private void ConnectAndRegister(IPAddress ip, int port, string username, string password) { Global.Net.server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Global.Net.server.Connect(new IPEndPoint(ip, port)); //Connect to server if (Global.Net.server.Connected) { Global.Messages.Registration registrationPackage = new Global.Messages.Registration(); registrationPackage.username = username; registrationPackage.password = password; Global.Messages.LoginResponse registrationResult = Register(registrationPackage); if (registrationResult.status == "OK") { MessageBox.Show("Succesfully registered and connected!"); Global.username = usernameTextBox.Text; this.Hide(); ChatScreen chatScreen = new ChatScreen(); chatScreen.WriteLoginMessage(registrationResult.loginMessage); chatScreen.Show(); //Hide this window and then open the chat screen } else if (registrationResult.status == "USER ALREDY EXISTS") { MessageBox.Show("Error : The specified user alredy exists"); } } }
private void ConnectAndLogin(IPAddress ip, int port, string username, string password) { try { Global.Net.server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Global.Net.server.Connect(new IPEndPoint(ip, port)); //Connect to server if (Global.Net.server.Connected) { Global.Messages.LoginResponse loginResult = Login(new string[2] { username, password }); //Try to log in and return the server response if (loginResult.status == "OK") { MessageBox.Show("Succesfully connected!"); Global.username = usernameTextBox.Text; this.Hide(); ChatScreen chatScreen = new ChatScreen(); chatScreen.WriteLoginMessage(loginResult.loginMessage); chatScreen.Show(); //Hide this window and then open the chat screen } //In the following "if sections" no further action will be made, other that warning the user else if (loginResult.status == "USER NOT FOUND") { MessageBox.Show(loginResult.loginMessage); } else if (loginResult.status == "BANNED") { MessageBox.Show("You are banned: " + loginResult.loginMessage); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't connect to server", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } }