Пример #1
		 * Parses passed in data stream into a network stream container class
		 * @param	ParserStream	Raw data stream, needs to support seeking
		 * @return	NetworkStream data was parsed into
		public static NetworkStream Parse( MainWindow InMainWindow, Stream ParserStream )
            var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

			// Network stream the file is parsed into.
			NetworkStream NetworkStream = new NetworkStream();
			// Serialize the header. This will also return an endian-appropriate binary reader to
			// be used for reading the data. 
			BinaryReader BinaryStream = null; 
			var Header = StreamHeader.ReadHeader( ParserStream, out BinaryStream );

			// Scratch variables used for building stream. Required as we emit information in reverse
			// order needed for parsing.
			var CurrentFrameTokens = new List<TokenBase>();
			TokenReplicateActor LastActorToken = null;
            List<TokenReplicateProperty> LastProperties = new List<TokenReplicateProperty>();
			List<TokenWritePropertyHeader> LastPropertyHeaders = new List<TokenWritePropertyHeader>();

			TokenFrameMarker LastFrameMarker = null;

			InMainWindow.ShowProgress( true );

			int Count = 0;

			var AllFrames = new PartialNetworkStream( NetworkStream.NameIndexUnreal, 1.0f / 30.0f );

			int EarlyOutMinutes = InMainWindow.GetMaxProfileMinutes();

			// Parse stream till we reach the end, marked by special token.
			bool bHasReachedEndOfStream = false;

			List<TokenBase> TokenList = new List<TokenBase>();

			float FrameStartTime = -1.0f;
			float FrameEndTime = -1.0f;

			while( bHasReachedEndOfStream == false )
				if ( Count++ % 1000 == 0 )
					float Percent = ( float )ParserStream.Position / ( float )ParserStream.Length;
					InMainWindow.UpdateProgress( ( int )( Percent * 100 ) );

				if ( ParserStream.Position == ParserStream.Length )
					// We reached stream early (must not have been finalized properly, but we can still read it)

				TokenBase Token = null;

					Token = TokenBase.ReadNextToken( BinaryStream, NetworkStream );
				catch ( System.IO.EndOfStreamException )
					// We reached stream early (must not have been finalized properly, but we can still read it)

				if ( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.NameReference )
					NetworkStream.NameArray.Add( ( Token as TokenNameReference ).Name );

					// Find "Unreal" name index used for misc socket parsing optimizations.
					if ( NetworkStream.NameArray[NetworkStream.NameArray.Count - 1] == "Unreal" )
						NetworkStream.NameIndexUnreal = NetworkStream.NameArray.Count - 1;

				if ( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.ConnectionReference )
					NetworkStream.AddressArray.Add( ( Token as TokenConnectionReference ).Address );

				if ( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.ConnectionChange )
					// We need to setup CurrentConnectionIndex, since it's used in ReadNextToken
					NetworkStream.CurrentConnectionIndex = ( Token as TokenConnectionChanged ).AddressIndex;

				TokenList.Add( Token );

				// Track frame start/end times manually so we can bail out when we hit the amount of time we want to load
				if ( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.FrameMarker )
					var TokenFrameMarker = ( TokenFrameMarker )Token;

					if ( FrameStartTime < 0 )
						FrameStartTime = TokenFrameMarker.RelativeTime;
						FrameEndTime = TokenFrameMarker.RelativeTime;
						FrameEndTime = TokenFrameMarker.RelativeTime;

				if ( EarlyOutMinutes > 0 && ( ( FrameEndTime - FrameStartTime ) > 60 * EarlyOutMinutes ) )

			for ( int i = 0; i < TokenList.Count; i++ )
				if ( i % 1000 == 0 )
					float Percent = ( float )( i + 1 ) / ( float )( TokenList.Count );
					InMainWindow.UpdateProgress( ( int )( Percent * 100 ) );

				TokenBase Token = TokenList[i];

				// Convert current tokens to frame if we reach a frame boundary or the end of the stream.
				if( ((Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.FrameMarker) || (Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.EndOfStreamMarker))
				// Nothing to do if we don't have any tokens, e.g. first frame.
				&&	(CurrentFrameTokens.Count > 0) )				
					// Figure out delta time of previous frame. Needed as partial network stream lacks relative
					// information for last frame. We assume 30Hz for last frame and for the first frame in case
					// we receive network traffic before the first frame marker.
					float DeltaTime = 1 / 30.0f;
					if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.FrameMarker && LastFrameMarker != null )
						DeltaTime = ((TokenFrameMarker) Token).RelativeTime - LastFrameMarker.RelativeTime;

