocrChar.Width = _imageWidth;
            _nocrChar.Height = _imageHeight;
            GenerateLineSegments(150, false, _nocrChar, new NikseBitmap(pictureBoxCharacter.Image as Bitmap));
        internal void Initialize(Bitmap vobSubImage, ImageSplitterItem character, Point position, bool italicChecked, bool showShrink, VobSubOcr.CompareMatch bestGuess, List<VobSubOcr.ImageCompareAddition> additions, VobSubOcr vobSubForm)
            NikseBitmap nbmp = new NikseBitmap(vobSubImage);
            vobSubImage = nbmp.GetBitmap();

            radioButtonHot.Checked = true;
            ShrinkSelection = false;
            ExpandSelection = false;

            textBoxCharacters.Text = string.Empty;
            _vobSubForm = vobSubForm;
            _additions = additions;
            _nocrChar = new NOcrChar();
            _nocrChar.MarginTop = character.Y - character.ParentY;
            _imageWidth = character.NikseBitmap.Width;
            _imageHeight = character.NikseBitmap.Height;
            _drawLineOn = false;
            _warningNoNotForegroundLinesShown = false;

            buttonShrinkSelection.Visible = showShrink;

            if (position.X != -1 && position.Y != -1)
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
                Left = position.X;
                Top = position.Y;

            pictureBoxSubtitleImage.Image = vobSubImage;
            pictureBoxCharacter.Image = character.NikseBitmap.GetBitmap();

            Bitmap org = (Bitmap)vobSubImage.Clone();
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(org.Width, org.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
            g.DrawImage(org, 0, 0, org.Width, org.Height);
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, character.X, character.Y, character.NikseBitmap.Width, character.NikseBitmap.Height - 1);
            pictureBoxSubtitleImage.Image = bm;

            pictureBoxCharacter.Top = labelCharacters.Top + 16;
            checkBoxItalic.Checked = italicChecked;

            _history = new List<NOcrChar>();
            _historyIndex = -1;
Пример #3
        private static IEnumerable <ImageSplitterItem> SplitHorizontalNew(ImageSplitterItem lineSplitterItem, int xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace)
            var bmp = new NikseBitmap(lineSplitterItem.NikseBitmap);

            var parts               = new List <ImageSplitterItem>();
            int startX              = 0;
            int width               = 0;
            int spacePixels         = 0;
            int subtractSpacePixels = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
                bool         right;
                bool         clean;
                List <Point> points = IsVerticalLineTransparetNew(bmp, x, out right, out clean);

                if (points != null && clean)

                if (right && points != null)
                    int add = FindMaxX(points, x) - x;
                    width += add;
                    subtractSpacePixels = add;

                var newStartX = points != null?FindMinX(points, x) : 0;

                if (points == null)
                else if (width > 0 && newStartX > startX + 1)
                    var bmp0 = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
                    // remove pixels after current;
                    for (int index = 0; index < points.Count; index++)
                        var p = points[index];
                        bmp0.MakeVerticalLinePartTransparent(p.X, p.X + index, p.Y);
                    width = FindMaxX(points, x) - startX;
                    var b1 = bmp0.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, bmp.Height));

                    int addY;
                    b1 = CropTopAndBottom(b1, out addY);

                    if (spacePixels >= xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace && parts.Count > 0)
                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" ")
                            Y = addY + lineSplitterItem.Y

                    if (b1.Width > 0 && b1.Height > 0)
                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX + lineSplitterItem.X, addY + lineSplitterItem.Y, b1)); //y is what?
                    // remove pixels before next letter;
                    const int begin = 0;
                    foreach (var p in points)
                        bmp.MakeVerticalLinePartTransparent(begin, p.X, p.Y);
                    width               = 1;
                    startX              = FindMinX(points, x);
                    spacePixels         = -subtractSpacePixels;
                    subtractSpacePixels = 0;
                else if (clean)
                    width  = 1;
                    startX = newStartX;
Пример #4
        private static List <ImageSplitterItem> SplitHorizontal(ImageSplitterItem verticalItem, int xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace)
        { // split line into letters
            NikseBitmap bmp            = verticalItem.NikseBitmap;
            var         parts          = new List <ImageSplitterItem>();
            int         size           = 0;
            int         startX         = 0;
            int         lastEndX       = 0;
            bool        spaceJustAdded = false;

            for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width - 1; x++)
                int  y;
                bool allTransparent = IsVerticalLineTransparent(bmp, out y, x);

                // check if line is transparent and cursive
                bool cursiveOk = false;
                int  tempY;
                if (allTransparent == false &&
                    size > 5 &&
                    y > 3 &&
                    x < bmp.Width - 2 &&
                    !IsVerticalLineTransparent(bmp, out tempY, x + 1))
                    //Add space?
                    if (lastEndX > 0 && lastEndX + xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace < startX)
                        int cleanCount = 0;
                        for (int j = lastEndX; j < startX; j++)
                            if (IsVerticalLineTransparentAlphaOnly(bmp, j))
                        if (cleanCount > 0 && !spaceJustAdded)
                            parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));
                            spaceJustAdded = true;

                    var cursivePoints = new List <Point>();

                    cursiveOk = IsCursiveVerticalLineTransparent(bmp, size, y, x, cursivePoints);

                    if (cursiveOk)
                        // make letter image
                        int end = x + 1 - startX;
                        if (startX > 0)
                        NikseBitmap b1 = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, end, bmp.Height));
                        //                         b1.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive.bmp"); // just for debugging

                        // make non-black/transparent stuff from other letter transparent
                        foreach (Point p in cursivePoints)
                            for (int fixY = p.Y; fixY < bmp.Height; fixY++)
                                b1.SetPixel(p.X - startX, fixY, Color.Transparent);

