public static void DeleteExtraDirectories(string parent, ArrayList keepers) { if (!Directory.Exists(parent)) // just in case. avoid crash. { return; } string[] installed = Directory.GetDirectories(parent); foreach (string dirFullPath in installed) { if (SluggedItem.DirectoryIsDeletable(dirFullPath, keepers)) { GM.Instance.logger.Info("deleting " + dirFullPath); Directory.Delete(dirFullPath, true); } } }
private IEnumerator WaitForSubscriptionList(WWW www) { bool timedOut = false; while (!www.isDone) { if (timer > timeout) { timedOut = true; break; } timer += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } if (timedOut) { GM.Instance.logger.Error("Could not connect to Winnitron Network. Request timed out after " + timeout + "s."); EndSync(); } yield return(www); if (www.error == null) { GM.Instance.logger.Info(this, "fetched playlists: " + www.text); var data = JSON.Parse(www.text); foreach (JSONNode playlistData in data["playlists"].AsArray) { playlists.Add(new Playlist(playlistData, gamesDir)); } // delete unsubscribed playlists SluggedItem.DeleteExtraDirectories(gamesDir, playlists); foreach (Playlist playlist in playlists) { SyncText("Initializing games in " + playlist.title); playlist.DeleteRemovedGames(); // Only download games that have had a new version uploaded // since the last sync. ArrayList gamesToDownload = playlist.GamesToDownload(); foreach (Game game in gamesToDownload) { GM.Instance.logger.Info(this, "Downloading: " + game.title); //Start the downloadin'! WWW download = new WWW(game.downloadURL); while (!download.isDone) { int progress = Mathf.FloorToInt(download.progress * 100); SyncText("Downloading " + game.title + " %" + progress); yield return(null); } //Download complete! if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(download.error)) { // error! GM.Instance.logger.Error("Error downloading '" + download.url + "': " + download.error); yield return(SyncText("Error downloading " + game.title + "!", 3)); } else { //Things downloaded fine! Do fun stuff now pls thx. yield return(SyncText("Unzipping " + game.title + "...", 0.1f)); Directory.CreateDirectory(game.installDirectory); string zipFile = Path.Combine(game.installDirectory, game.slug + ".zip"); File.WriteAllBytes(zipFile, download.bytes); FastZip zip = new FastZip(); ZipConstants.DefaultCodePage = 0; //Starts the unzip coroutine and waits till it's done zip.ExtractZip(zipFile, game.installDirectory, null); // Download the image WWW imageDownload = new WWW(game.imageURL); while (!imageDownload.isDone) { SyncText("Downloading cover image"); yield return(null); } System.Uri uri = new System.Uri(game.imageURL); string imageFilename = Path.GetFileName(uri.AbsolutePath); File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(game.installDirectory, imageFilename), imageDownload.bytes); File.Delete(zipFile); } } // Re-write metadata for all games in case that info changes // even without a new file uploaded. foreach (Game game in { game.WriteMetadataFile(); } } SyncText("Collecting data for launcher..."); EndSync(); } else { GM.Instance.logger.Error("Error fetching playlists: " + www.error); EndSync(); } }
public void DeleteRemovedGames() { SluggedItem.DeleteExtraDirectories(Path.Combine(parentDirectory, slug), games); }