					// Create per frame partial stream and add it to the full stream.
					var FrameStream = new PartialNetworkStream( CurrentFrameTokens, NetworkStream.NameIndexUnreal, DeltaTime );
					AllFrames.AddStream( FrameStream );


					Debug.Assert(LastProperties.Count == 0);		// We shouldn't have any properties now
					Debug.Assert(LastPropertyHeaders.Count == 0);	// We shouldn't have any property headers now either

					// Finish up actor summary of last pending actor before switching frames.
					HandleActorSummary(NetworkStream, LastActorToken);
					LastActorToken = null;
				// Keep track of last frame marker.
				if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.FrameMarker )
					LastFrameMarker = (TokenFrameMarker) Token;

				// Bail out if we hit the end. We already flushed tokens above.
				if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.EndOfStreamMarker )
					Debug.Assert(LastProperties.Count == 0);		// We shouldn't have any properties now
					Debug.Assert(LastPropertyHeaders.Count == 0);	// We shouldn't have any property headers now either
					bHasReachedEndOfStream = true;
					// Finish up actor summary of last pending actor at end of stream
					HandleActorSummary(NetworkStream, LastActorToken);
				// Keep track of per frame tokens.
					// Keep track of last actor context for property replication.
					if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.ReplicateActor )
						// Encountered a new actor so we can finish up existing one for summary.
						FinishActorProperties(Token as TokenReplicateActor, LastProperties, LastPropertyHeaders );
						Debug.Assert(LastProperties.Count == 0);		// We shouldn't have any properties now
						Debug.Assert(LastPropertyHeaders.Count == 0);	// We shouldn't have any property headers now either
						HandleActorSummary(NetworkStream, LastActorToken);
						LastActorToken = Token as TokenReplicateActor;
					// Keep track of RPC summary
					else if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.SendRPC )
						var TokenSendRPC = Token as TokenSendRPC;
						NetworkStream.UpdateSummary( ref NetworkStream.RPCNameToSummary, TokenSendRPC.FunctionNameIndex, TokenSendRPC.GetNumTotalBits(), 0.0f );

					// Add properties to the actor token instead of network stream and keep track of summary.
					if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.ReplicateProperty )
						var TokenReplicateProperty = Token as TokenReplicateProperty;
						NetworkStream.UpdateSummary(ref NetworkStream.PropertyNameToSummary, TokenReplicateProperty.PropertyNameIndex, TokenReplicateProperty.NumBits, 0 );
					else if( Token.TokenType == ETokenTypes.WritePropertyHeader )
						var TokenWritePropertyHeader = Token as TokenWritePropertyHeader;

			InMainWindow.SetCurrentStreamSelection( NetworkStream, AllFrames, false );

			InMainWindow.ShowProgress( false );

			// Stats for profiling.
            double ParseTime = (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalSeconds;
			Console.WriteLine( "Parsing {0} MBytes in stream took {1} seconds", ParserStream.Length / 1024 / 1024, ParseTime );

			// Empty stream will have 0 frames and proper name table. Shouldn't happen as we only
			// write out stream in engine if there are any events.
			return NetworkStream;
Пример #2
		public static void ParseStreamIntoChart( MainWindow InMainWindow, NetworkStream NetworkStream, Chart NetworkChart, FilterValues InFilterValues )
			var StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

			InMainWindow.ShowProgress( true );

			// Save old scroll position
			double OldPosition = NetworkChart.ChartAreas["DefaultChartArea"].AxisX.ScaleView.Position;


			// Reset existing data.
			for ( int i = 0; i < NetworkChart.Series.Count; i++ )
				float Percent = ( float )i / ( float )NetworkChart.Series.Count;
				InMainWindow.UpdateProgress( ( int )( Percent * 100 ) );


			InMainWindow.ShowProgress( true );


			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = false;
			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.All;
			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.Size = 15;
			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScrollBar.ButtonColor = Color.LightGray;

			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = false;
			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.All;
			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Size = 15;
			NetworkChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.ButtonColor = Color.LightGray;

			int FrameCounter = 0;

			foreach( PartialNetworkStream RawFrame in NetworkStream.Frames )
				if ( FrameCounter % 1000 == 0 )
					float Percent = ( float )FrameCounter / ( float )NetworkStream.Frames.Count;
					InMainWindow.UpdateProgress( ( int )( Percent * 100 ) );