                        //                                                b1.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive-cleaned.bmp"); // just for debugging

                        // crop and save image
                        int addY;
                        b1 = CropTopAndBottom(b1, out addY);
                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX, verticalItem.Y + addY, b1));
                        spaceJustAdded = false;
                        size           = 0;
                        startX         = x + 1;
                        lastEndX       = x;

                if (!cursiveOk)
                    if (allTransparent)
                        if (size > 0)
                            if (size > 1)
                                //Add space?
                                if (lastEndX > 0 && lastEndX + xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace < startX)
                                    int cleanCount = 0;
                                    for (int j = lastEndX; j < startX; j++)
                                        if (IsVerticalLineTransparentAlphaOnly(bmp, j))
                                    if (cleanCount > 2 && !spaceJustAdded)
                                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));

                                if (startX > 0)
                                lastEndX = x;
                                int         end  = x + 1 - startX;
                                NikseBitmap part = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, end, bmp.Height));
                                int addY;
                                //                            part.Save("c:\\before" + startX.ToString() + ".bmp"); // just for debugging
                                part = CropTopAndBottom(part, out addY);
                                //                            part.Save("c:\\after" + startX.ToString() + ".bmp"); // just for debugging
                                parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX, verticalItem.Y + addY, part));
                                spaceJustAdded = false;
                                //                                part.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive.bmp"); // just for debugging
                            size = 0;
                        startX = x + 1;

            if (size > 0)
                if (lastEndX > 0 && lastEndX + xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace < startX && !spaceJustAdded)
                    parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));

                if (startX > 0)
                lastEndX = bmp.Width - 1;
                int         end  = lastEndX + 1 - startX;
                NikseBitmap part = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, end, bmp.Height - 1));
                int         addY;
                part = CropTopAndBottom(part, out addY);
                parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX, verticalItem.Y + addY, part));
                //part.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive.bmp"); // just for debugging
Пример #5
        internal CompareMatch GetNOcrCompareMatch(ImageSplitterItem targetItem, NikseBitmap parentBitmap, NOcrDb nOcrDb, double unItalicFactor, bool tryItalicScaling, bool deepSeek)
            bool italic;
            var expandedResult = NOcrFindExpandedMatch(parentBitmap, targetItem, targetItem.Y - targetItem.ParentY, nOcrDb.OcrCharacters);
            if (expandedResult != null)
                return new CompareMatch(expandedResult.Text, expandedResult.Italic, expandedResult.ExpandCount, null, expandedResult);

            var result = NOcrFindBestMatchNew(parentBitmap, targetItem, targetItem.Y - targetItem.ParentY, out italic, nOcrDb, unItalicFactor, tryItalicScaling, deepSeek);
            if (result == null)
                if (checkBoxNOcrCorrect.Checked)
                    return null;
                    return new CompareMatch("*", false, 0, null);

            // Fix uppercase/lowercase issues (not I/l)
            if (result.Text == "e")
                _nocrLastLowercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;
            else if (_nocrLastLowercaseHeight == -1 && result.Text == "a")
                _nocrLastLowercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;

            if (result.Text == "E" || result.Text == "H" || result.Text == "R" || result.Text == "D" || result.Text == "T")
                _nocrLastUppercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;
            else if (_nocrLastUppercaseHeight == -1 && result.Text == "M")
                _nocrLastUppercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;

            if (result.Text == "V" || result.Text == "W" || result.Text == "U" || result.Text == "S" || result.Text == "Z" || result.Text == "O" || result.Text == "X" || result.Text == "Ø" || result.Text == "C")
                if (_nocrLastLowercaseHeight > 3 && targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height - _nocrLastLowercaseHeight < 2)
                    result.Text = result.Text.ToLower();
            else if (result.Text == "v" || result.Text == "w" || result.Text == "u" || result.Text == "s" || result.Text == "z" || result.Text == "o" || result.Text == "x" || result.Text == "ø" || result.Text == "c")
                if (_nocrLastUppercaseHeight > 3 && _nocrLastUppercaseHeight - targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height < 2)
                    result.Text = result.Text.ToUpper();

            if (italic)
                return new CompareMatch(result.Text, true, 0, null, result);
                return new CompareMatch(result.Text, result.Italic, 0, null, result);
Пример #6
        internal static CompareMatch GetNOcrCompareMatch(ImageSplitterItem targetItem, NikseBitmap parentBitmap, NOcrThreadParameter p)
            bool italic;
            var expandedResult = NOcrFindExpandedMatch(parentBitmap, targetItem, targetItem.Y - targetItem.ParentY, p.NOcrChars);
            if (expandedResult != null)
                return new CompareMatch(expandedResult.Text, expandedResult.Italic, expandedResult.ExpandCount, null, expandedResult);

            var result = NOcrFindBestMatch(parentBitmap, targetItem, targetItem.Y - targetItem.ParentY, out italic, p.NOcrChars, p.UnItalicFactor, p.AdvancedItalicDetection, true);
            if (result == null)
                return null;

