Пример #1
 public Affine(Affine copyFrom)
     sx = copyFrom.sx;
     shy = copyFrom.shy;
     shx = copyFrom.shx;
     sy = copyFrom.sy;
     tx = copyFrom.tx;
     ty = copyFrom.ty;
Пример #2
 // From affine
 public Perspective(Affine a)
     sx = (a.sx); shy = (a.shy); w0 = (0);
     shx = (a.shx); sy = (a.sy); w1 = (0);
     tx = (a.tx); ty = (a.ty); w2 = (1);
Пример #3
 // Multiply inverse of "m" by "this" and assign the result to "this"
 public Perspective premultiply_inv(Affine m)
     Perspective t = new Perspective(m);
     return this;
Пример #4
 public Perspective trans_perspectivemultiply_inv(Affine m)
     Affine t = m;
     return multiply(t);
Пример #5
 public Perspective premultiply(Affine b)
     Perspective a = new Perspective(this);
     sx = a.sx * b.sx + a.shx * b.shy;
     shx = a.sx * b.shx + a.shx * b.sy;
     tx = a.sx * b.tx + a.shx * b.ty + a.tx;
     shy = a.shy * b.sx + a.sy * b.shy;
     sy = a.shy * b.shx + a.sy * b.sy;
     ty = a.shy * b.tx + a.sy * b.ty + a.ty;
     w0 = a.w0 * b.sx + a.w1 * b.shy;
     w1 = a.w0 * b.shx + a.w1 * b.sy;
     w2 = a.w0 * b.tx + a.w1 * b.ty + a.w2;
     return this;
Пример #6
 public Perspective multiply(Affine a)
     Perspective b = new Perspective(this);
     sx = a.sx * b.sx + a.shx * b.shy + a.tx * b.w0;
     shx = a.sx * b.shx + a.shx * b.sy + a.tx * b.w1;
     tx = a.sx * b.tx + a.shx * b.ty + a.tx * b.w2;
     shy = a.shy * b.sx + a.sy * b.shy + a.ty * b.w0;
     sy = a.shy * b.shx + a.sy * b.sy + a.ty * b.w1;
     ty = a.shy * b.tx + a.sy * b.ty + a.ty * b.w2;
     return this;
Пример #7
 //--------------------------------------------------------- Operations
 public Perspective from_affine(Affine a)
     sx = a.sx; 
     shy = a.shy; 
     w0 = 0;
     shx = a.shx; 
     sy = a.sy; 
     w1 = 0;
     tx = a.tx; 
     ty = a.ty; 
     w2 = 1;
     return this;
Пример #8
 public void SetTransform(Affine value)
Пример #9
        // Identity matrix
        public static Affine NewIdentity()
            Affine newAffine = new Affine();

            return newAffine;
Пример #10
 public void Scaling(out double x, out double y)
     double x1 = 0.0;
     double y1 = 0.0;
     double x2 = 1.0;
     double y2 = 1.0;
     Affine t = new Affine(this);
     t *= NewRotation(-Rotation());
     t.Transform(ref x1, ref y1);
     t.Transform(ref x2, ref y2);
     x = x2 - x1;
     y = y2 - y1;
Пример #11
 // Check to see if two matrices are equal
 public bool IsEqual(Affine m, double epsilon)
     return is_equal_eps(sx, m.sx, epsilon) &&
         is_equal_eps(shy, m.shy, epsilon) &&
         is_equal_eps(shx, m.shx, epsilon) &&
         is_equal_eps(sy, m.sy, epsilon) &&
         is_equal_eps(tx, m.tx, epsilon) &&
         is_equal_eps(ty, m.ty, epsilon);
Пример #12
 // Multiply the matrix by another one and return
 // the result in a separete matrix.
 public static Affine operator *(Affine a, Affine b)
     Affine temp = new Affine(a);
     return temp;
Пример #13
 // Multiply matrix to another one
 void Multiply(Affine m)
     double t0 = sx * m.sx + shy * m.shx;
     double t2 = shx * m.sx + sy * m.shx;
     double t4 = tx * m.sx + ty * m.shx + m.tx;
     shy = sx * m.shy + shy * m.sy;
     sy = shx * m.shy + sy * m.sy;
     ty = tx * m.shy + ty * m.sy + m.ty;
     sx = t0;
     shx = t2;
     tx = t4;
Пример #14
        void DrawImage(IImage sourceImage,
            double DestX, double DestY,
            double HotspotOffsetX, double HotspotOffsetY,
            double ScaleX, double ScaleY,
            double AngleRad,
            RGBA_Bytes Color32,
            ref RectangleD pFinalBlitBounds,
            bool doDrawing,
            bool oneMinusSourceAlphaOne)
            Affine destRectTransform = Affine.NewIdentity();

            if (HotspotOffsetX != 0.0f || HotspotOffsetY != 0.0f)
                destRectTransform *= Affine.NewTranslation(-HotspotOffsetX, -HotspotOffsetY);

            if (ScaleX != 1 || ScaleY != 1)
                destRectTransform *= Affine.NewScaling(ScaleX, ScaleY);

            if (AngleRad != 0)
                destRectTransform *= Affine.NewRotation(AngleRad);

            if (DestX != 0 || DestY != 0)
                destRectTransform *= Affine.NewTranslation(DestX, DestY);

            int SourceBufferWidth = (int)sourceImage.Width();
            int SourceBufferHeight = (int)sourceImage.Height();