				PartialNetworkStream Frame = RawFrame.Filter( InFilterValues );

				if( Frame.EndTime == Frame.StartTime )
					throw new InvalidOperationException();

				float OneOverDeltaTime = 1 / (Frame.EndTime - Frame.StartTime);

				int OutgoingBandwidth = Frame.UnrealSocketSize + Frame.OtherSocketSize + NetworkStream.PacketOverhead * ( Frame.UnrealSocketCount + Frame.OtherSocketCount );

				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.OutgoingBandwidthSize,		FrameCounter, OutgoingBandwidth );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.OutgoingBandwidthSizeSec,	FrameCounter, OutgoingBandwidth * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ActorCount,					FrameCounter, Frame.ActorCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.PropertySize,				FrameCounter, Frame.ReplicatedSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.PropertySizeSec,				FrameCounter, Frame.ReplicatedSizeBits / 8 * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.RPCSize,						FrameCounter, Frame.RPCSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.RPCSizeSec,					FrameCounter, Frame.RPCSizeBits / 8 * OneOverDeltaTime );

#if true
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ActorCountSec,				FrameCounter, Frame.ActorCount * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.PropertyCount,				FrameCounter, Frame.PropertyCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.PropertyCountSec,			FrameCounter, Frame.PropertyCount * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.RPCCount,					FrameCounter, Frame.RPCCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.RPCCountSec,					FrameCounter, Frame.RPCCount * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ExportBunchCount,			FrameCounter, Frame.ExportBunchCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ExportBunchSize,				FrameCounter, Frame.ExportBunchSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.MustBeMappedGuidsCount,		FrameCounter, Frame.MustBeMappedGuidCount / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.MustBeMappedGuidsSize,		FrameCounter, Frame.MustBeMappedGuidSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendAckCount,				FrameCounter, Frame.SendAckCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendAckCountSec,				FrameCounter, Frame.SendAckCount * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendAckSize,					FrameCounter, Frame.SendAckSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendAckSizeSec,				FrameCounter, Frame.SendAckSizeBits / 8 * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ContentBlockHeaderSize,		FrameCounter, Frame.ContentBlockHeaderSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ContentBlockFooterSize,		FrameCounter, Frame.ContentBlockFooterSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.PropertyHandleSize,			FrameCounter, Frame.PropertyHandleSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendBunchCount,				FrameCounter, Frame.SendBunchCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendBunchCountSec,			FrameCounter, Frame.SendBunchCount * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendBunchSize,				FrameCounter, Frame.SendBunchSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendBunchSizeSec,			FrameCounter, Frame.SendBunchSizeBits / 8 * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.SendBunchHeaderSize,			FrameCounter, Frame.SendBunchHeaderSizeBits / 8 );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.GameSocketSendSize,			FrameCounter, Frame.UnrealSocketSize );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.GameSocketSendSizeSec,		FrameCounter, Frame.UnrealSocketSize * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.GameSocketSendCount,			FrameCounter, Frame.UnrealSocketCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.GameSocketSendCountSec,		FrameCounter, Frame.UnrealSocketCount * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.ActorReplicateTimeInMS,		FrameCounter, Frame.ActorReplicateTimeInMS);

#if false
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.MiscSocketSendSize,			FrameCounter, Frame.OtherSocketSize );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.MiscSocketSendSizeSec,		FrameCounter, Frame.OtherSocketSize * OneOverDeltaTime );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.MiscSocketSendCount,			FrameCounter, Frame.OtherSocketCount );
				InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.MiscSocketSendCountSec,		FrameCounter, Frame.OtherSocketCount * OneOverDeltaTime );								

				if ( Frame.NumEvents > 0 )
					InMainWindow.AddChartPoint( SeriesType.Events, FrameCounter, 0 );


			//NetworkChart.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula( FinancialFormula.MovingAverage, "30", SeriesType.GameSocketSendSizeSec, SeriesType.GameSocketSendSizeAvgSec );
			NetworkChart.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula( FinancialFormula.MovingAverage, "30", SeriesType.OutgoingBandwidthSizeSec.ToString(), SeriesType.OutgoingBandwidthSizeAvgSec.ToString() );


			NetworkChart.ChartAreas["DefaultChartArea"].AxisX.ScaleView.Position = OldPosition;


			InMainWindow.ShowProgress( false );

            Console.WriteLine("Adding data to chart took {0} seconds", (DateTime.UtcNow - StartTime).TotalSeconds);