            // Fix uppercase/lowercase issues (not I/l)
            if (result.Text == "e")
                p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;
            else if (p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight == -1 && result.Text == "a")
                p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;

            if (result.Text == "E" || result.Text == "H" || result.Text == "R" || result.Text == "D" || result.Text == "T")
                p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;
            else if (p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight == -1 && result.Text == "M")
                p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height;

            if (result.Text == "V" || result.Text == "W" || result.Text == "U" || result.Text == "S" || result.Text == "Z" || result.Text == "O" || result.Text == "X" || result.Text == "Ø" || result.Text == "C")
                if (p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight > 3 && targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height - p.NOcrLastLowercaseHeight < 2)
                    result.Text = result.Text.ToLower();
            else if (result.Text == "v" || result.Text == "w" || result.Text == "u" || result.Text == "s" || result.Text == "z" || result.Text == "o" || result.Text == "x" || result.Text == "ø" || result.Text == "c")
                if (p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight > 3 && p.NOcrLastUppercaseHeight - targetItem.NikseBitmap.Height < 2)
                    result.Text = result.Text.ToUpper();

            if (italic)
                return new CompareMatch(result.Text, true, 0, null, result);
                return new CompareMatch(result.Text, result.Italic, 0, null, result);
Пример #7
 public CompareMatch(string text, bool italic, int expandCount, string name, ImageSplitterItem imageSplitterItem)
     : this(text, italic, expandCount, name)
     ImageSplitterItem = imageSplitterItem;
Пример #8
        private string SaveCompareItemNew(ImageSplitterItem newTarget, string text, bool isItalic, List<ImageSplitterItem> expandList)
            int expandCount = 0;
            if (expandList != null)
                expandCount = expandList.Count;

            if (expandCount > 0)
                var bob = new BinaryOcrBitmap(expandList[0].NikseBitmap, isItalic, expandCount, text, expandList[0].X, expandList[0].Y);
                bob.ExpandedList = new List<BinaryOcrBitmap>();
                for (int j = 1; j < expandList.Count; j++)
                    var expandedBob = new BinaryOcrBitmap(expandList[j].NikseBitmap);
                    expandedBob.X = expandList[j].X;
                    expandedBob.Y = expandList[j].Y;
                return bob.Key;
                var bob = new BinaryOcrBitmap(newTarget.NikseBitmap, isItalic, expandCount, text, newTarget.X, newTarget.Y);
                return bob.Key;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// split into lines
        /// </summary>
        public static List <ImageSplitterItem> SplitToLinesNew(ImageSplitterItem item, int minLineHeight, double averageLineHeight = -1)
            var  bmp        = new NikseBitmap(item.NikseBitmap);
            var  parts      = new List <ImageSplitterItem>();
            bool started    = false;
            var  splitLines = new Dictionary <int, List <Point> >();
            var  startY     = 0;

            for (int y = minLineHeight; y < bmp.Height - minLineHeight; y++)
                if (startY == y && bmp.IsLineTransparent(y))

                var points    = new List <Point>();
                var yChange   = 0;
                var completed = false;
                var backJump  = 0;
                int x         = 0;
                var maxUp     = Math.Min(10, minLineHeight / 2);
                while (x < bmp.Width)
                    var a1 = bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + yChange);
                    var a2 = bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 1 + yChange);
                    if (a1 > 150 || a2 > 150)
                        if (x > 1 && yChange < 8 &&
                            bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 &&
                            bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 1 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 &&
                            bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 3 + yChange) < 150 &&
                            bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 3 + yChange) < 150)
                            yChange += 2;

                        else if (x > 1 && yChange < 8 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 1 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 3 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 3 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 4 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 3 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 4 + yChange) < 150)
                            yChange += 3;

                        else if (x > 1 && yChange < 7 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 1 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 3 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 3 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 4 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 4 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + 5 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 4 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x, y + 5 + yChange) < 150)
                            yChange += 4;

                        else if (x > 1 && yChange > -7 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 1 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 3 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x, y - 3 + yChange) < 150)
                            yChange -= 2;

                        else if (x > 1 && yChange > -7 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 1 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 3 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 3 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 4 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x, y - 3 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x, y - 4 + yChange) < 150)
                            yChange -= 3;

                        else if (x > 1 && yChange > -7 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 1 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 2 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 3 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 3 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 4 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 4 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x - 1, y - 5 + yChange) < 150 &&
                                 bmp.GetAlpha(x, y - 4 + yChange) < 150 && bmp.GetAlpha(x, y - 5 + yChange) < 150)
                            yChange -= 4;

                        else if (x > 10 && backJump < 3 && x > 5 && yChange > -7) // go left + up + check 12 pixels right
                            var done = false;
                            for (int i = 1; i < maxUp; i++)
                                for (int k = 1; k < 9; k++)
                                    if (CanGoUpAndRight(bmp, i, 12, x - k, y + yChange, minLineHeight))
                                        x -= k;
                                        points.RemoveAll(p => p.X > x);
                                        done     = true;
                                        yChange -= (i + 1);

                                if (done)

                            if (!done)
                                started = true;

                            started = true;

                    if (started)
                        points.Add(new Point(x, y + yChange));

                    completed = x == bmp.Width - 1;

                if (completed)
                    splitLines.Add(y, points);

            var transparentColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0);

            foreach (var line in splitLines)
                var key = line.Key;
                if (key - startY > minLineHeight && line.Value.Count > 0)
                    var maxY = line.Value.Max(p => p.Y);
                    var part = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(0, startY, bmp.Width, maxY - startY));
                    //part.GetBitmap().Save(@"j:\temp\split_" + parts.Count + "_before.bmp");

                    foreach (var point in line.Value)
                        // delete down
                        for (var y = point.Y - 1; y < startY + part.Height; y++)
                            part.SetPixel(point.X, y - startY, transparentColor);
                    //part.GetBitmap().Save(@"j:\temp\split_" + parts.Count + "_after.bmp");

                    if (!part.IsImageOnlyTransparent() && part.GetNonTransparentHeight() >= minLineHeight)
                        var minY = line.Value.Min(p => p.Y);
                        // bmp.GetBitmap().Save(@"j:\temp\main_" + parts.Count + "_before.bmp");
                        foreach (var point in line.Value)
                            // delete up
                            for (var y = point.Y; y >= minY; y--)
                                bmp.SetPixel(point.X, y, transparentColor);
                        // bmp.GetBitmap().Save(@"j:\temp\main_" + parts.Count + "_after.bmp");