            RectPath.MoveTo(0, 0);
            RectPath.LineTo(SourceBufferWidth, 0);
            RectPath.LineTo(SourceBufferWidth, SourceBufferHeight);
            RectPath.LineTo(0, SourceBufferHeight);

            // Calculate the bounds. LBB [10/5/2004]
            const int ERROR_ADD = 0;
            double BoundXDouble, BoundYDouble;
            BoundXDouble = 0; BoundYDouble = 0;
            destRectTransform.Transform(ref BoundXDouble, ref BoundYDouble);
            double BoundX = (double)BoundXDouble;
            double BoundY = (double)BoundYDouble;

            pFinalBlitBounds.Left = Math.Floor(BoundX - ERROR_ADD);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Right = Math.Ceiling(BoundX + ERROR_ADD);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Top = Math.Floor(BoundY - ERROR_ADD);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom = Math.Ceiling(BoundY + ERROR_ADD);

            BoundXDouble = SourceBufferWidth; BoundYDouble = 0;
            destRectTransform.Transform(ref BoundXDouble, ref BoundYDouble);
            BoundX = (double)BoundXDouble;
            BoundY = (double)BoundYDouble;
            pFinalBlitBounds.Left = Math.Min((long)Math.Floor(BoundX - ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Left);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Right = Math.Max((long)Math.Ceiling(BoundX + ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Right);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Top = Math.Min((long)Math.Floor(BoundY - ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Top);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom = Math.Max((long)Math.Ceiling(BoundY + ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom);

            BoundXDouble = SourceBufferWidth; BoundYDouble = SourceBufferHeight;
            destRectTransform.Transform(ref BoundXDouble, ref BoundYDouble);
            BoundX = (double)BoundXDouble;
            BoundY = (double)BoundYDouble;
            pFinalBlitBounds.Left = Math.Min((long)Math.Floor(BoundX - ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Left);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Right = Math.Max((long)Math.Ceiling(BoundX + ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Right);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Top = Math.Min((long)Math.Floor(BoundY - ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Top);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom = Math.Max((long)Math.Ceiling(BoundY + ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom);

            BoundXDouble = 0; BoundYDouble = SourceBufferHeight;
            destRectTransform.Transform(ref BoundXDouble, ref BoundYDouble);
            BoundX = (double)BoundXDouble;
            BoundY = (double)BoundYDouble;
            pFinalBlitBounds.Left = Math.Min((long)Math.Floor(BoundX - ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Left);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Right = Math.Max((long)Math.Ceiling(BoundX + ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Right);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Top = Math.Min((long)Math.Floor(BoundY - ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Top);
            pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom = Math.Max((long)Math.Ceiling(BoundY + ERROR_ADD), pFinalBlitBounds.Bottom);

            if (!doDrawing)

            if (m_DestImage.OriginOffset.x != 0 || m_DestImage.OriginOffset.y != 0)
                destRectTransform *= Affine.NewTranslation(-m_DestImage.OriginOffset.x, -m_DestImage.OriginOffset.y);

            Affine sourceRectTransform = new Affine(destRectTransform);
            // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]

            span_allocator spanAllocator = new span_allocator();

            span_interpolator_linear interpolator = new span_interpolator_linear(sourceRectTransform);

            ImageBuffer sourceImageWithBlender = (ImageBuffer)sourceImage;// new ImageBuffer(sourceImage, new BlenderBGRA());

            span_image_filter_rgba_bilinear_clip spanImageFilter;
            ImageBufferAccessorClip source = new ImageBufferAccessorClip(sourceImageWithBlender, RGBA_Doubles.rgba_pre(0, 0, 0, 0).GetAsRGBA_Bytes());
            spanImageFilter = new span_image_filter_rgba_bilinear_clip(source, RGBA_Doubles.rgba_pre(0, 0, 0, 0), interpolator);

            rasterizer_scanline_aa rasterizer = new rasterizer_scanline_aa();
            rasterizer.SetVectorClipBox(0, 0, m_DestImage.Width(), m_DestImage.Height());
            scanline_packed_8 scanlineCache = new scanline_packed_8();
            //scanline_unpacked_8 scanlineCache = new scanline_unpacked_8();

            conv_transform transfromedRect = new conv_transform(RectPath, destRectTransform);
#if false
	        bool HighQualityFilter = (BlitXParams.m_OptionalFlags & CBlitXParams::BlitHighQualityFilter) != 0
		        && (BlitXParams.m_OptionalFlags & CBlitXParams::RenderOneMinusScrAlpha_One) == 0;
	        if (HighQualityFilter)