Пример #1
 public ReinforcementAgent(TemporalNetwork network)
     inputs     = new List <double[]>();
     outputs    = new List <double[]>();
     rewards    = new List <double>();
     startingvs = new List <List <NeuronValues> >();
     n          = network;
     reward     = 0;
Пример #2
        public static EvolutionaryLine <Game> FromString(string str, Game startingState, MutationInfo mutationInfo)
            string[] networksString = str.Split(new string[] { "\nnetwork:\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            List <FittedNetwork <Game> > networks = new List <FittedNetwork <Game> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < networksString.Length; i++)
                networks.Add(new FittedNetwork <Game>(TemporalNetwork.FromString(networksString[i]), startingState));
            return(new EvolutionaryLine <Game>(networks));
Пример #3
 public FittedNetwork(TemporalNetwork network, Game game)
     this.game = game;
     if (network != null)
         this.network = network;
         throw new ArgumentException("Use constructor for random networks");
     fitnessScore = 0;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// reproduce all networks mostly with the fittest 3 networks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfCrossOvers">number of times to crossover each network</param>
        /// <param name="reproduceWithHighestFit"></param>
        public void CrossoverNetworks(int numberOfCrossOvers, Game startingState)
            int    miliS = DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
            Random r     = new Random(miliS + numberOfCrossOvers);
            List <FittedNetwork <Game> > sons = new List <FittedNetwork <Game> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < networks.Count; i++)
                for (int crossI = 0; crossI < numberOfCrossOvers; crossI++)
                    int crossoverPick = r.Next(0, 4);
                    if (10 * r.NextDouble() <= 1)
                        crossoverPick += (int)(Math.Min(r.Next(0, 28), networks.Count - crossoverPick) * r.NextDouble());
                    sons.Add(new FittedNetwork <Game>(TemporalNetwork.CrossOver(networks[i].network, networks[crossoverPick].network, -1), startingState));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// if expected has NaN it has not expected output
        /// </summary>
        public void SupervisedBackProp(List <double[]> input, List <double[]> expectedOutput, CostFunctions costFunction, List <List <NeuronValues> > startingStates, out double cost, out List <List <List <NeuronValues> > > grads, out List <double[]> biasGrads)
            cost = 0;
            if (input.Count != expectedOutput.Count)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            var copy = new TemporalNetwork(ActivationFunction, TemporalLayers);

            List <double[]> costs = new List <double[]>();

            for (int t = 0; t < input.Count; t++)
                double[] outputT = copy.ExecuteNetwork(input[t]);
                costs.Add(new double[expectedOutput[t].Length]);
                cost += Cost.GetCostOf(outputT, expectedOutput[t], costFunction);//REPAIR
                for (int i = 0; i < expectedOutput[i].Length; i++)
                    costs[t][i] = Derivatives.DerivativeOf(outputT[i], expectedOutput[t][i], costFunction);
            GetGradients(costs, input, startingStates, out grads, out biasGrads);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="costs"></param>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="startingRecState">use getStates() or getEmptyStates()</param>
        /// <param name="gradients">layers at each time gradients</param>
        /// <param name="biasGrads"></param>
        public void GetGradients(List <double[]> costs, List <double[]> input, List <List <NeuronValues> > startingRecState, out List <List <List <NeuronValues> > > gradients, out List <double[]> biasGrads /*, out double cost*/)//TODO: document code
            //cost = 0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < costs.Count; i++)
            //    double currentCost = 0;
            //    for (int l = 0; l < costs[i].Length; l++)
            //    {
            //        currentCost += costs[i][l];
            //    }
            //    currentCost /= costs[i].Length;
            //    cost += currentCost;
            //cost /= costs.Count;

            ///<summary>State of the neurons at each execution step</summary>
            List <List <List <NeuronValues> > > executionStates = new List <List <List <NeuronValues> > >();//TODO: order to be i before t

            ///<summary>Layer output at each execution step</summary>
            List <List <List <double> > > layerOuts = new List <List <List <double> > >();//TODO: order to be i before t

            TemporalNetwork n = this;


            for (int t = 0; t < input.Count; t++)
                executionStates.Add(new List <List <NeuronValues> >());
                layerOuts.Add(new List <List <double> >());
                for (int i = 0; i < Lenght; i++)
                    layerOuts[t].Add(new List <double>(TemporalLayers[i].ExecuteLayer(i == 0 ? input[t] : layerOuts[t][i - 1].ToArray(), ActivationFunction, out _)));