                        //    part.GetBitmap().Save(@"j:\temp\split_" + parts.Count + "_after.bmp");
                        var croppedTop = part.CropTopTransparent(0);
                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(0 + item.X, startY + croppedTop + item.Y, part));

                        startY = key + 1;

            if (bmp.Height - startY > 1 && parts.Count > 0)
                var part = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(0, startY, bmp.Width, bmp.Height - startY));
                if (!part.IsImageOnlyTransparent())
                    //part.GetBitmap().Save(@"j:\temp\split_" + parts.Count + ".bmp");
                    var croppedTop = part.CropTopTransparent(0);
                    parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(0 + item.X, startY + croppedTop + item.Y, part));

            if (parts.Count <= 1)
                return(new List <ImageSplitterItem> {

Пример #10
        private CompareMatch GetCompareMatch(ImageSplitterItem targetItem, NikseBitmap parentBitmap, out CompareMatch secondBestGuess, List<ImageSplitterItem> list, int listIndex)
            secondBestGuess = null;
            int index = 0;
            int smallestDifference = 10000;
            int smallestIndex = -1;
            NikseBitmap target = targetItem.NikseBitmap;
            if (_compareBitmaps == null)
                secondBestGuess = null;
                return null;

            foreach (CompareItem compareItem in _compareBitmaps)
                // check for expand match!
                if (compareItem.ExpandCount > 0 && compareItem.Bitmap.Width > target.Width &&
                    parentBitmap.Width >= compareItem.Bitmap.Width + targetItem.X) // &&   parentBitmap.Height >= compareItem.Bitmap.Height + targetItem.Y) //NIXE-debug-test- what not correct?
                    int minY = targetItem.Y;
                    for (int j = 1; j < compareItem.ExpandCount; j++)
                        if (list != null && list.Count > listIndex + j && list[listIndex + j].Y < minY)
                            minY = list[listIndex + j].Y;
                    if (parentBitmap.Height >= compareItem.Bitmap.Height + minY)
                        var cutBitmap = parentBitmap.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(targetItem.X, minY, compareItem.Bitmap.Width, compareItem.Bitmap.Height));
                        int dif = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.IsBitmapsAlike(compareItem.Bitmap, cutBitmap);
                        if (dif < smallestDifference)
                            bool allow = true;
                            if (Math.Abs(target.Height - compareItem.Bitmap.Height) > 5 && compareItem.Text == "\"")
                                allow = false;
                            if (allow)
                                smallestDifference = dif;
                                smallestIndex = index;
                                if (dif == 0)
                                    break; // foreach ending

            // Search images with minor location changes
            FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, target, _compareBitmaps);

            if (smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height) > _vobSubOcrSettings.AllowDifferenceInPercent && target.Width < 70)
                if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 25)
                    var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(4, 0, target.Width - 4, target.Height));
                    FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap, _compareBitmaps);
                    double differencePercentage = smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height);

                if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 12)
                    var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                    FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap, _compareBitmaps);

                if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 12)
                    var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                    FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap, _compareBitmaps);

                if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 12)
                    var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                    int topCrop = 0;
                    var cutBitmap2 = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(cutBitmap, out topCrop, 2);
                    if (cutBitmap2.Height != target.Height)
                        FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap2, _compareBitmaps);

                if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 15)
                    var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                    int topCrop = 0;
                    var cutBitmap2 = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(cutBitmap, out topCrop);
                    if (cutBitmap2.Height != target.Height)
                        FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap2, _compareBitmaps);

                if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 15)
                    var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                    int topCrop = 0;
                    var cutBitmap2 = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(cutBitmap, out topCrop);
                    if (cutBitmap2.Height != target.Height)
                        FindBestMatch(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap2, _compareBitmaps);

            if (smallestIndex >= 0)
                double differencePercentage = smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height);
                double maxDiff = (double)numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value;
                if (differencePercentage <= maxDiff)
                    var hit = _compareBitmaps[smallestIndex];
                    return new CompareMatch(hit.Text, hit.Italic, hit.ExpandCount, hit.Name);

                var guess = _compareBitmaps[smallestIndex];
                secondBestGuess = new CompareMatch(guess.Text, guess.Italic, guess.ExpandCount, guess.Name);

            return null;
Пример #11
        private static NOcrChar NOcrFindExpandedMatch(NikseBitmap nbmp, ImageSplitterItem targetItem, int topMargin, List<NOcrChar> nOcrChars)
            //            var nbmp = new NikseBitmap(parentBitmap);
            int w = targetItem.NikseBitmap.Width;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrChars)
                    if (oc.ExpandCount > 1 && oc.Width > w && targetItem.X + oc.Width < nbmp.Width)
                        bool ok = true;
                        index = 0;
                        while (index < oc.LinesForeground.Count && ok)
                            NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesForeground[index];
                            foreach (Point point in op.GetPoints(oc.Width, oc.Height))
                                Point p = new Point(point.X + targetItem.X, point.Y + targetItem.Y);
                                if (p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < nbmp.Width && p.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        index = 0;
                        while (index < oc.LinesBackground.Count && ok)
                            NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesBackground[index];
                            foreach (Point point in op.GetPoints(oc.Width, oc.Height))
                                Point p = new Point(point.X + targetItem.X, point.Y + targetItem.Y);
                                if (p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < nbmp.Width && p.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        if (ok)
                            return oc;

                        ok = true;
                        index = 0;
                        while (index < oc.LinesForeground.Count && ok)
                            NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesForeground[index];
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, oc.Width, oc.Height - 1))
                                Point p = new Point(point.X + targetItem.X, point.Y + targetItem.Y);
                                if (p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < nbmp.Width && p.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        index = 0;
                        while (index < oc.LinesBackground.Count && ok)
                            NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesBackground[index];
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, oc.Width, oc.Height - 1))
                                Point p = new Point(point.X + targetItem.X, point.Y + targetItem.Y);
                                if (p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < nbmp.Width && p.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        if (ok)
                            return oc;
            return null;
Пример #12
        private static NOcrChar NOcrFindBestMatchNew(NikseBitmap parentBitmap, ImageSplitterItem targetItem, int topMargin, out bool italic, NOcrDb nOcrDb, double unItalicFactor, bool tryItalicScaling, bool deepSeek)
            italic = false;
            var nbmp = targetItem.NikseBitmap;
            int index = 0;
            foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrDb.OcrCharacters)
                if (Math.Abs(oc.Width - nbmp.Width) < 3 && Math.Abs(oc.Height - nbmp.Height) < 3 && Math.Abs(oc.MarginTop - topMargin) < 3)
                { // only very accurate matches

                    bool ok = true;
                    index = 0;
                    while (index < oc.LinesForeground.Count && ok)
                        NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesForeground[index];
                        foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                            if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                    Point p = new Point(point.X - 1, point.Y);
                                    if (p.X < 0)
                                        p.X = 1;
                                    c = nbmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y);
                                    if (nbmp.Width > 20 && c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                    index = 0;
                    while (index < oc.LinesBackground.Count && ok)
                        NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesBackground[index];
                        foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                            if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                    Point p = new Point(point.X, point.Y);
                                    if (oc.Width > 19 && point.X > 0)
                                        p.X = p.X - 1;
                                    c = nbmp.GetPixel(p.X, p.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                    if (ok)
                        return oc;

            foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrDb.OcrCharacters)
                int marginTopDiff = Math.Abs(oc.MarginTop - topMargin);
                if (Math.Abs(oc.Width - nbmp.Width) < 4 && Math.Abs(oc.Height - nbmp.Height) < 4 && marginTopDiff > 4 && marginTopDiff < 9)
                { // only very accurate matches - but not for margin top

                    bool ok = true;
                    index = 0;
                    while (index < oc.LinesForeground.Count && ok)
                        NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesForeground[index];
                        foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                            if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                    ok = false;
                    index = 0;
                    while (index < oc.LinesBackground.Count && ok)
                        NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesBackground[index];
                        foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                            if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                    ok = false;
                    if (ok)
                        return oc;

            // try some resize if aspect ratio is about the same
            double widthPercent = nbmp.Height * 100.0 / nbmp.Width;
            foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrDb.OcrCharacters)
                if (!oc.IsSensitive)
                    if (Math.Abs(oc.WidthPercent - widthPercent) < 15 && oc.Width > 12 && oc.Height > 19 && nbmp.Width > 19 && nbmp.Height > 12 && Math.Abs(oc.MarginTop - topMargin) < nbmp.Height / 4)
                        bool ok = true;
                        index = 0;
                        while (index < oc.LinesForeground.Count && ok)
                            NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesForeground[index];
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                                if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        index = 0;
                        while (index < oc.LinesBackground.Count && ok)
                            NOcrPoint op = oc.LinesBackground[index];
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                                if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        if (ok)
                            return oc;

            if (deepSeek) // if we do now draw then just try anything...
                widthPercent = nbmp.Height * 100.0 / nbmp.Width;

                foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrDb.OcrCharacters)
                    if (!oc.IsSensitive)
                        if (Math.Abs(oc.WidthPercent - widthPercent) < 40 && nbmp.Height > 11) // && oc.Height > 12 && oc.Width > 16 && nbmp.Width > 16 && nbmp.Height > 12 && Math.Abs(oc.MarginTop - topMargin) < 15)
                            bool ok = true;
                            foreach (NOcrPoint op in oc.LinesForeground)
                                foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                                    if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                        Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                        if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                            ok = false;
                            foreach (NOcrPoint op in oc.LinesBackground)
                                foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height))
                                    if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                        Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                        if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                            ok = false;
                            if (ok)
                                return oc;

                foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrDb.OcrCharacters)
                    if (Math.Abs(oc.WidthPercent - widthPercent) < 40 && oc.Height > 12 && oc.Width > 19 && nbmp.Width > 19 && nbmp.Height > 12 && Math.Abs(oc.MarginTop - topMargin) < 15)
                        bool ok = true;
                        foreach (NOcrPoint op in oc.LinesForeground)
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width - 3, nbmp.Height))
                                if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        foreach (NOcrPoint op in oc.LinesBackground)
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width - 3, nbmp.Height))
                                if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        if (ok)
                            return oc;

                foreach (NOcrChar oc in nOcrDb.OcrCharacters)
                    if (Math.Abs(oc.WidthPercent - widthPercent) < 40 && oc.Height > 12 && oc.Width > 19 && nbmp.Width > 19 && nbmp.Height > 12 && Math.Abs(oc.MarginTop - topMargin) < 15)
                        bool ok = true;
                        foreach (NOcrPoint op in oc.LinesForeground)
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height - 4))
                                if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y + 4 >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y + 4 < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y + 4);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        foreach (NOcrPoint op in oc.LinesBackground)
                            foreach (Point point in op.ScaledGetPoints(oc, nbmp.Width, nbmp.Height - 4))
                                if (point.X >= 0 && point.Y + 4 >= 0 && point.X < nbmp.Width && point.Y + 4 < nbmp.Height)
                                    Color c = nbmp.GetPixel(point.X, point.Y + 4);
                                    if (c.A > 150 && c.R + c.G + c.B > NocrMinColor)
                                        ok = false;
                        if (ok)
                            return oc;


            if (tryItalicScaling)
                //  int left = targetItem.X;
                //  int width = targetItem.Bitmap.Width;
                //  //if (left > 3)
                //  //{
                //  //    left -= 3;
                //  //    width += 3;
                //  //}
                //  var temp = ImageSplitter.Copy(parentBitmap, new Rectangle(left, targetItem.Y, width , targetItem.Bitmap.Height));
                //  var bitmap2 = UnItalic(temp, unItalicFactor);
                //  //var nbmpUnItalic = new NikseBitmap(unItalicedBmp);
                //  //nbmpUnItalic.ReplaceNonWhiteWithTransparent();
                //  //Bitmap bitmap2 = nbmpUnItalic.GetBitmap();
                ////  bitmap2.Save(@"D:\Download\__" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".bmp");
                //  var list = ImageSplitter.SplitBitmapToLetters(bitmap2, 10, false, false);
                //  var matches = new List<NOcrChar>();
                //  bool unitalicOk = true;
                //  foreach (var spi in list)
                //  {
                //      var m = NOcrFindBestMatch(parentBitmap, spi, topMargin, out italic, nOcrChars, unItalicFactor, false, true);
                //      if (m == null)
                //      {
                //          if (spi.Bitmap.Width > 2)
                //          {
                //              unitalicOk = false;
                //              break;
                //          }
                //      }
                //      else
                //      {
                //          matches.Add(m);
                //      }
                //  }

                //  if (unitalicOk && matches.Count > 0)
                //  {
                //      italic = true;
                //      if (matches.Count == 1)
                //      {
                //          return matches[0];
                //      }
                //      else if (matches.Count > 1)
                //      {
                //          NOcrChar c = new NOcrChar(matches[0]);
                //          c.LinesBackground.Clear();
                //          c.LinesForeground.Clear();
                //          c.Text = string.Empty;
                //          foreach (var m in matches)
                //              c.Text += m.Text;
                //          return c;
                //      }
                //  }


            return null;
Пример #13
        internal void Initialize(Bitmap vobSubImage, ImageSplitterItem character, Point position, bool italicChecked, bool showShrink, VobSubOcr.CompareMatch bestGuess, List<VobSubOcr.ImageCompareAddition> additions, VobSubOcr vobSubForm)
            ShrinkSelection = false;
            ExpandSelection = false;

            textBoxCharacters.Text = string.Empty;
            if (bestGuess != null)
                buttonGuess.Visible = false; // hm... not too useful :(
                buttonGuess.Text = bestGuess.Text;
                buttonGuess.Visible = false;

            _vobSubForm = vobSubForm;
            _additions = additions;

            buttonShrinkSelection.Visible = showShrink;

            checkBoxItalic.Checked = italicChecked;
            if (position.X != -1 && position.Y != -1)
                StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
                Left = position.X;
                Top = position.Y;

            pictureBoxSubtitleImage.Image = vobSubImage;
            pictureBoxCharacter.Image = character.NikseBitmap.GetBitmap();

            if (_additions.Count > 0)
                var last = _additions[_additions.Count - 1];
                buttonLastEdit.Visible = true;
                if (last.Italic)
                    buttonLastEdit.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(buttonLastEdit.Font.FontFamily, buttonLastEdit.Font.Size, FontStyle.Italic);
                    buttonLastEdit.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(buttonLastEdit.Font.FontFamily, buttonLastEdit.Font.Size);
                pictureBoxLastEdit.Visible = true;
                pictureBoxLastEdit.Image = last.Image.GetBitmap();
                buttonLastEdit.Text = string.Format(Configuration.Settings.Language.VobSubOcrCharacter.EditLastX, last.Text);
                pictureBoxLastEdit.Top = buttonLastEdit.Top - last.Image.Height + buttonLastEdit.Height;
                buttonLastEdit.Visible = false;
                pictureBoxLastEdit.Visible = false;

            Bitmap org = (Bitmap)vobSubImage.Clone();
            Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(org.Width, org.Height);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bm);
            g.DrawImage(org, 0, 0, org.Width, org.Height);
            g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, character.X, character.Y, character.NikseBitmap.Width, character.NikseBitmap.Height - 1);
            pictureBoxSubtitleImage.Image = bm;

            pictureBoxCharacter.Top = labelCharacters.Top + 16;
            pictureBoxLastEdit.Left = buttonLastEdit.Left + buttonLastEdit.Width + 5;
Пример #14
        private CompareMatch GetCompareMatchNew(ImageSplitterItem targetItem, NikseBitmap parentBitmap, out CompareMatch secondBestGuess, List<ImageSplitterItem> list, int listIndex)
            double maxDiff = (double)numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value;
            secondBestGuess = null;
            int index = 0;
            int smallestDifference = 10000;
            int smallestIndex = -1;
            NikseBitmap target = targetItem.NikseBitmap;
            if (_binaryOcrDb == null)
                secondBestGuess = null;
                return null;

            foreach (BinaryOcrBitmap compareItem in _binaryOcrDb.CompareImages)
                // check for expand match!
                if (compareItem.ExpandCount > 0 && compareItem.Width > target.Width &&
                    parentBitmap.Width >= compareItem.Width + targetItem.X) // &&   parentBitmap.Height >= compareItem.Bitmap.Height + targetItem.Y) //NIXE-debug-test- what not correct?
                    int minY = targetItem.Y;
                    for (int j = 1; j < compareItem.ExpandCount; j++)
                        if (list != null && list.Count > listIndex + j && list[listIndex + j].Y < minY)
                            minY = list[listIndex + j].Y;
                    if (parentBitmap.Height >= compareItem.Height + minY)
                        var cutBitmap = parentBitmap.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(targetItem.X, minY, compareItem.Width, compareItem.Height));
                        int dif = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.IsBitmapsAlike(compareItem, cutBitmap);
                        if (dif < smallestDifference)
                            bool allow = true;
                            if (Math.Abs(target.Height - compareItem.Height) > 5 && compareItem.Text == "\"")
                                allow = false;
                            if (allow)
                                smallestDifference = dif;
                                smallestIndex = index;
                                if (dif == 0)
                                    break; // foreach ending