            //From time containing networks of execution to networks containing each time step
            ListReorder <NeuronValues> reorderedExecutionStates = new ListReorder <NeuronValues>(executionStates);
            ListReorder <double>       reorderedLayerOuts       = new ListReorder <double>(layerOuts);

            var layerOutsArrayd = reorderedLayerOuts.ToLowerLevelArray();

            biasGrads = new List <double[]>();
            gradients = new List <List <List <NeuronValues> > >();

            for (int t = input.Count - 1; t >= 0; t--)
                var networkBiasGrads = new double[Lenght];
                gradients.Add(new List <List <NeuronValues> >());
                List <double[]> prevActGrads = new List <double[]>();
                for (int i = Lenght - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    TemporalLayers[i].GetGrads(i == 0? costs: prevActGrads
                                               , i == 0? input: layerOutsArrayd[i - 1] /*reordered layerouts i==0? input: layerout[i-1]*/
                                               , reorderedExecutionStates.list[i] /*reorder executionStates[i]*/, ActivationFunction,
                                               out prevActGrads, out double biasGrad, out List <NeuronValues> grads
                    gradients[t][i]     = grads;
                    networkBiasGrads[i] = biasGrad;

            /*for (int t = costs.Count - 1; t >= 0; t--)
             * {
             *  gradients.Add(new List<List<NeuronValues>>());
             *  List<double[]> prevActivationsGrads = costs;
             *  for (int i = Lenght - 1; i >= 0; i--)
             *  {
             *      TemporalLayers[i].GetGrads(prevActivationsGrads, i == 0 ? input[t].ToArray() : layerOuts[t][i - 1].ToArray(), executionResults[t], ActivationFunction
             *          , out prevActivationsGrads, out double tempBias, out List<NeuronValues> currentGrads);
             *      biasGrads[i] += tempBias;
             *      gradients[t].Add(currentGrads);
             *  }
             * }*/
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Activation functions must be the same for both parents to properly evolve
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flipsCount">Number of time the network parent will change, -1 for the half of the min lenght of the parentLayers</param>
        /// <param name="parentToFixEnds">f = a, t = b</param>
        public static TemporalNetwork CrossOver(TemporalNetwork a, TemporalNetwork b, int flipsCount = -1, bool fixInput_OutputParent = false, bool parentToFixEnds = true)
            if (flipsCount < 0)
                flipsCount  = Math.Max(1, Math.Min(a.Lenght, b.Lenght) / 2);
                flipsCount += 1 * Convert.ToInt32(flipsCount == 0);
            Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

            List <bool> layerParents = new List <bool>();
            List <int>  parentChangeIndex = new List <int>();
            int         maxLayers = Math.Max(a.Lenght, b.Lenght), minLayers = Math.Min(a.Lenght, b.InputLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < flipsCount; i++)

            int fillingIndex = 0;

            while (layerParents.Count < minLayers)
                layerParents.Insert(parentChangeIndex[fillingIndex], layerParents[parentChangeIndex[fillingIndex]]);
                for (int i = fillingIndex; i < parentChangeIndex.Count; i++)
                    parentChangeIndex[i] += 1;
            bool maxLayersParent = Convert.ToBoolean(maxLayers == a.Lenght ? 0 : 1);

            while (layerParents.Count < maxLayers - minLayers)
                layerParents.Insert(layerParents.Count - 1, maxLayersParent);
                parentChangeIndex[parentChangeIndex.Count - 1] += 1;
            if (fixInput_OutputParent)
                layerParents[0] = layerParents[layerParents.Count - 1] = parentToFixEnds;

            List <List <NeuronTypes> >     neuronTypes      = new List <List <NeuronTypes> >();
            List <List <Interconnection> > interconnections = new List <List <Interconnection> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < maxLayers; i++)
                TemporalLayer currentLayer = layerParents[i] ? a[i] : b[i];
                for (int neuronIndex = 0; neuronIndex < maxLayers; neuronIndex++)

                List <Interconnection> compatibleInterconnections = new List <Interconnection>();
                for (int connectionIndex = 0; connectionIndex < currentLayer.Connections.Count; connectionIndex++)// Check for connections of the same layerParent
                    if (layerParents[connectionIndex] == layerParents[currentLayer.Connections[connectionIndex].connectedIndex])

            TemporalNetwork output = new TemporalNetwork
                                         (a.ActivationFunction, neuronTypes[0].Count, neuronTypes, interconnections);

Пример #8
 public FittedNetwork(Game game, MutationInfo mutationInfo, TemporalNetwork.ActivationFunctions activationFunction, int inputLenght, int outputLenght, int layersCount, int minNeurons, int maxNeurons)
     this.game    = game;
     network      = new TemporalNetwork(activationFunction, inputLenght, outputLenght, layersCount, minNeurons, maxNeurons, mutationInfo);
     fitnessScore = 0;