            // Search images with minor location changes
            FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, target, _binaryOcrDb);
            if (maxDiff > 0)
                if (smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height) > _vobSubOcrSettings.AllowDifferenceInPercent && target.Width < 70)
                    if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 25)
                        var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(4, 0, target.Width - 4, target.Height));
                        FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap, _binaryOcrDb);
                        double differencePercentage = smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height);

                    if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 12)
                        var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                        FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap, _binaryOcrDb);

                    if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 12)
                        var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                        FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap, _binaryOcrDb);

                    if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 12)
                        var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                        int topCrop = 0;
                        var cutBitmap2 = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(cutBitmap, out topCrop, 2);
                        if (cutBitmap2.Height != target.Height)
                            FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap2, _binaryOcrDb);

                    if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 15)
                        var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                        int topCrop = 0;
                        var cutBitmap2 = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(cutBitmap, out topCrop);
                        if (cutBitmap2.Height != target.Height)
                            FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap2, _binaryOcrDb);

                    if (smallestDifference > 2 && target.Width > 15)
                        var cutBitmap = target.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(1, 0, target.Width - 2, target.Height));
                        int topCrop = 0;
                        var cutBitmap2 = NikseBitmapImageSplitter.CropTopAndBottom(cutBitmap, out topCrop);
                        if (cutBitmap2.Height != target.Height)
                            FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, cutBitmap2, _binaryOcrDb);

            if (smallestIndex >= 0)
                double differencePercentage = smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height);
                if (differencePercentage <= maxDiff)
                    var hit = _binaryOcrDb.CompareImages[smallestIndex];

                    string text = hit.Text;
                    int h = hit.Height;
                    if (text == "V" || text == "W" || text == "U" || text == "S" || text == "Z" || text == "O" || text == "X" || text == "Ø" || text == "C")
                        if (_binOcrLastLowercaseHeight > 3 && h - _nocrLastLowercaseHeight < 2)
                            text = text.ToLower();
                    else if (text == "v" || text == "w" || text == "u" || text == "s" || text == "z" || text == "o" || text == "x" || text == "ø" || text == "c")
                        if (_binOcrLastUppercaseHeight > 3 && _binOcrLastUppercaseHeight - h < 2)
                            text = text.ToUpper();
                    hit.Text = text;

                    if (smallestDifference < 0.1)
                        SetBinOcrLowercaseUppercase(hit.Height, hit.Text);

                    return new CompareMatch(hit.Text, hit.Italic, hit.ExpandCount, hit.Text + "_" + hit.Hash.ToString());

                var guess = _binaryOcrDb.CompareImages[smallestIndex];
                secondBestGuess = new CompareMatch(guess.Text, guess.Italic, guess.ExpandCount, guess.Text + "_" + guess.Hash.ToString());

            return null;
        private static List<ImageSplitterItem> SplitHorizontal(ImageSplitterItem verticalItem, int xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace)
        { // split line into letters
            NikseBitmap bmp = verticalItem.NikseBitmap;
            var parts = new List<ImageSplitterItem>();
            int size = 0;
            int startX = 0;
            int lastEndX = 0;
            int y = 0;
            bool spaceJustAdded = false;

            for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width - 1; x++)
                bool allTransparent = IsVerticalLineTransparent(bmp, ref y, x);

                // check if line is transparent and cursive
                bool cursiveOk = false;
                int tempY = 0;
                if (allTransparent == false &&
                    size > 5 &&
                    y > 3 &&
                    x < bmp.Width - 2 &&
                    !IsVerticalLineTransparent(bmp, ref tempY, x + 1))

                    //Add space?
                    if (lastEndX > 0 && lastEndX + xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace < startX)
                        int cleanCount = 0;
                        for (int j = lastEndX; j < startX; j++)
                            int y1 = j;
                            if (IsVerticalLineTransparentAlphaOnly(bmp, ref y1, j))
                        if (cleanCount > 0 && !spaceJustAdded)
                            parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));
                            spaceJustAdded = true;

                    var cursivePoints = new List<Point>();

                    cursiveOk = IsCursiveVerticalLineTransparent(bmp, size, y, x, cursivePoints);

                    if (cursiveOk)
                        // make letter image
                        int end = x + 1 - startX;
                        if (startX > 0)
                        NikseBitmap b1 = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, end, bmp.Height));
                        //                         b1.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive.bmp"); // just for debugging

                        // make non-black/transparent stuff from other letter transparent
                        foreach (Point p in cursivePoints)
                            for (int fixY = p.Y; fixY < bmp.Height; fixY++)
                                b1.SetPixel(p.X - startX, fixY, Color.Transparent);

                        //                                                b1.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive-cleaned.bmp"); // just for debugging

                        // crop and save image
                        int addY;
                        b1 = CropTopAndBottom(b1, out addY);
                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX, verticalItem.Y + addY, b1));
                        spaceJustAdded = false;
                        size = 0;
                        startX = x + 1;
                        lastEndX = x;

                if (!cursiveOk)
                    if (allTransparent)
                        if (size > 0)
                            if (size > 1)
                                //Add space?
                                if (lastEndX > 0 && lastEndX + xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace < startX)
                                    int cleanCount = 0;
                                    for (int j = lastEndX; j < startX; j++)
                                        int y1 = j;
                                        if (IsVerticalLineTransparentAlphaOnly(bmp, ref y1, j))
                                    if (cleanCount > 2 && !spaceJustAdded)
                                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));
                                        spaceJustAdded = true;

                                if (startX > 0)
                                lastEndX = x;
                                int end = x + 1 - startX;
                                NikseBitmap part = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, end, bmp.Height));
                                int addY;
                                //                            part.Save("c:\\before" + startX.ToString() + ".bmp"); // just for debugging
                                part = CropTopAndBottom(part, out addY);
                                //                            part.Save("c:\\after" + startX.ToString() + ".bmp"); // just for debugging
                                parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX, verticalItem.Y + addY, part));
                                spaceJustAdded = false;
                                //                                part.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive.bmp"); // just for debugging
                            size = 0;
                        startX = x + 1;

            if (size > 0)
                if (lastEndX > 0 && lastEndX + xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace < startX && !spaceJustAdded)
                    parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));

                if (startX > 0)
                lastEndX = bmp.Width - 1;
                int end = lastEndX + 1 - startX;
                NikseBitmap part = bmp.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, end, bmp.Height - 1));
                int addY;
                part = CropTopAndBottom(part, out addY);
                parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX, verticalItem.Y + addY, part));
                //part.Save(@"d:\temp\cursive.bmp"); // just for debugging
            return parts;
        private static IEnumerable<ImageSplitterItem> SplitHorizontalNew(ImageSplitterItem lineSplitterItem, int xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace)
            var bmp = new NikseBitmap(lineSplitterItem.NikseBitmap);
            var parts = new List<ImageSplitterItem>();
            int startX = 0;
            int width = 0;
            int spacePixels = 0;
            int subtractSpacePixels = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x++)
                bool right;
                bool clean;
                List<Point> points = IsVerticalLineTransparetNew(bmp, x, out right, out clean);

                if (points != null && clean)

                if (right && points != null)
                    int add = FindMaxX(points, x) - x;
                    width = width + add;
                    subtractSpacePixels = add;

                if (points == null)
                else if (width > 1)
                    var bmp0 = new NikseBitmap(bmp);
                    // remove pixels after current;
                    int k = 0;
                    foreach (Point p in points)
                        bmp0.MakeVerticalLinePartTransparent(p.X, p.X + k, p.Y);
                    width = FindMaxX(points, x) - startX;
                    NikseBitmap b1 = bmp0.CopyRectangle(new Rectangle(startX, 0, width, bmp.Height));

                    if (spacePixels >= xOrMorePixelsMakesSpace && parts.Count > 0)
                        parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(" "));

                    int addY;
                    b1 = CropTopAndBottom(b1, out addY);
                    parts.Add(new ImageSplitterItem(startX + lineSplitterItem.X, addY + lineSplitterItem.Y, b1)); //y is what?

                    // remove pixels before next letter;
                    int begin = 0;
                    foreach (Point p in points)
                        bmp.MakeVerticalLinePartTransparent(begin, p.X, p.Y);
                    width = 1;
                    startX = FindMinX(points, x);
                    spacePixels = -subtractSpacePixels;
                    subtractSpacePixels = 0;
                    width = 1;
                    startX = FindMinX(points, x);
            return parts;
Пример #17
        private CompareMatch GetCompareMatchNew(ImageSplitterItem targetItem, NikseBitmap parentBitmap, out CompareMatch secondBestGuess, List<ImageSplitterItem> list, int listIndex)
            double maxDiff = (double)numericUpDownMaxErrorPct.Value;
            secondBestGuess = null;
            int index = 0;
            int smallestDifference = 10000;
            int smallestIndex = -1;
            NikseBitmap target = targetItem.NikseBitmap;
            if (_binaryOcrDb == null)
                secondBestGuess = null;
                return null;

            var bob = new BinaryOcrBitmap(target);

            for (int k = 0; k < _binaryOcrDb.CompareImagesExpanded.Count; k++)
                var b = _binaryOcrDb.CompareImagesExpanded[k];
                if (bob.Hash == b.Hash && bob.Width == b.Width && bob.Height == b.Height && bob.NumberOfColoredPixels == b.NumberOfColoredPixels)
                    bool ok = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < b.ExpandedList.Count; i++)
                        if (listIndex + i + 1 < list.Count && list[listIndex + i + 1].NikseBitmap != null && b.ExpandedList[i].Hash == new BinaryOcrBitmap(list[listIndex + i + 1].NikseBitmap).Hash)
                            ok = true;
                            ok = false;
                    if (ok)
                        secondBestGuess = null;
                        return new CompareMatch(b.Text, b.Italic, b.ExpandCount, b.Key);

            FindBestMatchNew(ref index, ref smallestDifference, ref smallestIndex, target, _binaryOcrDb, bob, maxDiff);

            if (smallestIndex >= 0)
                double differencePercentage = smallestDifference * 100.0 / (target.Width * target.Height);
                if (differencePercentage <= maxDiff)
                    var hit = _binaryOcrDb.CompareImages[smallestIndex];

                    string text = hit.Text;
                    if (smallestDifference > 0)
                        int h = hit.Height;
                        if (text == "V" || text == "W" || text == "U" || text == "S" || text == "Z" || text == "O" || text == "X" || text == "Ø" || text == "C")
                            if (_binOcrLastLowercaseHeight > 3 && h - _binOcrLastLowercaseHeight < 2)
                                text = text.ToLower();
                        else if (text == "v" || text == "w" || text == "u" || text == "s" || text == "z" || text == "o" || text == "x" || text == "ø" || text == "c")
                            if (_binOcrLastUppercaseHeight > 3 && _binOcrLastUppercaseHeight - h < 2)
                                text = text.ToUpper();
                        SetBinOcrLowercaseUppercase(hit.Height, text);

                    return new CompareMatch(text, hit.Italic, hit.ExpandCount, hit.Key);

                var guess = _binaryOcrDb.CompareImages[smallestIndex];
                secondBestGuess = new CompareMatch(guess.Text, guess.Italic, guess.ExpandCount, guess.Key);

            return null;